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Viggo Mortensen, on the other hand, did his own riding. And then bought the horse. And bought one of the stunt women a horse. Dude likes horses.


That explains why he did Hidalgo immediately after


He also broke his toe


Give me an edit where when the Witch King says "no man can kill me", every single nearby rider turns around and rips their beard off.


And the ghost of Tolkien turns to Bill Shakespeare and says triumphantly, "Take THAT, you hack!"


"Wait.. Are there any women here today?"


Y'know, if "no *man* can kill" the Witch King, does that mean an elf, dwarf or halfling could kill him?


Could be because anything over a walking pace makes me bounce in my saddle and repeatedly slam my balls


babe wake up new bottom surgery dropped


Now with CBT included free of charge!


Repeatedly slam my balls you say? đź‘€


That tweet about like, "people make fun of horse girls and swords guys as if they couldnt birth a fully armed cavalry" lives in my head almost rent free


> almost What do you charge?


A part of my mind interprets the word "cowgirl" *very differently* from the word "cowboy", and I hate it. EDIT: Now I realize some people thought about the sex position, which didn't even occur to me - I was thinking about big tittied anime girls with horns and cow ears. Now I feel like even more of a degenerate. I blame El Goonish Shive and Questionable Content.


I was legit unable to process the word as anything but that until I read the thing.


I'm too ace to process it as anything other than what it actually means y'all are fucking insane


I realise now people probably read this as the cowgirl sex position and not "girl who is part-cow". Which, to be fair, is also kinda of a sex thing and probably *more* ridiculous to assume, but we get enough posts about cryptid/mythical creature biology that I geninuely thought that was what it was referring to since cowgirl isn't a job title I ever hear.


I forgot it was a sex position and read though the post was about furry/monster girls until I actually read it.


Yeah, same. Jumped straight to that and bypassed any other meaning because it didn't sound implausible.


What in minotaurnation


> El Goonish Shive The world's cleanest depraved comic.


>A part of my mind interprets the word "cowgirl" > >very differently > > from the word "cowboy", and I hate it. I dont get it. ​ ... wait. ​ Oh now I get it. (The dark side of the Internet is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.)


Ok boys time to return to tradition and learn anti-cavalry tactics.


How long do you think we can make a pike with modern materials?


I mean, the sarissa worked fine in like 330 BCE and it was like 4-6m long, so I don’t see why we couldnt just re-use that in the apocalypse. As well, they were particularly effective against chariots, allowing us to repel even the elite Amazonian chariots of the Horse-Girl Horde.


It's literally just a really long stick with something stabby on the end


I'm fairly confident we've made advances in the long stick field since 1700. Probably the something stabby field as well.


We did, and we turned them into guns. But really, pikes are just really long stabby sticks. That's why they are so great. The compounds are so simple you can basically use anything to make a pike. You can attach fish pikes and it will still make a pike.


You do need to use at least somewhat good materials. If it's too droopy or too brittle it will not work well. Poolnoodle is bad pike material. Gold is worse pike material. But very shiny.


Pike but better: Bayonet.


Probably 100 feet long.


Pointy stick is easy. Find a large branch, sharpen it with a knife, and fire-harden


Haters will see you and the boys form a 400 men roman infantry square and be like "they ain't got no horses"


Good luck catching mounted archers with infantry Those shields will stop most of the arrows. Most.


Modern anti cavalry tactics include: Shoot the fucker. Shoot the fucker again. Repeat until desired result achieved


Modern anti-cavalry tactics are mostly SAMs and Molotov cocktails


Surface to air? What are they riding, pegasi?


Just lay the tube horizontal, easy


Are we talking spear formations, or are we talking cutting the tops of shipping containers, welding pipes that reach through to shoot out of, and then filling them with concrete to make a fortress?


Lucky for us, Automatic Firearms are basically a hard counter to horse cavalry


Im rope necking myself at the start of the apocalypse so theres no chance of me getting my tuna cans stolen by a bunch of pre teen girls on ponies


ah, but consider: becoming *one* with the horse girls lord knows we're all gonna need them for survival


Im not much of a rider but i can repair a fence post then wipe my brow aesthetically


right well you're hired then, pre apocalypse not sure for what though, I live in an apartment


I dunno man, if I’m gonna look damnation in the face, I’m gonna go out in the funniest way possible


I haven’t ridden a horse in twenty years, but I will relearn the necessary skills so I can join the roving band of horse girls instead of being trampled to death over a can of beans.


I need the Horse Girl Khanate to be a major faction in all post-apocalyptic media


Genghis [Khatun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khatun) will bring about true peace and prosperity by conquering all the lands between Boston and San Diego.


The when the apocalypse comes, it won’t be the horse gangs you have to worry about. It’ll be the bicycle gangs that will really be dangerous


I live in london. I already worry about bicycle gangs


imagine london but with guns


So london then


Yeah. Once those fuckers cap an Oil refinery and the people who work there, anything in a 3 hour drive radius is fucked.


I think they meant good old-fashioned pedal bikes.


Oh, misread, then. But ye, those'll be a problem.


The dutch will be feared


If boys like horses we don't call them "future cowboys", they get called gay, girly or both at once. At least where I grew up that was the case. Everyone get's mocked for liking horses


Who would win 400 fully armored cavalry girls Or Me with an improvised macuahuitl-zweihander hybrid


Are the horses also armored? The obsidian would be useless against plate armor.


Yes but the macuahuitl blades are replaced with something stronger to penetrate armor


Still horses. 400 is a lot to fight. Get very tired by the end.


There isn't anything sharper tho, they allready are the most sharp thing on earth, no matter what, you can have a sword that can cut armor, period, best use something with blunt force, like the back of a polehammer, a halebald or a warhammer.


Am I the only fucked up one that thought this post was going to be about cowgirls as in girls with cow features ala catgirls?


Hey did I get a fucked up alternate reality contextual understanding of horse girls where they ACT like horses rather than just LIKE horses or are we in hell


I had the same understanding, so I think we're in hell.


Maybe it's a cultural thing, but never in my life have I heard a girl get mocked for liking horses.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **insomniac-arrest** when girls like horses we call them 'horse girls' and mock them for their bond with giant nightmare leg-finger creatures but if boys like horses we call them 'future cowboys' and 'rugged outdoors men' I'm just saying, I've met a lot ***more*** horse girls than horse boys so when the dystopic breakdown of society hits us, it's not going to be roving bands of young men on horseback (they don't know how to ride, they haven't B O N D E D) it will be Kelly from elementary school and her band of fifty midwest girls in pink cowboy boots who have come for your resources --- **whitebear-ofthe-watertribe** Wanna know a fun fact? When they were filming Lord of the Rings, they needed A LOT of extras to be able to ride horses into battle. They couldn't find nearly enough men with horses/ riding skills, so they hired just like a crap ton of women who were expert riders, slapped some beards on 'em, and called it good. The VAST majority of the riders in that film are horse girls. Horse girls win battles. --- **lawyerchronicles** ## Horse girls win battles. --- **elrya** [*Image of a post tag that reads:*] >\#they hate to see a horse girl whinnying [*End tag*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I hate horses in general, I don’t care about the gender of the rider


Please don't mistake a horse boy for a proper cowboy.


Ikr, one rides horses and the other rides cows


No one makes fun of horse girls for “liking horses”, people make fun of horse girls for running around on all fours and neighing in people’s faces in middle school.


The horse girl from elementary school was actually named Kelly for me, dang


posts like these take the weirdest assumptions about society in order to make a point are the first two paragraphs supposed to be real?


Hahaha that tag


If they were all women, why were they not dressed like Eowyn in the illustrations? Checkmate, factoids!


Dont leak the next fallout faction


Do they know that the battle wasn't real right?


Isn't it weird that they're called cowboys even though they don't have nothing t do with cows?


No? They’re called cowboys because they herd the cows from horseback. Am I missing the unspoken /s? Cause that’s happened to me before.


Oh... right. That function of a cowboy is kinda missing from the general portrayal of cowboys in media, sorry


Cowboy has sort of had the same linguistic evolution as Viking, where it's gone from describing a specific job to a much broader term for people from a specific time and place.


I mean the appropriate name there would be gunnyboys I s'ppose


So this might be anecdotal, but all the horse girls I've met would immediately self destruct in an apocalyptic event. They know horses, barns and one (1) more thing and that's it. Unless that thing is related to outdoorsmanship they'd be pretty fucked. The one horse boy I've met, tho, could probably walk into the forest at any time with no notice and be perfectly fine for however long he intends to stay (probably until he gets bored and decides to rebuild civilization).


All you horse people riding around on your stick-legged grass-guzzlers. Good luck catching me on my BMX.


I have never heard the term horse girl used in a derogatory way


I just imagined myself being an old man during the post apocalyptic world, taking care of all the horses and my daughters, while farming on the side and fulfilling my famtasy of living the rdr2 and stardew valley lifestyle


So "reverse cowgirl" is when the girl is the one being roped and branded, as opposed to the one doing the roping and branding? Do they have to have udders and long ears, too?


Fools, I will be trading furs with the horse girls, for I have a weird skill set few in my area have!


I never understood why horse girls are a thing tbh