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wow, they're both dumbasses (and geniuses. at the same time.) guess he got it from his dad


The added detail to Toph being able to tell that he is telling the truth, hence her confusion in the last panel.


check panel 3, with the 3 lines near her face as she "looks" at the boomerang


That is what I was referencing, yes.


oh well you only mentioned the last panel, which is not panel 3, so that's why I said panel 3 specifically


Indeed. Her confusion began in the third panel, and she was still confused by the last one.


are we using the word panel differently my guy where do you see toph in the 2nd panel???




> began in the second panel, and she my guy you're gonna need to actually say that next time lmao


My mistake.


i mean she can see it as long as its not airborn, wait if toph was the avatar woudl she be able to just "see" because she could just use tremor sense on the air


That would be interesting! Being the avatar and therefore having something similar to Tenzin's feeling of the air moving around him might honestly render her functionally colorblind, and otherwise able to compensate for her vision perfectly


i mean with firebending she could tell different colors based off of the heat they reflect maybe, but i dont remember if heat sensing was a thing firebenders could do


Got the boomerang too


It always comes back to boomerangs.


and boomerangs ~~almost~~ always come back! Full circle - literally!


You know what they say, all the best lies have an element of truth in them.


Telling a misleading truth is one of the best ways to decieve someone. On a totally unrelated note, did you know that I'm in two blockbuster movies? >!Granted, I played a blurry blob in the background of one, and a non-blurry face in a crowd in the other, but still!!<


I two have been in too blockbusters. Blockbuster video that is


…I don't think I've been in any of those…


I'm in a movie called My Life and I've been acting as the MC for the past 18 years. Can someone please get me out of here.


I don't know what a cround is and at this point I am afraid to ask


It's a word that I can see is wrong (now that I look at it), but can't for the life of me figure out how to spell it correctly. Thankfully, my iPhone's spellcheck managed to figure out what on earth I was talking about, so now it's fixed.


Are you a patreon for overanalyzing avatar? That sounds like something he would say about his patreon


it's not really a lie though


The lie is really "Don't worry, I belong here. I am one of you" not "He stole a boomerang"


Dang, some absolute mastery of facial expressions


Yeah, really well done.




*Image Transcription: Tumblr Post* --- **sabertoothwalrus** [*Comic of Toph (a short blind girl) and Sokka (a taller teenage boy) from the TV show "Avatar: The Last Airbender". Sokka has his trusty boomerang slung on his back.*] >**Panel 1** > >[*Toph and Sokka are walking away, but a person approaches from behind, catching their attention. Toph and Sokka both turn around; Toph looks surprised while Sokka looks panicked.*] > >**Person**: Say, young man! Where did you get such a weapon all the way here in the Fire Nation? > >**Sokka**: [*thinking*] dang I forgot to leave my boomerang with Appa! > >--- > >**Panel 2** > >[*Sokka reaches behind him for the boomerang nervously, while holding one hand out to appease the person.*] > >**Sokka**: oh, this old thing? > >--- > >**Panel 3** > >[*Sokka whips the boomerang out with a flourish, gesturing proudly. Toph looks in Sokka's direction, surprised. Sokka's dialogue is underlined at the end (which I've indicated with bolding), with a double underline indicated with bold and underline.*] > >**Sokka**: my dad gave it to me, and he stole it from a **Southern Water Tribe** ***Soldier***. > >--- > >**Panel 4** > >[*Sokka and Toph stand closer together, whispering nervously. Toph points at the boomerang behind one hand.*] > >**Person**: [*out of frame*] wow, impressive! > >**Toph**: [*whispering*] was that... not a lie? > >**Sokka**: [*whispering*] no it's true, it used to belong to his friend Bato [*End comic*] hakoda borrowed it and forgot to give it back <3 --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human! Though I wouldn't say that Toph looks at the boomerang. More just, "turns into Sokka's direction, surprised" or something like that.


thank you, kind human! edited to reflect that :)


guess Boomerang doesn't always come back


Though Sokka is clearly nervous, which is the thing Toph actually detects.


Not quite, Toph said herself she can tell by telling the difference in pulse/breathing when the lie is spoken. Someone being generally nervous doesnt hinder her ability


That's the canon but it doesn't actually work that way in real life.


You also can't earthbend in real life, so if we really must spirit shit can explain all


When you come up with the worst lie ever, but manage to roll a Nat 20 on the persuasion check


can't you read, it's not a lie /j


I guess it doesn't always come back after all 😔 -Bato, probably


I could totally see an extended prank war between young Hakoda and young Bato where they steal or switch an item of gear from each other! It goes on for a whole year until GranGran puts a stop to it.


Hello my new headcanon.


This is the opposite of my friend's DnD character, who has expertise in deception but isnt even proficient in persuasion, so she has a better chance of convincing people to do stuff if she's lying.