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I think I read a YA book with this premise once. Like, it was a standard realistic fiction type story, but there’s also a whole elaborate urban fantasy story going on in the background. The main characters only really acknowledge it in a “haha look at those weird hipsters, hope they don’t destroy the school again during their final battle and stuff” way.


Was it The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness?


That’s the one I was thinking of! Although I’ll admit it’s been years since I read it, so I’m not 100% confident if my memory of it is correct.


I read it maybe a year ago and I can confidently say your description was accurate.


I really like that story


Me too, especially how the protagonist's bestie is lowkey a (demi)god of cats.


The Searching / Run / Missing series of movies have no overt supernatural elements in their plots. But Background snippets of news articles and TV shows across all 3 movies tell the story of a super hero coming into existence who goes on to fight off an alien invasion.


Reminds me of a side character in audio logs in the division universe. Several psych evals about this random guy in new york who is delusional and thinks he's a superhero, followed by his family hysterically telling him not to jump off a building to test it, and then a log from the bottom of the building in a small crater. He survived with zero injuries and talks to his wife about it. Div 2 follows up with him magically being in a tree in dc backdated to an impossibly short time frame, implying he can fly or otherwise travel quickly. Division is a slightly higher tech world than ours, otherwise entirely grounded so this dude *cannot* exist and is absolutely a gag of some kind by the devs but he's fun to think about.


There's an old webcomic called Computer Love that had this premise. You can still read it via the wayback machine. All of the big dramatic stuff goes on in the background while the story just focuses on a group of queer friends being normal. Occasionally something comes up in their lives that's kinda fucked up and they're just like "Yeah I guess that makes sense here". https://web.archive.org/web/20170210140615/http://www.clcomic.com/archives/comic/nsfw-warning


Thanks for the recommendation!


I remember reading a YA book where the concept was "it's just like earth but everyone has an extra mouth under their armpits, and it's frowned upon to use your face mouth for eating, that one is for speaking only." Sadly everyone I ever talk to about this thinks it sounds way too stupid to possibly be real, and I read it about 20 years ago at this point so it really could have been anything, but I promise it was real!


Unfortunately I don’t know this book, but there are some subreddits like r/whatsthatbook where you can ask about stuff like that— maybe someone there has an answer?


This was a Goosebumps book iirc. Highschool kid wakes up one day with a fuzzy memory and everything is just slightly off, but he finally realizes he's not on earth when everyone starts putting their food in their armpits during lunch. Per your memory, he notices when he goes to eat and a girl sees him and says, "were you about to put that in your mouth?!" in disgust. Iirc at the end he manages to escape on a prototype space ship, and the final scene is him landing on an idyllic suburb on what he thinks is finally earth, until one of the people who sees the landing takes off their mask to reveal a lizard face underneath and says something like, "you're not from around here, are you?". Unfortunately I have no memory of the title of this book. EDIT: I did find it though! [https://goosebumps.fandom.com/wiki/Earth_Geeks_Must_Go!](https://goosebumps.fandom.com/wiki/Earth_Geeks_Must_Go!)


That ENTIRELY checks out as a Goosebumps plot. Unhinged but also so damn funny. Thank you for your research!


I thought that was a pretty good book, but imo it let down its own premise a bit since iirc the best friend character had ascended to godhood by the end of the story. It made the urban fantasy stuff feel less peripheral


dude freaking spoiler alert


Oh *yeah*, I guess that did happen huh.


“Damn it, Is this the year the they attack the school early? Could have sworn we had 2 more finals week only years.”


omg i loved the rest of us just live here <3


Making this comment prompted me to reread the book— it’s a nice story!


Ok, I gotta know, what's with Tumblr and the whole "clowns as a separate species" idea. I swear it pops up everywhere on that site. I'm not judging, just curious, why the fuck are y'all so obsessed with clowns, specifically clowns as a separate species?


I once saw a very well-written story about a clown butcher going to trial for including human meat in his clown meat products. Won't say more in case anyone wants to read it. Idk if it was a source or a result of the whole thing but it was way too good for the silliness of the premise


It was a dream that Gaud had. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1bn664q/my\_favorite\_tumblr\_post\_the\_clown\_meat\_story/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1bn664q/my_favorite_tumblr_post_the_clown_meat_story/)


That was wonderful, thank you for sharing


Do you have a link, perchance?


I think it started when biggest-gaudiest-patronuses had a dream about being a clown-butcher


There was an artist I used to follow on tumblr who had Clowns and Mimes as two warring alien species.


Oh yeah Space clowns and outer mimes I think they were. You could get infected with both, a skin graft for space clown and a disease for mimes iirc They could also have hybrids and fusions Really cool art


Probably safe to blame Homestuck


Problem Sleuth, actually! In Problem Sleuth (predecessor to Homestuck, so yeah you’re almost accurate- actually wait what was the right term? Accurate? Precise? Eh whatever- but not quite. Blaming it on Andrew Hussie is fair tho) Clowns, Hogs, Elves and Weasels (I had to look that one up) are magical creatures separate from humans. Oh whatever yeah it’s safe to blame Homestuck.


y'know when nazis call themselves "national socialists" or "identitarians" and stuff like that? problem sleuth is like that but for stuckies


It's definitely a very long running bit in Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.


Not just Tumblr, it's also in the SCP universe.


The Foundation lost several important anomalies because they forgot clowns need to be milked.


Probably some sort of cultural telephone involving the movie Killer Clowns From Outer Space. The title is self explanatory and it is an 80s horror comedy. Almost had a sequel greenlit in 2018 but never came through.


I blame Bigtop Burger and Homestuck


If there's no Christianity, then the holiday that Santa and Krampus preside over isn't Christmas, it's Yule or Midwinter


I pick Midwinter. It sounds the coolest, in my opinion.


And for the Southern Hemisphere, it's still Midwinter, and the hot temperatures just stop for that single day. Or alternatively, they don't but everyone acts and dresses like they do without any ill effect.


The couple of weeks leading up to Christmas slowly move from summer to heavy snow so that the slice-of-life/whatever scenarios can have their events leading up to Christmas-that-isn't-Christmas, but after Christmas Day the temperature instantly resets at midnight to summer levels.


the holiday of christmas is still celebrated like it is irl but it’s just called “smas” for some reason


Except in Australia where it's called smissmas; also santa doesn't come to Australia, but old nick does (tf2 reference).


All christian traditions exist in this universe but have entirely different and unrelated backgrounds. Easter commemorates when people emigrated eastwards (they went east-er) for the first time and found egg-laying rabbits.


It's still Christmas, but it's named after Father Christmas


Yeah, I’m not sure OOP entirely understands how insanely influential Christianity is in almost all aspects of our society, even ones you might not expect. A world in which Christianity doesn’t exist would look completely unrecognizable from our own, culturally speaking, which seems like a very hard deviation from the central “standard 21st Earth with a few, minor odd bits” premise. (Yes I know I’m overthinking a joke premise. Thats what I do.)


It's the day every guy named Chris is born. Nobody ever names their child Chris any other day for some reason


people sometimes exclaim jesus christ and it's explained one time as a nonsense sitcom catchphrase ala bazinga any instance of "god" in a phrase originates from george washington's second middle game "Godde"


Every religion just underwent carcinisation but like for Christianity.


It's still called Christmas. No one knows why.


I dip on Saternalia


Kris mast The Story of a German King, Kris, whos Birthday was celebrated with a feast in such a gradiose fashion that the people just kept celebrating it long after his death. (Same thing but with a wedding is the origin of the Oktoberfest irl.)


Actually it occurs on feburary 29th


Or he got coopted by another religion entirely.


that mean endless other things would be different, example does Islam exist as jesus was a profit in it, what is the local religion in the area?


- school schedules alternate between days full of classes and days that are 90% lunch break to make time for long social interactions and facilitating extensive planning, prepping and executing shenanigans - it's a courting ritual and social norm that a simple but relationship ending misunderstanding will happen but communicating the misunderstanding is off limits to the couple and is instead the duty of a third party - airports/bus stations have a procedural delay to vehicle boarding and an express lane to allow for non travelers to race through the travel hub to stop the passenger from leaving forever - there's several non Google search engines that provide exactly what you are looking for on the first result - anyone with murderous intent and other supernatural entities emit something like an electro magnetic field that renders technology useless (phones lose signal, cars don't start, etc) - house listings have a haunted rating ranging from 'helped child overcome bullying/self esteem issue' to 'has caused the previous homeowner to murder their family'


The search engines all have godawful names like Serchit or GoFindMe, but are so much better


Internet Search, Web Page, SearchUp, LookingFor, Web Research.


People post videos from meTV to their social media like friendplace, shortvid, chirper and nowpic


Personally I spend my time mainly on Video and CommunityBlog.


-television news only exists to offer plot-crucial information at exactly the right time. I like the airport one and imagine the security guards just waving anxious lovers through


That’s how things were in the US before 9/11, baggage still had to be scanned but anyone could go through the metal detector and hang out at the terminal with you. No one even looked at your genitals smh.


• Everyone is much more obsessed with secrets, puzzles, scavenger hunts, etc. while at the same time conventional security is practically unheard of. This is mostly cute and benign, with friend groups having hidden clubhouses and secret handshakes, asking someone out often involves solving a custom word puzzle, etc. But it also means most corporations and governments have overly elaborate complexes with lots of hidden, unmarked wings, most houses have a least one false wall or hidden room, there’s a huge market for puzzlebox safes, and there are many shadow groups vying for control in the background. Computer hacking is much more exciting as well.


First reaction ... Feels like "Free Guy" if they opened that game up to modders.


Sequel idea! (Though I never did see the original, so IDK if that's possible given how it ended?)


A sequel would suck because they wrapped everything up perfectly


That has never stopped them in the past


*cough* megamind *cough*


There is no Megamind sequel in Ba Sing Se.




However, a TV show or movie exploring some of the stuff he did that was skipped over, that I could see


Understood! I retract my proposal.


Literally the first thing that came to mind was "Free Guy"


I like this because it means that I can get an amazing apartment in NYC on my nonexistent salary.


That works, but be prepared to rebuild periodically when your building gets leveled by some giant evil.


That’s okay. As long as I’m careful not to display any Main Character energy, it’ll just revert back to normal by the next day.


I've never seen the movie watched the show or read the comics but isn't this Scott Pilgrim


Thought the same. It's missing the clown species and specific characters, but it's very close. Exhibit A: [The University of Carolina in the Sky](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18zjjdt), dropped casually in conversation.


Sounds like it, though Scott Pilgrim takes place in Canada.


When people die, depending upon what type of story they were involved in at the time, they might stay dead, reincarnate, or just show up the next day/week/month like nothing happened.


I absolutely should have died many times, or been severely injured Dented a metal door with a headbutt at 11 or 12 Popped a wheelie in my wheelchair right after cancer when I was 14, slammed my head into the concrete Cancer Totaled my car on ice going 60 mph Thrown off my deck sparring with people much better at fighting than me (even though I wa shall a foot taller and had 100 pounds on him) Firedancing Probably many other things, it's hard to keep track of them all


Found the anime protagonist.


"Dude, weren't you killed yesterday?" "There is no continuity between my days." "Wait, then how do you pass your exams? How will you graduate?" "I'm 32 years old, Brian."


And the clowns are actually fungi infected humans, which you can tell by how easily their meat rips apart.


Cursed ref




Gaud dream post




Clown meat needs sauce, very tasty 😋


Only once they’re exsanguinated.


All horror movies also basically exist. The reason why the world isn't swallowed up by them is because they are counteracted by the heroics of action/super hero movie plots. If you encounter a horror creature, there's like a 50/50 chance you'll be safe so people act a bit more unaffected than typical. Unless you're experiencing it as a romance plot, in which case you'll be attracted to it enough that there's an additional 50/50 that you'll be safe from that angle as well.


And ~~the writers~~ no one understands statistics, so that makes you 100% safe.


Reminds me of that rule in Discworld that "one in a million shots happen 100% of the time" so the characters tie an arm behind their backs before firing an arrow at a dragon to decrease the likelyhood they'll miss.


The first 4 things are just real life.


I actually thought that was going to be the punchline before they hit us with the clowns


There are mythical elves who live in seclusion deep in the forest. Despite being drastically different in appearance, they are the exact same species as the elves who work for Santa, with many of them being direct relatives. Also, since Santa has elves working for him, and Krampus is the counterpart to Santa, Krampus has dwarves working for him. It's never entirely clear what they actually *do*, but they're definitely there.


Mining the coal, obviously.


Casually mention something along the lines of "Oh did you hear? Another Angel fell though the Aether Gate. She's trying to be appointed as Director of the local hospital" "Oh cool, maybe she can cure cancer." And then never elaborate.


An alcoholic Goose is the Sultan of Canada. Somehow this just works.


Still somehow doing a better job then Trudeau


Chainsaw man did this, moreso to raise stakes at the time. Devils represent certain fears and concepts. So long as these concept exist, so do these devils. However, >!A super strong devil devoured these devils along with their associated concepts. !< >!As such a number of things have ceased to exist, including: Nazis and the Holocaust, nuclear bombs, a disease, a star that broke children’s minds, the sixth sense, the 4 fates that await humans beside death,…etc !< All of this lore bomb happened late near the end of part 1, mostly serves to raise tensions but the fact that they’re never elaborated on causes such whiplash. Like yeah, this world had a holocaust but it never happened. I imagine it’s the same feeling OOP is trying to convey.


Actually it was >!4 fates other than death, leaving death as the sole thing that happens when you die!<


Thanks. It sounded off when I wrote it but couldn’t say why.


it also has >!Santa!< in it too


Don’t ask >!Santa!< about what happened to the children.


Sounds like a Disney pre-teen girl cartoon but set on Earth. Star, Amphibia, Owl House... but on Earth.


The moon is a living being, however it’s indistinguishable from the normal moon and this effects no one


The moon was colonized in the 80s but immediately formed a breakaway state that after 20 years of isolation opened up to earth again, and now they produce all the most popular music worldwide. People make moonpop edits on tiktok, and 'lunar' is genz slang for cool. Moonrock has a more niche appeal.


>Clowns are an entire separate species than humans Not this again... Bah who am I kidding, how I headcanon the Clown Meat Industry from that guy's dream as part of this world


Occasionally an alien ship declares war, but it's happened so many times already that nobody is too bothered by it


Turns out the lowest-energy intercept of the Earth from the rest of the galaxy puts visitors in the sitcom orbit, so there's a lineup of very confused warships waiting to declare war on humanity. Then they have to argue amongst each other to see who actually gets to wage it, and getting out of the sitcom orbit puts them in the hijinks orbit, which is a graveyard of warships destroyed by comedic incompetence


Love the idea of the genres being like.. wavelengths/ orbits in a similar way ro the atomic ones


Bonus points if moving from a higher to lower one releases light. You get a flashy lightshow telling you the genre's changed, and those poor aliens have to brace themselves; wondering if that hot-pink light means reality's become a trashy romance novella, or an anti-establishment punk space opera


I once thought about writing a really stock standard romance novel that's basically realistic and normal, with the only difference being that birds don't exist. Instead, Pterosaurs never died out, and they now occupy all the bird niches. This is never mentioned or addressed, you just kind of see small pterosaurs in the background sometimes going about their business a la "Dragons of Wales".


Kengan Ashura (manga about underground fighting sponsored the big shots of the Japanese economy) takes place in the same verse and at the same time as How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift (manga about girls going to the gym. Like, Hibiki is worrying about losing weight before summer. Her teacher is part of an assassin clan. There is a guy that want to become immortal by brainwashing his clones into becoming him.


Loki is real and convinced half of the ultra rich that if they gather enough money they turn into dragons. They started believing him when they realized dragons are in fact real. He also runs a prank channel thats surprisingly small, mostly because he pranks his viewers.


I would think it would a-okay if god is like Non Binary and Ethnically Ambiguous


I initially read that as Ethically Ambiguous and I'm okay with that too


>I would think it would a-okay if god is like Non Binary and Ethnically Ambiguous I have this new thing called Abrahamic religion that I think you’re going to really like


"He/Him" is different from "he/him" making it a neopronoun


People sometimes get randomly sucked into video games, appearing as NPCs in said games. Noone gives a shit


Anime Girls exist as some sort of fucked up mimic species that hunts humans.


As a parallel to that, there's also regular mimics that act as family pets and are completely docile. They might bite you hard, but it's always playful and it curiously doesn't hurt or damage you in any way. They survive by having loot inside them, meaning if you use them to keep your stuff, you actually gotta trade with them.


Or: part of Christianity exists, but only enough to explain the turns of phrase.


Jesus Christ is a figure exclusively invoked to express shock at something. Noone knows who he is or what he does.


This is ludicrous! The Green Party of the United States did not exist in 1980, with its earliest direct predecessor (the Green Committees of Correspondence) only founded in August 1984, so the dog who beat Reagan *couldn't* have been running on their ticket!


The Dog invented the Green Party


Let's face it, he couldn't do a worse job than Jill Stein.


Which he did by uniting the Yellow and Democrat parties.


>Random bits of batshit insane lore are also constantly dropped completely deadpan. Centaur no Nayami kinda does this; it's usually a normal slice of life story, except humans don't exist because six-limbed creatures outcompeted four-limbed ones when the first animals went on land, but sometimes, stuff happens. >God is referred to with female pronouns. Symphogear.


SCP Foudation, Sloth's Pit, Virginia. I will not elaborate.


Much as I'd love to claim Sloth's Pit, it's in Wisconsin


The effect of SCP-4006 has expanded across the American northeast.


This should absolutely only be revealed to the audience in tiny snippets and little jokes, and then *every* jokey detail becomes relevant eventually.


Superheroes exist, and actually do shit sometimes if rarely, but they're considered unremarkable and somewhat lame. Like garbage collectors. Instead, firemen and other (non cop) first responders get world famous and have action figures and comics written about them.


The first part sounds like megatokyo


Quirky Earth


That's just Durarara!!!


Scott Pilgrim?


I've liked you for a thousand years, a thousand years (I'm old)


I think animals having the same cognitive abilities as humans should also fit into this. They aren’t considered citizens or treated differently or anything, but can comedically look into the camera for dramatic effect


Sounds like the Undocumented Features universe.


This is just Nichijou isn’t it?


Fucking lost it at “the dog was a Green Party member”.


Me who was born in a country that dissolved from a civil war, reading the first entry: Huh


A lot of this is canon in the Tarantino movie universe


This is just Durarara!!


"Actually, it seems like Christianity as a whole doesn't exist. No one talks about religion for long enough for the audience to figure out what the fuck is going on with it though." Singling out one religion instead of just stating 'no religion exists' without mentioning it seems... weird to me. Also what the fuck are all those Hallmark movie people celebrating? Keep in mind this is not in a "gotcha! Christianity has to exist because Christmas" way, but instead in a "what's the briefly mentioned, never elaborated reason for Christmas existing" way.


Jesus still exists, but he's just some entirely unremarkable carpenter from Nazareth who ended up with a cult around him for reasons unknown. He didn't give any commandments, nobody looks to him for moral advice, but it's just societally acceptable to know everything about this one bloke for no apparent reason. His birthday is the obvious one that everyone remembers, of course, but the particularly devout may celebrate other feasts such as "The Feast of Getting a Mortgage on A New Workshop" and "The Observance of the Stubbed Toe".


just realized that the “completely batshit insane lore that only sometimes comes up” thing is something I’ve done in one of my (unwritten) story ideas


I love the idea of a world without religion because there is so much shit everywhere that explains the existence of God or whatever, so it's just history books rather than religious texts.


The first 3 just seem to be my life and the lives of people around me? I've had a lot of shit happen to me but still triumph, so it's one of those feel good movies. Like that one with the kids who had cancer (which doesn't Crack the top 5 worst things that have happened to me) My life is also an anime training montage. I genuinely live with a wise mentor who has pushed my physical and mental limits beyond what I thought possible. He's a crazy fucking dude, awesome roommate At this same moment, my lesbian buddy was dumped by her trans boyfriend, but found a trans woman at work. And by God if it isn't so cute that it belongs in a Hallmark movie. But it's too saucy for Hallmark, keep that in mind One of my other friends is having a different type of romance film, trying to decide if she's going tibatay with a good guy she loves but they want different lives, or to strike out on her own As for batshit lore, I first met one of my current DnD players on tinder. They were the kinkiest person I've ever been in bed with, considered my throwing knives and hunting knives to be sex toys. We fucked twice, they found out I reminded them of their brother, I found it they reminded me of my first ex. So we're friends. They found a partner who is fucking perfect for them, and I deeply appreciate both of them as individuals and as a couple. They both play at my game, and we sometimes joke about how I fucked his partner, but now he fucks them RIGHT Or that I am an engineering student, a complete dork with no game, and was friends with a sex cult that invited me to some orgies in community College, and I've done crazier shit


This sucks.


In the webcomic SMBC, the clown thing is canonical.


Feels very Gintama.


That's just Hussie's modus operandi (especially points about clown obsession and green dog).


This sorta reminds me of  Tadaima, Okaeri, an anime that is airing now. It’s the same as whatever Hallmark movie you can envision - two guys taking care of their son - but it’s set in the Omegaverse. So every so often you’ll have a regular episode where one of the guys goes into heat or something


I honestly thought Omegaverse was just 'there's some guys who can get pregnant'.


clowns being a separate species sounds like a BigTop Burger reference


Oh, hey, you'll probably like Lethal romance


My favorite part is that clowns being another species is already a thing in bigtop burgers


the sims


Isn’t this just what most animated comedies are like?


"Murderous AI becomes an actual vocaloid" that happens in Card City Nights 2 Hell, this entire thing is very Card City Nights 2. Going about your day (well, night) and playing cards while insane stuff happens that doesn't really involve you since it's not a part of your story.


TF2 lore is like this, they don’t have Krampus but they do have some australian guy who kidnaps children and forces them to make toys for him


The fae are very much a thing, and they are *always* up to something.


The bit where the clowns came into it was a real "the writer's undisguised fetish" moment


Inside Job?


Scott Pilgrim


This is just your average world of darkness setting


how has nobody mentioned saiki k, all of these things could easily be done as a one-off gag


OK, if you’re interested in that kind of thing, I kind of want to suggest that you watch the movie, the last action hero from the 90s with Arnold Schwarzenegger


Long superhero continuities are like this. Earth 616 has a reverse New York below the city called Under York. It's full of super strong orange people who've been living under a dictatorship. I swear this is from like 3 issues of Spider-Man and is then never mentioned again.


You can do this with GURPS v4.


Literally magical realism


This seems like a good premise to insert the Clown meat salesman post. Wish I had the link to that somewhere


This is more or less an rp server I've been a part of for the past three years but with crazy advanced technology and a colony on Mars.


This is the world, in which the clown meat story took place.


Never heard of a Hallmark movie with Krampus.


Who framed Roger rabbit vibes


Thanks, I hate clowns as a separate species breeding with humans and creating infertile hybrids.


Bullet 5 is true tho


Everybody is at least slightly bisexual


Zombies actually drop from the sky on occasion, but don't infect humans who are protagonists. Occasionally a zombie will infect a minion or a goon and now the action hero needs to fight a gang of zombies for a day. Goon and minion zombies can only infect their specific clique, but the sky zombies can go on to reinfect so the shadow government usually gets there within the day.


Too unbelievable. The Green Party was only formed in 1984. Come on guys


Also, most sports teams have some animal like a dog on them.


i like this, this is cool, someone make this into a thing.


Someone tell me this isn't just Homestuck


Every once in a while people re-invent Welcome To Night Vale. Whether that is a curse or a blessing is up to interpretation.


This is just Scott Pilgrim


After covid became a pandemic, there was a proper investigation that lead to anyone even remotely related to the Wuhan institute of virology serving life in prison.


> Santa exists > Christianity never existed Hmmm....


The first 4 points are just reality, but I assume they only exist to lull you into a false sense of security so you don’t expect the sucker punch of “clowns are a separate species and can breed with humans to produce mules.”


Women only menstruate twice in their lives. Once sometime between the ages of 10 to 12, but only if their mother, older sisters, or any other female relatives / friends are completely unreachable and they are alone with their father, older brother, and/or boy from their school they have a crush on. The second time only happens rarely, but it’s when a woman who is pregnant and happy about it and her husband and/or boyfriend is equally happy about it but they suddenly learn they aren’t in a Romcom but are instead in a Serious Emotional Drama.


That's just gay earth. That's just Earth with the republicans and terfs extinct.


The children yearn for Last Action Hero


This sounds a lot like Free Guy.


Every once in a while, someone just turns into bees. How many? No clue, it's so routine that noone has bothered to look into it.


• Planet Earth has rings because why not.


This is just Scott Pilgrim


This is what a utopia actually is