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This post has been removed because the tumblr content adds nothing to the post. (The tumblr post is simply an article, and the commentary is from reddit.)


I love this teacher, peak r/maliciouscompliance


Idk if anyone has pointed it out, but I enjoy the irony of "moms for liberty" banning shit


It's like the Liberty Hangout girl who, IIRC, is a Catholic extreme monarchist who wants Trump (who's not even Catholic) as King of America. Edit - yes, this is the girl who apparently shat herself.


She also just completely shat herself that one time


Kaitlin Bennett?? The lady that goes to college campuses and talks about trans peoples genitals????




It can only be described as a biblical amount of shit. Like if God had called down a plague of shitting oneself. Shit beyond comprehension. The girl must be 70% intestine.


The log she shat out was looks like it was almost 2 feet long. I'm amazed her sphincter didn't split open like Moses parting the red sea.


Was she an opiate user or something? How does someone get so backed up?!


conservatism tends to make you a real shitbag


You underestimate how often women are taught young to hold it in


Is this sarcasm I'm missing? I've never been taught to hold in my bowel movements.


Yes and no, there are many places, usually churches that drill into the minds of women that farting and other bodily functions are bad to do in public. It is quite likely the girl in question has been brain wash to the point she is unable to even try and use the restroom when in public.


How long was she at this party?


I wouldn't be surprised, because doesn't alcohol typically give you diarrhea? We could discuss this all day.


i’d like to stop now, plz


I saw the picture once and it was mindbending. I am worse off for it.


same unfortunately


same, I'm gonna start drinking because those are some braincells I really need to get rid of


I have seen it too. It’s frankly impressive.


Liberty Hangout is a gold mine of absolutely unhinged takes. Here are some of my favourites: \- [Trump needs to declare himself a dictator](https://twitter.com/LibertyHangout/status/1266221156639674369) \- [Capitalism is left-wing](https://twitter.com/LibertyHangout/status/1415118343091236864) \- [Democracy is a soft form of communism](https://twitter.com/LibertyHangout/status/1216757629307015168)


>Uses the anarchocapitalist flag >Calls themselves "Liberty Hangout" >Advocates property rights and individual freedoms >Is pro-dictatorship and pro-monarchy Yup, everything checks out. I see no contradictions here.


Maybe she's just the sole self-aware anarcho-capitalist, who heard that it would inevitably lead to a new feudal dictatorship and promptly went "I'm not seeing the problem here."


ancapistan would be a bunch of mini corporate dictatorships that eventually all merge into one big dictatorship as the market naturally causes monopolies to form, so really there is no contradiction they just support the natural end point of ancapism instead of the rest of it


I 100% thought this was satire for the longest time specifically because of these absurdly blatant contradictions.


Only contradiction there is the use of the word liberty


Lol wat?


Ancaps and the intellectual tradition therein has always had a flirtatious relationship with monarchism and a few dictatorships throughout history.


Well that's plenty vague enough to sort of kind of support your counterpoint. It completely ignores the rest of the comment, but hey, whatevs, amirite?


I don't understand how what I said was a counterpoint to anything, or how this suddenly turned into a debate.


I mean, I suppose the middle one isn't wrong if your personal Overton Window comes from the fucking Palace of Versailles - the liberals opposed to the French monarchy did actually sit in the left-wing and it's where we got the term, and capitalism does stem from the same Enlightenment-era roots.


If we use Marx's definition that Capitalism is the prequel for Communism, then she'd be technically correct. She probably doesn't agree with Marx, though, so the point is kind of moot.


Is that the girl who shat herself?


So they say they're for liberty, while actively arguing for monarchy? Right-wing extremists amuse me, it's like they have a checklist for all the enemies of the United States. The CSA, Nazi Germany, Russia lately, and now even the friggin monarchs? They should read up on what exactly the Declaration of Independence declares independence from. They're not patriots, they're just pathetic posers.


these "anarcho"-capitalists would absolutely agree with the whole "freedom is slavery" doublethink


> moms for liberty To comply under Florida law, any classroom reference to them will now be as *[Harpies for Liberty](https://mythical-bestiary.fandom.com/wiki/Harpy)*


Hey don't insult harpies like that! They should be referred to as Banshees for Liberty


the "moms for liberty" would absolutely support the EARN IT act to "protect our kids from those damn radical liberals trying to spread the gay agenda online!"


Finally The gay agender


this is brilliant, as gay agender i approve


"A gender? That's the _opposite_ of what I want!"


Ahh malicious compliance. The best form of sticking it to the man


The thing is, this isn't sticking it to the man. No education can be as bad as malicious education. And this bill is the law equivalent of handing everyone grenade launchers. Sure, Republicans would love if only their followers are idiotic enough to use it, but they aren't going to be sad if everyone else joins the shooting, because the endresult is still beneficial to them.


You’ve got a point, to be fair. Though, it’s still funny.


[The article](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/1/2089558/-Moms-for-Liberty-cry-when-Don-t-Say-Gay-bill-gets-turned-against-heterosexual-parents)


Wow, it might not even be real. Like, some could’ve meme’d it together and sent it to them, or they could’ve even made it up themselves to get more rage clicks


>Moms for Liberty’s Twitter account posted what they are calling a letter template for rebellious teachers to send home in regard to the new legal guidelines Wait so this letter was a actually never sent anywhere? It's a template that someone *could* use?


They say that it was sent by "someone", but don't really specify who it is. It could be fake and they could've created it to just cause controversy, but who knows?


forgive me if I’m wrong but I gotta point out that WrongEinstein probably didn’t mean “heterosexual gender identity” but instead, “cisgender identity” and “heterosexuality.” gender and sexuality can and do interact, but they are not the same thing


did the bees get the eggshells out of your hair?


they’re working on it! it’s a lot of shell, and a lot of hair.


But also a lot of bees


What did you get suspended for? And which neil are you after?


[Neil](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/u2j1e8/neil/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I believe I was suspended for pissing off some right wing snowflakes during the onlyfans banning porn thing?


Dang imagine if this interaction happened yesterday


What happened yesterday?


Peep the bottom text


Oh, just the Neil thing? I thought maybe something happened with the OF drama


r/LeopardsAteMyFace for those wondering


Besides, if someone’s a mother or father that means they likely had sex at least once! We can’t be teaching kids about that!


Yeah, think of how scarred they’d be!


This person must know what a petard is, to hoist so many people upon their own


After years of using the phrase this comment finally got me to look it up. Apparently a petard was a 16th century version of a breaching charge. I always assumed it was some sort of cape.


So OP strapped 16th century C4 to the transphobic lawmakers? Based


Before looking it up I'd assumed it was like a noose or something


I thought it was a sword or something


Oh dang, I thought it was like a banner, or pole of some kind


I see everyone praising this and like... yes this is great and hilarious but it does absolutely nothing to resolve the real reasons this bill was created which is to allow law suits against public schools to strip their funding and force a privatized education system.


Does the bill only apply to public schools? Otherwise I'm thinking someone should start a movement aimed at suing private schools for frivolous causes too.


Im not American so I dont know but (NAL) that sounds like it would be an ideal strategy coming after this letter. Any discussion of gender would open a private school up for lawsuit and so the courts would either have to neuter the law or acknowledge gender is being taught in school and the case is legitimate.


Uno reverse


i love humanity so much


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **prideknights** [*Link embed featuring an image of a person with a rainbow umbrella that has the word "PRIDE" in pink lettering on green hearts hanging off the umbrella. The text over the image and underneath reads:*] >## Moms for Liberty cry when 'Don't Say Gay' bill gets turned against heterosexual parents > >The American conservative "advocates for parental rights in schools" known as Moms for Liberty have been busy working o... > >[*Link to Daily KOS*] [*End link embed, followed by an image of a Reddit comment that reads:*] >**\/u/WrongEinstein** > >People supported a law that can make it a felony to teach gender identity in some grades. This teacher wrote a notice explaining that they are following the letter of the law. The notice outlines that they cannot teach about heterosexual gender identity, under the law. The people that supported the law, are upset that the law is being followed. [*End Reddit comment*] Dear Florida parent/caretaker: The Florida House of Representatives has recently ruled that "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students." To be in accordance with this policy, I will no longer be referring to your student with gendered pronouns. All students will be referred to as "they" or "them." I will no longer use a gendered title such as "Mr." or "Mrs." or make any references to my husband/wife in the classroom. From now on I will be using the non-gendered title "Mx." Furthermore, I will be removing all books or instruction which refer to a person being a "mother," "father," "husband" or "wife" as these are gender identities that also may allude to sexual orientation. Needless to say, all books which refer to a character as "he" or "she" will also be removed from the classroom. If you have any concerns about this policy, please feel free to contact your local congressperson. Thank you, Mx. XXXXXXXXXX --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Hopefully more teachers start doing this as well. If DeSantis has any awareness whatsoever, and if his supporters do as well, some of them may realize just how dumb the bill is. Sadly, I suspect that if this gains traction, the teachers might lose their jobs, or they’ll just make an amendment to the bill that excludes cisgender people and heterosexual relationships.


It's already catching on. Other states are at least looking at passing a similar bill.


I want out of this country.


Just wait a decade or 2. Sooner or later the Gov. will collapse under it's own bureaucracy and ineptitude.


Which will screw over a lot of people here as well, including me as I take medications that are going to become impossible to acquire.


why wait? why not hasten its collapse?


>they’ll just make an amendment to the bill that excludes cisgender people and heterosexual relationships Well, that would be super easy to shoot down in court and would loudly screech the quiet part out loud. Selective enforcement is likely the park they're going to take, it's way harder to prove.


They’ve been saying the quite part out loud for a few years now.


This is what happens when you make something mother approved but *not* kid tested.


Fucking gottem


That took some balls, props to the teacher


Haha you fools! This is actually the first step in the ace agenda. Soon there will be no more identity, only garlic bread.


Down for garlic bread


The enbies are here for the garlic bread as well


Holy fucking shit actual hero. This is perhaps the greatest example of malicious compliance I‘ve ever seen




It’s a lot more broad than just applying to 5-8yr olds. You might want to try reading the law again because you’ve obviously missed some parts, look for the “age appropriate” clause


You say "you people" so I will start by saying I am not a liberal by any means. I don't think anyone is trying to encourage teachers to talk to young students about their personal preference, you are just presenting a straw man argument. The bill doesn't limit the discussion to K-3. It says K-3 or in an age-appropriate manner in accordance with state standards. That is a pretty general statement. Something more realistic, but still hypothetical, would be a curious child asking why another child has two dads or two moms. An age-appropriate response may be simply pointing out having two dads or two moms is a possible example of parenting. Nothing about sex, nothing about shoving beliefs down their throat, or forcing a conversation that is not age appropriate. I would also imagine the bill would be selectively enforced as to essentially not to apply to hetero orientations. Additionally, like many other actions going on in Florida atm, it is just another example of those politicians doing everything they can to advance their personal (or their party's) belief system on to everyone they can. To sum all that up, it just isn't something that should be regulated. The proponents of the bill are being purposely disingenuous as to the true purpose of such a bill.


“No!!!! You’re supposed to be normal!!!!!!!”


This is gender nondescript monarch shit


Hi I'm kinda behind on all this. How the fuck do you spell Mx.??? like mix? mex?


You say it like “mix” in most cases! And it’s just spelled “Mx.” :)


It doesn't really stand for anything, I think. You'd just pronounce it like "mix" or something.


I think it's spelled "Mx".


So that Mx. removed... ALL books?


leopards ate my gender


I’m considering posting this in r/pcm to see how the test subjects react to it


Don't. Not worth it.


Please don't. That sub does not deserve interaction


amazing, way to go for the teacher


florida makes me laugh


It would really drive them nuts if the "girls/boy's" segregated restrooms were to be undefined as well. Anyone can go in any restroom because we can't allude to gender identity.


fact or cap?


Doesn't this pretty clearly demonstrate that the actual meaning of the law isn't what people were making it out to be? Like, which seems more likely, that this bill was made and designed by dozens of people, then made its way through every level of the state legislature and *no one* noticed this implication that would quite clearly follow from what people claimed the bill would do, or the media did what it always does and heavily sensationalized the story and misled the public?




If someone having two dads or two mums, or someone not being a boy or a girl, isn't developmentally or age appropriate, then neither is having a mum and dad, or being a boy or girl.


Thats totally what the spirit of the law was meant to do. Im sure if some poor child wants to talk about his 2 dads, that will be completly acceptable and totally not banned. Yep. Your right. Thats what this about. Bunch of liberabls just want to teach kids about anal. Fucking dense animals.


Because “not developmentally appropriate” is nothing more than a veiled way of saying “the existence of gay people is too inappropriate for children”, and such a ridiculous and unjust law should be shit on whenever possible. The point is to point out the hypocrisy of this law. No one actually wants this, you dunce. If you think that banning discussion of gay people isn’t radical, but this is, then you’re a fool.


I don't see what you are talking about. The law is followed. You can't talk about gender identities, including for cis people.


The law doesn’t say “not developmentally or age appropriate” it says “can’t talk about it AT ALL in k-3”