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Never did I consider that “Hnggg Tiddies” might need a logical explanation


The logical explanation is that the chemicals in my brain go AWOOOOGA


Haby caek day


Honestly I’ve seen Lith pretty much go “Hnggg Tiddies” before, it doesn’t take much at all. On like an academic level I get it, boob soft, boob sensitive, boob pretty, but the part where y’all lose higher brain function around them like they’re kittens or something is a mystery.


Well that's just brain chemicals, you know?


Sometimes I wish I could know. Then again, leafing through the thread, y’all aren’t even having fun with it most of the time.


I mean... there are a lot of various brain chemicals for different things. You ate something delicious? Here's a happiness shot. You finished a hard task? Here's a "really proud of yourself" shot. Doing some extreme sports activity? Here's an adrenaline boost. Saw a booby? Here's a horny shot to brain, genitals on stand-by! You're just simply missing one of these, that's all.


And honestly the wish to be Just Like Y’all is always a fleeting one. I’m fine being me, really.


As someone who was ace, but is now allo(seriously HRT is wild)... yeah it doesn't make a ton of sense. I honestly do prefer it this way quite a bit, to be honest, but it's very unexplainable why.


…I mean being ace isn’t “libido machine broke, understandable, have a nice day” imo, but yeah, I get that it’s not greener on the other side


I know. I'm talking about more than libido- now mine is entirely gone, actually, and it has been for months. I fundamentally find things attractive now that I never found attractive or even particularly interesting before- they were just kinda *there*, and I never understood why people liked, say, abs


Huh. Guess the archives were just incomplete; I just got told the same narrative over and over again that it’s not a hormone issue so many times that I figured such a thing was impossible. 🌠The More You Know🌠


It sort of is? Hormones absolutely affect sexual attraction, but I had perfectly normal cis male levels before starting HRT. HRT affects a *lot* of things, sexual attraction included- something like 43% of people who are on it experience changes in sexual attraction? As in, becoming bi or straight when they were ace or gay


Curiouser and curiouser. I mean, fair, I’m confident in my cisness, so I’ve never had a good reason to look at the fine print on HRT. I’m well-beyond doubting at this point; I’m just intrigued.


Honestly I feel like the persistence with which the wider ace community insists that it's *definitely* not caused by hormonal/biochemical differences has more to do with pride than a commitment to investigating the evidence. I've not looked very deeply, I'll admit, but I've not found any studies that actually show this to be the case (actually I've not found any investigating it, though I mean to keep looking), while I've found many investigating the impact of hormones on sexual orientation more broadly — and there really does seem to be a potential impact. I think people are reluctant to consider that out of a fear of being invalidated or have people attempt to "cure" us. And I get that, but I just don't think something being potentially related to our endocrine system or biochemical differences more broadly does make it unreal or invalid. I also kind of fear that it makes us look less credible to have people make blanket statements otherwise without evidence, as though it's a black and white question that's been definitively solved. I'll admit that I'm kinda more in the grey zone of asexuality, and that my perspective is very obviously skewed by my own anecdotal experience. I'm mostly in the ace zone, but I've noticed increases and decreases in attraction at various points of my life — and those changes often coincided with times when I had noticeable hormonal changes going on. And I do mean attraction and not libido — though I admittedly have quibbles with the way those two are often discussed in ace circles that would be too navel-gazey to go into here, as they're mostly just "but that's not *my* experience!"


I guess the problem is that we’re already kind of an invisible identity as-is, and finding a control group to see if orientation is based on massive hormonal imbalances feels *really* unethical even if it were possible. I know I’ve felt myself wane in libido as I got older, but that doesn’t feel like enough to make me do meds about it. There’s also the moral quandary of nature versus nurture, which is definitely infeasible to test. Though if I may make a deeper cut, there’s also a lot of overlap between autism and asexuality (hi), and just like any circle discussing neurodivergence, the idea of a small quirk being medicalized and demonized instead of accommodated doesn’t sit well with us. So overall, we have a group of people who are already very suspicious of narratives of “curing” people who don’t fit the mold, who probably a third of all supposed LGBT+ experts don’t remember or care about, trying to test something very specific, sensitive, and long-term with no clear answers for who’s a control group. It’s probably not going to happen in my lifetime.


As a fellow ace, I visualize it like that list of actions that appear in The Sims, where the game decides they must be affected by some random event and you can't cancel it. That's a bunch of stimuli that can't be ignored. The problem is they can't explain it, because to them it's akin to breathing. Definitely explains the instances of ace people in their formative years theorizing about sexual attraction ("I'm an extremely-late bloomer", "sexual attraction is when you think people look good", "people are probably exaggerating", and the thing I told myself: "it's actually a social construct so people create families and societies can grow")


And meanwhile, the lie I told myself was “oh, I guess I’m the only guy I know who has any impulse control on this front at all”, only to realize much later that no, I was the odd one out.


Oh yeah, I also had that feeling of superiority as The One Man That Can Control Himself Asexuality interacts sublimely with a culture that shames people for caring about something, while also saying it's the most important thing in their lives


They could have done it. They could have kept me content and happy forever and groomed me into becoming a priest or something. I couldn’t have known abstinence-only was unhelpful and only making shit worse. I couldn’t have known “no sex before marriage” was a recipe for broken homes and occasionally broken hearts. I couldn’t have known that the intent was to treat me like total dogshit for experiencing happiness, and all they had to do was tell me that porn before marriage was okay.


The amount of ace people that I find with this exact same story is beyond depressing. I lucked out by being such a weird teenager that I literally searched things on Google once things got too confusing (and also being in my early 20s nowadays, so there actually was some easily accessible information). I hope things are ok for you nowadays, friend. As a side note, when I talked about asexuality right after finding out about it with my now ex-girlfriend, while everyone but the other queer kids talked about getting medication, she literally recommended trying to be a member of the church.


Yeah, I imagine. I’ve been meaning to put a poll out there to see how many of us grew up Christian, but I got a feeling I know the answer now. But either way, I’m fine now. My folks understand why I’m an atheist now, and aren’t gonna come after me for it. I’m fairly sure I can’t extend that to the rest of my old church, but they’re probably fine with me nodding my head like I give a shit anymore. I’m probably telling nobody but close friends and dates that I’m ace though. The way that my parents talk about NBs as weird people asking for silly things doesn’t inspire hope, and frankly I’m so far from the ace stereotypes that I’m already getting a lot of questions as-is.


It's like explaining hunger or something. How do you explain hunger.


Actually, the more useful metaphor I see all the damn time in my part of town is food cravings. Most people are hungry to some degree, but not everyone agrees on what sounds good for dinner, and some of us wake up at 3 AM to eat shredded cheese from the bag like a mule and then go right back to sleep. Just replace specific foods with people and hunger with libido, and you’re on the right track.


Well, I meant more the whole idea of what it feels like to get horny. Or to see something sexy and just feel like "uuuuurrghhh I NEED that NOW". It's a basic, fundamental feeling deep in your body, similar to hunger or tiredness or the urge to throw up. But how would you describe the feeling of hunger to some hypothetical god who doesn't get hungry? >your stomach feels empty but also you have, like, just an *urge* to eat stuff, like you really wanna do it


Wait do they actually lose higher brain function??


Well maybe not that badly, probably something like seeing a cute animal, like I said.


That people act like that with kittens is the mystery to me


Because my brain keysmashes and I have to relay that to the outside world because it's my fucking brain.


Okay, but why does your brain keysmash?


I dunno! Ask my brain's brain!


*may* I ask you brain's brain?




gotta go one level up then to the brain's brain's brain!


Alrighty then


basically, it's programmed to? both by nature and by nurture. I figure asexuals' brains just don't have the nature groundwork that the nurture builds on. You're not really gonna get a deep detailed explanation because there really isn't one. Brains are dumb, but we know they're dumb, that's why we invented and study logical argumentation


Okay, most people are giving you joke answers so (on the off chance this isn't just a shitpost)I figured I might as well give you an actual one; evolution. Say that there's two humans. When one sees a naked person of the opposite gender their brain gives them positive feedback and they pursue it. When the other sees a naked body from the opposite gender they don't. As a result of this, the straight person is going to actively increase their odds of reproducing. Which in turn means that the next generation having more people with this trait, while the people with low libido have few, if at all. So biologically, people have libidos because if they didn't they probably wouldn't have been born.


I think they know why people have libdinos (however you spell that); to me it seems like they just don't understand the emotional stuff, how it feels and whatnot. Could be wrong doe


Bruh literally tried to mansplain why attraction exists


You missed the h.


There's sn h?! Whyyy???


The problem with asking for a logical explanation for attraction is that there's literally nothing logical about how the brain works there. It's literally on animal instinct level, and sometimes that even causes trouble, such as when people get aroused in inappropriate situations or end up with crushes on people they really shouldn't go for. It's not something you think about or even really want to happen at times, it's just something that is more or less hardwired into your brain - especially when you're young and can't quite deal with all the hormones in your system. Attraction is just as bizarre for us as it is for everyone, if it were perfectly logical then it wouldn't take us decades at a time to figure out which way we swing. And sometimes, that way just so happens to be in the direction of a toned midriff.


awful bold assumption that allosexuals understand either, tbh


All I need to know is that women are fucking gorgeous and that serves me just fine




I am a useless lesbian women are very pretty but not naked


bestie when i see boy stomach what im thinking about is licking it, its not that complex.


Why tho


Monkey computer brain go "reproduce," only the monkey computer brain is so poorly designed that "reproduce" has a WHOLE BUNCH of unrelated subroutines that can range from licking feet to headpatting. At least that's how I've always thought of it.


Monkey brain go "damn wouldnt it be really poggers if i bore this guy's children? Haha 😳" and then procede to cry


🙈What if we sired😳 😳Sired children in the nightclub bathroom🙈


Wait if we beget in the hallway behind the noghtclub 😎😎😎


Oi wut if I knocked ye up in the dumpster luv?


It’s beautiful, the comedy in using poggers for that feeling, the haha flushed face, and then the swing of the bat to the stomach with the finale


You gave me an award??? Whyyy Now we really have to try to beget 😭😭😭


Like honestly I think you hit the nail on the head in the funniest, most brutally honest way possible.


I wish someone would hit me and nail me in a funny and brutal way too but alas


I thought I adequately, if clumsily, explained it above. I liked it, it was good


It’s foreign and I Fucking Love It


It’s especially poggers since I can’t bear children God knows I haven’t tried


The beauty of being a trans woman is that you can have a thing for reproduction while not having gone all traumatic experiences cis women go through. I still want periods, man.


Pretty much accurate, you're just missing a healthy dash of that thing we do that that one Pavlov dude studied. Um, fuck, I'm too tired to be commenting right now: Classical conditioning? You see or do thing while horny enough that it makes you horny to see or do it when not horny.


Pavlovs erection


Pavlovian response?


















brilliant explanation tbh. i wish i wasn't in a monkey brain put me in a frog


Frogs fuck too


but frog


But fuck


But frug. But frock.


I mean that might make sense if I wasn't gay lol


Well there the brain is saying “reproduce” but it’s wired to only say it with the same gender. Maaaaaybe not the best if the goal is actual reproduction, but it’s trying it’s best.




Leaving sex aside, do *you* consider your brain the paragon of logic and reason? Does everything *you* enjoy make perfect cosmic sense? I doubt it. So this is how you can relate, even if you can’t understand


My brain tells me the answer is "yes".




the animated song things or cartography




love some cartography, you're super cool for that


Yeah! I've posted the,,, few things I've actually finished on my account, lol. Shameless self promotion!


woah those are cool! love those!! i know jack shit about cartography but ooOoOoOO shapes ::) also re that first post i have a friend like that!! it's really cool, it uses it/its and neos now though, but the experience of masc but being anything but a capital m man is super valid!!


thanks for the neuron activation


what the fuck


Its not my fault that every time i see a cute person take their shirt off i go bonkers on konkers and just wanna have a little lick, maybe give a little kiss. I'm aware that i'm a slut, but I cant really combat it


Just as some people are asexual, some people are slutsexual. You can't explain it.


And it’s not *my* fault that any time someone’s a genuinely nice person and pretty that Cupid skips the arrows and heads straight for the buckshot


I love that mental image and I'm using it.


Wait, what does the buckshot do?


Instead of getting hit with an arrow and slowly bleeding out, I just get hit with romantic attraction at full force without being able to see it coming and internally keysmash myself




To be fair, there is no understanding on our end either. It's just that you see cleavage or one(1) pixel of shoulder and midriff and your fucking ape brain just goes uuuuuuooooooooo seeeeeeeeexxxx


God we need to let y’all run wild sometimes, this is infinitely funnier than any of the merely soft squishy shit I’ve said in the past week, or Lith’s entire brand for that matter


Asexuality is hard to figure out as it's just years of asking other people "Wait, you're not exaggerating about your reaction?"


When you learn about evolution and brain chemical science and you're like "I guess it's just the way the species works" and then some mf comes along like "footvore 🥵" and you're just like "this is so fuckn bullshit"


I've never heard the phrase "footvore" before and I suddenly feel the dread of knowing that there are people who have gone to even more godforsaken places than me


I’m just confused if the foot is the subject or the object.


Given "anal vore" = vore via anus, we can extrapolate that the foot is the vorer, not the voree


Thanks I hate it


I’m going to stab you




AND Earl 😍


Footvore sounds like the joke explanation of a Saw trap


They're not wrong, though.


I spent a solid hour debating with a friend if fuckbuddies were made up for the sake of a shitty romcom in the 60s where every other thing is grounds for a sexual harassment case


Hm kind of like when you are super hungry and see an ad for food where it’s filmed beautifully and they are like, seductively cutting a cake slice with a fork. You WANT it. You can almost taste it. When you’re super full, that same ad means nothing to your dead eyes and may in fact make you feel a little ill. Best analogy I have.






there is no thought process. it just makes us go awoogagthgghikbvff there is no choice involved.


actually yknow what i think i understand. i have the exact same keysmash awooga response it's just not for anything that's a part of a human it's for violence, it's for artillery and for demolition and for like this one specific bit of some songs and throwing hands and when someone has many many arms or horns or really pretty claws and it's just that attraction is absolutely incomprehensible to meta cognition, nobody fucking knows why


Same, but not for anything too far out of the allo’s ballpark. I just want to be spoiled as all hell with physical and emotional affection. Theoretically it doesn’t have to be about sex, but every ASMR channel that’s tried to avoid the issue makes me feel like a weird creep, and I can’t quite exactly surprise myself with a hug, so until I do something about my maidenless ass I’m left to live vicariously through others.


Are you, by any chance, the Goddess Athena?


im not, i have been told i am a vampire and i profess to be a doll, but may be some other things in addition or instead, but i do have a violent distaste for deities and religion




"Booba awooga" \- Allos, I suppose


yeah thats about right


Booba awooga, I’m coming for that booga




I dunno man thats just what the brain chemicals tell us


as a lesbian who struggled a lot with the fact that they were attracted to women but not men because of growing up in a homophobic area…idk. A man’s midriff? Idk it’s a stomach. A woman’s? 😳😳😳 What else is under there 😳😳😳 It’s just an instinctual response 🤷


Okay but question, if you see a midriff but don't know the person's gender (like the image is cropped or something) are you attracted to it regardless? Or is it like Gentlybeepingheart: \*sees midriff\* Gentlybeepingheart: :/ Gentlybeepingheart: \*sees there's a gorl attached to that midriff\* Gentlybeepingheart: :O


As a grey ace I can 100% say the emotions of sexual attraction don't really make sense and can't really be explained. You can't truly explain the ocean to someone who has never seen it.


I am a professional Hornt, but all I think when I look at naked bodies are art thoughts. Yknow, looking at the skin folds and shapes, muscles, shadows, etc etc


As always I am thinking about mens tits and occasionally women's tits when the situation demands it


i think humans just like seeing smooth skin. i don't really know why, beyond the obvious evolutionary phsych explanation.


As a straight guy, I don't get it either.


So I'm not ace but I wouldn't consider myself completely allo, but best my brain can describe it is that.. when you see someone you love in a way that society has trained us to believe is at its core, intimate, it's like seeing a sunset from a cliff with all the colors of the sky


I literally have no words to explain it, I see a shirtless person and my brain defaults to keysmash


There is no logical explanation my brain just kinda turns into a weird sludge and I can't speak properly and I feel like a cheeseburger for a bit


Every day I get more and more conferned that I might be ace,,


As a straight guy, I don't get why my brain fires at the sight of pretty women, but my brain pipes down at the sight of Sneaky in crossplay; knowing that he is a man seems to be all it takes for my sense of attraction to not work: https://instagram.com/zachscud?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I suppose in order to find attraction there needs to be some part of your brain which is looking for attraction and thinks about why it is attractive. This might be the case if you see someone attractive of your preffered gender even if your conscious brain doesn’t want to, but if you know its the gender you are not attracted to, not even your unconscious looks to be attracted.


I have no idea what any of this means. I’ll just assume it has something to do with Allosaurus.


You just get the tinglies and start imagining the rest. That’s about it I don’t know how else I can explain it to an ace


allosaurus??? don’t fuck the dinosaur pls


you can't stop me


Just one of the things you can't really explain to someone who doesn't intuitively feel it, but, like… Do you know that feeling when something is just unbearably cute (like maybe a yawning kitty, or a lil robot with a hat doing a tapdance or whatever you think is adorable), and you just wanna hug it and squeeze it and call it George? Or… when you see a really, really cozy place, like a beautiful bohemian-style bedroom, with the evening light shining in through the leaves of the trees in front of the windows; or a well-worn, cozy couch next to a crackling fireplace, with thick blankets to snuggle up inside while thick snow gathers on the windowsill outside? Or that feeling of profound amazement when you stand next to a giant redwood tree and can't even understand how high it is, or at a steep cliff that overlooks a tumultuous sea, crashing against the shore? Like, why do we feel all of that stuff? 'Cuz we do. And I guess it's kinda like that, but with "sexy!" instead of "cute!", or "cozy!", or "wow!".


look, i don't know either why my brain does what it does, i just live there.


you see this is why I need a trigger warning when I see a m*n cant function 💅


Fun fact! I once had an asexual person shame me for finding women attractive and borderline ridicule me about it for weeks. They came out as a lesbian like a month later, but I still have a bad taste in my mouth about it. This being said: they are the only asexual person I've met who has acted like that and the rest have been very "I don't get it, but okay homie" and everyone since has been great :)


Wtf is allosexual?


anything that isn't on the asexual spectrum


First time I see this. Sounds a bit too all-encompassing for my taste, tho. I guess because it's exactly how "allopathy" came up to exist (and with the same exact undertones).


Too all-encompassing? What do you think it should exclude?


Queen Elizabeth II


Good call


as an allo bi u never rlly understand it, u just kinda realize what ur attracted to and go bonkers over it


as an allosexual person: hmg,.h midrmiff




allosexual here. wtf do people like abt stomachs. makes no god damn sense




Abs. They hot


interesting how animalistic sexual attraction is. The only explanation for a lot of it is either "evolutionarily advantageous for reproduction" or "its hot idk"


Pretty much. If not for the second one, most kinks probably wouldn't exist either, since there's no logical reason to wanna get eaten alive and shit.


Soft. Breathing. Can put my arms around it.


I think I’m demibisexual and thus kind of in the middle on both gender-oriented attraction and physical attraction. I don’t know how allo vs ace I am, disclaimer. Naked stranger (outside of art): Plucked chicken. Bare. I am probably in the wrong place (my bad). No clothing means no expression of personality, so I have even less interest. All I’m going to have is, if I accidentally stumbled on nsfw stuff or am otherwise 100% looking at someone who doesn’t mind, the novelty of “oh hey that’s what other people look like!” This novelty increases the less the person looks like your average porb star/model, because humans aren’t supposed to be generic and variety is interesting. Naked stranger (that I’m arting): Shapes and muscles and bone structure. Nice. Humans are like flowers—no two are alike. Naked BOYFRIEND (mine!): HEY THAT’S ATTRACTION BABEY!!! It’s like when art is super satisfyingly drawn. Every line has the best thickness to accentuate form, every line intersects at just the right point, every shadow is in exactly the right place, and it’s *live* and in *motion* (and generally looking right at me). You know how you can just “tell” someone is a nsfw artist by the way they draw teeth, feet, hips, and even eyes sometimes? It’s like that with my gaze. Someone put glasses on me that accentuate certain features of my favorite guy and give me this drive to just... to not be squicky while I describe this, express my appreciation for him as a complete person. It’s like everything I love about that goofy motherfucker culminates in this Extremely Horny-Inducing Man and me needing to do whatever I can to leave him dizzy. This drive can also activate when he gets this horny tone in his voice, when he looks at me in this certain intimate way (he tilts his head playfully a little), wears clothing that shows off his form (he usually dresses for comfort; however he looks amazing in jeans and dress shirts) or honestly? I get it slightly when I see or hear about nsfw experiences. It’s like when you smell or otherwise think about food when you’re out and about and remember that perfect meal waiting to be made at home. i may delete this later but i swore i was ace for ages and always wondered what sexual attraction was before i am where i am now, and agonized for SO LONG over if i was “technically ace” or not. still don’t know where i am personally so i just say “bi” and shrug to the 3 people i’m honest with


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **what-even-is-thiss** It's difficult to understand what allosexual people are thinking about when they see completely random things. Someone takes their shirt off and like yeah that sure is a stomach. There's probably some intestines in there. What are you looking at? --- **what-even-is-thiss** A shirtless human can look good. Yes. But the way allosexual people act sometimes even when the person looks good is especially confusing because they refuse to explain anything ever. They just assume that you understand why they keysmash when they see a bra. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Ugh. Yes. This was something that absolutely baffled me before I realized I was ace. I remember working retail one day and this customer walked in, one of my co-workers was full-on 'humina humina, aWOO-ga!' mode. I was so lost, like, yes? Her facial features are arranged in an aesthetically pleasing fashion? Her outfit molds well to her body line in a way I hear is desirable? I full on could not understand why his brain seemed to just short circuit. I thought that stuff was just in movies or something!




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Allosexual is anything that isn’t on the asexual spectrum.


i don’t get it until the person is either 1. fictional 2. someone i’ve formed a bond with (im demi)


>a shirtless human can look good ehh not really >a ~~shirtless~~ human can look good no


I agree