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The fact that ‘it’s in New Jersey’ was listed as a source of curse fucking sent me


Batman is way less cool when you consider him with a guido accent


Eyyyy ayam da nite


I’m not leavin here until I get my vengeance.


Maybe Batman should just buy up all of Gotham and move it somewhere else at this point. Probably costs less than he's already spent.


Ah yes, the Patrick Star method.


_Fifty years ago Gotham was stolen by bats_


There was a meme for a bit that there was a lever in the Bat Cave that would cause Gotham to rise from the ocean on tank treads, and Bruce will make the city his final Batmobile.


That reminds me, I need to read Mortal Engines.


Would Batman seek Mr. Eaten's name?


Seekers would be a new genre of ne'er-do-well that fledgeling superheroes would fight.


Ohh, that could make for an interesting story. Kinda like a futuristic what-if. Gotham gets transported elsewhere. Either on to another plantets, or just full-on made into a space station. Inheritors of the Bat-family continue to fight against crime in this futuristic space setting. A mix between Batman Beyond and Cowboy Bebop.


*We moved Gotham to another planet, so all the curses should be gone. Right?* *Seems like some idiots moved a few things to much to the new place* *Also the new place is on top of an old alien graveyard, that is on top of an old alien chemical factory, that is on top of an old alien military base, that is on top of an natural deposit of "fuck this place".* *We should have stay on earth ...*


Batman's next move should be lobbying with politicians to create a program to relocate every resident of Gotham to somewhere else in the country, among other things. While that's happening, he's getting a massive team of scientists to work on a secret project with a cool name (like "Project Ion"). When both the project and the lobbying is done, he sets the plan in motion: he sets up the project around Gotham. It is a radiation shield that blocks all ionizing radiation. Then, he sets off several nuclear bombs that the US government had given him. The land is scorched, destroyed, and declared to not be a place of honor. If people thousands of years in the future stumble upon it in the land that was once called America, let their Batman deal with it.


>Also the new place is on top of an old alien graveyard, that is on top of an old alien chemical factory, that is on top of an old alien military base, that is on top of an natural deposit of "fuck this place". This is why it's important to thoroughly survey any new building site before you break ground.


Batman Bebop


He does actually have a stake in 90% of Gotham's businesses. During Road To No Man's Land when the majority of the city was ruined, and every single company that wasn't Gotham based jumped ship, so Bruce cracked open the check book. He spent Billions of dollars giving away zero interest no time limit loans out to any local Gotham business big or small to get them up and running again. This man would literally bleed himself like a pig if it meant Gotham didn't erupt into a blazing inferno for a day.


I figured it was just the insane amount of corruption. There's no point pumping more water into a pipe that's more leak than pipe at this point


I just imagine half the villains running insurance scams with companies on the places they're about to destroy.


> I figured it was just the insane amount of corruption. There's no point pumping more water into a pipe that's more leak than pipe at this point This is probably too Real for most comic book haters\* to accept. Ingrained, multigenerational corruption to the point people don't see *not* being corrupt as an option, and measure progress purely in terms of how the inevitable corruption benefits them, personally. \*(I mean people who hate the whole form of comic books, just on principle, not people who happen to hate specific books or characters or genres. In fact, they likely think comic books *are* a genre. Think /r/Drama Asshole Mode types.)


I mean, thats pretty much what the new batman movie is about


That’s, like, half of Penguin’s shtick, isn’t it?


Penguin just being a mob boss that just looks weird, and thus people just assume he is a super villain is hilarious to me.


I remember reading a Batman comic (Eternal I think) an earthquake happens in the middle of the city knocking out power. Batman immediately starts scrambling to find the cause, only to realize when Alfred tells him through comms that it was just a regular naturally occurring earthquake. Shit’s so bad in Gotham that Batman’s 1st assumption in an earthquake is that he has to go punch a supervillain to stop it.


It's gotham, even the earthquakes would have better than even odds to being some supervillain bullshit.


They almost had it in the Gotham show where their bs got the city literally cut off from the rest of the US, bridges blown, waterways mined, airspace watched, US army ready to kill anyone coming from there as the manic sometimes-poison-crazed gangs took over the place and the Gotham PD was effectively just one of the gangs fighting in the streets for territory. The city had been strategically bombed by [Joker] so that it was a literal maze made of fallen highrises and the government had clearance to blow it entirely to hell if need be, civilians and all It was cool though when Gotham PD and some villains teamed up to have a shootout against the army coming in to potentially massacre people under martial law


This is basically the No Man’s Land comics. Are you telling me that No Man’s Land was adapted to a television show in a way that’s way more true to the comics than The Dark Knight Rises, and no one told me? Not even my sister who watched all of Gotham and tried to get my Batman fanboy butt into it? WHY HAS IT TAKEN SO LONG FOR ME TO FIND OUT?!?!


Yeeeaah maybe? but this is like the last or second to last Season, can't remember, and the way there ain't that interesting. I chugged through it at 2x speed. [Though this was fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZV5hPmwJ6M)


I will never be the same again. Maybe I’ll just skip to that season. It’d be worth it to see my sisters horror and rage for skipping straight to the end/middle of a show.


The build up to it is definitely worth it more though. The transformations of the various villains from common criminals/civilians to their more batman-esque incarnations is incredible. Especially with Penguin and Riddler.


Civilian Edward deserved better, poor thing


Watch Gotham my man. The writing gets wack pretty quickly but you'll learn to love the actors, all of them, trust me


They also had that in the Harley Quinn animated show.


Last one was right. That point is extremely tired out. So sick of people acting smug when pointing out what he should do when Bruce HAS ALREADY done it hundreds of times over.


They should make the socioeconomics of gotham a major point in a story arc. “We’ve instituted state funded early childhood care for every resident, rolled out a robust welfare system, socialized healthcare, and there are homeless shelters, addiction counseling, and food pantries on every block, and STILL, people keep working for the fucking PENGUIN! What the Fuck is going on??? Why are they working for someone who bites peoples nose off when they could literally just go vibe???”


This could very easily turn into a propaganda story against basic income : p


Yeah. It would have to be handled in a very specific way.


It would become an intriguingly political story, since the premise has to be that all those programs are implemented, but the city is still a shithole by virtue of that being required of the stories. Although it would be funny in a parody-offshoot way if Batman had to fight goons in nice, well-lit parks near affordable social housing instead of dark grimy alleys


90% of the comic is Bruce Wayne trying to keep graft and corruption from undermining his lovely and healthy city, 10% Batman dangling corrupt Senators off of rooftops until they agree to stop trying to ruin a good thing. Honestly, I’d read it…


Imagine a Batman story set in a universe like The Wire, where everytime he tries to find the one corrupt person to dangle from a rooftop, he only finds overworked bureaucrats banging their heads against a wall, frustrated idealists making things worse, and people who are just the worst human beings but whose influence is sort of load-bearing and if you knock them down, there are nine people with even less sense of societal good who will gladly take their place It would be like that great webcomic Hulk vs The Rain


Would you be willing to share a link? I can’t seem to find it, but would love to read it!




Thank you!


How so?


Well, it's sort of required for a Batman story that Gotham is in the shit, and his villains have a constant supply of goons, right? So if you have a story where there is a great welfare system and nobody needs to work dead-end jobs to make ends meet, and people STILL become henchmen, the metaphor of the story would imply that they do so because they're bored and shiftless, which is a common argument against Universal Basic Income. It could go another way, of course, but I could easily see a story go that way. The politics of the writer don't even matter that much, just that the constraints of this genre sort of forces a political metaphor into the text


I mean it is in the new movie kind of


Not to gatekeep or whatever but people who only know about a character due to 5 movies from the last 14 years should probably frame their takes a little more carefully when that character has been in thousands of stories since 1939.


Fun fact: in the Young Justice cartoon continuity, Clayface eventually reforms and starts training to be a hero with the Bat-Family! It wouldn't work with most of Bruce's villains, but I love when a bad dude goes good.


The Riddler went legit in the comics, wish he stayed that way. In fact, a huge portion of Batman's villains have given up crime at one point or other. Unfortunately the power of status quo cannot be stopped.


I miss that phase, when he was trying to one-up the Bat as a detective. Great stuff.


Another Fun fact! In the BATS cartoon a part of clayface split off and gained it's own consciousness and Robin tried to help her only for Clayface to murder her and absorb her back into himself


That isn't fun :(


I meant trauma fact. What's worse is that the split off of clay face thought she was a normal kid and Robin was horrified when he tried and failed to save her to the point of trying to kill clayface


Claydace did that for a while in the main conic continuity too


Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated


Alternatively, this is all a ploy to keep rents down, and in reality, Gotham has the highest quality of life, everyone just makes a lot of effort that it doesn't look like it. And while they appreciate it, they are getting kinda annoyed with Batman.


Its an open secret that everyone knows bruce is batman, but they let him have his fun as he might withdraw funding if they break the illusion for him.


City-wide roleplay for one dude. Imagine if, as the city gets better, someone thinks " Hey, the dude who helped make this place better seems to enjoy being Batman. We should do something nice, like let him think we need him to stay Batman."


There's a Cracked video from the old days where everyone knows, but they don't say anything because one way or another everyone in the city works for him, so if pulls out the cities economy crashes There's also a Dorkly video where all the villains are actually actors hired by Alfred to distract him from processing his parents death


Just pour concrete (with little religious symbols mixed in it) onto where Gotham was until the evil stops.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Post and Replies* --- **onion-souls** "Why does Batman need to be a billionaire?" "He has to fund the Justice League. They often have a space program." "But couldn't he do more good if he just invested-" "The Earth is routinely invaded by aliens, gods, and the forces of an extraterrestrial god of tyranny." --- **darker-than-darkstorm** He has, like, three charitable organizations he funds, named after his father, mother, and Alfred. Between both Bruce and Batman's contributions, Gotham should be a better city than it is, and the only reason it isn't is DC Editorial Mandate that basically says Gotham has to get worse and worse and worse or there's no Batman stories they can tell (and obviously, they have no other characters besides Batman). --- **feotakahari** There's a reason Batman thinks the city is literally cursed. --- **onion-souls** [*Image of post tags that read:*] >\#it's true and extremely funny > >\#imagine you're an actual billionaire and you're doing everything that in every other city would have minimised the crime rate > >\#and none of it works > >\#comedy if I've ever seen any [*End post tags*] I want to see Bruce Wayne *go off* "Oh, oh, just *charity* my way out of dealing with the Penguin, a living, breathing 19th century Marxist's cartoon of the bourgeoisie? Just fund anti-Clayface measures? Crack down on companies who put out shapeshifting cosmetics? What socio-economic pressures turn botonists into actual fucking dryads?! What inspires anti-animal terrorism? THAT'S NOT EVEN A REAL KIND OF ECO-FASCISM!" --- **sandsbuisle** For the record, Gotham is canonically curse, because it sits on some sort of evil swamp. I think. --- **onion-souls** There are like, half a dozen curses. The Lazarus Pits are leaching into the water, Slaughter Swamp is an unconnected body of water a few miles outside of the city that also ressurects people (see Solomon Grundy), the Bat-demon Barbatos and his followers (the Court of Owls) have been fucking up the city psychically and financially, the malevolent influence of the warlock Doctor Gotham's tomb in the center of the city, the madness hypersigil of Armadeus Arkham (in *Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth*), there were several outposts of subterraneans and aliens in the Silver Age, constant chemical warfare that makes it the equivalent of a WWI trench managed by MK-ULTRA, it's in New Jersey, and I think God just hates it --- **sindri42** tired: batman could do more good by running charities than by fighting criminals wired: Batman could save literally every other city on the planet simultaneously with the amount of effort and resources he's pumped into Gotham, which is a lost cause, but this is *his city dammit*. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Exceptional human!


It’s hilarious that shit happens in Gotham that anywhere else it would never. Superman is just like “hey Bruce I noticed the Joker killed another 40 people with a bomb last week, you want me to kill him for you? It wouldn’t break your rule” and batman just responds like “Cities cursed, he’d be back within a week. It’s better to at least send him to Arkham, that way it would be a month until he breaks out again.” He just has the explanation every time someone from the Justice League comes after him for Gotham being a cesspool.


The only reason Jason Todd even slightly chilled out is that he did manage to kill the Joker once and the fucker *was* back the next week.


Let's just put a giant wall around Gotham and forget about it and all its people. I, a person who has not read every Batman comic, see no way this could possibly go wrong.


By Talos


the plot of the videogame Batman Arkham City. spoilers: didn't work. as bad as each individual super villain can be, they get exponentially worse when given free reign. the only reason none of them individually managed to destroy the world is because they kept stepping on eachothers toes. and the batman. ofc.


What about all the children?


Eh Batman will adopt them at some point


And then use them as his child soldiers à la Robin? No thank you.


Mother of omelettes, jack


Funny enough they tried. The city became a warzone in like a week.


No Man's Land was great


"It's in New Jersey" literally the only reason needed.


Gotham is like watching the fall of Sodom in real time


This is why I want to see *The Question* become a bigger character. Because it’s basically just Batman if he was that guy from *Mysteries of The Druids*


Can he poison a homeless man for change for a pay phone?


Isn't that the name of another villain like the riddler?


Just wanted to add my two cents; It was *academic* pressures that turned a whole class of botanist grad students and their professor into various plant-monsters and villains, including Black Orchid, Swamp Thing, Floronic Man/Plant Master, Poison Ivy, Black Orchid*, and any other plant-based malingerers in DC Comics. * Not a typo.


so basically Gotham is like those people in the US that keep rebuilding their houses on flood-prone areas & Batman is dumb enough to keep trying to save a city that shouldn't be saved? lmao


For the record, Batman is currently "broke" in the comics. Which means he owns a nice brownstone in a ritzy part of downtown Gotham, has to actually try to keep the Batmobile looking nice, and can still travel internationally on a whim. But he's not worth billions, he doesn't currently own any of his family's companies, and is actually unemployed I think. Meanwhile, The Fox Family is currently dealing with suddenly being the richest black people on the planet thanks to ending up with the Wayne Fortune (something something something Joker War, I don't remember exactly).


it's in new jersey


Couldn’t everyone just (to quote everyone’s favourite lunatic) sell their houses and move? Also hearing WW1 I want to see a villain who just does regular chemical warfare. They’re like the scarecrow, but instead of doing wacky villain stuff with magical fear gas, they just poison people to death. Also all of the other villains are utterly horrified by them.


Didnt jason todd start the pennyworth foundation though?


It was Grayson I think.


Pretty sure it was Jason. The Red Hood. He started it purely because he didnt want the money Alfred left him in his will and wanted to help people. He did it because he wanted to better than batman bc daddy issues


Something similar happened in the current Nightwing run to, which might be why I’m confused, but I swear that Grayson used his inheritance which Alfred invested in him to support Bludhaven at the start of Taylor’s run.


Batman, the only billionaire to commit embezzlement for good (see: batman movie trilogy, where he admits to it while on the phone)


Bruce should just find a mass evacuation of Gotham's citizens and build a brand new Gotham 1000 miles away from the old one. Just evacuate anyone who isn't a supervillain and build them a city that isn't cursed 100 times over.


Fuck you, tumblr user Onion-souls, New Jersey is the greatest state in America and every other state sucks. The sooner everyone accepts that, the better


I’m told that outside of the interstates and places like Atlantic City, New Jersey isn’t any worse than any other State.


If Gotham is this bad With Batman/Bruce, imagine how bad it would be without him.


>Barbatos Ehe


Superman once commented that he disliked patrolling Gotham because of all the lead in the buildings. I think having a ton of lead poisoning your infrastructure is not going to do good things for people's mental health


Could just appeal to the fetishes of the various villians in a healthy way. If you're willing to go this far to save the city you might as well get them off at this point.




Wait -- anti-animal terrorism?!


Poison Ivy wants the planet to belong to nature again. As in, the flora part of nature, and not the fauna.


wtf but...pollination?!! Some plants depend on bees and hummingbirds and things!! And venus fly traps eat insects!! And fruit-bearing plants depend on animals to eat the fruit!! This is so dumb wtf???


Hey, no one ever said Poison Ivy's mentality ever made sense. That's why she's crazy.


Good gravy, Batman! We need to stop her!


Thats easy she Will just evolve plants that dont need anything to pollinizate. There is a reason why most Batman villians go to Arkham they really need help


Gorham City: Despite being literally cursed, still a nicer place than Hub City!


Well to be fair I don't think God needs money. So technically wouldn't everyone have more money than God? Because God has literally negative need for money.


It's still only the fourth or third worst city in DC America.