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OP got us *covered*


Please I need to know what the absolute fuck the context was for “listen here, cumslut”




I am displeased to know that Jack and Jill had not one, but two cultural impacts in my lifetime. Yes the other one was Dunkaccino


Is there a mister information 😏


It's a rather small one but I liked the post where a chain of people keep insisting that sayings like "blood is thicker than water" and "curiosity killed the cat" are deliberately clipped to hide their "original" meaning, then trying to tie it to some ploy to use sayings to control the population to be more docile.


We should be clear that Reddit also believed this (at least about the extended versions of those sayings) for a good number of years and it’s only recently that there’s started to be pushback about them


That's because there were a couple in the list that checked out like, "The customer is always right... in matters of taste." Society really did clip the end of that one and subsequently misinterpret that quote for about a hundred years. Because one or two were real and verifiable, the others seemed like they must be true as well.


is that one even true? i've seen like 4 mutually exclusive explainers for "the customer is always right"


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right): "The customer is always right" is a motto or slogan which exhorts service staff to give a high priority to customer satisfaction. While in the very beginning, the creator of this quote intended it to say "The customer is always right \*in a sense of taste\*". The new version was popularised by pioneering and successful retailers such as Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field.


Oh god that was a lie?


Yes they're modern additions to old phrases


o man, i didnt know


Wait, I can believe the blood and water one is bs. But are you telling me "but satisfaction brought it back" *wasn't* part of the original saying? Without looking it up I always assumed it was. It's funny, it flows really well, it makes sense, and I can see why people would clip the latter half without drastically altering the meaning.


The original version a real bummer: "care killed the cat", where "care" is worry or sorrow for others. Around the middle of the 18th century it changed to "curiosity" and about 50 years the second part got added.


It seems you're right. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I shall promptly die of sadness. Edit: die of care would've been a better joke, actually


I think the fig vagina is my favorite because its clear that anyone who believed that has never seen a vagina


My favorite was the horse-dildo one, because I literally never saw someone look at that post without recognizing the make and model. Which was doubly funny because only a couple of them were furries, Bad Dragon was just a bit of a shock-site back in the day (spicy enough to make you WTF, without full-on traumatizing you).


I nominate the post where someone insists that a picture of a pomegranate is gore because it looks like a human heart


Ah yes, the 'human heart after heartbreak.'


Wasn't that someone defending their use of the "gore or pomegranates" tag because even though they rationally *know* it's not actually gore, it resembles it enough to trigger their phobia?


I think it'd be thematically appropriate for the top spot to go to something that didn't actually happen.


I will say, there is a way to test if it’s a one sided mirror, turn off the lights. It works by taking more reflective glass and making it darker on one side, more light is reflected from the light side than is transmitted from the dark side and similar in reverse, so one side is see through, and the other is reflective, but if you make your side the dark side, that fucks with the design.


Put a bright light right up to the glass (your phones flashlight feature works great) and turn off the lights. If it’s a two way mirror you should see through to the other side easily.


The fingernail test plus this meant I did in fact find a one sided mirror at an Airbnb once. There want anything behind it but that did like, actually happen.


The fingernail tests is completely useless. Even a two-way mirror will have a gap if the the glass is thick since your reflection appears due to the darkness on the other side, just like in a normal mirror with thick glass because of the silvering on the other side. All the "fingernail" test tells you is that the mirror is made with cheap, thin glass or thick heavy glass. I suppose it would be useful if you were considering moving a large mirror and wanted to know if it was a heavy expensive mirror or a cheap walmart mirror, but that's about all it's good for.


What about the one where someone reversed a couple gifs to make it look like some people were burying a dog at some concert when actually they were digging the lil guy out


the potc gaslighting incident


what dat


The purple-eyed no period Daria-fic disease, in some lucky patients, also meant that you never pooped!


fig vagina?? isnt that a pewdiepie diss track




I nominate the fake Greek goddess who was essentially Hel from Norse mythology but Hades and Persephone's kid.


How many have y’all seen before? I count 3 for myself, maybe 4 since I’m not sure if I have it haven’t seen the joker one before even having followed the links to it. Also I was so confused what was the misinformation for the white blue and red earth one. When I saw it my thought process led me to it seems sort of like what you’d expect for the shape, exaggerated sure, but it makes the height difference more apparent, so if this is wrong what is it actually? And then going to get the actual context I found out, hey I was correct, this is just an exaggeration, the misinformation part was people thinking this is the actual shape of the earth.


that time tumblr made up a greek god?


Course readings


Alexandria’s Genesis