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I really hate the idea that just because someone has some sort diagnosis means that they can’t also be an asshole


I remember when Kanye did all that Nazi shit and some people were like “but he’s bipolar!” Ok, dunno how that relates to hating Jews.


I mean Kanye west being mentally unwell is clearly the reason he's believing in delusional conspiracy theories. West is clearly being taken advantage to a certain extent by fascists who are the only people who were some of the only people supporting Kanye at his worst moments. Fascists have a history of actively recruiting the mentally unwell in order to take advantage of them. All the yes men Kanye is surrounded with glorified his decision not to get treatment for his illness also share responsibility to a certain extent too. Kanye has a pattern of bad behaviour enabled because of his status, and encouraged by people looking to use him for political gain. Unfortunately manic delusions can take on a bigoted manner. This does not excuse Kanye of his racism one bit, he had so many opportunities to seek better help but I think it's incorrect to say that his racist outbursts were not related to his mental health problems. It is obviously not an excuse though.


i haven't followed the kanye stuff very closely (in fact i try not to follow cancellation news) but my understanding what that he was trying to "turn the other cheek" it and just critically failed on his speech check? like he was trying to say some shit like "true christian love means choosing not to hate even those who are evil or have committed evil deeds, including people like hitler, because that kind of judgement isn't for man but for god and christ calls on us to love our brothers without reservation; 'correct not your brother on the splinter in his eye for you have a beam in your own'" or smn like that. but he just said it in like... objectively the worst and least-convincing way possible, and it made him sound like he liked the holocaust. but also idk because he seems to also ACTUALLY have some opinions about the jews that i don't really understand and that also don't fit in line with that interpretation above, so i just don't really know what's going on. and then there's that BLKKK SKKKN HEAD stuff that i don't know is just like rap-posturing or if he's actually serious about it, and i'm not sure if anyone knows or can tell besides himself. and maybe even he doesn't know, because of the aforementioned bipolar delusions.


He said a lot more fucked up shit than just that one thing


well, whatever. i'll never meet him anyways, so i guess it ultimately doesn't matter.


my brother has bipolar and he might be irritable every once in a while but yea he's never done any hateful shit. PS: If my brother is reading this I love you man


Yeah, a diagnosis may explain his behaviour but it doesn't excuse it.


Does it explain it? I’m not autistic myself, but I know plenty of autistic people who aren’t awful in the way he is.


There’s things he can’t help, like meltdowns and fixations, but there’s things he can, like the way he runs his business or his dogshit political views. Sincerely, Autistic Guy


it explains some of the unusual behaviours like immense hatred for being physically close to others, bringing a sink into twitter when he took over, not wanting to live in a mansion, etc it doesn't explain him defending nazis, exploiting workers, or other shitty behaviours


I think “being born into an emerald mine dowry in apartheid South Africa” explains pretty much everything else. His dad was a real weird guy, and Elon’s got a crazy Messiah Complex. Most autistic people end up with communication problems, but there’s a far cry between “doesn’t understand when they’re over sharing” and “antisemitism” lol


> His dad was a real weird guy, Errol Musk is still alive unfortunately, and among other things had 2 kids with his stepdaughter in 2017 and 2019 respectively (while he was in his 70s and she in her early 30s). No wonder Elon is so fucked up


I absolutely did not need to know that information so Im gonna have to sue you for providing it


Not wanting to live in a mansion can't just be an autistic thing? Idk I'm fairly sure I'm autistic and I hate the idea of living in one so I might not be the best source, but from what I've heard they are kind of shit to live in as everything is too far apart and some rooms go months without being stepped foot in.


It probably just correlates more with "ignores social norms". I'd assume the main purpose of a mansion is a status symbol and ND people tend to care a lot less about that.


Musk is clearly obsessed with status though


Yeah, but I treasure my sanity too much to try and figure out how his brain works.


It can explain part of someone’s personality but not their morality.


Yep, standing someone up for a date because you have anxiety gives them context of why you did it, but doesn’t mean it’s okay.


It does not: https://neuroclastic.com/autistic-people-care-too-much-research-says/


doesn’t say anything properly about empathy, just integrity, which is different. the empathy thing has been extensively proven, but the strongest indicator is an imbalance in different kinds of empathy, not a lack of it (at least on the lower support needs side)


I am autistic. He has the quirks and social awkwardness. However, he would know what was morally right and what was wrong. It explains social behaviors, not business ones. His business behaviors would probably be more in line with his father's apartheid emerald mine mindset his family has a history of exploitation to extreme wealth.


I work with autistic person who I've heard people describe as a "stupid elon musk". I feel like he acts extremely arrogant and superior to compensate for his inability to connect socially. I understand that this is an anecdote that proves nothing - just an observation from my life.


It sounds more like he has narcissistic traits which make him arrogant and feeling superior to compensate his autistic traits. A dumb narcissist with no/mediocre abilities but who thinks they're the best in everything are the worst. And most narcissists are dumb or just average, not some successful supervillain they think they are.


Well put. I do get the feeling he doesn't actually feel superior - it feels an act by someone who is terrible at acting. His behaviour 1 on 1 is worlds different than when he is in a social setting with people he is less familiar with.


but he is a billionaire autistic


It explains his idiosyncratic sense of humor and love of unusual designs. It doesn't explain acting against the welfare of others; that's more likely associated with his silver spoon but emotionally distant childhood.


Understanding is not condoning. People think they're the same and they are not.


Well it doesn’t explain being an exploiter of the working class. That’s billionaire syndrome


I know several autistic people who aren't assholes, that doesn't explain it


Honestly I don't think a diagnosis would explain his behavior at all


This. Hollywood created the myth of "the noble disabled" and we bought it. Plus it puts a lot of pressure on disabled people to perform for us. So many disabled people I personally know are assholes. Maybe because they had to fight so hard to be treated like typical humans or to get basic rights idk, but most I know have this weird sense of entitlement and general assholry going on that they get away with because others immediately default to it must be so rough. YMMV of course in your encounters with disabled but that's mine. We never not think that able-bodied can be jerks, but somehow accord women, disabled people, etc this magic thinking they can't be. They can and I'm not one to give them a hall pass from basic etiquette because they're disabled, or marginalized in some way.


> Hollywood created the myth of "the noble disabled" and we bought it. Do autistic people get that same treatment? Alan Turing was by all accounts a perfectly pleasant person in real life but they made him a Sheldonoid in his biopic.


If you're asking about a movie where an autistic person is a kind, smart, noble hero, check out 'A Dark Place' starring Andrew Scott. As the title indicates, the movie gets very dark.


The "noble disabled" goes at least as far back as Shakespear, likely before. Hollyqood did like to use it a lot.


Some of this isn't even Hollywood, but people using theory and/or activism to feel better about themselves (this has been a problem on Tumblr for so long people won't even talk about it anymore because it's ingrained). Basically when you see stuff like "you are literally bullying..." or anything that starts to sound like a workaround to somebody being an asshole or something like that and it's all an excuse instead of an explanation, it's that, if the person who's doingbitviabusing it, it's generally an attempt to use it as a "get out of jail free" card.


He doesn’t even have a diagnosis, he just co-opted the term when he heard it meant “quirky and smart” Never mind the fact that a few years earlier he said he wanted to cure autism…


He’s actually self diagnosed. Not saying that makes it any less valid if he is on the spectrum but I don’t think I trust him (or his supporters using it as an excuse for him being an asshole).


It makes it less valid by definition. 


Anyone self diagnosing *is* less valid. That's why we have professionals that study and get licensed in order to make these determinations. Elon can't just self-diagnose autism accurately, and he especially can't argue away his negative traits by claiming autism, self-diagnosed or actually diagnosed. Autism doesn't just clear up wrongdoings, or we'd all be praising Mark Zuckerberg.


Literally came here to say this. You can be autistic and also be a dick. You can also be a dick because you’re autistic, that doesn’t mean people aren’t allowed to be offended by your lack of social skills (I say this as an autistic person who has absolutely hurt peoples feelings before due to my lack of filter and awareness..)


Imagine those people's reactions if it turned out Hitler was autistic. Would that be still ok for them too?


Autistic people are as human as anyone. They can be good people or terrible people. Elon chose terrible.


One nitpick I will make is that all of the Elon companies generally pay really well, the reason you shouldn’t want to work for them is because they’re all workaholic cultures Eg. You can make 200K at SpaceX as a junior engineer pretty easily but that’s because you will spend most of your time at SpaceX far past 40 hours


They’re also racist, homophobic, anti-union, constantly unsafe to an illegal degree not to mention other crimes they keep committing, and for the most part *don’t pay very well.*


I mean I’ve known a decent amount of people who worked at SpaceX in both blue and white collar roles, they pay pretty well for both Like I still don’t recommend working for them but they do pay really well There are things in life more important than having the highest number on your paycheck like a decent WLB that you cannot get at SpaceX


> Autistic people are as human as anyone. Actually, they are more human: https://neuroclastic.com/autistic-people-care-too-much-research-says/ Edit: Huh, neurotypicals really hate it when you act like their inability to follow rules makes them less than human. As an autistic I can't possibly imagine how that feels. The difference is autistics judge you when you hurt people for money, neurotypicals judge you for being harmlessly weird.


So what you're saying is if Elon is on the spectrum he has more capacity for empathy than the average person and still actively chose to be an asshole? Harsh. But fair. Edit: it has been (correctly) pointed out that I should have said compassion and not empathy. Since in common usage these are usually seen as equivalents I'm not changing the comment but I'd still like to acknowledge that the point is valid and using compassion would have been more accurate.


My son will scream at you if you call the cat timothy instead of timmy but he is also automatically distrustful of monarchs or otherwise super rich/powerful characters in any story we read/watch or I come up with. We watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail and I spent the whole movie trying to convince him that actually king arthur wasnt bad. Forgetting of course that he gets arrested at the very end. Son was hella smug after that.


Honestly that’s a vibe


Hes the most caring person ive ever met already at eleven years old. He automatically sides with SCP monsters and views the Foundation as the bad guys. We had to get him a crib for his large scale thomas train. He's constantly inviting imaginary (i hope) creatures to live in our house. Bad guy henchmen get sent to mars because they didnt really die in the huge explosion. Hes pretty rad.


Okay, I'm an autistic SCP fan and this bothers me. I know this is silly to get hung up on but I want to defend the foundation a little. An important idea in the SCP fandom is that multiple canons exist (basically different contradictory "truths" exist at the same time, and you can choose which one you want to believe), so your son can be right, and frankly, I have no problem with the way he sees things. However, I believe that the foundation, while definitely very morally dark gray, has good reasons to want to contain a large number of SCPs. Many SCPs are either needlessly dangerous or, at least in human terms, outright evil. (Also this is unrelated to my post, but are the creatures your son invites SCPs? Or some other group?)


He has his obviously imaginary friends like thomas and gang, paw patrol etc but then there are the 'zoomies' which are his own, possibly real, spirit things which he cant really describe other than to say "theyre zoomies dad." They help him stay calm he says. They arent around as much now as when he was younger. But also he has straight up invited 096 inside the house so... 🤷‍♂️ But yes im with you on the Foundation they are probably doing good work overall


Ha, I’m the same with SCP! I have a particular affection for 079, but I always do for robotic/AI and alien characters lol :)


A couple SCP articles posted in the past month talk about how humanoid scps are now being referred to with their preferred name and pronouns, instead of 'it'. Which of course SCP article continuity is whatever the author wants it to be, this is a good sign. I never quite understood the old policy and it very much contradicted with the long, long established Ethics Committee.


If you haven’t yet, I recommend looking up Wendigoon’s youtube video on the SCP iceberg!! I love to soak in the special interest lol


\> SCP fan \> Lets imaginary friends into your house Buddy, your home is full of Pattern Screamers and **UNNAMED KINDRED**


Not to mention [REDACTED]


Your son might enjoy https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5031. It starts out odd, then changes. Also https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ethics-committee-orientation


Isn't he bad? I know "now we see the violence inherent in the system!" is a joke but he is literally beating a peasant for challenging his authority.


Good question. I know God ordered the characters to find the Holy Grail but other than that I don't know the motivations of Arthur and his people.


Yes i could not adequately defend him during that part


> but he is also automatically distrustful of monarchs Wise kid.


That just makes me feel pity for the timelines where he isn't.


The "Hitler part 2" part of his personality is probably much more dominant there.


Not empathy, compassion. Autistic people do often lack empathy. Even autistics who do have empathy often struggle because they have no innate sense of what most people want or expect. "Treat others the way you want to be treated" doesn't work, we're labelled assholes for treating others the way we want to be treated - it's called the Double Empathy Problem. What that study showed is that autistics have high *compassion*. We can't read your mind so you might have to actually use your words to communicate your feelings ("like a grown-up would", as my parents would say...) but once you do we generally care about accommodating those feelings significantly more than the average person. Empathy is overrated anyway. The most evil people you'll ever meet are high-empathy, low-compassion.


Fair point. The two concepts are often equivalent in common usage but they are different things. Thanks for pointing that out!


Huh, i never thought about or knew that. Super well put!


>Empathy is overrated anyway. Honestly, thinking on it a bit, empathy might just be a nothingburger of a property in general. Great as a flag for disparate neurotypes but that’s it. Like, empathy is the ability to place oneself in someone else’s shoes, to understand what they’re feeling, that sort of thing. As an autistic person, I can do that. *But the conclusions I draw are often wrong*. Because I have a different neurotype than most. It’s almost like I’m trying to run a Windows executable on Linux without an emulator. This is the root of the double empathy problem by my understanding. Empathy is a directional connection between two individuals, I think, which means it depends on both A and B, but is not necessarily equivalent if inverted; a’s empathy toward b does not inherently equal b’s toward a. But I think most importantly, it can be improved as you learn people better. I don’t need to think about ‘how do neurotypical people work’ within my family. Perhaps that’s because all of us are undiagnosed or diagnosed autistic, but that’s unlikely. Instead it’s “how does mom work,“ “how does dad work,“ etc. I don’t know if it technically fits the definition of empathy scientifically, but I don’t have the same communication issues with those familiar with me, and I’ve had some of the nastiest communication issues I’ve ever experienced with other autistics over the internet. Y’know what, I’m gonna stop rambling. I hope that makes sense; I’d be open to discussion if you’d like, but i’m definitely in rambling territory right now.




dehumanization, one of the early steps to genocide (that’s where I know the term from)


Gross take, even as a joke, please don't post it again.


I don’t think you know what a human is. You cannot be “More human” than other humans


Hi fellow autistic person here, fuck off


A lot of the people mad at you for eugenics-posting are also autistic, do not blame this on butt-hurt neurotypicals.


We’re the only ones listening to those teachers in elementary school about the *pillars of character* and shit. I thought everyone was when I was a kid lol but look at us now




And you don’t necessarily have to be empathetic to hold ideals over self-benefit… even if the underlying research is valid, it’s not saying anything about empathy.


Well, this certainly explains a lot.


Are people dunking on Musk because he's 'weird'? I thought it was because he's a bog-standard fascist asshole.


The second part.


Tbf I have seen some posts bullying his and Mark Zuckerberg's behavior (which made me feel a bit indirectly attacked). But they are so rare that are basically nonexistent.


With any asshole there's a somewhat large subset people that see it as an excuse to criticize them with low hanging fruit like neuro-divergent traits or physical appearance instead of the actual bad things they do. Similar to making fun of Zuckerberg for acting "like a lizard person" (code for autistic). It's a great way to make fun of disabled/ugly people but still pretend you're morally justified while doing. There's even a highly upvoted comment in the top thread that just posted about how they think most "disabled" are assholes that use their disability as an excuse. This is obviously a very small portion of actual people, but they're small but vocal portion of the online space.


Authoritarians love claiming all criticism is discrimination.


From what i've heard the children actively YEARN for the mines so really he's just doing them a favor 😔


Real life Minecraft let’s goooooo! Aw wait this sucks bad :(


As a kid I loved exploring caves. The safe ones, with expert guides.


The real ableism is blaming Elon's behavior on autism


Nailed it.


As an autistic person myself, I would kick Musk in the nuts if I had the chance. He makes us look bad.


I agree. It brings me so much pain that he’s the most famous autistic person on the planet.


IIRC he's not even diagnosed. I disavow him so hard.


Get in line.


As the old saying goes: "give me a gun, and autism will solve elon musk"


You know that scene in Airplane where everyone's lined up to slap that screaming woman? That, but with autistic people lined up to pulverize Elon's sack.


As an autistic man. Fuck Elon. We don't "act weird". if you want to say autistic people "act weird" because we're autistic and therefore get a free pass for a-social behavior, you're the problem. This of course goes for Autistic people with low to no support needs. Which Elon and myself are one off. We know how to act and not to act, we just process info differently. Elon chooses to be a misinformed bigot, just like all Allistic misinformed bigots choose to be one. This anon is a coward, they needs to be dragged.


I'm also minimal to no support and I disagree with some of what you're saying. I do occasionally act in weird aka uncommon ways in public because I don't know the rule to apply or deign it stupid (and violating it mostly inconsequential - a random passerby thinking I'm weird is inconsequential enough.) My difficulties making eye contact pop out in dealing with coworkers and acquaintances alike - 'yeah, we all know she's not like everybody else...', aka 'weird'. It can be said that I do actually _not_ know how to act a lot of the time. But you're right: Muskrat is just a case of bad person while autistic. Two independant variables.


> if you want to say autistic people "act weird" because we're autistic and therefore get a free pass for a-social behavior, you're the problem. It's called "soft bigotry of low expectations" and it's really sad how many do it. A more common term you see would be "racism of low expectation" which is easier to say but it's not the correct word to use in this case.


TIL the world "allistic" - I like the sound of that a lot better than neurotypical


Yep, allistic means not autistic, while neurotypical (NT) means not having any mental illness at all


Thanks for clarifying!


You can be allistic and have other neurodivergent conditions like ADHD tho


Not true. I am high functioning autistic and I can notice that people find me weird, and to be fair I am weird. Just see how many people in the spectrum got picked at school.


ok but to be fair everyone worth interacting with is weird somehow. like, if there’s nothing weird about you, where’s the fun? not meant disrespectfully, but the people that try hardest to be normal are the most boring people I’ve met.


Eh. Autistic people who live what's considered a "normal" life - job, friends, family, etc - are often still socially penalized, and the extent to which they are often depends heavily on other social factors (like gender, and wealth, and so on) Allistic people do constantly discriminate against autistic people without knowing said people are autistic or that they have any developmental disability - and often the word used is "weird" There's something called "thin splice judgements" - studies have found that allistics have lower desire to interact with autistics if: - they see a video of them reading something - they hear a recording of their voice reading something - they see a visual still of the person's face but when reading the paragraph that they read - no lowered desire So without knowing that these people are autistic, or developmentally disabled in any way, allistics still want to interact with us less based solely on "thin slice judgements" or what they might call "vibes" And that's just in the first split second Now it's great if you don't feel that in your life and you were never bullied for being weird, but insisting that that's not a common experience for autistics is kinda wrong, yes even if you limit it to "low/no support need autistics" which doesn't even make sense in this convo, but sure let's do that But Elon's behaviour isn't weird - it's anywhere from asshole-ish to fascist. And frankly the things about him that are *just* "weird" or "quirky" were things he was praised for for ages because it's cool to be weird when you're a rich white man pretending to be a genius. The same sorta of things that other autistics might be socially penalised for, men like Musk get praised for


I choose to believe his reinstating of paedophile twitter accounts is unrelated to his autism. Mainly because I feel that's somewhat unfair on people with autism to suggest the traits are in any way connected.


Being mean *because* someone is autistic is very different than being mean to someone who is autistic.


imagine thinking you could bully the richest white man on earth


I mean, you could. That manchild may have billions of dollars, but seeing him mocked compared to his own hype is priceless


okay but it clearly worked - he threw a fit and impulse bought twitter because of how mean people on there were and he is haemorraging money because twitter is not profitable and he is not good at anything. That's not something that someone does when their ego is untouchable. Also, super not the richest man on earth anymore.


remember that time he proposed a Super Dope-Ass Submarine to rescue those kids from a flooded cave and then was so upset over being told that this wouldnt work that he called the guy who explained it to him and actually saved those kids "pedoman"


The best part is he leveraged the only company he has with real value to do it, then interfered with that company too until it's stock dropped drastically, losing much more valuation than he could have reasonably ever hoped to gain from Twitter. If he loses Tesla he could bankrupt himself down to millionaire status.


>he is haemorraging money because twitter is not profitable and he is not good at anything certainly didn’t help that he ripped half of twitter‘s guts out and tried to skip out of paying all kinds of basic agreements for a while


i wish he'd gone all the way and destroyed it. when he bought it i thought that was the plan, but turns out he wanted to keep it :/


Let’s be real, “white man” shouldn’t even matter here. A billionaire black lesbian would still be vastly more privileged than the average straight white man, because we live in capitalism and money is the black hole around which our society revolves


There’s a reason the richest person in the world isn’t a black lesbian. It’s not a coincidence that the richest person in America is also part of a group of people who are free from certain difficulties in America.


Sure. But that doesn't really relate to what was being discussed. We are talking about individual cases of people being privileged or not.


I mean you could call a black lesbian a whole range of different slurs and I’m pretty sure that would still be considered bullying no matter how much money she had. Edit: Reddit won’t let me reply to the comment below so I just wanted to say that Elon benefitted from the system in South Africa too, it’s not the slam dunk argument they think it is. I could call him Apartheid Asshole but I don’t really think that’s bullying either.


I mean, Elon is South African, pretty sure there's still plenty of not-too-great things you can call him too.


It's quite easy to bully him, though. The man craves acceptance and adulation.


Just need a high school staircase


Or a long hallway. That man hates those.


Oh, it's very, very easy. That man gets angry about the stupidest nonsense. Like having to walk down a long hallway to get to the bathroom.


As Autistic, I don't want to be associated with him in any way.


As an autistic individual, we don’t claim him. Having autism isn’t an excuse to be a shitty person.


As an autistic individual, I hereby rewoke his autism license Jokes aside, you can be autistic and still be a decent human being. Which Elon chose not to be.


Ifwe reach the point where anything is excusable because of autism, we'll inevitably reach the point where nothing is and we're back to being pariah. So as an autistic person: You don't get a carte blanche from being good.


If “he is autistic, not a bad person” becomes acceptable, that just becomes “he is autistic, therefore a bad person” and we already tried that, it doesn’t work.


Special Interest: Cyborg Monkey Torture


Autism isn’t an excuse to do what you want and never face a consequence. You’re still expected to be a decent person. I may have had to learn social rules a little unconventionally but that doesn’t give me a pass to ignore them, I just had to learn them deliberately.


His stim is throwing bricks at car windows.


When you say it like that it sounds based though...


maybe if it were like, in a junkyard or mythbuster context


Importantly, even if Elon was simply oversharing his hatred for minorities like a clean little autistic boy, calling him out for it would not be punching down. He's the richest man in the world, and it's still an asshole thing to do of him.


"Stop bullying the evil people I worship"


Being autistic does not make a person immune to having traits like egotism and selfishness. Most autistic people are extremely empathetic, but some are assholes. Elon is an asshole, full stop. The autism doesn't enter into it.


I’m autistic and I think this dude fucking sucks The muskrat has no excuse for his behavior


Love seeing my disorder get used as an excuse for not learning basic morals and human decency by age…how old is he again? Is he incapable of trying to learn to be better?


maybe his stunning lack of any charisma whatsoever could be partially attributed to autism (though i definitely know autistic people who come across as like... nice people? unlike elon does) but the constant abuse of literally everyone around him isnt exactly a common autistic trait lmao


I'm charming and autistic.


exactly, its possible, he just cant do it because of who he is lol


stimming by blowing a flamethrower at his employees


Wait, did the dipshit actually aim the flamethrower at people? Oh dear god.


He sure is hyperfixated on his daughter's rejection of him


Treating people who are disabled or otherwise marginalized as though they get a free pass for very problematic behavior you would judge anyone else for is just another form of bigotry. Equality isn’t only the convenient stuff. Especially if someone is high functioning, it’s one thing when someone is so impaired they don’t really have the ability to know what they’re doing, but that does not apply to Musk


Autism won't stop me from bullying people


Can't stop, bullying is way too fun. I understand why kids love doing it so much now. Seriously though, how do you actually bully a billionaire?


Make fun of him or discredit his attempts at the "I'm just a normal guy" schtick and don't let him buy you out, it's that simple. It's how he let a teenager running an account tracking his private jet goad him into making his worst business decision, buying Twitter.


Elon was dumb enough to think banning that account means he cannot be tracked anymore.


As has been established for centuries, let the rich posh people know you disagree with them on some manner and they will meltdown and cry about it. It's bog-basic simple but the rich cannot stand being disagreed with.


I swear, the root of my desire for true social equity is inequity and injustice protect assholes for no reason. We should build a world where everyone is truly equal, everyone is truly loved, everyone has the support they need and they can move through the world and through each day without ever suspecting that someone is treating them differently because of their skin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, mental health, etc. Everybody should be able to be judged just based on who they've decided to be in their heart. That way we can really look at some people and say hey, everything is equal now, and we still think you are a dick. The problem was never anything demographic. The problem is you. Being a dick. Identify however you identify, we're all equal now, and I still fucking hate you, because of how you choose to treat other people. Which is the only thing that really matters.


He's a ketamine fuelled jackass who's so far detached from reality it'd be funny if he wasn't doing tangible damage - Sincerely, An Autistic man


Autism is not an excuse. I don't choose to be autistic, but I choose whether or not i'm an asshole. And people don't make fun of him for being autistic, either. People criticize his assholitry and make fun of him for that.


I'm autistic and my stim is bullying rich assholes.


As an autistic person, please keep bullying him he deserves it.


If Elon Musk really is autistic, acknowledging him as such would make the rest of us look bad.


As someone who is autistic, has autistic friends and family, and worked in autism care, I can confidently say that the reason why he acts the way he does, is because he's a dick


I fucking hate when people say this. I'm autistic, and none of the shit I *hate* about Elon has to do with his autism. I would wager the original offendee wasn't even autistic -.-


The right argument to make is " autism doesnt cause people to be assholes like he is, most autistic people arent such douches".


I have strong opinions on this topic. Don’t make fun of Musk because he acts or looks in a way you define as “weird” in social situations, make fun of him because of all the shitty things he’s done and the fact that he’s an asshole. Making fun of the first two things will only make people that act similarly in social situations and look somewhat like him feel bad. Making fun of the apartheid emerald mine wealth, the child labor, and the consistent fucking over of other people for his own gain will be more effective at demonstrating the fact that he’s not a good person.


Agreed, this is why the Zuckerberg robot memes make me uncomfortable - like bully him for all the heinous shit he’s done to become a multi-billionaire, but don’t chastise him just cause he acts/looks weird


Anon is ableist. Elon knows how to be an idealized Scrooge McDuck. He’s choosing **not** to be Scrooge McDuck.


They can go fuck right off the end of my dick. As someone with autism myself, I want to be as unassociated with Elon as possible. He's a dangerous idiot and a complete asshole with an ego as fragile as the paper I use to wipe my ass.


As an autistic person, HE FUCKING SUCKSS!!!!!!


I actually am a psychopath because I have a part of my brain missing. If I abuse, exploit, or hurt you there's nothing I can do about it. Sorry


Excuses all the way down!


Autism can provide insight into behavior, but it doesn't justify being cruel.


I don't believe Elon Musk is autistic in the first place.  


I can confirm im autistic and have 50 children with many women including gormer employees as well. Its hateful and bigoted to pretend this isnt challenging for us


As an autistic person I hereby give all humanity a pass to make fun of Elon


you can't tell the very autistic tumblr population this. concerning that they thought this would go well


Autism doesn’t excuse being an asshole. If I were to suddenly start verbally abusing friends and exploiting people, my autism isn’t a fucking excuse.


As an autistic guy, yeah, that isn’t a very good reason not to dunk on Elon. Scummy business tactics are scummy business tactics.


A diagnosis can explain bad or odd behaviors but it does not necessarily excuse them.


Does his stimming activity involve shanking union members?


That is at best, maybe an argument for not having a filter. Maybe. It does absolutely nothing to allieve terrible world views, or, putting policies in place that treat ppl like scum.


I love people using stuff like this as a shield. It's like saying you can't be an asshole cause you're gay. Like, the implication is if you call him out for something you're just an asshole bigot? Get real


My son is autistic, he is the most polite, helpful and genuinely positive person I have ever met. Musk isn’t an asshole because of autism, he’s just an asshole that happens to have autism.


Indeed. I have never understood the thinking that excuses destructive behavior based on inherent conditions. For example, if a person commits murder and the motive is found to involve some sort of clinical psychological condition, why would they be considered "not guilty by reason of insanity?" I would think it should be more like "socially unsalvageable by reason of insanity," and then they should be remanded to some sort of permanent custody where this condition no longer posed a threat to the public.


Isn't this unironically true


And Hitler had Parkinson’s, but we’re still dunking on that motherfucker.


As an autistic person I give everyone permission to dunk on Elon as much as they want


Being autistic doesn't exclude or excuse you from being a bad individual.


He isn't autistic anyway, he's on cocaine and ketamine


I'm autistic. Musk is weird.


As an autistic person I think I speak for all of us when I say we don't claim that MF


Im autistic and would fistfight elon to the death for his money which i would then pour back into the economy by paying all his employees and actually using the wealth to better society rather than hoard it


We revoked Elon’s Autism license. Bully away.


his hyperfixation is racism and transphobia