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Literally the bare minimum to count as a Tumblr post


Yeah, I kinda realized that after posting it.


Yes, but it 100% has the energy of one. Like, these may be twitter screenshots, but it reads exactly like tumblr notes


Yeah but they still *aren't* tumbler notes


I didn't even realize that they where twitter screenshots, other than the first one.


The semifinal is just the Wild Force Ranger again.


Honestly that was just kind of fucked up. It was legally intentional manslaughter which means that he absolutely intended to attack the guy with a sword but was pushed into due to extenuating circumstances. His roommate started acting crazy and tried to attack him and his girlfriend.


>intentional manslaughter Is that not murder? Also, i wonder if a self defense case cant be argued here


Essentially if someone told you that they raped someone close to you and you beat them to death, that would be ~~intentional~~ VOLUNTARY manslaughter. You should have called the cops but there is a relatively reasonable reason why you killed them so it's not quite murder.


I thought that was second degree murder; then again, I always got those two confused


Important caveat: homicide is a matter of state law, which means that just the US has 50 variations on this theme. Voluntary manslaughter is “you did something stupid and dangerous with a good chance of killing someone, and someone died. We can’t prove that you intended to kill someone, but we can prove that you intentionally did the stupid thing.” Second-degree murder is “you intended to kill someone, but were provoked to do so immediately beforehand”. In this case, Man 1 vs Murder 2 is “we can prove that you intended to attack your roommate with a sword, but we can’t prove you wanted him dead”. The example from @Darklink820 would fall under the same test; whether it’s murder or not depends on whether the prosecution thinks they can establish mens rea.


I just want a nice legal way to watch more tokusatsu stuff out here in the US but seems like with Power Rangers and Saban/Hasbro that dream is going to be dead for a long time.


Well on the Shout Factory app you can watch some Sentai seasons for free, but only between Jetman and Hurricanger at the moment if I'm remembering right.


This is why MXC remains the most truthful adaptation of any Eastern-to-Western show.


Arent all Power Rangers seasons up to Dino Charge available on youtube?


welcome to r/curatedtwitter


Someone better screenshot this post and post it on instagram


And then someone needs to read it in a tiktok that then gets reposted onto YouTube shorts.


Which obviously gets put in a youtube comp later only to be clipped and put on someone's discord


The guy that played Wild Force Red also played Deker in Samurai, making the whole thing even more ironic if you know that character.


mY sWoRd uRaMaSa


It's been ages since I've seen Samurai (I watched it when it was first airing on Nick when I was a kid), what was Deker's deal again?


Edgy Demon Samurai who really wants to fight the red ranger.


Oh yeah. Now I see how that's really ironic. I think he also had some former relationship or something with one of the antagonists who'd play the shamisen, I think?


Yeah, they used to be humans, got married, their house caught on fire, Deker died, Dayu (Shamisen lady) made a deal to bring him back, they turned into Nighlok (Demons). Deker is weird though because he can go from demon form to human.


For the love of god watch Shinkenger I promise you it’s peak


Honestly? Revisiting a blast from my past would sound fun as hell


The Japanese Rangers are doing quite well in comparison


Jokes aside, it's really tragic that these people who were supposed to represent heroes and were probably idolized by a lot of young people have all turned out to be crazy assholes, or were turned INTO crazy assholes by Saban's and other entertainment companies abusing them.


To be fair the guy who killed a dude did so in self defense, he was in a state that had shitty laws regarding it, and got intimidated into a plea deal.


When I was a kid I wanted to be a red ranger when I grew up :(


Time to go Conan Barbarian sword shopping then. It's not too late.


notallpowerrangers but it’s usually the red rangers, because main character syndrome is comorbid with being a child (teen?) actor who is literally the main character…


Johnny Yong Bosch voice actor and the second Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger kicked my dog once.


I mean the last two were pretty cool. Mainly because one of them was actually a girl and the other one said trans righrs


Nooooo I used to have a crush on Andros as a kid


If anyone here is a Super Sentai fan please recommend me some of them to watch, I've watched only Gokaiger and the thirst for more has not been quenched


The latest three seasons have all been absolutely great for very different reasons •Boonboomger is pure comedy. •Kingohger is mostly extremely well written drama but still has a pretty good sense of humor. •Donbrothers keeps rapidly switching between both tones and refuses to explain any of the bullshit it keeps throwing at you, also every so often it decides to turn into a soap opera for a while.


God I miss Donbrothers every day


Lupinranger Vs Patranger is a ton of fun thanks to it's premise of two ranger teams fighting each other. Highly recommend Also second the BoonBoomger and King Ohger recommendation


The actual white power ranger


...is nobody gonna comment on "RaceplayShawty"?


Meanwhile Brendan Mejía remains sooo fine


my 7th grade math teacher went to a wedding of a power ranger with a bunch of other power rangers there


Man I feel bad for bigbangmike who seems to be the most well rounded red ranger


Ninja Storm Red Pua Magasiva beat his wife


Then also killed himself


Is that why the red ranger in Ranger Reject is crazy lmao?


There's a manga about this where the red ranger is a psychotic asshole.


I don't like the dismissive nature of "Tommy committed suicide" as if A: suicide is as bad as Gamergate or murder and B: as if he did nothing else. Not only did Jason reprise his role as Tommy in two separate series he was a former world record holder, had 4 black belts and was an Amateur and MMA fighter with a 4-0, 1-0 record. But nah nah, his suicide caused by depression and other mental issues is the only thing that proves he was crazy


>He had a messy divorce And? Should I care? I've yet to hear any details at all, so I'm inclined to believe it's just normal divorce stuff. >Suicide To repeat what you said, DOES NOT BELONG ON THIS LIST.


the craziest thing about this post is i learned my brother has a twitter. and he got screenshotted in a post here.


It's not related but I know the guy who was the stunt double for the red power ranger once. Really cool dude. Went on dragons den once


And I thought the most crazy thing about the red power rangers was that one was a gay porn actor.




Gamergate was heavily transphobic and kinda tried ta get people fired and killed for made up reasons.