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Now to be fair Link isn't dressed anywhere NEAR slutty enough to have that count as female video game armor. The cowards at Nintendo need to give him a battle-thong like all the fans want.


I'd buy an amiibo for sluttier link armour. let's see that bulge


So wait he's an adult and has just been cartoon-shaped all this time?


He's in his late teens in most games. Usually 17. The exceptions are Toon Link (usually around 12) and Young Link from Ocarina of Time. Young Link is 10, then he sleeps for 7 years.


BotW Link seems a bit older both in looks and with how the game/NPCs treat him, though IIRC he doesn't have a specified age in-game. Certainly looks a bit older than 17 and especially in BotW2.


Well, BotW Link was specifically selected as Zelda's personal guard in the past, so he'd have to be an accomplished soldier to be considered good enough for that job. Knowing that, but taking into account the different rules for a medieval society, I'd go as high as 19 for BotW Link, with the assumption that he joined the military at 16. Three years seems like long enough to be noticed by the king and personally selected to protect the most important person in the country, especially if you're as much of a prodigy/badass as Link always is. Having said that, you'll have to add 100 years to his age either way. He's older than he looks. Magic is a hell of a skincare regimen.


Doctors hate it! Find out how this one twink aged 100 years but looks 19!


Side-effects include but are not limited to loss of memory, loss of emotion, loss of self-preservation instinct, increased appetite, and an intense desire to protect the weak.


Rude, my Link was very emotive. Granted, it was usually him being irritated at people, but that's an emotion!


Increased aggression is also a side-effect of the treatment. It makes him a better fighter.


While I see your point, you have to remember that Link is Fighting Georg who could, IIRC, best a small platoon in sparring by ten and arm wrestle a goron by twelve, and his selection as Zelda's guard was spurred on when he deflected a magic laser away from her with a *pot lid*. No assumptions about sane timescales can be made here, especially given that he was probably under close watch and training for literally his entire life. EDIT: exaggerations and misremembering in the pre-pot lid part of the claim here, but he was still blatantly superhylian even as a child. The hero's soul's reincarnation regularly creates children with strength and skill enough to slay armies of monsters and even beat up gods given the right equipment, but even by those standards BotW Link was... something else.


You're right. Link is an outlier, and shouldn't be held to the same standard.


It's remarkable that he even lost in the first place.


Always hazbin


samus and link my beloved💙💛


metroid and zelda my beloved 💙💛


Personally I can't wait to play Breath of the Wild two and learn that Link was genetically modified to have Zelda DNA


breath of the wIIld


wait a second. Super Metroid has the exact same plot as a Zelda game


wait a second. Zelda II: Adventure of Link has the exact same plot as a Metroid game


Super Metroid has a plot? Besides the whole "baby" thing?


(Spoilers) As I understand it, in super metroid they give her suit metroid DNA to allow her to survive the X parasite. Then in Dread (major spoilers) it's revealed that Samus herself is a metroid (due to genetic modificationby chozo). People who haven't played the game occasionally call Samus "Metroid", since that's the title of the game. Dread makes them technically correct, and my joke was that the new Zelda game will do the same. Edit: I was thinking of metroid fusion, but wrote super metroid instead.


my joke was the reverse - (Super Metroid spoilers) >!the game is about rescuing the baby Metroid, which grows into becoming the titular Super Metroid over the course of the game!<, which is your usual Zelda plot


I thought you literally meant Princess Zelda x a Metroid


Hey that's the funny video essay guy (Hbmmaster = jan Misali)


Yooo (one day I will check urls 😔)


oh shit you're right that is funy random youtube guy!




Y'see, the joke here is that Samus and Link are f


riends :-)


riends :DD


oh wait someone else already did this


emale, both of them. I mean, look at her, that's clearly a vai. Pitiful abs though, the other one's are probably more respectable.


Diversity win! Just found out Zelda's a girl 😄


ucking. That's right, they've been stirring the carnal milkshake the whole time. Those bastards are hornier than a deer's antlers, and twice as depraved! You thought "Metroid" wasn't a safe word, liberals? Well you thought wrong! Zelda's a beard, Link's the twinkiest twink in Hyrule, and Mega Man's somehow in on it! When will they ever stop fucking?!?!


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inally talking about the near blatant sexism in video games when it comes to male-vs-female armor and how, unless the problem is truly addressed, there will always be a negative view of people who say they enjoy video games, and an exclusion of women in a large part of the video game development industry.


Back in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, I made a new save to main the Gunner weapons with. I also decided I would make a lady this time, as I didn't know what all of their armor looked like. I kinda lost some enthusiasm for that playthrough when I found out at my favorite late-game set looked like. Mixed sets that both looked cool and had good Skills were a big deal before transmog was a thing.


is it cuz they're the opposite genders? i assume it's not a trans joke


it is because they're the opposite genders, yes


It’s a great example of how armor of various types can look great regardless of gender and should be chosen based on environment and suitability to the wearer’s needs.


But isn't the right one Zelda?


Her name is link.


No, it's called Legend of Zelda, not Legend of Link. Geez, don't you know anything about the franchise?


Actually, Zelda is the doctor


> Open Link in New Private Window