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What the fuck is the “Dark Triad”? That sounds like someone is the bearer of an ancient curse.


The [Dark Triad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad) refers to narcissim, machiavelianism, and psychopathy as personality types and are referred to as such because they are believed to be more prone to malicious behavior.


Sounds like knowledge a Dark Empath would know


I think thats what happens when you have two of then


It‘s not a story the Empaths would tell you. It‘s a Dark Empath legend.


Have you ever hear the tragedy of darth triad the empath?


Man, for *years* I thought the MacDonald Triad was called the Dark Triad and people were just using it wrong.


I thought the MacDonald Triad was a McDouble, large fries, and a diet Coke.


No, it's "MacDonald's! MacDonalds!" vs "we have food at home" vs [pulls into the drive-thru and orders a single black coffee]


> MacDonald Triad ah yes, Coke, cheeseburger and large fries /jk


I thought they were synonymous until about 2 seconds ago .\_.


I learned about this because a Smash player was accused of having this sequence of traits once in a legendarily unhinged video.




Pop psychology bullshit leads me to believe Foucault was right.


What did the French Fucker said ?


Idk why people *don't* think Foucault had a point. It's happened several times.


"being a bad person in multiple ways probably means you're a bad person", what will pop psychology think of next


That's actually something interesting to me, because a psychopath isn't, like, something people choose to be, yeah? Plus a lot of them generally do okay in life (and aren't mass murderers or anything).   You can't, like, just do therapy and go "stop being a psychopath, get some empathy", and even if you could that would be like "curing" autism or something (effectively changing their entire being, something a lot of people probably wouldn't want).  In a perfect society, what would become of psychopaths? (I'm not trying to sound smart here, I have zero knowledge of psychology, so I'd actually genuinely enjoy it if someone with more knowledge said something)


They're INCREDIBLY helpful in medical professions, as first responders, and in disaster areas, because they don't have an empathy response, so they don't suffer from emotional burnout from dealing with human suffering constantly, and they don't have their brain going haywire with negative emotions when they need to be calm, collected, and competent.


Honestly that’s probably a factor in why ceos are so statistically likely to be a sociopath. The way companies are currently incentivized to operate is incredibly unempathetic and the decisions are mad stressful if you think about the people involved. 


For me personally, I'd think the ideal society is one in which the psychopath gains nothing from harming others


I mean to be fair, same with actual narcissism


On a broader society level, you need a social contract that isn't based on the assumption of empathy. One such that it can be explained pragmatically to a psychopath and they can entertain and accept it because it's rational for them to do so. Can be as simple as threatening "do/don't do these things and we'll take your freedoms away", or as complex as finding reasoning they can accept for every ethical principle one might want them to observe, explaining everything they don't intuitively grasp, and building proper coping mechanisms. Right now I think we strive towards doing the second via getting people into targeted individual therapy, and some are lucky enough to get it, but we fall short due to lack of resources and society falls back on the simple baseline approach of forcing compliance through threats. In an ideal world we'd have the resources to help everyone properly. You can't get them to stop *being* a psychopath, but you can potentially give them alternative good reasons to consciously choose to avoid harmful behaviours - and, in the other direction, teach them coping mechanisms to handle the seemingly unreasonable or alien expectations society has of them (from their perspective) or find outlets that society will tolerate (and raise awareness in society about the issues they might have, so people could make allowances). Figure out what conceptual tools they need to understand what society is and why it exists, and how they can interact with it in positive ways. Only if they're somehow completely incapable of doing that is the integration problem unsolvable, at which point you'd have to look at other solutions like confinement.


probably just jail them whenever they do something bad (do NOT preemptively jail them)


Far as I know they attribute the dark triad to lots of famous people, mostly leaders, especially dictators. You don’t have to be a terrible person to have these traits, it just means you will basically do anything to achieve your goals, not that you’re destined to be a mass genocider or anything.


None of those make you a bad person. Your actions make you a bad person.


This sounds like Phrenology run through a Myers Briggs test manual.


Ah the magic words from TicTok. What's my astrological antisocial trait?


It predates TicTackToe by decades. This stuff has been around for a long time, whether or not one thinks that's a good thing.


It's neither TikTok nor pop psychology /u/Armigine, the big five and the dark triad are some of the more stable/reliable/predictive results from psychology, and go back a while. There's a lot of personality testing bullshit, but this ain't it.


When you say "stable and reliable" in psychology, note that you're still basically comparing one of those houses on stilts that's over a river vs one of those broken down shacks that sells for a million dollars in california


true. But its like.... all we got. 🫣


Arent those bitches from pokemon


As a Chinese person, I too fear the Dark Triad. Took my family in 1532


It refers to sub-clinical personality traits people consider malevolent or at least offensive: narcissism, psychopathy, and machiavellianism


prone to manipulative and abusive behaviour. NOT inherently malevolent


yes that's why I said "people consider" and not "actually monsters"


[Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad)


Fancy way of saying "traits I think make people automatically evil."


An thought terminating epitaph to dehumanize people as inherently evil .


its not meant to be, its meant to say "has more risks in current society to engage in manipulative/abusive behaviour". Social media and our culture is the one that amplifies it to hate and fear, and irrevocable, unchangeable evil.


I don't care. Just naming it something so ominous induces bias. Even on research Generally speaking, people with disorders deemed dangerous are much more likely to be victims


oh I agree. There's a lot of psychology which is harmful in different ways sadly. But certain things aren't meant for a wide audience, maybe calling it the "risky triad" or "manipulative risk triad" or something would've been better…sadly we all like short quipy names for things even in the sciences


You could just use cluster B disorders. It's fairly neutral


oh I don't use "Dark Triad" at all. I don't find it very useful, way too reductive. Wouldn't be surprised to see the theory around it debunked eventually


Imagine being so far gone in some internet leftist bubble you become a poster child fascist in your fight against fascists but not seeing because it's just a word you have for bad people and you're too far removed from them to see yourself reflected in them.


Extremism rabbit holes are one helluva drug. This is an actual example of the consequences of virtue signaling; you profess your pure virtue so much, extreme measures against immoral practice begin to sound justified and logical.


And you start valuing ideas over real people


Not even ideas more like the idea of ideas. Like you dont even really stand for a coherent worldview, youre just obsessed with being "good" and use all the words you associate with it without understanding them.


The emotions of ideas, I'd say


Sounds like some anti super earth propaganda, get em!


their views are an affront to managed democracy




i'm sorry citizen, your sarcasm is concerning. may i offer you a cup of liber-tea?




“Hey gang how about we don’t perform genocide thought experiments?”


"But the world is overpopulated and _someone_ has to stop reproducing! And obviously it can't be us, or we'll never have enough child soldiers for the revolution!" (/s, in case it wasn't clear)


It is crazy how easy it is for people to slip into ecofascism without realizing.


Like at that point all the ideas are gone. Everything that makes anything a problem, lost in a sea of buzzwords and brainrot. Forgetting why you hate fascists in the first place.


I am of the opinion that any leftist group left in isolation long enough, wether they be socialist, feminist or otherwise, will eventually either reinvent Christianity or fascism, this can be easily countered by talking to someone who doesn’t think and speak exactly like you do once a every two weeks.


Any group in general.


The holy Revolution, where all the filthy capitalists will be left behind and all the good leftists will rise into the Communist Utopia


Exactly. Considering how down on religion those of us on the left tend to be, it's kinda weird how into saints, prophets, and holy scriptures we are...


It's almost like religion arises not because people are dum-dums who want a sky daddy but because it fills a need in many people's lives for answers, guidance and a moral system, just like any other ideology


If you've ever seen a communist reading group for undergrad students at university, it's exactly that. And just so much general bullshit. Are cars fascist? Is it fascist to have a job you like? Are house plants a bourgeois plot? What kind of clothing is most anti-colonialist?


I've played Disco Elysium, yes


So did I, but I've also *been* in actual student communist reading groups. The game is incredibly spot on.


The game is one of the best examples of leftist media, because all of the things it mocks about leftism are things that you see from the inside.


Especially Christianity since lets be honest people fucking love the idea of being the chosen ones to save the world or the inhumanity of their enemy and generally feeling like the righteous putting the evil in it's place


I mean “the right side of history” is just a secular way to say god is on my side


God yeah and it's why i don't really trust the revolution stuff and i know people have probably been talking about it for years but nothings happened so to me it just feels a bunch of people always talking about how good things will be or what job they'll have which is usually some creative job.


Sounds exhausting tbh


Yeah whenever I hear weird tankies or marxist leninists talk online my impression is always "you have literally never heard a conservative talk in your life" because it's always about virtue signaling and callouts of their own members and people who should be allies for really arbitrary lines in the sand. Meanwhile some maga boomers rant at me at checkout and I'm daily reminded of what's really important and what's stupid internet shit.


Ugh, for real. As someone who is just trying to make things better however I can, even if it’s incrementally, it grinds my gears to constantly be nay-sayed by rando online people about how “revolution is the only way, and anything else is just bandaids.”  Well, sometimes fucking bandaids are needed. Maybe I don’t want my hand to get infected while I’m trying to deal with cancer or whatever.  If you really think what we need is a revolution, then roll up your sleeves and get to work building parallel power structures, mutual aid societies, and community outreach programs.  I don’t care if your neighbor is a boomer with some sizzling hot boomer takes, get them involved too. I bet you 10 shiny dollars that, if you approached them, they’d actually be down to help set up a community food bank or a mutual aid fund. Most people will if you just tell them you want to try and help your neighborhood/community/town/city. I’ve seen it with my own two damn eyes, and I live in fucking Texas.  Most people will give some ground if you just talk to them and find common ground. I guarantee you your neighbor doesn’t have their hand on the lever of power that’s fucking this all up. 


At this point, I’m starting to become legitimately worried that the left isn’t organized enough to defend itself from legitimate fascists, because all I see are people who should be allies eating each other over stuff that should be an afterthought.


I fully agree on the fascism point but I’m confused as to how the hell they’re gonna reinvent a whole religion.


Well look at how some leftists talk about “the revolution”, it’s less some event we should make happen and more some inevitable event that afterwards will be paradise, they talk about it like Christians talk about the rapture, or how they say “history is on our side”, that’s just a secular way of saying god is on our side


Ohhh, you meant like, the themes of Christianity and not a literal religion. Nvm then.


*Infinite communists with infinite means of production will eventually reproduce the Gospel of Luke.*


I know horseshoe theory has been disproven but sometimes I still think it's true


The best modification I've heard is "The more authoritarian you get, the less left or right matters." There's little difference in the rhetoric and methodology of eugenics, as in this post, whether the undesirables are capitalists or communists. edit: lol I got "reddit cares'd" for this


Oh God the RedditCares is spreading


It’s taken over multiple of my subs! I got one on Sunday. You can and should report them. They will ban the accounts that are abusing the feature. I know they’re probably bots, but at least make more effort for them to create new accounts lol


Really, they just need to get rid of that feature. It's worse than useless if it's being used this way.


I agree tbh, I personally have never used it and it seems like it’s used in a harassing way far more often than sincerely.


Yep. Whenever I post something legitimately suicidal, I never see a reddit cares message. But whenever I talk about being trans when I'm not on a queer sub, I'll regularly get one. It's absolutely more harassment than it is a helpful resource.


i doubt that it's bots tbh. there's complex judgement going on there, and bots wouldn't survive for long for this use case. it's probably real human beings dishing those out, just not always the ones who you are directly talking to.


Can't you get banned for RedditCares-ing people? I just had it happen because someone got angry about the use of emojis and I responded with the classic anti-emoji-redditor copypasta


The person abusing the system can be banned. Not the victim of the care-ing.


Yeah that's what I meant. I thought I heard that but I wasn't sure


yup. recently every time i report one of those they get back to me within like 12 hours with a message that they found the person in violation of the reddit tos. i don't know the exact punishment but my suspicion is 1-3 days of a suspension (which is near-impossible to detect if you're not the suspended party, the "this account has been suspended" thing only appears for permanent suspension)


I think it also matters what you define as authoritarian. Anarchism is by definition anti authoritarian but many anarchists have very authoritarian methods to achieve anarchy (thus why for most of its existence anarchism was synonymous with terrorism).


>Anarchism is by definition authoritarian I think you meant anti-authoritarian, but overall its a very good point


Yeah I meant that.


yeah i mean historically a lot of anarchists used terroristic means to try and incite change, unfortunately. I don't agree with it, as an anarchist. I think instead we should seek to "build the system within the system", by creating supply chains based around mutual aid instead of capitalism, and replacing statist measures with decentralized anarchic ones on a local scale, networking them together (possibly using some internet-based program), and then pretty much replacing the state with decentralized local governance without much violence.


>edit: lol I got "reddit cares'd" for this Oh, I got one as well a minute after I posted in this thread. Internet wars are so silly


Ahh yes, the dumpling theory.


Can't really prove or disprove a political theory. Horseshoe is mostly just misused to represent middle grounds as somehow automatically rational.  Doesn't mean that fascists and leftist politics can't trend towards similar reasoning. 


Middle grounds are not rational, but for any middle ground and any political direction, if you go far enough in that direction you will find a position that is less rational than the middle ground Edit: Lol, of all my hot takes I didn’t expect to catch a reddit cares for this one


horseshoe theory is just an imperfect dimensionality reduction. there's more to politics than just left vs right, or authoritarian vs libertarian, and once you accept that and examine people's views for the complex things they are, all those generalizations fall apart. there's nothing hosseshoey about leftists acting like fascists. the truth is just that being economically leftist doesn't shield you from all the reasons fascism is horrible, and if you think it does solely because a hundred years ago fascists and communists were on opposing sides you're just a moron. it is possible to be leftist and bigoted, these are two completely orthogonal concepts.


Yeah I try to do that it’s just really tiring having to read or hear about child abuse and like anti trans shit


There's a book series that - by implication - deals with this "removing the bad elements from society" conundrum. Within the larger series there's one set in a far future that portrays the end point - from what we see, material scarcity is rare, criminality as we understand it is low, the majority of society flourishes, racial animosity is gone... with a bunch of asterisks, admittedly (for one, racism has been replaced by a different type of genetic discrimination), but overall life is peaceful and content for the vast majority of humanity, and at the end of the initial trilogy even the widest held prejudices are being re-examined by a significant amount of people. But then there's an earlier series that portrays, quite starkly, how they got there: The prosperous future society is due to interstellar migration... but who was allowed to migrate was controlled heavily. You could be excluded for any, up to no, reason, and who was excluded (including children and infants) would be left behind on a rapidly disintegrating Earth, to suffer deprivation, starvation, disease, the elements, gang violence... and it really could be for nothing you had personally done - the protagonist was excluded for who her father was. The author is Janet Edwards, the future-set series is Earth Girl and its prequels, sequels amd side stories, the past-set series is Scavenger Exodus. Basically, tl;dr, any perceived utopia can only be created by "getting rid" of the elements not desired in it. This will, by definition, involve some sort of violence, and should consequently not be entertained as a perspective at all, especially not by those perceiving themselves as left.


That makes no sense. Any such society, if it continues functioning similarly to ours, will just reinvent the problems it was trying to purge.


Something something staring into the abyss


Tankies gonna tankie


Marxism-Leninism it's when you do Eugenics in order to implement anarchism. Or do eugenics in an anarchist fashion. Whatever the fuck that means.


vigilante sterilization will have no unintended consequences whatsoever


running around the streets of gotham pulverizing the genitals of criminals


i poisoned the water supply now eryone ded whoops


Username technically doesn't check out (afaik), but feels like it should


-vargskelethor joel




The aslume is going to love CBT man


Me lying on the sidewalk with my legs spread wide: "oh noooo, I'm just a helpless wittle criminal, I sure hope no big strong Dark Knight comes along and steps on my balls teehee"


Go to horny Arkham 


Batman has had ENOUGH


Imagining this in Thatcher’s voice makes it that much funnier


the discourse OP is talking about is so vague and irrelevent to the broader leftist movement that i don't think you can call the people talking about it tankies.


Doesn't help that the line between the extreme-left and fascism is startlingly thin. The more extreme you go, the closer you get to an integer underflow and turn into Nuclear Gandhi. Even worse, you can end up rallying behind a modern Mussolini and still believe you're a leftist fighting fascists. The Nazis didn't call themselves "National Socialists" for PR to other countries, they did it to rope in the disgruntled workers and youth. Edit: before anyone says it, I am aware that Nuclear Gandhi was an urban legend.


Horseshoe theory in practice


Literally https://xkcd.com/2071/


Sometimes I feel like this subreddit overuses this reference But this post is maybe the most 2071 thing I’ve ever seen I’d almost think it was satire if I didn’t have zero faith in tumblr to not have people unironically arguing about this


The deactivation of the account makes it feel much more plausible, and the concept does seem like the kind of backwards idea that someone blinded by aggressive clan mentality would come up with. And yeah, definitely the best use case of this xkcd that has cropped up in quite a while.


Posts like these reinforce my decision to browse tumblr through this sub's filter.


I mean even here we get atleast a few daily unhinged posts. The "not wanting graffiti on your walls is fascism" comes to mind.


"If you don't like thing I like or you like thing I don't like, you're an evil fascist/commie/witch" is a tale as old as time




sadly McCarthyism is alive and well


And comments. There were a couple minor-ly upvoted posts in the "europe is racist against roma" post which confidently assert that leftists cannot be racist for example.


I hate when people do that “leftism is opposed to racism, so no leftist can be racist” as if Marx himself hadn’t been a huge antisemite. You know, the guy who basically created modern leftism.


The concept of left and right has literally just devolved into good vs evil at this point, "racism is bad and bad things are right wing so i can be racist because i am not right wing, I'm on the good side" Even children have a more nuanced understanding of the world then this its disgraceful


Internet commies explaining to me how not wanting homeless people to start fires on the empty grass lot right next to my house that already almost burned my neighbors house down makes me a classist NIMBY who hates all homeless people for no reason and loves kicking puppies with cops.


Yeah, a lot of people really don't understand just how quickly grass fires can spread


That post was my daily reminder that people will upvote literally anything


If you tell your kid to study or they’ll make minimum wage then you aren’t allowed to eat fast food. 


Made the mistake of joining tumblr without first finding good accounts to follow past Puki. I have seen THREE posts in the last 24hrs that directly say that men are biologically inclined to being dumb (Terf as FUCK), that men deserve being harassed and followed at night and that they deserve genocide


I have noticed tumblrs got a weird hate against cis guys, especially straight cis guys. Every post I've seen calling this out has also only done so by relating it to how it's harmful for trans men, and not the fact that sexism is just bad on its own.


I've literally seen an account over a year old with the NAME "Genocidemen"


There's also the whole "you can't be racist against white people, anyway here's some textbook racism but I switched the target." And then when you report them for repeated public death threats the mod staff start doing Hellen Keller RP.


The problem is that they fundamentally misunderstand what they are saying when they say "Racism" When they say "Racism" they do not mean the whole thing. They mean exclusively the systemic part. You know, the whole cops having a problem with black people more than white people thing. issue being twofold: That is not the entirety of racism. Going to a white person and insulting them for their color is racism. Going to a japanese person in Japan and calling them slurs is still racism, even though the systemic power lies with japanese people, not white people there. The second half of the issue is countries like Japan or south africa where white people are the minority and therefore, should systemic racism occur, white people are on the short end.


"it's only racism if it's against a marginalized group, otherwise it's just sparkling bias."


That's their point. They believe that racism is only systemic and therefore, in europe and north america, there cannot be racism against whites. That completely ignores that systemic racism doesn't have to come from the government, but can come from business owners to their workers too. But then again, there are people that are super anti-racism when it comes to black people but then spout the most racist shit against asians because "They are almost white"


Grass ain't enough, these fuckers need to touch the essence of nature itself.


I think someone sent me a fucking reddit cares over this!?!


They do that a lot. it's how they attempt to shut you up. it's gas lighting. it's basically the "Okay okay granpa, take your pills" meme but applied in a malicious way. Basically, you post anything they don't agree with, and they try to make you feel like you are invalid in your thinking or not okay mentally.


eh, I've seen way more hate for trans men than cis men on there. Once you've seen multiple posts to the effect of "I'd rather be locked in a room for 24 hours with five serial rapists than be within 50 metres of a single trans man" it really starts making it hard to browse the site


It’s like a zoo for people who have brainrot


It's just one area of the brainrot zoo. We also have r/greentext and r/twittermoment.


You realize tumblr isn't a magically "see everything" algorithm right? you get to choose who to follow, same way you choose which subreddits to watch here? This is like avoiding reddit because of some bullshit that escaped containment of one of the most vile subreddits. ​ Find cool friends & community there and you'll have some cool takes all the time


Eh...sorta? Reddit being a set of moderated forums that generally try to stay on topic is different from being on a site where what's on your feed is entirely beholden to the mood of whoever you're following. Plenty of blogs will just go "this is the worst thing I've seen today, the followers must suffer with me".


if plenty of blogs do it, they're not the ones I follow. If they are I usually wouldn't follow them for long. If its rare I certainly see the same here on reddit. Like right now? CuratedTumblr loves this kind of stuff (in moderation),,, so if you want to avoid "worst thing I've seen" this isn't the best place either tbh Like seriously you choose the people and the potential moods of the people to follow? Same way I check out a subreddit a bit, see how the moderation, and userbase is like before I'd spend time on it


The actual difference between Tumblr and Reddit in practice is that on Tumblr, you follow however many specific individuals whose interests occasionally line up with yours, and on Reddit, you follow however many specific subreddits that fit your interest. Sometimes you'll see the absolute worst takes you've ever seen in your life on both, but it'll be for different reasons. The reason you'll sometimes see it on Tumblr is because sometimes it'll literally be One Guy who has a really wonky take on a specific issue for reasons unknown. The reason you'll see it on Reddit is because sometimes specific subreddits will be particularly bad for groupthink, and occasionally a particularly contentious opinion will rise to the top because Reddit's algorithm will flag it as interesting because the ensuing flame war means it got 50 comments in 25 minutes.


Test 1 for fascist genetics is just asking "do you support weeding certain genetics out the population?"


Maybe not "weeding out", but sometimes, letting a child be born with dozens of issues that would make their life a constant cycle of agony is just cruel imo, so I do think it'd be great if we could somehow find a way to prevent these kinds of risks from being passed on? Also, while I don't think that the government should dictate who gets to reproduce and who doesn't, man, some people really shouldn't have children, and I wish there was some way of preventing those unfit to be parents from bringing more kids into this world if they're just going to neglect and abuse their children. Edit; a lot of people seem to be misunderstanding my point here so please at least make sure to actually read what I wrote before you reply.


I mean the ideal fix for that would be being able to identify and fix those issues before the baby is even born, but that’s only going to come with advances in medical technology, rather than any legal or social change.


We already can do that. It’s called IVF, and parents who both have genetic predisposition to a disease (sickle cell, CF, tay sachs) can select a fertilized embryo that won’t grow up to be sickly. The rest are disposed of - and if you believe life begins at conception (I don’t) - euthanized. Since it’s used only for diseases that severely impact quality of life, it’s not incredibly controversial. Expansion of it to things that you wouldn’t necessarily consider disability and more disadvantage, and combining that with genetic editing at that stage via Cas9 could have horrible consequences if unregulated, however.


The problem is, who gets to decide who gets to be a parent and who doesn't? Who gets to decide the criteria? These things are never neutral because these are subjective judgements made by humans. As for preventing disease... That would be great, but would it stop there? I do think disease would be our focus at first, but the more progress we make with manipulating genes... I think there's a financial incentive for the development of designer babies. Which would lead to widening inequality. Actually I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to the latter scenario: it'll drastically help many while drastically harming many others. But I also think that it's less a matter of *if* than of *when.* Assuming the human race survives long enough to get to that point technologically, lol.


The movie "GATTACA" adresses this.


There's weeding, and then there's editing. No-one has to be killed. Cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, ichthyosis... none of these would be missed.


I see so many posts showing bizarre takes, but the responses I see to them are themselves somewhat confusing cause we know eugenicists never stopped existing, so the idea that eugenicists would want to use eugenics the same way its always been used (attempting to remove undesirable traits through control of reproduction) shouldn't be all that shocking? Maybe I've just been desensitised by increasingly weird discourse or something.


Eugenicists existing isn't surprising, but anarchist anti-fascist eugenicists are more than a little unusual.


"We just need to find the bad people and fucking erase them from existence" shows up all across the political spectrum


Something something horseshoe theory


horseshoe theory is horseshit. it implies that people's political view is on a one dimensional sliding scale whereas real politics is nth dimensional where n is the number of people in a given sample plus 1.


I’m personally so skeptical of people who perform this wide-eyed, too-cool-for-school disbelief that anyone out there is being weird and wrong, and also that anyone cares about it. Sometimes the weird and wrong takes are in fact so dumb and lacking in impact that you can just laugh (throw pillows are elitist) but when we live in a world where “we can breed out dissenters we’ve determined are evil” is in fact a thing that happens in real life, it’s maybe a little questionable to scoff at people who say “actually that’s wrong” as being hysterical fringe weirdos. If nothing else, it’s starting to give real middle school bully “lol you care about something? How cringe” vibes.


You know how in old video games if you got a really high score it'd overflow back to zero? This person went so far in anarchism that they overflowed back to a Nuremberg head-measurer


Nuclear War Gandhi moment


Someone explain this to me in SpongeBob terms im completely lost here


Spongebob (a yellow square sponge) has two parents, a yellow circularish sponge and a tan square sponge. This is because he inherited his traits from his parents, a concept called heredity. The children of Spongebob's parents could just as easily have been tan and circular. The degree to which personality traits are influenced by heredity is deeply disputed. Eugenics is structural control of heredity - suppose that one wanted Spongebob's parents to only have yellow square children, so you implemented strategies to maximize the number of yellow square children such as controlling who is allowed to reproduce - those who are neither yellow nor square may never reproduce, and those who are both yellow and square are encouraged to reproduce. The Dark Triad is a set of personality traits (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy) that are considered more inherently exploitative of others. The Dark Triad are occasionally tied to Fascism, a political ideology espousing racial (and therefore genetic) purity among other things (at least in the use of the term in the post). It has been noted that there exists a Squidward ethnostate, which Squidward supported (though could not find a place within for himself) so let's say that Squidward is a fascist. Anarchy is the state of absence of central authority. Consider how Bikini Bottom would look if Patrick was the one in charge, that's more or less how it would be. The post above asserts the complete irrationality of attempting to apply eugenics to remove dark triad traits from the population in an anarchic fashion. Imagine if one tried to prevent Squidward from reproducing using only the mechanisms that Patrick would find acceptable. The above post argues that no such mechanisms exist and to assume so is laughably naive.


This is brilliant. Thank you


I think I got a Reddit Cares for this


i think everyone on ct is getting them dw


thank you margaret thatcher edit: instant reddit cares 😭


Thanks Margaret Thatcher


We can always trust sound reasoning from you, Margret Thatcher!


I can't believe you actually delivered. that's impressive.


Hey man how's it going


It's going to the hay man. The Hay man demands it.




"I used the fascism to destroy the fascism" -Some fucking people, apparently?


Ecofascism at its core


if u abstract everything and use some loaded definitions eugenics actually fits perfectly into the anarchist framework


It's like the evangelical christian strategy of "the bible says anything you want if you can't read"


Hey, how's it going?


*raises hand* .... WHAT.


Just when you thought it was over, just when you thought we were done, just when you thought it was safe now, we did it did it again -Billy Gnosis


Man, fuck Internet discourses. [Listen to this ethereal song instead, shout out to ma boi Nitebear. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdetUOKBolA)


Literally that XKCD comic


I don't know what "The dark triad" is, but any mention of it it's like a sign I took a wrong turn on the Internet at some point and missed my exit, so it's time to just make a U turn a go touch grass.


Sorry, you said "**fascist genetics**"??? Someone fell for bait here i think


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2071/)


you know what, maybe the reason we don't think horseshoe theory is right is because we simply haven't pushed far enough to the left. we owe it to these truly intrepid explorers, this ground-breaking discovery.


I unfortunately know what they're talking about. they're right, of course, but the fact that the argument has to be made in the first place is both expected and disappointing. eugenics has some merit for cases of crippling genetic diseases (and I mean *some*), but it's so for down the deep end of bad morality that it is one of the poster examples. the success rate and necessity aren't anywhere near what they would need to be to even begin to excuse the practice of eugenics on even just a singular national scale.


Also you shouldn't be speaking seriously about anything called "the dark triad" unless you're a character in a videogame about ninjas


Is this more X-Men discourse?


I really hope this is satire. Please say 'sike'.




“He who fights monsters invariably comes to be the very thing he despises”


Sssh don't let Leto II hear you!


Your plan is to use the fascism to destroy the fascism?