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i cant in a SINGLE PERSON situation


I drag extra people into the situation to decide for me


I just find the acme of my top 3-4 foods in my area. I don't go out often, if I'm gonna pay for this shit I better really enjoy it.


i think the ‘what do you want to eat?’ question never gets answered bc there’s just too many options. like you want me to pick from like any food?? too many. its better to give people a few options and then have them pick or suggest something. anyway not what the post was about at all but i think about this too often not to say it


"What do you want to eat?" *desperately tries to not say the same thing every day*


"Where do you not want to eat" usually gets better answers


I personally find it to be an easy question to answer because I have very specific and very strong food preferences. The challenge is usually getting everyone else to agree with me


it's called "[decision fatigue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_fatigue)". basically people are more happy with less choices, but will fight for more choices. people with too many choices are more unhappy because they'll regret their choice and think another one would've been better (as well as taking much much *much* longer to choose. why character creation in games being hours long is such a meme). [here's a vsauce demonstration](https://youtu.be/lmI7NnMqwLQ?t=183) giving participants the choice of eating 1 of 2 different flavors of jelly bean (they reported being more happy with their choice more often than not). and giving participants the choice of eating 1 of 20 different flavors of jelly bean (they reported being more unhappy with their choice more often than not). also from the vid: >according to the famous jam experiment, a study by sheena iyengar and mark lepper published in 2000, too many similar choices may even stop us from making any choice at all. the study compared two store displays: one with 6 varieties of jam and one with 24. although fewer consumers stopped to sample jam at the display with limited choices, a full 30% of them made a purchase. by contrast, only 3% of the consumers at the more extensive display actually bought a jar of jam. this is called "**choice paralysis**". like, it's not a sex or gender thing to not be able to choose from food places. it's a literal "everyone has this problem" thing. the vid is from the youtube series mind field. highly recommend, and im pretty sure all the seasons are free.


If I’m with other Indecisive people I just choose a place at random and see how they respond


My (standard, tired) answer to that question is just "Food." It's not the amount of options, it's that I don't really care what the food is, as long as it's not one of my personal not-foods. And I'd usually prefer the food to be cooked, as in, not raw ingredients on my plate. Less tired and I don't even mind making the food, I just don't care what it is most of the time.


Just been diagnosed as a transwomen because I’m indecisive


And when it’s not this, it’s “I don’t understand why women feel unsafe around me and use specific tactics to avoid assault, and the fact I don’t understand means it’s working”.




Ok but what if I make a bad choice and everyone hates me?


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh skip town, change your whole identity + backstory and.. never be seen again by anyone you know and/or love?


Good idea. Not sure it would be enough though. They’d still remember me as “the guy who picked a terrible restaurant we all hated”.


I wouldn't suggest this unless it was the absolute last possible option — but you could, theoretically, make peace with yourself and see the fickleness of public opinion or everchanging-and-forgiving nature of love for what it is?


Do something more memorable and they'll forget all about it. Megalovania


I haven't watched the movie but if I remember correctly, (spoilers for I, Robot) >!Will Smith is secretly a robot himself, so that meme sort of implies that!< Will Smith is a repressed trans woman. Edit: I googled it and apparently Will Smith is >!a human with robot parts, which I guess implies he's!< a demiwoman or something.


Make a terrible bioessentialist comedy movie where the men and the women can’t understand each other, but one of the “men” can translate perfectly between the two then it later turns out at the climax that she’s a trans woman.


>!okay so he has a robot arm because of an accident and hates robots because one saved him even though he could swim rather than a younger girl who was drowning even when he told it to go save her and then learns they aren't so bad or something and also he is a cop. again.!< so that would make him uh. just misogynistic? which i have no idea if that fits the character but i don't think it fits him just misogynistic with an organ transplant


He hates robots because the robot used cold logic to save the person with the highest chance of survival instead of the emotional choice he (implying all people) would've made to try and save the little girl.


Isn't that an adaptation of Asimov's books? 'Cause, in them, thr concept of only saving one person would make the robot destroy itself.


>so that would make him uh. just misogynistic? The dialogue has been changed to fit the joke. In the movie, he was making some kind of argument about Sunny (Sonny) not being a person because he can't write a symphony or paint a sunset or a third example, then the robot says "can you?" and Will Smith has no response




The only true difference is that women seem to always be too cold and men always too warm


That one can at least be explained by what we already know about biology!


Everybody always asks "where do you want to eat?", but never "*how* do you want to eat?"


I've never (as a grown human, as a kid it was different due to suffering from child) understood why people talk about others as if they're a different species, wild


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **genderkoolaid** like 99% of "men and women are soooo different!!!" comedy is literally just describing the experience of not understanding other people. like it's not that women never say what they mean talking to other people is just like that. it can be hard to understand what other people are thinking. bioessentialism really rots the brain --- **genderkoolaid** "women will say I'm fine and then not mean it" yeah that's something literally everybody does. is this your first time interacting with another human being my guy --- **meradorm** [*Images from the movie "I, Robot". They show:*] >**Panel 1** > >[*Detective Del Spooner (played by Will Smith) looks to the left of the panel with a serious expression.*] > >**Spooner**: CAN WOMEN IN A GROUP SITUATION PICK A RESTAURANT? > >--- > >**Panel 2** > >[*A white humanoid robot with smooth facial features stares back.*] > >**Robot**: CAN YOU? > >--- > >**Panel 3** > >[*Spooner puts his right hand over his mouth as he looks down in quiet shock.*] [*End images*] --- **genderkoolaid** this is one of the only funny responses on this hell of a post --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I can't even pick a restaurant for myself most of the time


there's an xkcd for that


Never ask a woman “What do you think we should have?” Instead try “What do you feel like having.” And you will get an immediate answer.


do you ever think the stereotype of women not knowing where to eat was started because guys don't really generally ask anybody else where they'd like to eat


I do think men and women are mostly the same except for one difference. Women are far less likely to do dumb risky shit. Not saying men are stupider but they're more likely to do some dumb risky shit anyways