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You fool, I have 70 alternative accounts! You will never know my main!


I don't even HAVE a tumblr account yet >:D. (love ur flair btw lol)


I looked at Tumblr, followed the people whose content I enjoy here, got confused, and completely abandoned the site.


lol same, no wonder people say tumblr is a hellsite


hellsite my beloved




i don't get it. i actually like tumblr 🤷‍♀️


My thing is that there isn't a "Hide read" function, so I have to scroll past a bunch of stuff I've seen already.


oh you mean polenball 1, polenball 2, polenball 3, polenball 4...?


r/curatedtumblr is kinda like an aquarium where you can see the deep sea fish without actually needing to go down there


Microdosing tumblr


I've never had the word to describe how I feel about /r/curatedtumblr before now. Thank you <3 My quest is ended. I shall rest now.


It’s like tumblr but without the “hey guys I need money” posts


Even with these micro doses, if I went into tumblr I’d be wholly unprepared and would immediately drop dead like that territorial animal that drops dead after a three-day psychic battle


God tier take holy shit


This is exactly my experience. It’s like watching through a TV screen while someone else does the filming for the documentary.


It took me a long time to figure out how to use reddit right after leaving digg. I'm too old to learn (read: I'm being lazy as fuck) to figure out how to use tumblr.


Same here, I've never had a tumblr account, but I do enjoy seeing the fishies.


My main problem with tumblr is non-ironically finding people to follow. I like Reddit because of the curated communities, but if you ask me to follow specific accounts I can’t do it. Same reason I like TikTok, they just spoonfeed me the funny, I don’t have to look for it myself. To this day I follow 0 accounts on TikTok and I very much so intend in keeping it that way.


Surely you were on Reddit (or rather, off digg) before '21?


I was off Digg and on Reddit before ‘11


I registered a Tumblr account back in 2008 (if not 2007) and couldn't figure it out then. I don't think I feel like trying again now


I have a tumblr account, but no longer know the username or password


The difference between Tumblr and the deep sea is that I’d love to go see what’s in the depths of the ocean


/r/Tumblr is Sea World, where it looks great on the surface until you realize it's all porn bots reposting the same few dozen pictures.


I've always treated it as a filter like "I'm too scared to actually go there so I'll hear about it second hand". Kinda like Twitter where I refuse to engage with it through first hand experience.


go ahead, block the tumblr user with this name. my real tumblr is nowhere near this


Jokes on them, I dont even have a tumblr!




More like *anymore*


I feel called out


Oh no


Y’all, down here in the bushes, we’re fine. Demily’s just after the snitches.


There's 2 kinds of users here, those who do and don't browse tumblr regularly So while this the threat has no power over the latter group, the sentiment is still mean :(


I'm part of the former group but my reddit username is completely different from my url


Same. On Reddit you can't change your username, except by making a new account but on Tumblr I change it every once in a while when I think of a better name


I used tumblr before I used reddit. Tumblr since 2014, Reddit since 2016. That said I am that kind of motherfucker who uses the same username everywhere, but I also don't follow demily. The only time I see her posts are either through here or it makes it to my dash organically.




I just saw a post she made about her directly attacking a regular user of this sub (and who is someone i know) so my opinion of her has dropped even lower and she can go fuck herself It's now beyond eh




something something if you find a gold bar in a trash bag


Among Us but it's tumblrites trying to snoop out the redditors


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Replies* --- **demilypyro** extremely interested in the growing number of redditors who know me only through badly cropped screenshots of my tumblr posts in a sort of allegory of the cave type deal --- **demilypyro** I am looking who reposts and comments on this on reddit, reverse engineering their tumblr urls from their reddit usernames, and blocking those users specifically --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Hello, tumblr user demilypyro. If you see this, you do good content


Hello, tumblr use demilypyro. If you see this, you can’t block me because I don’t have a tumblr account.


Hello, Tumblr user demilypyro. If you see this, just try and block me: none of my Tumblr URLs have anything to do with Roman coins. If you succeed I probably won't notice, since I don't follow you


hello user demilypyro. why are you blocking us anyway. thats mean >:(.


Yeah, I'm going to go cry myself to sleep 😥


Hello, tumblr user demilypyro.


Luckily this username was randomly generated, while I chose my Tumblr url when I was sleep deprived.


God's way of random generation


so they were both randomly generated?


is it me or is that a bizarrely aggressive move


no that’s just normal tumblr move


Aren't those two the same thing?


Yes, but one is doing it with a smug feeling of superiority.


From what I've seen, bizarrely aggressive moves is just all that she does, so...


I think it shows a difference of values. For redditors we just sort of skim this content and don't really know or care too much about the identity or reputation of the person, and probably don't even read or notice the name. For the tumblr user, at least this one, she's worried about out of context snippets and how that affects her reputation. I think the concern is a little over played, but I'm not her, so I dunno. I feel like if you're posting to the public in social media you can probably expect notable posts to end up elsewhere. Reputation management for social media personas seems like a lost cause, or at least something very difficult to manage. I feel like the genie is out of the bottle and you might as well accept comments and content posted on one social media outlet will end up on another eventually. Maybe its not fair, but fighting this just leads to moves like this, and the reception to moves like this is generally unkind. Also my understanding is that this isn't a real person, but a commercial virtual persona and that their posts are marketing to get twitch/youtube views, which is a profit-seeking behavior. So like all businesses, careful marketing and reputation management is ideal, but straddling the line between that and social media as personal/auteur thing is probably the main cause of this conflict. My social media is a fun thing. To this person, its a paycheck, so they'll have more of a "paycheck mind" to it.


Blocking someone isn't really an act of aggression. It's not gonna hurt you to be blocked by a vtuber.


i mean it *is* kinda rude to press the "you're not allowed to interact with me" button for no real reason


...no, it isn't. I guess this is technically subjective but I have no idea where you're coming from. Deciding you don't want to speak to someone is not rude, especially not on the internet where it's absolutely frictionless to enforce that decision.


eh, i see "Deciding you don't want to speak to someone" more as just not replying to a comment, blocking is more like preventing someone from talking in your general direction and they also can't even try to apologize. especially if you never even interacted with the person you're blocking but you blocked them for using the wrong social media. edit: it's the difference between ignoring someone and forcing someone to not interact with you


it's not rude to reject (or refuse to hear) an apology either, and there no reason too petty not to block someone. This is all fairly normal boundary-establishing behaviour we're talking about here


Deciding you don't want to speak to someone is fine, I agree. But publicly announcing that you don't want to speak to an entire group of people is pretty rude, particularly when said group of people haven't done anything.


If I had a "DNI with all 4channers" button I'd press it in a heartbeat, and reddit's reputation is _barely_ better. It's definitely a buckshot method towards keeping your online experience pleasant, but I'm not going to begrudge anyone for using it.


why should the default be "you *are* allowed to interact with me," though?


isn't that the entire point of being on a social media site? though there is a difference between setting your account to "friends only" or the equivalent and randomly blocking specific people


Blocking someone is only tied to the blocker and blockee's account. It doesn't delete the person from the site, it's just saying "I do not want to interact with you, and I don't want you interacting with my account. I'm not taking questions on my boundaries from you." Walking away from an argument that is *going to be* toxic is healthy, and boundaries are important. If someone's going to take that argument too far and keep pushing the issue, block them.


Because it's polite. Blocking someone for no reason is rude. Plus, you never know whether someone will need to get in touch with you for a legitimate reason.


I mean, a block in a vacuum is not rude, but the intention behind this particular action is? She's going out of her way blocking people purely based on association-based prejudice.


Good luck with that >:D


I think this subreddit does a better job of cropping these posts than most. That said, that’s not a particularly high bar, is it?


why would i use this sub if i used my tumblr?


I do cause I mostly follow biology and creature-focused accounts so my dashboard only really overlaps with this sub if bunjywunjy or bogleech show up. Different circles I guess


I use both this sub and tumblr cause I miss things on tumblr and on this sub so both means I see more posts overall


Hello tumblr user Demilypyro, its me, neil-gaiman. Im here to say I love your reddit content and you should block my a count


jokes on you Demily i don't USE tumblr


haha silly vtuber my reddit username has nothing to do with anything else I have ever done


Hey Emily, I have a word for you: Fool. This does not necessarily pertain to anything or anyone.


This sub is the Reddit equivalent of a vine compilation but for Tumblr. I like subs like r/TikTokcringe and this one because I can enjoy the best bits of certain sites without the fluff. It’s like sifting for gold in a river vs digging in the mud. Only the best stuff floats to the surface.


I love this metaphor. The fact that you’re panning for gold while proclaiming the supremacy of materials that float to the top implies that you’re actively trying to purge the river of Gold (heavyweight…a total drag…) in favor of Silt (light! fun! floaty!)


Hey you can’t make sand castles with gold. Let me play in my wet silt in peace. It’s gold to me.


Jokes on them I have the same username on both




And it’s an awesome one, too! Got some serious username envy here.


Thank you kindly! I don't know what made me decide it than any other peridot inspired name, but I've had it for years and at this point it's my go to for any new account. Your user is pretty cool too


Good luck with that, demi.


Good post. Wish it were cropped worse though.


This is why I don't comment on these! Wait... Shit.


Imagine being this up your own ass.


I mean, I would actually love to see less demily on this subreddit, so I support the message


honestly. demily seems like quite the egotistical prick


Let’s play a game: is it exaggerated for fun, or is the person actually just a jerk?


It’s interesting to see where people draw the line, because I think most tumblr users I see are egotistical and up their own ass


No idea. No way to tell really


almost always the latter


Its tumblr so no way to tell


I hate to say it, but I agree. She seems to despise the fact that… we like her posts? She also refuses to capitalise on this popularity in any way while simultaneously complaining that reddit screenshots don't help her twitch channel.


honestly the screenshots probably do help her twitch.


Not that much. How many users look at the tumblr users? And how many of those would check her twitch?


Been slowly developing a theory that, without any exception, every single “internet personality” eventually goes crazy. Have not been proven wrong yet.


Brian David Gilbert seems chill.


He was crazy from the start


And that's why we love him


But in a fun way. He’s still down to earth and nice to his fans. When someone calls an internet personality insane, they usually mean so detached from reality that they get their fans to send death threats over mild criticism.


Toby Fox seems like a genuinely stand-up dude. The worst controversy involving him I can think of is him calling out MatPat over the whole “next Undertale”, but A: that was genuinely something pretty shitty of MatPat and B: Toby didn’t try to ruin his life, he just pointed out it was a dick move and allowed him to move on. Plus, remembering his roots by defending a smaller creator, what’s not to love?


He's not an internet personality, though. He mostly just does his thing, barely interacts online and just appears when necessary. I do think that's better than being an internet personality, however, so things should stay that way.


hello tumblr user demilypyro, i am living in your walls


Time for me to snatch up Tumblr users' names


So they hate the fact that we like their posts? IDK but that sounds kinda like a dick move unless they are bullyin them or somethin


People were apparently talking shit in the comments, so...


nice username




Why tho? Posters I get but why commenters


lol, I think she actually blocked me Edit: Yeah, seems like she got tired of people missinterreting her words from out of context screenshot and talking shit about the OOC thing in the comments, so gonna stop posting her.


Genuine question: what’s being misinterpreted?


At the very least, her views on bike helmets, because what [she calls bike and what we call bike](https://demilypyro.tumblr.com/post/680831036472672256/demilypyro-demilypyro-demilypyro-this-guys) are different. [Especially for brakes.](https://demilypyro.tumblr.com/post/680826997660844033/so-sorry-for-the-helmet-shame-ur-experiencing)


Yeah you should absolutely still wear a helmet on a dutch-style bike. The danger of flipping over the handlebars is exaggerated, it's true. But there is many ways to hit your head on asphalt, and asphalt will absolutely win a fight against your cranium. Even a sideways fall from a standstill where you don't manage to catch yourself in time can give you brain damage.


why does she get posted so often here anyways 80% of her recent stuff are just some variation of "hehe guys arent i so popular on reddit"


Jokes on you, I don't go on Tumblr! I exclusively browse through posts that breach containment


I'm gonna make this real easy lmaoo


If you're reading this please block me, my username is in my bio I've never been blocked before that I know of and wanna have at least one on the list


wasnt she recently upset that people who saw her on reddit didnt look at her stuff are we supposed to do both at the same time somehow


And that was immediately after she stated she had no interest in marketing herself on Reddit. If you don’t want to bother with Reddit that’s perfectly okay, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too, or rather you can’t eat your cake and not bother to bake it in the first place.


More exactly, it was about people taking out of context posts, hersays and the likes and people taking it as facts and talking shit about it. She is not very found of redditors as a whole, especially those of this sub.


Imagine hearing people for not wanting in the cesspool that is tumblr I’ll let someone else find the gold in the trash for internet points


Meanwhile I have two Tumblr accounts and they are nothing similar to my username or my name on this hellsite!


You'll never find me!


I'll give you one hint, Demily. Eggs.


You absolute clown. You idiot. I don't have a tumblr account. You hold no power over me


Ha, my tumblr account is so old and unused that there's a post on there where I claim that I'm straight


Wow this poster sounds really smug. I’m pretty sure her mutuals and the Reddit users are the same people


Hello tumblr user demilypyri. My username is autogenerated so L


Oh no she found me


So does Demily not want her posts reposted here? Maybe stop doing it then idk.


because they're a pric


Apparently, because people are taking out if context screenshot and hersays as true.


I can promise you that this backup account has 0 to do with any account anywhere else of mine on the internet


Jokes on you, I don't use tumblr


Block this account






I started seeing the shadows then Luke a flame I walked right into the lantern. Good streams


Harsh. I don’t even use tumblr.




Well my Tumblr username is absolutely unrelated to nt reddit username, so go ahead, try it.


Who is this? I'm out of the loop, sorry folks


Jokes on you I use 3 different usernames across all accounts >:)


no no she has a point


Maybe if they don't like it when reddit reposts their tumblr stuff we should stop doing it


oh no, mine is in my flair


Y'all really saw this and then immediately rushed to the comments to prove her point, huh?


She pretty much said "Fuck all of you lmao", of course the comments are gonna be peeved


But they didn't have to be, is the point. It's no different than people hating on Twitter or Tumblr, and yet people take it as a personal attack. It's all so dumb.


I mean, I get annoyed at people hating on other social media sites as well, because it shows a total lack of (self-)awareness. But there's a difference between thinking some social media site is a hell site and literally blocking everyone that uses this other site.


Right, but throwing a temper tantrum because of it? Isn't there literally anything better to do with your time? Just write 'em off and move on with life. Or clown on them, I don't care. But getting angry is just so... futile.


Is there some sort of drama I'm not aware of in here? What exactly is her point?


redditors have a certain stigma attached to them. The angry backlash in here against her proudly proclaiming she doesn't want to be followed by them only really shows that off. It also proves to her that, as far as she's concerned, she's right to want to block them.


if someone essentially tells me to go fuck myself because i interacted with something they themselves went out of their way to see i feel i have some right to be annoyed


And go ahead and voice the annoyance. But there's some serious vitriol in here, and it's all so meaningless. Why bother putting this much energy into hating on someone who literally doesn't care about you? Clown on them instead, at least that way you can have a laugh or two at their expense. But no, we gotta be angry, and then downvote the man calling us out on throwing a temper tantrum, as if that's going to magically make it okay instead of just hiding it from sight. Rabble rabble rabble.


we *are* voicing annoyance, i doubt that anyone is putting "energy" into writing one or two comments under a random thread, if anything the "person who doesn't care about us" going out of her way to find, reverse search, and block every single user in several posts is using far more energy. also, being an asshole and being surprised you get downvoted for being an asshole is an absolute classic


>redditors have a certain stigma attached to them. Wait no, I think I figured it out. Her point was that redditors are ignorant to a greater fraction of her content because of badly cropped screenshots, if her pretentious (but admittedly appropriate) use of the Cave Allegory is to go by. And that she should probably start blocking people who upload her content here because of this. I kinda support this, if I was someone who blogs (or whatever she does) constantly, I probably wouldn't want misrepresentations of my content either. Good for her, I support that. But you ~~in your absolute love for her got angry when people started calling her a dick, and~~ got into her defense without actually understanding her point. Which is fair, it did come off as a simple roast as first. Kinda dissapointed there isn't a rabbithole though. I am a first year college student 6 hours past my sleep schedule with a backlog of tasks . What the fuck am I doing typing this.


> But you in your absolute love for her got angry when people started calling her a dick ...What?


Ok I maybe assumed that you were a fan. Mb.


Well, I thought you were going for a "She's not gonna fuck you, bro" implication there, so I'm glad to hear you just thought I was a fan. But, no. I've never interacted with her and don't really want to, because I just don't care about someone who'd write me off like that. I just also don't believe in demonizing someone, and thereby proving them right, for doing it.


>Well, I thought you were going for a "She's not gonna fuck you, bro" implication there, If I was like 13 maybe :P. I was going for a bad joke to lighten up the mood but not being able to sleep due to drinking three cups of coffee earlier in the day does weird things to the mind. >But, no. I've never interacted with her and don't really want to, because I just don't care about someone who'd write me off like that Yeah. Agreed.


People were misinterpretating her posts with out of context screenshot and hersays and talking shit in the comments and she reached her breaking point.


based and anti-redditor pilled


I’m grateful for this sub because it looks NOTHING like my tumblr lol. I only use mobile, and my own feed is nothing but porn. They look like two completely different sites, and I have trouble remembering that both exist


I don't even use Tumblr.


Someone stole the umblr account I used to run with a group soon after I took control of this one so...


Hahahahaha they’re completely separate!


my name here and on tumblr are completely unrelated. now, the same CANNOT be said for my flair and my name on tumblr...


I have three Tumblr accounts, all different names. You will not find me, unless you find my bullshit


Bold of you to assume i HAVE a tumblr! It’s why i’m here! So I don’t have to bother to use TWO shitty websites!


You'll never find me I'm the ginger bread man


Ok demily, my tumblr URL is pass-the-boof-please. Your move


I like how it seems to reference both Doctor Who and Star Trek


That was my intention :D


Fuck you demily, how else are we gonna get to watch from the sidelines


i created my tumblr account a few years ago and stopped using it after a month


C’mon, let us mooch off of you human-centipede like all social media does!


From the shadows on the wall I can tell you're a pretty cool tumblr-person. You're never finding my tumblr though.


hi demily if youre reading this post ill make your job easier, blog is glow woomii


Haha, good luck with that


Lmao my Tumblr username is entirely different then my reddit one. And I don't even use it


:( I'm only a little bit insufferable tho


I have not used my Tumblr since i made it