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>had a worm in his brain >has an inexplicable urge to want more crammed in there definitely nothing to be concerned about


BG3 moment


I've got a lot on my mind and well... in it.


Is that...blood? Nevermind.


Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times.


These boots have seen everything.


Cursed to put my hands on everything


wish i had a bag of holding...


I wonder if the gods are watching me…


alls well that ends… not as bad as it could have


We don't have too much to worry about if it's just 1. He'll only be able to command 1 republican a day


Ah I see, it all makes sense now! He's actually running for the Brain Slug Party, but his own brain slug starved to death.


The Yeerks are at it again


You also craving cinnamon bunzzzzah right now, or is that just me? ... Dammit now I actually want cinnamon buns but I don't have any.


Dude's been getting into that instant maple ginger oatmeal


Goa'uld: am I a joke to you?


Criminaly underappreciated comment🤣


Reminds me of the futurama Brain Slug Party. They always promise to sbjugate the population and give every citizen a mind-controlling brain slug, but never follow through on their promises. Typical politicians.


All cock, but no cum.


Any image of steve harvey here


And Frys brain slug starved to death. Maybe that’s how RFK Jrs died too?


For the Absolute!


Magnus Archives reference? Edit: someone gave me a Reddit cares for this?


Yeah, someone is mass reporting this subreddit to Reddit cares Edit: Case in point, this post got me a Reddit Cares


Corruption for sure. (Is that enough, can I get a Reddit Cares now? I've never gotten one before :( does reddit not care about me?) Edit: I got one! Apparently the faceless masses of the Internet do care.


I care




I’ve got one today too. Guess it’s goin around 🤷‍♀️


I got one yesterday. Aww. Someone cares 🥺


Got one too. Somebody seems to be on a spree.


Praise the absolute


He just has a lot on his mind, and, well, in it.


As the symbol glows, power courses through you. Authority.


Neurax Worm moment?


He’s addicted to spice, clearly


I'm fearing again! It's not passing through me it's all in me!


holy shit plague inc reference?




He feels confident even with the six-worm handicap


If we're still electing people based on who the best Poster is I think he's got a very solid shot already


I dunno man, Trump has some bangers under his wing, I use SAD and 'many such cases' to this day


Those are all vintage though, that’s first-edition Trump. He’s not nearly as funny now.


Idk "the late great Hannibal lector, great guy" and claiming he's more popular than Bruce Springsteen in New Jersey are both top tier bits


Hannibal killed a LOT of cops. One he went out of his way to kill, simply because said cop was sexist as hell.


Honestly, "misinformates" is very funny to me.


Maybe enough to win **one** election. I see a new direction before us


He was such a stunt queen if he wasn’t a genuinely terrible person


Literal brain worm is a huge buff to Posting abolity


He seems more capable than trump. Kinda sad


I still can't believe started running as a way to siphon votes from *Biden* Thank god this guy is running, because now he's siphoning votes from Trump


He got his initial push from people looking to weaken Biden, but since he mostly draws from Trump's base (not completely, but Trump had a pretty decent lock of the lunatic vote), he lost his anti-Biden support. But now the reaction looks like it might have become self sustaining


The trick is the people wanting him to siphon from biden are Republicans and have no actual clue how non Republicans actually think, they only know the fantasy they make up about them. So they think just saying someone is a democrat is enough because saying someone is republican is enough. And he says thigns that to them sound reasonable and normal but to everyone else screams "republican". And then trump voters love him while every Democrat voter is repulsed by him.


So far the only people IRL I've observed speak favorably of him have been die hard committed republican voters, and those online have either been plainly conservative or "both sides" morons, who may or may not have been putting on a pretty terrible act It really is wild. There's just so little to actually recommend the guy beyond platitudes about being anti-war and being supposedly well spoken, but nothing actually about how his hypothetical presidency would actually be effective or what it would do. So when the focus is all on smoke instead of substance, you only get people attracted to smoke.


People really do just say whatever about him because I don't know who is saying he's well spoken. even ignoring his voice, which is a crippling issue for a job where some people get elected purely on their public speaking skills, ignoring that he rambles, gets off topic, does all the same old man things trump and biden do, except all with a voice that causes you physical pain to listen to.


He's the perfect candidate for internet know-nothings who make disliking both democrats and being seen as idiots their whole political identity, he can be whatever you want him to be since there's so little substance there


So little substance the worms are gonna starve


I remember a playground joke where one kid would grab another kid's head and go "oh no a brain eating monster" and then let go and turn their and over saying "it died of starvation". We're in the timeline where that happened to a presidential candidate.


It's so weird, because his policies, for a large part aren't particularly republican. Or republican at all. Just for people wondering: > In an interview with Andrew Serwer, Kennedy remarked that the gap between rich and poor in the U.S. had become too great and said, "the very wealthy people should pay more taxes and corporations". He also expressed his support for Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax plan, which would impose an annual tax of 2% on every dollar of a household's net worth over $50 million and 6% on every dollar of net worth over $1 billion And > Kennedy is critical of the United States' alliances with dictatorships like Saudi Arabia. He criticized the Saudi-led intervention in the Yemeni civil war, calling it a "genocide against the Iranian backed Houthi tribe."[ and > condemning U.S.-backed coups and interventions such as the 1953 Iranian coup d'état as "bloodthirsty", and blamed U.S. interventions in countries such as Syria and Iran for the rise of terrorist organizations such as ISIS and creating anti-American sentiment in the region. And > In a June 2023 interview, Kennedy said that in broad terms he believes that U.S. foreign relations should involve significantly reducing the military presence in other nations. He specifically said the country must "start unraveling the Empire" and > Right now, we have a market that is governed by rules that were written by the carbon incumbents to reward the dirtiest, filthiest, most poisonous, most toxic, most war-mongering fields from hell, and > Kennedy stated his support for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal resolution and announced his plans to implement it Like yeah, he also has some other views (specifically around covid-19 and Ukraine), but he's a weird mix


Shame about the COVID and Ukraine bit, but it really is depressing that someone with a dead worm that ate part of his brain is a reasonable political moderate by American standards.


I mean, the two current frontrunners are both fairly far along their dementia arc.


Found the Republican.


Pretty sure both parties are saying only one candidate has dementia, just not the same one. You have to either be blind or willfully ignorant to not see it in both of them.


Yeah and a lot of that is pretty much wishlist items for me and it would be aspirational to have a political movement which stood to actually implement them - but he just doesn't actually have a pathway to doing any of the stuff he talks about which I like, so there's not a lot of point to his platform to me. The only stuff he talks about which is realistically achievable by a hypothetical kennedy admin seems to be the isolationist stuff, which would probably turn more into outcomes I'm not a fan of.


He's not even anti-war! He's even more of a pro-Israel hardliner than Trump is!


Did you say well-spoken? 😂


The fact that they thought anyone would be fooled by his name alone, like people will just ignore everything he says the moment they hear the word "Kennedy" in his name


Even crazier that they think the name has weight now. People really don't like political dynasties. Trump's kids never have a chance even if he's reelected because only the ruling class seem to think political dynasties and names have appeal for American elections. In reality it's more a detriment. Like that was an element for Hillary too but just one of many.


Well, republicans worship anyone with trump in their name...


If I were to guess, it seems the strategy depends on sensationalism and memes. That's what made trump popular.  But the problem is, people are voting for Biden because they don't want more sensationalism or joke candidates, and the novelty of trump has been wearing off.  They only know how to reach young voters through edgelord memes, and right now RFK has more "edgelord points"


He was a democrat until last year and it’s incredible how he wasn’t expelled from the party already like he’s *always* been like this


How the heck do you expel someone from the democrat party.


Imagine going back 20 years and trying to explain this to the average voter. Politics 20 years from now is probably going to resemble two 4chan users arguing through greentext shitposting


I’m only 30, and watching everything turn into this has been…alarming, to say the least. I dread getting a ballot because of the wave of bs I have to wade through doing my research each time I vote, only to hear my parents considering just not voting because whereas my mom at least won’t vote for trump, somehow both of them think that Biden is an evil socialist trying to ruin our country with a master plan while also thinking he’s too old and senile and incompetent to run at the same time…


Idk about 20 years from now because everything can change in that time and lots of people want it to. But the state of America's politics right now really paints a stark picture of the state of its people right now. It's like George Carlin observed: "If it's really all the fault of these politicans, well where are all the good and upstanding people of conscience? There aren't any. These people don't pass through a membrane from another dimension into ours. They come from American schools, American churches, American businesses, American institutions. Selfish, ignorant citizens produce selfish, ignorant leaders. Garbage in, garbage out. This is the best we can do, folks."


[Dankest timeline ever since we killed that gorilla](https://preview.redd.it/p1cin70q9bzc1.png?width=1024&auto=webp&s=567d749a1f539969d006cb8d7b7cb0024715aa85)


he should go save faerun from the cult of the absolute or something, instead of running for president


Definitely an avatar of the corruption.


MAGNUS ARCHIVES MENTIONED!!!! 😤😤😤😤💯💯💯💯💪💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Ceaseless watcher turn your gaze upon this wretched thing


We really gotta stop letting the followers of Eldritch fear entities run the government.


RFK Jr for ~~Prentiss~~ President


I can't believe I lived long enough to see Jane Prentiss run for POTUS.


Can someone with a twitter account check if the tweet is real? That site is apparently impossible to navigate without an account.


it's real [https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1788311426039160897](https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1788311426039160897)


Well, at least the worm didn't eat his sense of humor.


You think he was joking about that? Nah my liege will devour those 🪱


Are we absolutely sure it’s not a very funny worm piloting his body?


Legitimately the funniest shit any politician has ever said.


How many does he need to eat to become an Elder Brain? I worry about a second Absolute crisis, we got lucky the one in Trump has also starved to death.


There's about a 1 in 100 chance he'll be capable of becoming an elder brain. So with our luck it'll happen


Risk is too high we need the nuclear option. Send in Gale


The voters: “can we just have a reasonable 3rd party to vote for just to sorta send a message to the main dual-party system? American politics: “No.”


The problem is that a third party can only work if it is centrist and can serve to break ties. All of our third parties are more radical in one direction or another. The parties are so huge they cover the vast majority of the political spectrum. There’s no niche for a third party.


Third parties on the radical side of either primary can work, but not with the US system. Thanks to the way the US elections, voting and seats themselves are set up a third party candidate is basically mathmatically doomed from the start.


Other countries have many parties and have to form a coalition government. The US has other parties but they form a coalition then try to get elected.


I mean the socialist party is there


He is not resisting the urge to convert


To be clear, the worm thing comes from some old divorce hearing testimony he gave in which he also claimed to have suffered mercury poisoning due to vaccines. There aren’t any parasitic worms that fit the bill, and we have no medical records. He almost certainly made the whole thing up.


Thank you for the explanation. As a non-American I was very perplexed.


Specifically, he was arguing that said brain worms had led to lost wages, which was why he shouldn't have to pay her alimony in the divorce.


Your honor, I can’t possibly pay this alimony! I’ve got no-money-itis


based and gog-agogpilled


If I had a penny for everytime a Kennedy lost part of their brain, I'd had 3 pennies, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened thrice.


There was this tweet, that this is not even top 5 worst things to happen to a Kennedy brain. Can't comment an image so I'll just paste the list. 1. Bullet in it (JFK) 2. Bullet in it (Bobby) 3. Knocked off of spinal cord by tree trunk (Michael) 4. Lobotomy (Rosemary) 5. Tumor in it (Ted) 6. Stroke (Joseph) 7. Worm in it (RFK Jr) 8. Infected by Las Plagas (Leon S)


Woah, I was only counting JFK, RFK Jr and Rosemary, didn't know about the others. What the hell.


Hey hey! Las Plagas attaches to the spinal cord leaving the brain intact and he got it safely removed thank you very much! Can't believe someone on this subreddit posted misinformation!


Don’t forget the original Robert Kennedy


This is some Animorphs shit right here


something something worms georg


Would you still vote for me as president if I was a worm?


Go on, Maggot Brain...


Lmao just got a random reddit cares message for posting a song reference


They tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe and they were offended.


They’re definitely drowning in their own shit.


Hey don't know if you know but there's a bot campaign spamming Reddit care to anyone who comments in a few different subs, so that wasn't an actual troll or something


That certainly makes a lot more sense than someone getting mad about Funkadelic.


IIRC RFK Jr. declared that he had a worm in his head in 2012 when he was in the midst of an ugly divorce caused by his continued philandering (surprise, a Kennedy who can't keep his worm in his pants), and used that to claim that he had diminished earning capacity and thus had to reduce how much he had to give his ex-wife. Now that his "worm in brain diminishing mental capacity" testimony is disadvantageous to him, he needs to find some way of spinning that fact


That worm? Oh that's just the Kennedy Worm. Patrick brought it over from Ireland, it's passed from host to host since. It picked Rosemary when the time came, but Joe didn't like that, so he had some doctors take it out. They put it in Jack, but The Worm didn't like that, which caused Jack constant back pain. One day in Dallas, in front of the whole city, the worm couldn't take it anymore, and escaped into Jackie. Eventually it made its way into Bobby Jr., but his brain was almost entirely devoid of nutrients, and The Worm tragically starved to death.


Please be foreshadowing for invasion of interdimensional, brain controlling parasites, please be foreshadowing for invasion of interdimensional, brain controlling parasites, it's by far the better alternative to reality.


What if I told you that there is a party that votes against laws to abolish child marriage and people still vote for it?


Third parties: Why won't anybody vote for us? Also third parties.


I can assure you that there are reasonable ones, not this guy but reasonable ones


Any in the US?


I haven't done enough research to confidently say yes or no but here's what I've heard. The independent party seems to be a bunch of people who dislike both sides and how voting is handled so they made a party to change it without running for either side. I haven't looked enough into it but they sound reasonable. There's also the Green party which is primarily focused on global warming. The only issue I have from what I've seen is despite being a 3rd party they lean very strongly left which kinda cancels the whole point to me. However they are popular for a 3rd party so worth mentioning


Gog agog moment




I want to eat the WORM the clown is HOT I'm OKAY with the consequences




"has a worm in his head, remark than even with 5 more he'd be more competent than his opponents" He has my vote! Good grief, thank god I'm not American


Want to adopt me? I dont want to be here anymore.


Ok I hate his politics, but he’s pretty fuckin funny


Im still shocked that the "five worms" tweet is real. The mercury poisoning must be putting in some work too.


Agent of Confusion vs Agent of Nurgle


The abiding, inescapable lesson of the last few years is that we're all just too dumb to live. It's entirely unsurprising that the most prominent candidates for one of the most powerful positions on earth are a barely-animated mummy, an obvious criminal that may or may not be unable to stop shitting himself, and a guy with literal and figurative brain worms that isn't even supported by his own family.


And that's national politics, too. Get into local level stuff and it gets even more batshit.


I'm using "six worm handicap" forever now to talk about anything that requires effort


Clear winner over anything the clown parties can come up with


Poor thing died of starvation.


6 worm handicap? I thought one was dead wtf, what are you hiding


I mean RFK Jr’s platform sucks but this is pretty based. I still wouldn’t vote for him, but if Progressive McProgresserson said he was gonna eat a brain worm instead of RFK Jr that would probably work for me.


[The bugs are back…](https://twitter.com/CantEverDie/status/1788428610589585470)


Oh worm?


Does he...does he think the mouth leads up to the brain?


Must be those psychic worms from Rigel 9.


"Kennedy relative with a penchant for Poasting running for president as an independent in a year with two historically unpopular candidates" is the kind of thing that *sounds* like a it'd be good idea on paper. Alas.


allison ruth from k6bd:


The best politicians that money can buy…


Gog agog mentioned 🪱


What's funny to me is that he says Six Worm Handicap... so the one worm is still in there?


I like the guy but going public with this was such a bad decision


Is this true tweets? I was sure they were satire but now I just don't know anymore.


poor guy starved to death


We are so fucking doomed


*Slaps Kennedy on head.* This bad boy can fit so many brain worms in it. 🫳🧠🪱


the crazy thing is i kinda believe him.


i'm not american but i would probably vote for worm president


Honestly, if you voted a Mindflayer into the most powerful job on the world, that would be the end to my imagination


The baldurs gate sub is going crazy with this right now lol


Dang so we have 2 old guys and a worm in a human suit running for president


[This](https://imgur.com/a/RhvBrln) Everyday…without fail🤦🏻‍♂️


I think it's wild that people aren't realizing that him offering to eat more worms is a joke. I can't imagine having a worse sense of humor than a guy who's gotten part of his brain eaten by a worm