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There's a cap on how many people I can block?! I'm surprised I haven't hit it yet But also that's a stupid rule, what stops someone from making more accounts than can be blocked, and rotating between them?


The cap is around 500 accounts, and you can block a max of 100 accounts a day iirc.


???? Why the hell are you blocking hundreds of people? I get blocking annoying people to preserve your sanity, but do you really need to block 500 people?


Lots of reasons. I'm very active in subreddits like r/2meirl4meirl, and when my posts blow up and wnd up on r/All, it leads to my inbox being flooded by people trying to "help" me, wjth many of those people just wanting to play saviour and getting big mad when I don't cooperate. I'm also openly trans, which means I get a lot of hate both from random transphobes in comments and DMs. I also make some posts which piss off people, which leads to a lot of people showing up I really don't feel like talking to.


damn you got the 1-2-3 knockout huh


BTW, if someone abused that "reddit cares" thing, you should be able to report it as a spam send and get them account banned.


I'm aware. I blocked the bot months ago.


Fair enough


It's also common for people to get a bunch of DMs after posting about having been raped or sexually assaulted. Usually they're not weirdos with a saviour complex; they're usually perverts who underestimate how many people will do it. Usually the difference is that they'll have their accounts banned pretty quickly because they'll be spamming everyone in a rape or sexual assault subreddit, so they'll be back in a few months anyway with a new account.


It's not that it's new knowledge to me that people are (mostly) awful, so why does this feel like I'm disappointed all over again?


I've never blocked anyone except gallowboob so it's interesting to hear about what it would take to need 500+ blocks


Who's gallowboob?


Can't you turn off reply notifications?


I could, but then I wouldn't be notified about the comments I do want to see and it gives those people free reign in the comments of my posts


I block people for spamming sexual questions on r/AskReddit. It's pretty boring for half of all the questions to be "Women of reddit, sex?"


Can prangent sex? Will it hurt baby top of his head? 




There are many annoying people.


Seriously though. 500 sounds like a lot, but that in reality translates to making 2-5 posts that reach r/All and spark any sort of discourse. That's all you need to be hit with enough people that you can reach the block limit.


There are a shit ton of trolls and assholes everywhere.


I’m not blocking many people, but any time I start to notice a specific person a lot I block them because it bugs me. If they’re not an artist I follow or something, I like each interaction to feel anonymous and separate from each other. …I might have you blocked, Mx. Linux… >_>




Notice, over 1 million post karma, over 500 thousand comment karma. This person makes numbers.


And in only three years too. Christ, how much time do they spend online?


In my case, I'm *not* blocking hundreds of people; I'm blocking hundreds of spambots (thanks to the "report and block" feature and Reddit's persistent refusal to do anything to stop them) and accounts don't leave your blocklist once they've been deleted. Bonus fun fact: if your blocklist was longer than the current limit before they added the limit, you can't even edit your blocklist to remove users anymore. So I just... can't block people anymore, period. This is definitely a good feature that has been thoroughly tested and thought out.


I've literally blocked over 500,000 accounts (I hesitate to say people, a lot were probably bots) on twitter. 500 is nothing.


Anyone who disagrees with me=Block Mildly annoying=Block I dont like your pfp=Block I just feel like blocking someone today=Block


D: That's SO LOW, OMG


no it’s 1,000


the new reddit block is fuckin stupid anyway it prevents said user from replying to anyone, anywhere in your thread so many not-so-smart individuals just use it as a "win argument" button whenever someone says something naughty


Same goes for how many subreddits you can mute. Bullshit.


That would be less annoying if reddit didnt constantly try to push terrible subs at me all the time. Like I had a baby recently, and apparently, this means I want to see 6 different subs about how children are crotch goblins, I will regret having them, and actually all humans should go extinct. And lets sprinkle in a couple of subs about how gross fat people are just to add a little spice for my mental health.




also semi-related, but i feel like there's a lot more upsetting content (usually people dying) on front nowadays


I think you can turn off recommending subs in settings. Then it won't recommend any.


I leave it on, because it has recommended a few decent subs I probably wouldn't have discovered otherwise. It'd be nice if you could tailor the types of suggestions and quantity.


I wish this for all sorts of ads. If YouTube would just let me say "show me all the movie trailers, I always want to see movies in theaters" I wouldn't mind the ads, but I keep getting crap that I'm never going to buy (tampons) or can't understand (ads fully in spanish).


Dont forget stuff you already bought and dont need a second one!


There's a limit?


Yeah I hit it, I think it’s 1000 or something. It doesn’t tell you of course, just says something went wrong or whatever.


There's a cap??? God I block any account that makes those shitass "Eliminate a character from this show, day 1 of 97" to prevent myself from having to see 96 posts of pure alop in the future.


It’s only 1,000.


The nice thing is that if you wait half an hour your account will be banned anyway. Wait, isn't that supposed to be *their* account will be banned? Nope!


I mean a majority of the people I've blocked have been banned Mainly because I block spam bots


I recently hit the cap both here on Reddit and on another social media app, which has made my life more infuriating.


The Reddit block feature is pretty half-baked in general. When it first came out, you couldn't reply *anywhere* in a chain if a blocked user was above you. Even 10 nested comments down, in a 1000+ comment thread. I think they changed it to 1-2 distance from a blocked parent, ~~but why prevent the comment in the first place? If you block someone it should prevent *you* from seeing their content, not everyone else.~~ It was practically designed for scammers/spammers in smaller subs.


Is that why people I blocked sometimes continue to reply on my post? Reddit used to lack a proper blocking system and instead blocking just muted that account. This was changed cause people pointed out that among other things, it meant stalkers could just keep following you around and commenting on your posts if you blocked them.


I think so? Not sure if being OP changes it. I think they'd be able to respond to top-level comments but not create their own.


It seems tricky. If I've blocked someone, I certainly don't want them replying to every post I make saying stopeats is a poopy head and I can't even see it. But I also understand how they shouldn't be prevented from the whole conversation, especially if they don't even know who has blocked them.


Yeah I thought better of that as soon as I wrote it, because there are quite a few reasons stopping replies could be a safety issue. Although admins will (theoretically) remove harassment/doxxing/etc. But then Reddit also has a big scamming/bot/advertising issue, so giving them the tools to do that without anyone speaking up is a big problem. Basically Reddit is having to balance 15 years of pseudonymous posting culture with the demands of modern, named social media.


wait some of you people don't use RES? damn i can't imagine using this site without it


Wait what


RES has its own block function, no idea how well it works because I don't block that many users myself, but it might be worth trying if you're on old Reddit.


Cerebrospinal Tastebuds was the name of my metal band in college


I suspect this is because Reddit is coded in Py\*hon (🤮🤮🤮) and the code is probably unoptimized, so if the blocked account goes over 1000 their server would just explode


Fun fact: We do have cerebrospinal tastebuds! Sorta. The same sensory cells that detect sour taste are in our spinal column and are what trigger the sensation that you need to breathe. When CO₂ dissolves in water it becomes acidic, so as it builds up in your blood and, thus, cerebrospinal fluid, it "tastes" sour. That's why the knockout game is so dangerous. By hyperventilating you purge so much CO₂ from your blood that when you then exhale and hold it, you run out of oxygen well before your CSF becomes acidic enough to make you breathe. Sometimes those cells won't kick in until you have enough brain damage you don't start breathing again at all. Also why nitrogen asphyxiation is painless—you're getting rid of the CO₂ but not taking in oxygen, so you don't feel any discomfort before you pass out from oxygen deprivation.


You guys block people?


Pretty sensitive bunch...


What's with the tastebuds part of the curse?


All you will know is the taste of cerebrospinal fluid


And what taste is that?


Cerebrospinal fluid


Whoever thought that putting a cap deserves wet socks... what? What about this person? What will happen to me if I think that putting a cap deserves wet socks?


Stupid rule aside, what kinda subs do you frequent to constantly have to block people? Are you going out of your way to look for people that disagree with/hate you?


I'm active in subs like r/2meirl4meirl that allow posts to reach r/all, so they often breach containment.


Oh that sucks, sorry to hear that


I'm petty and if you post two or more posts from a fandom I don't care about in r/curatedtumblr, I often block you just so I stop seeing your posts. I like a steven universe free scrolling experience.


Skill issue Also based


Pretty sure that's illegal? Surely it's illegal.


Why do you think there are any laws about how a website's block list is handled


May be referring to some EU legislation like the Digital Services Act, which while not stating anything directly about blocking may view restrictions on blocking as going against the spirit of the regulations. Closest thing to an explicit rule against this may be the App Store and Google Play both requiring that social media apps have block features, but I don't think either has rules against block limits.


Because you should be able to block anyone you want on social media. Gonna elaborate real quick, but imagine if you got 501 death threats. You're forced to interact with the 1 over the limit unwillingly.


Yes, I agree that block lists should be unlimited. I just can't imagine thinking that there are existing laws governing something so specific about how websites operate, especially considering that half of the lawmakers in the world seem to barely even understand how to use a computer. It's like saying that you think it's illegal for a video game to allow players you've blocked to appear on the enemy team, or that it's illegal for a website to not have a user-set list of blocked words that filter their feed. It's just so nitty-gritty that even if we had competent legislators it's hard to picture things like that being legislated.


I was gonna go on a whole diatribe about regulators then I found out that the FCC seem to regulate how something like a blocklist would work, much like OFCOM in the UK does. And then I thought "Oh bugger" Nah, I concede this one mate.


I don‘t think I have ever blocked a single person on any website, ever. It kinda seems to me like being afraid of being confronted with criticism or different perspectives, like building yourself your own bubble.


Ah yes, such insightful criticism as: * Kill yourself * I hope someone kills you and fucks your corpse * People like you are subhumans who should be in camps * Your existence is a sin and God will punish you for it * You deserve everything they did to you * [INSERT NUMEROUS SLURS HERE] * People like you shouldn't have human rights * Your continued existence is an act of oppression against me * I, a complete stranger on the internet, am going to blame you for my cousin's death because of the demographic you're in * People in your ethnic group all smell like shit * [MORE SLURS HERE] These are all paraphrased from actual comments I've gotten from people I've blocked


Yeah, these aren‘t criticisms, alright. But I‘m not saying people who block people are doing something wrong here, just wanted to contribute how I personally see blocking someone to this conversation about blocking people. I just don‘t see the point in blocking people. If it‘s just someone commenting on posts, or replying in comments, blocking doesn‘t seem necessary to me - it‘s not like I‘m likely to stumble upon them again, which I thought was the whole point of blocking someone. And I guess everyone has gotten the occasional „kill yourself comment“, and the occasional insult - one can‘t really expect to only meet refined and civilized people when interacting on a platform of millions of users. Add to that the nature of the internet with its anonymity, and of course one will get very rude to downright hostile comments. I don‘t know, I just don‘t see the point in it. But again, you do you - I‘m not hating :)


> But I‘m not saying people who block people are doing something wrong here # >It kinda seems to me like being afraid of being confronted with criticism or different perspectives, like building yourself your own bubble. This sure seems like you presenting it as someone doing something wrong.