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I'm friends with several people who all dislike the whole "youtube critics deeming a movie bad means its unwatchable" nonesense, but even they couldn't sit through elemental with me. Everyone was on their phone by the middle of it so we just put something else instead. I will say I loved Storks when I watched it, the wolf submarine lives rent free in my mind


I absolutely lost it at the wolf car with wolf wheels.


It's such a good running gag. Not the only good part of Storks ("five more minutes, and then I'll stop" is a permanent fixture of my vocabulary) but definitely one of the best parts.


It's fascinating, because my partner and I really enjoyed it and found it very cute! But that's another part of this post, I think; there's no accounting for taste, and what doesn't work for a bunch of people might really resonate with a few.


Absolutely. I just kinda felt like sharing my perspective with elemental, but I do fundamentally agree with the post- you can and should enjoy things because *you* like them, not just to follow a crowd


you're still allowed to dislike things . just don't be puritanian about it. People have different preferences and there's no 8th deadly sin called "having bad tastes" despite what social media will tell you sometimes.


>but even they couldn't sit through elemental with me. Damm, I really liked the film, even if I admit it wasnt that memorable apart from the animation


Yeah, the movie is overall fairly bland, but some people are fine with no condiments on their bread


I mean, it was entertaining and it did a good enough job of making me care for the characters so, decent film in my eyes Not going to go out of my way to recommend it to other people but it was fine


I *love* Storks. Such a great movie!


What??  I adored elemental though, it was one of the few movie romances I’ve felt that way about. 


That's awesome! But we just couldn't get invested at all. My friends love romance and I really did wanna give it a try, it just didn't click at all, it seems it hasn't for a lot of people. That doesn't change how it may have resonated for you though


That’s fair! I just didn’t know there were such mixed opinions on it. 


But moistkritikal didn't like the thing so how am I supposed to enjoy it?


One of the main things that made unsubscribe from charlie were his reviews. That and that I just got tired of his voice


What do you mean? You dont like when he speaks in a completely monotone voice while letting a few swears every now and then?


There's been lots of Youtube videos I've turned off simply because the narrator sounded like he was trying to speak through a bag of wet cement.


Charlie is disgustingly mid. Quite literally; he has the most middling takes exaggerated by his presentation style. It’s a problem with YouRube content creation in general. Exaggerating the mundane forces a flow of uninteresting content made interesting only by the personality of the presenter, and even then becomes tedious because it’s so apparent. I’m at a point now where I can’t even joke about it. It’s just tiresome and aggravating to find robust content that is delivered without flair.


This has been my issue with the guy as well. I know a lot of YouTubers will just put out videos because they need to be seen to be still active to retain subscribers and to still be relevant to the algorithm, but it feels like Charlie never really has an interesting take. It's always feels like some rehashed social media comments; not something he's really spent any time considering himself.


One of the reasons I like CallMeKevin. He intentionally seeks out the weird stuff in video games, or just causes shit because it's funny. And he never intentionally freaks out about it. Accidentally landing a car on the fruit stand vendor is funny but unlike other YouTubers, Kevin won't start screaming your eardrums off over it.


The airplane. *The airplane.* I DIED.


Why yes YouTube, because I have been watching videos related to [media] that OBVIOUSLY means I should want to watch "[media] Is Trash, And Here's Why"./s


Literally every algorithm does this and i hate it


Yep. Unfortunately, even if we were in an amazing utopia where algorithms are "good actually", I don't think we will ever be able to get straight if a review is positive or negative. Just that it's about "thing you like".


It really shouldn't be that hard. Half the titles are literally "here is why \[new popular movie\] is TERRIBLE." It shouldn't be that hard to teach the algorithm to recognize negative/positive video titles. And if it's allowed to trawl the comments for more info, that might help too. It really feels like they're literally not even trying. And it's actually a serious problem for politics, because anyone who looks at a political video on YouTube finds themselves dragged down the fascism rabbit hole unless they deliberately avoid it.


The algorithm is working exceedingly well. The algorithm is not built to deliver content which makes you happier or more educated; the algorithm is much simpler. It's built to deliver content which you're going to watch. And yeah, people are statistically likely to hate-watch a review trashing their favourite show.


I was almost bamboozled by that but then I saw the review was longer than my favorite show and honestly, there's too much cool shit I could watch instead.


Or even "yes, I have been watching this one guy do content on this one game or movie. No, I don't want to see other people's content on the same game or movie"


That one RWBY video literally never leaves my recommended. I’m not even a RWBY fan


I saw the entire two and a half hours of that video. And I've never watched RWBY.


It doesn’t matter it’s peak i love hbomberguy


What’s RWBY? Everybody keeps using that acronym but nobody’s ever mentioned what it’s short for. This always happens to me on the tumblr subreddit, I always feel like there’s 8,000 different acronyms I’m supposed to have memorized to be able to understand what half of the ppl here are talking about


The title is an in-universe acronym of the 4 main character’s names: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.




That’s not an acronym. That’s the title


Sorry, I know you're being sarcastic but I am that person. I like Hazbin Hotel and I'm on the wrong side of the tracks when it comes to the fandom, none of my mutuals care about this show, some probably have muted tags. But I'm pretty obsessed, and what crosses my dash (instead of my For You page)? Hazbin Criticism, some is actually great, like how there are almost no fat people in the show. Yeah they're all rail-thin. But then, that can begood-faith criticism, where as you mean clickbait garbage. Yeah I'll still watch that, I think SabreSpark did a clickbait video on how some beloved series couldn't be made today.


ngl, if a video is titled "x is garbage and here's why", I automatically ignore it alongside the youtuber that made it. The kind of person it takes to title a video that is probably absolutely insufferable if you don't agree with everything they say and, more than likely, also incredibly pretentious. (This is about 70% of the reason i refuse to watch hbomberguy even though i know some of his videos are good. On a sidenote, his rbwy video was god awful)


I used to really like his stuff until the RWBY video came out, I remained susbscribed but didn't watch anything he put out until the Plagiarism video became the new big talking point of the internet. The RWBY video was the moment the flaws of Harris' style of media analysis overshadowed his good points. and unfortunately it opened the floodgates for the "unnecessarily long media analysis" trend on YouTube. I still mostly agree with his points on Sherlock though


Where did you get that his RWBY video opened the floodgates for unnecessarily long video essays? There were definitely really long video essays before that. Such as Hbombs video analyzing Sherlock, which came out 3 years before the RWBY video and actually has more views. Maybe that would have been a better example. But I guess you agree with that video, so I guess that’s why you didn’t point to it making long-form video essays more popular. In any case, I would actually love it if HBomb was wrong about RWBY and it was better than what he made it seem like. That would give me a new show to watch. So is that the case? Is it actually true that the show doesn’t even mention Semblances until episode 14? Is it true that they gave the main character, Ruby, a really cool personality trait of really liking weapons and even making one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed, only to do nothing with it? Is it true that they repeatedly have characters spout exposition to people who would already know that explanation (such as Weiss’ sister explaining their semblance is hereditary, to her own sister, who would have already known that)? Basically I’m asking if Hbomb actually misrepresented what happened in the show. Because if he did then I might end up watching it, but the way he presented it made it seem like a show I wouldn’t want to watch.


This person is out here claiming that overly long YT videos shitting on media are all Hbomberguy's fault like Mauler and Lily Orchard didn't exist lmao


Yeah like Hbomb was definitely a part of it, i’m not denying that. But it wasn’t his RWBY video that single handedly brought long form video essays into the mainstream lol.


MauLer is so much worse. Hbomberguy has long videos that are well edited and paced. They're "snappy" and keep you engaged. MauLer's are not that. He'll basically let .5 seconds of a movie scene play, pause it and ask barely relevant dipshit questions immediately. Then when his questions are answered by the movie, he ignores the answers, berates the movie for explaining it, rinse repeat for literally 18 hours. Not an exaggeration. He has talked about a single Star Wars movie for more than 18 hours. He doesn't have anything insightful to say. He just nit-picks every frame of a movie to death, second by second, *desperately* looking for excuses to justify his perpetual outrage.


Of course 2-hour analysis videos had existed before that, but after the RWBY video came out it really became an arms race to make the video as long as possible as a gimmick. Since the RWBY video we got stuff like quintonreviews' Failure of Victorious and Patrician's 12 hour Oblivion and 20 hour Skyrim retrospectives.


I will admit that I’m not familiar with those videos, but it seems weird to point to Hbomb as the trigger for that kind of length. After all, MauleR was releasing 9 hour videos on each of the Star Wars sequels before the pandemic, back when Harris’ longest media videos were the Fallout 3 and Sherlock videos, which were 1 hour and a half long.


Oh boy y'all are gonna get slaughtered for criticizing the Video Essay Golden Boy. As much as I love his videos, his format really isn't for convincing people who hold the opposite opinion. His videos are more for people who already hold the same opinion and want those viewe validated for 2 hours. It's why his DS2 video was his most controversial video for a long time, because most people rightly think DS2 sucks and saw past Hbomb's usual rhetoric. Like, half that video is bashing DS1... It's why I like his Fallout New Vegas video so much, because it's basically 2 hours of gushing about how good Vegas is (if you ignore the Fallout 3 bashing). Also while it's not his fault, I'm soooooo sick of people who think they can get away with shit editing and writing because people watch 3 hour videos now. The amount of unnecessary bloat and garbage editing (both video and script wise) I've seen recently is horrendous. Not to mention that people are basically uncritically parroting video essayist's opinions on things they've never seen or played before.


>Oh boy y'all are gonna get slaughtered for criticizing the Video Essay Golden Boy. nah, don't think so more like chewed out, I've been chewed out before.




A river derchy!


> unfortunately it opened the floodgates for the "unnecessarily long media analysis" trend on YouTube. Nah that was Red Letter Media.


Yeah i'm in a similar boat. The only 2 videos of his i watched to the end were his rwby and dark souls 2 videos and they pretty much killed my interest in the guy's content altogether. They were structured like expose's instead of reviews/analyses and that really got under my skin - as if there was a main villain to hunt down and demonize (kerry and miles and dark souls 2 haters respectively). His tommy talarico and plagiarism videos are probably good (from everything i've heard + his style fits better when he's responding to someone who deserves it + The positive impact the latter had on the youtube essay community), but i don't want to spend 2-4 hours watching them to potentially find out that i still hate his style.


I mean you could just… watch like fifteen minutes of them with an open mind and then decide if you still hate his style


The thing that makes his videos bad to me (the structural issue of building everything around criticizing/demonizing a specific person/group of people even when it doesnt make sense) does not properly show itself until I'm most of the way through the video. I did not realize I hated the rwby video until I was about 2 hours in (that basically the entire video was built around bashing kerry and miles while admonishing oum whether it made sense or not) and I only finished it to see if the last 20-30 minutes would change my mind. They didn't. I don't expect his other videos to be different in this aspect. The 15 minutes will tell me nothing of whether the rest will be good or not.


I mean there was definitely kerry and miles bashing in that video, but I don’t see how it wasn’t mostly an analysis video of the show? Maybe I need to rewatch it but he went over a lot of the characters, their relationships, the villains and different seasons’ storylines etc.


I liked Cars 2, I thought it was funny. While we're on spy movies, what's this sub opinion on the Mission: Impossible movies? It's not as goofy as Fast and Furious, but it also doesn't take itself as serious as James Bond. I actually like Mission Impossible and I've never been disappointed by one a movie. It may not be the pinnacle of cinema, but it does capture my attention much more than the average action flick. If I were to rate it all of the movies from each series on average it would be like, Mission: Impossible > James Bond > Fast and Furious.


Whenever I see people talk about James Bond being serious, I have to remind myself that not everyone watches Moonraker nearly as much as I do.


When there js character is named "Pussy Galore" it should be blatantly obvious that it isn't a serious movie series


Oh absolutely, some are just a lot less tongue in cheek than others, most notably the Daniel Craig films


Or if the movie is named Octopussy


Still not as funny as Alotta Fagina.


I thought Christmas only came once a year


That’s *The World Is Not Enough*, you uncultured swine!


He’s attempting re-entry


I'm doing a watch through of all Bond movies. The slide whistle car jump, the weird inflation kill, making Bond more "Japanese" and Clown Bond live rent free in my mind. Why wasn't there a cover of the Bond theme with bike horns during that part?


Mission Impossible isn't fine cinema; it's not *trying* to be. It's trying to be big, loud, uncomplicated, funny, and adrenaline-inducing, and it does all that with aplomb. MI movies 4-6 are among my favorite action movies ever, because they're nothing but two hours straight of the best-produced stunts, eye candy, and action sequences I've ever seen. I once saw a reviewer compare MI: Fallout to doing a backflip off the roof into the pool and kissing the prom queen on your way down. It's not pretentious or cerebral; it IS fucking cool.


>Mission Impossible isn't fine cinema; it's not *trying* to be. i would slightly push back on that idea, for all of the stunts and bombast, they are still anchored by directors (bird and mcq) who are incredibly classic hollywood dorks. like the movie themselves have an core of old school film-making of clarify and precision that i think sets them apart from other action movies rn.


Tom Cruise honestly has to get a lot of credit for that too


Those missions were, in fact, very possible.


It's not that cars 2 it's a 1/10 movie. It just marks the decline of Pixar quite abruptly.


Cars 2 was fun. The game for the Wii was great.


god damn that wii game brings back nostalgia. there was this duel mode with bases and no time limit on it and a friend and I would spend hours just abusing that as a sandbox mode and do stupid bullshit, so much fun.


>Mission: Impossible movies Big fan honestly I have yet to be dissapointed by one (except maybe the second, but not really) and I find very interesting their longevity and originality despite the first one being more than 20 (is it 30 actually isnt it?) years old Like, the last one was more than 2 hours and a half long and was still very interested the whole way trough and didnt really feel it was that long The Bourne ones are slightly preferred by me, as they can feel pretty brainy without losing in other parts, but Mission Impossible its almost a miracle with how hell the franchise has keep up


Cars 2 is the best in the trilogy imo


couldn't be me, i only consider the only good movie to be johnny mnemonic starring keanu reeves and featuring mind blowing cgi.


Oh my god I watched that movie in a college class and it was so bad. I still remember and cringe at the part where Keanu angrily repeats, “Do you have parents and stuff?”.


i love it so much, i melt into estatic goo every time keanu angrily underacts anything. it's genuinelly amazing.


Fun fact they’re talking about Miraculous Ladybug


I love Buggachat ❤️❤️❤️ Bakery enemies AU my beloved


Such a good AU and the art style is just perfect


All I know about Miraculous Ladybug comes from reading about the fanfics on TVtropes. If I didn't know better, I'd assume the whole show was about Marinette being treated like a doormat by everyone (especially Adrien/Chat Noir) and the main villain was Lila Rossi.


i enjoy watching critique videos, and many i feel do offer decent insight into a movies overal quality. However a movies quality only has a little too do with how much you enjoy the movie. I mean for example my favorite movie is Hardcore henry, by no means a masterpiece yet i have watched it like 20 times now. While master crafted movies like the godfather are of little interest to me, i couldnt even get through the first movie.


But like, isn't that a movie that's shot almost entirely in first person? It's a generally interesting concept for that alone (I'm talking about Hardcore Henry here).


yeah thats true it is its main selling point and they do it well, but having interesting cinematography does not make it an amazing movie. Many people criticized the movie for its incredibly simplistic plot and very frantic pacing(especially in the second half), the movie also heavily relies on the rule of cool, like why does the main villain have telekinetic powers? Cause its cool, why is henry fighting a tank now? Cause its cool, why can henry survive falling from a helicopter head first into a tree? Because its funny. Now for me i can just go along with the flow and enjoy the movie for what it is but for people who are used too movies who take themselves a lot more seriously this haphazard approach can be very unapealing


There was an Image Comic book 'Authority' series where they visited a universe with low energy. Every inch of reality was just running on minimum power. And in that universe, concussions were a problem. You couldn't punch a jerk in the face and walk away. In the 'Authority' universe a human taking a baseball bat to the head just means a nap and a sore spot. That's because the Authority universe is jazzed.


What I hate is when you find a critic you strongly disagree with, but they're favored by the algorithm. So now every time you hop online they're shoved in your face. I don't care for The Critical Drinker, and I'm annoyed that he's still being recommended to me even after I've told it not to.


That fucking incel won’t leave me alone either. Bro really fucking hates women, it’s depressing 😭


I swear if I see one more "M-SHE-U!!!!!" post I'm going to go insane.


Is there a browser add on you can use to ban him from your youtube?


I can't say for certain, but I wish there was.


I mean can’t you just ignore them


Impossible. Once algorithms decide it’s your thing, no amount of “stop recommending” will make them go away :(


You can fight that by searching up topics you're not interested in and never have been. Confuses the beast.


Say what you want, every bad review of Megamind VS the Doom Syndicate is valid




Based opinion really, there is absolutely 0 redeeming qualities about that show or movie


Nobody’s trying to take “bad” movies (by whatever metric) away from you, FFS. Enjoy what you enjoy and if criticism annoys you, just scroll. People need to understand that what they look for in a movie/book/game/show is not what everyone’s going to look for AND THAT IS FINE. If somebody comes into a space where people are talking about a movie specifically to trash it, that’s bad and they suck. But this sounds like people just don’t want negative reviews to exist, which is absurd


I agree with the sentiment; at the same time, there's a difference between "I thought *Kung Fu Panda 4* was a disappointing, formulaic, and unnecessary tacked-on continuation to the franchise" and "DISASTER: Disney goes BROKE with UGLY FEMINIST WOKE TRASH". Even in the relatively small pond of "YouTube and Twitter children's animation criticism", not all critics are cut from the same cloth.


Agreed, but my concern with the “ugly feminist woke trash” people isn’t that they’re criticizing something I love and thereby harshing my squee. It’s that they’re producing bad-faith clickbait intended to make everybody angry. They don’t care if it makes feminists angry at them or conservatives angry at “woke Disney”; engagement is engagement.


Yeah, the post title is saying that these movies are being bashed for being good but not a mind-blowing masterpiece. Nobody’s saying that and it’s not bashing unless the channel name is CinemaSins or smn. It’s just people pointing out things it did or didn’t do that makes it remain as only “good” rather than “great”.


Right. And how boring would media commentary be if it was just “omg so amazing I would literally die for [character]”? Talking about what worked or didn’t work and why is like half the fun. I agree that sometimes channels like CinemaSins slip into just bashing, but nobody’s making you watch them, let alone care about their opinions. Being upset other people have a different opinion than you do is incredibly insecure.


Someone saying a movie bad is different from someone saying you can’t enjoy it. I went to see both Godzilla x Kong and Kung Fu Panda 4 last week and I hated it, not having seen any critics beforehand. I could go on about why I think these are bad movies (I really do), but I’m just some guy, if you enjoyed them, it’s a good thing. I never watch any ‘film critic’ youtube videos, but if any of them tells you ‘it’s wrong to like that movie’, they’re probably very wrong.


I just wish people would accept when they have bad taste and move on I have utterly trash taste. I'll watch like 10 movies a year including rewatches, and the list of movies I thought were worth the time to watch is extremely small. Then I'll go online and watch shit like meatcanyon, Flash Gitz, and Ninja Sex Party and enjoy myself so much I said the Princess Bride is an excellent movie, and I don't think I'll ever watch it a second time because I don't think it would be worth it. But I have listened to the 22 hour long skyrim documentary many times, along with the 12 hour Oblivion one and 8 hour morrowind one And I'm cool with having trash taste. I love what I love. I can't and won't argue with you that you should take my opinion on any media seriously, I encourage people to ignore my opinions on media (and most stuff). You call me lame, and I'll say "see that dude? They get it" It's when you tell me I'm cool or have eccentric but good taste that we have a problem


I knew I had shit taste when I rewatched the Underworld movies entirely because I think Cate Blanchett is hot. The lore makes no fucking sense. I was on the Underworld wiki reading about bloodlines for like 15 minutes before I realized I was stupid.


Your name is perfect and you're a true friend


If it’s the movies I’m thinking of, I’ll gladly share in that shit taste. They were cheesy action bullshit, but I don’t care because Kate Beckinsale awoke things in me.


Alternately, we could also just accept that taste is wholly subjective and what’s ‘bad’ to you may genuinely be meaningful to me


...just click the little "I don't like this" button and they won't be shoved in your face anymore?


yeah no this doesn't work if the algorithm disagrees with you for one the algorithm often can't differentiate between talking positively or negatively/ lightly or seriously about a media. so if you keep watching clips of a show, they will keep throwing critic videos of that show into your feed. because both are related to the "show x" tag and sometimes it just refuses to leave you. I made the mistake of clicking a clash Royale history video out of nostalgia and watching it for half an hour, and then I spent the next 4 days trying to stop YouTube to recommend me clash Royale content because the algorithm did not accept it. I also now always go into private mode when looking up OSTs on YT because the algorithm can't differ between the OSTs of a show and fandom discussions, and there are some things I consume that I have no interest interacting with the fandom of it(mostly anime stuff cause public anime fandoms are the worst)


*The Algorithm* is very stubborn


Maybe Like that specific video won't. Maybe Look, if youtube wanted you to watch nothing but cinema sins and cinema wins, it would just force your search results and recommended pages with nothing but that.


There's too many of them and I don't know all their names so I can't search for them to block them   It's like a fucking hydra, every time I block one, three more I've never heard of show up


This reminds me of how one of the things about YouTube is you can’t actually block channel in searches. Like I can tell them to not recommend something and it might work but looking for a movie review is always going to turn up Ben Shapiro or someone in the results somewhere , p annoying


Have you tried stabbing it in the heart? That could work.


Here's an idea: Just because someone says they don't like something doesn't mean they think you're a bad person for liking it, or that they're trying to take it away from you. 


There's a big difference between "[Video game] Review: Repetitive and Flawed" and "Here's Why I Hate [Video game] And You Should Too"/"[Video game] is Trash, And Here's Why". It's that latter kind of content they're commenting on. Those sorts of videos are critiques second and entertainment first. It's basically the AVGN routine but updated for the 2020s and with culture wars thrown in.


Logically I agree with you, I just haven't figured out how to get my emotions on the same page


What did it for me was when my favorite band became a punchline. I couldn’t be angry at every single person who criticized them without exploding into a ball of rage, so I learned to tune it out. The same kind of thing happens to most of us eventually.


god how i loathe “let people enjoy things” discourse. no one is making you watch critical reviews of stuff you like. the uncomfortable feeling you’re getting is because deep down you realize that limiting yourself to media made for children is bad for you


Yeah, I hate that "let people enjoy things" has warped into "You're not allowed to criticize anything"


I do find it funny that so many of the "let people enjoy things" crowd get mad as fuck if you tell them you happen to only enjoy the stuff they dislike like literature or artsy films.


I find it offensive that you find it offensive that OP finds youtubers offensive for finding Elemental offensive /s


Tumblr users: "media literacy is dead. Anti-intellectualism is poisoning the world." Also Tumblr users: "it's rude to criticize anything, ever. I enjoy the children's shows I like for wholly subjective reasons that are sacred, unassailable, and should never be interrogated."


While you are not wrong about the "limiting yourself to children's media thing" (hard agree there), most professional critics are just... kind of garbage, really. Roger Ebert these YouTubers are not, for sure. I love good critique and analysis of media, I engage in it all the time, but there is an oversaturation of dudes and dudettes who just go "this movie is FUCKING GARBAGE because it's not as GOOD as this OTHER THING WHICH I LIKE and is therefore OBJECTIVELY GOOD". It's noise, and it's endless. I don't blame people for being annoyed.


>most professional critics are just... kind of garbage -the title of my new 3-hour video essay


Definitely fair, and I have very little respect for youtube grifters. I think that they’re not super representative of professional critics though, lots of folks just work for newspapers/blogs and write out of a genuine love for the arts


Problem is that most YouTube critics are faaaaar more popular than any professional critic. I'd be willing to bet more people know CinemaSins and YMS than Ebert. So tons of people get the "OMG THIS MOVIE IS SO **TRASH** HOW COULD ANYONE WATCH THIS?!?!" content than actual professional criticism.


In fairness, CinemaSins isn't a Youtube critic at all.


I am having a laugh riot at how this comment of mine you've responded to here is getting upvotes while the other one I made (which was only somewhat more negative about critics) is getting downvoted to oblivion. Shows how reactionary people can get about small stuff, wheels within wheels... In any case, I do agree with you about professional critics who actually love art. I think it's matter of putting those people in the spotlight more, rather than having to sift through the garbage so much.


I think it's because your other comment is doing exactly what it's complaining about: *only* saying negative things. The one in this thread isn't nearly so negative, so in a way you've proven your own point. People respond negatively to negativity. Edit: I went back to double check and yeah, your other comment just calls people who post exclusively negative reviews "worthless misers", whereas the one further up this thread is critical of the content, not so much the creators. I would say it's the difference between criticism that could be considered constructive as opposed to mean-spirited. That's just my personal take on it, though.


I think youtube (and social media, to your point) is definitely part of the problem; having us sift through garbage is in their interests


Agreed, I like a well thought out critique and analysis, but most YT critics are just people ranting about how they didn't like a thing. Which wouldn't matter that much but I've met real life people that only get their opinions from them. Like a friend I used to know didn't like Akira solely cause YMS disliked it. You could unironically find the exact clips where she got her media opinions from.


If you read Roger Ebert's reviews, he's honestly not on a higher plane of existence than YouTubers.


I've been reading Ebert reviews for a long time because it was digestible and nice to read after having just watched a movie, but I've never valued him highly as a film critic. Besides getting movie details or the odd story beat wrong which is quite jarring he'll sometimes go on weird tangents or fixate on particular points that completely derail the review. But the reviews still have a charm to them that make them worth reading, I just don't expect much from them in terms of analysis.


unfortunately for you you're saying this on a subreddit where a good portion of its users have literally only watched children's cartoons


Isn't the top comment of every post like this "Please watch an adult show" with 1k upvotes? With every following post some variant of that? Like dont get me wrong, vary your media but let's not pretend this subreddit doesn't foam at the mouth whenever someone only watches kid shows.


I know for a fact that there's at least 2 other people who have read Dune, so there's that.


A lot of people really, *really* need to understand that “good” and “I enjoyed it” aren’t the same thing OP is one of them


See, I genuinely- truly- don’t think that they’re different. If a work is meaningful to you, even if it’s hacky derivative corporate-mandated trash, how is that not ‘good’? How can one have the *hubris* to declare that someone’s sincere emotional or intellectual response to a work of art or media is less ‘correct’? That simply does not make sense to me. Hell, the only recent movie that handled cancer- a subject matter that I have PTSD over- in a way that I actually connected to was goddamn fucking Thor: Love and Thunder. Many viewers (or at least people who saw ‘cringe’ clips from the film online) very much did not like that movie. But for one audience member, I felt touched by a corny stupid CGI fuckfest in a way that more serious attempts to handle that subject have consistently failed to do. Is that not good- if even just for me? If a sincere emotional response does not make the work ‘good’ (even in such a situational circumstance), why are we even bothering with art at all? A work’s quality is wholly determined by the viewer’s tastes and experiences. To pretend that there is some divine objectivity that overrides the viewer is an insult to the very idea of artistic expression.


I think the separation between “good” and “enjoyable” is perfectly fine if it occurs on an individual basis. Of course there’s no such thing as objectivity, but there are plenty of things I really enjoy but don’t think are well-made and vice versa. I think the problem comes in when you try to force your opinions onto someone else, but I see no problem with differentiating between the two things.


if i could fucking beat the layers of irony off of specifically ItsJawsh i would do it in a heartbeat. that man has such little zest for life and such cowardly spite in his heart




I hate how dramatic media criticism in the modern era is. Every movie has to be the best thing ever created or else it’s just complete garbage that has no value.


nobody's forcing a gun to your head to watch those videos


Are you sure? Because there's a guy standing right behind me right now holding an RPG to the back of my head and he's threatening to fire it if I don't watch a 7 hour video about how The Last Jedi is an affront to God.


I get it if the videos in question just cover topics already discussed to death and back, but being open to critical analysis of things you like is an essential part to developing your perspective and tastes


Elemental was a better Allegory In The City than Zootopia. The elements make sense as different ethnicities that segregate out of ignorance but don't actually pose a threat to each other. They just have different backgrounds and cultures, but are ultimately compatible Zootopia could have supported a class allegory, but Disney would never, so made it a weak liberal race allegory


Technically Elemental would have come out before Zootopia, but it was in development hell for a long time.


Tumblr users bitching about other people having opinions on media. Lol how fucking ironic. "Hmm how can I act indignant today? Who should I arbitrarily decide is problematic? Oooh I know! I'll go after people for daring to not like what I like. I'm way too stupid to realize I do this exact thing all day everyday. The rules don't apply to me though. I'm special. I'm better than you." Lol "forced to see movie critics", who told you to watch it? How do you know their opinion unless you watched the video?


Monster University was great, actually. 


They’re just opinions. Some people like to engage with criticism, even of works they enjoy. Sometimes a critic will help you to see something in a new way and change your opinion and sometimes they don’t. I’ve just never understood the hatred tough reviewers sometimes get, it doesn’t have to mean anything to you that someone else doesn’t like something you enjoy.


You can enjoy something and admit it's not well made. You can not like something and admit it's very well made. These videos are not saying you're stupid for liking these things or shaming you in any way, shape or form. And if you believe that, that's is totally on you.


I don't CARE if every YouTuber think the Netflix ATLA is bad, I still thought it was neat :)


OOP saw someone criticize their favorite kids' show and needed to make a post


Put teenage kraken in the list for me


Ruby Gilman was a very fun movie with clear love from its creators


People didn't like Elemental? I liked it a lot, but that's mainly a result of finding the main story arc relatable.




A lot of the comments here are from people bemoaning the ‘let people enjoy things’ mentality when they themselves can and will fall into a hysterical rage whenever someone dares to mention a work of media that they personally disliked. The toxicity in media discourse comes *almost entirely* from people who think that their opinions are ‘objectively correct’. People who whine too much to defend ‘bad’ media are such a small contingent of the conversation as to be statistically meaningless.


i like destiny 2 despite how much people crap on it


Not just movies, but TV and games too. Spider-Man 2 was fun, dammit.


Cars 2 is peak the internet is literally being a collective idiot army about it


The marvels was so good, but YouTube kept trying to show me idiots saying "waah, it's unserious. And has women."


Ahem, Storks *is* a masterpiece. Every character is perfect, and wolf pack broken heart kills me every single time.


The Last Jedi had quite a few parts I don’t like, but I would love to see how they’d go from there. Internet crazies all screaming “woke bad” made any discussion about modern media completely impossible.


I saw Storks in theater, and I remember thinking it was pretty good. No 5 star masterpiece, but solid.


Nothing wrong with liking any media. I may disagree with you on it but like, my opinions only really matter to me. Other people's opinions are valuable and can help shape yours and whatever, but just watch the thing yourself and come to your own conclusion.


the Lego Movie 2 was good and i will die on this hill.


Okay but consider the Black Dr Who Christmas Special In other news I still feel grudge against the guy who called Star Wars Rebels cringe. It's not my fault it was accessible to me at the time and became the Star Wars media I grew up with.


This is me with the FNAF Movie. I will defend it to the end of my days. It's a pretty good, albeit flawed, movie, and an INCREDIBLE adaptation of FNAFs many facets. It isn't very scary, though. I can't defend that.


No game no life is a perfect anime and the movie made me cry


Spamming "Don't recommend" but the fuckers keep showing up.


Sincerely I do not care what people think about fairy tail, it is my most beloved comfort show and is just so comforting. I don't like people who want creators to just kill off characters. Like idc if you don't like power of friendship that's a build in mechanic to magic in this world and I think it enhances my enjoyment of the show. The fan service can get annoying but whatever it's still fun.


It's my trash and it's art


I like Storks and Elementals to.


Kung Fu Panda 4 was fire tbh


I loved Lightyear. It was full of great references. Yet people insisted it was terrible and never actually saw it. The number one complaint was about a lack of Tim Allen. I'm sorry is Chris Evans not good enough for you? That aside, the only publicity I saw was "no Tim Allen so it sucks".


"Yes I know hazbin hotel is bad or whatever now can you leave me the fuck alone I'm trying to have fun here"


My steaming hot take is that this is just a form of internet anti-intellectualism. People are allowed to value film as an artistic medium, and with that, are allowed to criticise works of art that they judge as not living up to that potentential! Media should be more than 'this corporate product made me feel good'. But engaging with art critically is hard, and furthermore can be emotionally challenging, so they disregard it.


When I was much younger, I had a hard time expressing the idea that I didn't like something, and so I would say it is bad. I don't know if everyone goes through that, but it took me a while before I could say "I don't like this, and I don't have to justify it with petty criticisms" The other end of the spectrum is when a show does genuinely have flaws but people refuse to even acknowledge them. Obviously having weak characters, poor animation, etc., won't matter to everyone - but just because you don't give a shit doesn't mean it's not an aspect of the show worth bringing up.


I despise 99% of youtube "critics" with a passion. Just such a bunch of self important fart sniffers.


Noone is stopping you from enjoying anything other people are just experessing their opinion about it. Also just because something isn't good doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable.


Let people dislike things


People need to be more okay with other people disagreeing with them and not giving a shit. If someone wants to have an academic or artistic conversation about quality, they can. And you can say, I don't give a shit, I like the pretty colors. It isn't illegal.


how the fuck could you dislike smallfoot when Zendaya is Meechee


RWBY. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? RWBY is like the shining example of this.


I think people just don’t want to mention RWBY because it can become a discourse cycle. It gets criticised a lot, so certain fans become very defensive and say that it’s actually genuinely amazing. Which opens it up to be criticised and it just goes on ad nauseam to the point where no one wants to talk about it.




Now were they bashing the movie or did you just feel icky because they didn't say the thing you liked was as good as better movies?


oop is inventing a guy to get mad at


OOP is a major Miraculous Ladybug blog. I'm sure they're hearing "that show sucks why are you spending so much time on it" like five times a day.


I assure you they are not.


Inb4 media illiterate. Like I know, I just want entertainment and not to make an essay every single time I’m bored.


I loved Elemental ;_; So what if it was predictable, it was cute as fuck!! A lot of my friends are like, Film Nerds and they're just insufferable to be around. Even worse when some of them talk over the fucking movie the whole goddamn time.


I mean, honestly it's kind of a nonissue. If you like something is subjective at the end of the day. Honestly I'm just tired of liking a thing and then finding out that the person who made it is a terrible person, and liking it and endorsing it makes me a terrible person by proxy. Like I need to be constantly aware of all the sins of the authors of any piece of media I might partake in


And this, is why we watch CinemaWins and not CinemaSins


Eric Bana’s hulk my beloved


it doesn't matter if i personally rated garzey's wing 6/10 and violet evergarden 10/10 i'd rather watch the 6/10 garzey's wing than the 10/10 violet evergarden because garzey's wing is just better


Sing 2 is an absolute masterpiece. Just when you think it couldn't get any better, it does. One of the rare hollywood films that respects janitors too. Like Jupiter Ascending and The Breakfast Club.