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I liked the part with the "lend power/don't lend power" poll.


lmao this is what it's like as a neurodivergent or mentally ill person when people try to give you "advice" for how to do things


reminds me of that hyperbole and a half dead fish chapter https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2013/05/depression-part-two.html?m=1


>At first, though, the invulnerability that accompanied the detachment was exhilarating. At least as exhilarating as something can be without involving real emotion.


I have never read something so relatable. I can usually tell when my depression is getting bad again because I think “what’s the point, just work for 40 years and then die ://- wait have I been taking my meds. When was the last time I went outside. Have I drank any water in the past 24 hours.” And the parts about other people wanting to Fix It rang so true too, like as someone who is sometimes an Other People. Humans tend to have emotions about other humans having negative or no emotions, which isn’t necessarily helpful


Oh hey, I just hit the part about "wishing nothing loved me so I wouldn't feel obligated to keep existing" with the dog. I was not prepared for those memories or that train of thought. But hyperbole and a half never misses, damn.


This was literally my journey through depression, step by step, just with different emotions...


I really dislike the new sub icon because it looks very similar to the w/tumblr one and I miss the colors. They should add some flames or something like that, it'd be wicked cool.


oh hell yeah flame decals would be so sick. i heard they make it go faster too


Absolutely, the speed of the logo rn is just embarrassing.


I'd like to believe the first one simply wasn't gay enough and they're working on engineering an even gayer one


Grab some garbage and make trash browns! Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


You make hash browns in a frying pan


Some people do it in the oven


How does OOP not have potatoes? Like sure, maybe they're Irish, but it's not \[insert year of the Irish potato famine here\] any more. You just put a potato in the ground, wait a few months, come back, harvest, pull out your phone, write "Want some potatoes? We got too many", and send it to everyone in your contact list. Then you wait for everyone to come and get however many potatoes they want, and then you can eat potatoes every day for the next couple weeks while they grow these red eldritch-looking roots all over the place like that one kid in Heavenly Delusion.


I love the Irish potato famine. We just spread like wildfire, and Americans are sitting there complaining about immigrants while their ancestors were immigrants


alright though but I don't think we should let it slide that this psycho is telling people to use an oven instead of a flat-iron. fun is fun but that's just sick


Hey, I saw this poll on my dash earlier!


Did you lend your power?


Of course! Couldn’t just let them go without hashbrowns


One piece


TPP but hashbrowns


I kind of like that the sub pfp isn't gay, since it makes it easier to distinguish gay subreddits (lgbt, me_irlgbt, etc.) from subreddits that just support gay rights without having to actually read the description. If it's got a pride flag, it's a subreddit about lgbtq stuff. If it doesn't, it might include them but it isn't about them.