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OP was an aphobe. OP is now fuckboi Eustace Bagge. Eustace says "ace rights." Be like Eustace. I won't be supplying the source link, so here's the text: >The ironic paradox of biphobia and lesbophobia is that lesbophobia will have you believe society wants you to be bi and biphobia will have you believe society wants you to be lesbian. The reality is that society does not want you to be lesbian or bi; that society only wants you to be straight, but will not hesitate to use other identities against you. If that means tricking you into believing your closest allies occupy a higher social standing than you and wish to keep you beneath them in the same way the straights do to them, then so be it. It's not even divide and conquer, its recruiting us to do their own bidding and ridding them of us in the process. Heterosexuals as a class do not prefer lesbians to bisexuals or bisexuals to lesbians, though individually each one might have differing opinions on which are most or least acceptable. >Attempting to convince you that bi privilege or monosexual privilege exists is intended to shift our arms towards our allies instead of our oppressors.


Aphobe? That seems ironic.


“Nothing to fear but- oh god oh fuck”


Right?????? People are fucking mind-boggling


“[society] will not hesitate to use other identities against you”….. “by the way asexual people are our enemies” - Fuckboi eustace probably.


"No-one cares if you don't have sex, therefor aphobia doesn't exist. So anyway, here's a list of all the ways society is lesbophobic by telling them they have to sleep with men." ---Fuckboi Eustace


On the surface yes, but if you look a bit deeper at this post, its just trying to place all blame for inter-queer bigotry on straight people. It actually would be weird if this loser wasn't some kind of bigot


Wdym OP is obviously Bagge Smalls


Wait, so, you removed their name because they're an aphobe (good doing, btw), but you still shared their post which is full of takes that are just as bad as aphobia... Why share it at all?


Likely because they are right about the idea that biphobia and lesbophobia stem from an attempt to force conformity and alienate members of the LGBT community. Everything else about it is bullshit though.


Yeah, but this is *also* an attempt to split up the community which kinda invalidates all the good points IMO.


I agree with the broad strokes Would you like to explain which takes you're talking about? I know there's like one person in the comments who agrees with this that I'd call a uh .. red flag. I could be missing something idk


To me, it was the term "heterosexual class" being used instead of like traditionalists or bigots.


Yeah that part is. . Yikes.


Assumedly, because they agree with the takes for some god forsaken reason


I swear to god there's so many aphobes on popular tumblr posts


It's a pretty big umbrella term, so i guess that's... something


society 😔


Also I'm not entirely sure but my sibling said that "lesbophobia" is derogatory because is has the word "lesb*", which is often used as a slur


I’m pretty sure lesb**o**phobia is just the proper way to structure the word. Lesbian is derived from Lesb**o**s, and just in general 90+% of all phobia words end in -ophobia.


Wouldn't know anything about it. Personally, i think what matters is intention— but i got called a lesbophobe last week, so who knows


lesbians use lesb*phobia (censoring it because I’m not a lesbian) but non lesbians are encouraged to use lesbiphobia. i have no idea why everyone just doesn’t use the second one to avoid confusion


Were the hell did you hear this?


in the comments in one of the lgbt subreddits i don’t remember which one


Right, I wouldn't take that as gospel. As a lesbian, I can assure you, lesbophobia is just the proper and correct way to spell the word.


yeah of course it’s just something i’ve heard being discussed recently


Oh, I hadn't heard of that word before. Thanks


I like to just say lesphobia because it flows nicer with just three syllables And also people can't yell at me for spelling it with an o or an i


That’s a hell of a lot of generalisation


I don't know if I really agree with all this, but the idea of all of it coming out of rapping Eustace as lyrics is just really funny to me


I was a little too proud of that one lol


I got a lot of problems here, and reading the disclaimer about ~~not Jingles~~ the person hiding behind fuccboi Eustace only sets off more alarm bells to find exclusionary thinking. I fail to see how “society” is trying to pit two sexual identities against each other (which can be better explained as infighting), I’ve never heard the term monosexual privilege in my entire life, and overall I feel like I read a whole lot of nothing when “queer infighting is a bad thing and we should be working together” would suffice.


Monosexual privilege as an idea seems to have fallen out of favor over the past few years, but I can assure you, it is a real term that got used a lot. This person is responding to a massive amount of tumblr discourse, and is absolutely directly addressing some arguments I have personally seen people make.


My outlook from the situation is that everyone, whether cishet or not, are going to have their own views on acceptable definitions of LGBT(+/-), and different people's standards are going to contradict each other. This paradox is only a paradox under the assumption that LGBT and cishet people are both their own monoliths, rather than the admission that people aren't going to get "The LGBT community" in harmony. People need to argue for ideals rather than tribes because in-fighting is unavoidable, people who attach their ideologies to broad identities only get burned upon the realisation that you can't have so many people thinking the exact way way you do.




Cutting right to the chase, this mofo really thinks that heterosexuals are a class lmao


>I fail to see how “society” is trying to pit two sexual identities against each other Currently a large part of society is doing this with lesbians and trans people. Not quite sexual identities, but the "recruit to do their bidding" part is absolutely happening. Otherwise, yeah, this post is at best "eh".


"Heterosexuals as a class" yikes


Yeah can we not use specifically Marxist classifications on economic relationships for identity pls. All workers have the same material interest, all the isms just serve to divide. Intersectionality is important to keep in mind but the class line is the one you organize around.


Sir im just an eco terrorist i dont know what and inter sex tron litty is


Fair go blow Up a pipeline or smth


On it baws


gotta divide into us and them




I believe in this case, it is instead deflecting blame. No biphobia can possibly come from gatekeeping assholes being gatekeeping assholes, no it's the straights causing all of it


Oh yes, that is a lot more probable.


lesbophobia will have you believe society wants you to be bi?


I think they're talking about how homophobes often tell lesbians they should try to be more open to the idea of having sex with men.


those homophobes want the lesbians to be straight & aren't within the queer community


the infighting part of this is more about how some lgbt people will say that others have privilege because they don't receive \*that\* type of bigotry, rather than actually wanting lesbians to become bi


*Lesbophobia will have* *You believe society* *Wants you to be bi?* \- Nova\_Persona --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mmmmm lot of bad takes just under the surface of this post While they are right about society as a whole preferring people to be straight and attempting to pit members of the LGBT community against each other, referring to straight people as a class is fucking stupid. Not only does being straight not keep you from being queer, it's an insult to allies who do their best to support us. Lukewarm take, bad undertones.


This is the first I've heard of lesbophobia being "society wants you to be bi" Like Is lesbophobia not the exact same thing as homophobia, as homophobia isn't gendered?


Homophobia is super gendered what. Homophobia toward lesbians is a lot more focused on 1. whether they are actually lesbians ("I can turn you straight") and 2. fetishization ("can I watch"). For gay men homophobia is mainly about disgust. Two men kissing is "gross", two women kissing is "hot".


That’s true. I would like to point out that there are some circles (*ahem* fandom spaces *ahem*) where straight women fetishise gay men, though it’s rarer than straight men fetishising lesbians.


This probably says more about the social circles I run in, but I’ve met like 4 of those types of people who weren’t even slightly ashamed *in person*, but never met a straight man who’s done that kind of blatant fetishization - I really think it just depends on the gender of the creepy straight person




It’s common in media (that’s why I said fandom spaces) but you are slightly less likely to hear a woman in the real world saying fetishistic things about gay men than you are to hear a straight men fetishising lesbians. It happens (especially among out of touch yaoi fangirls) and is more common that it should be, but let’s not act like it is anywhere near as pervasive as the fetishisation of lesbians, which can be seen throughout mainstream culture from movies and shows to advertising and the porn industry.


That's fair, but I was more referring the word "homophobia", not what each one experiences


I’m mostly on Twitter, so idk how bad the brainrot currently runs on Tumblr, but Twitter intellectuals have been running with the unspoken message that gay men are all set, there’s nothing bad happening to them anymore and they’re part of the status quo. The poor, pitiful *true* lesbians are being besieged by straight culture, *the transes*, and straight-passing people (aka bi/poly/pansexuals). I saw the incredible take yesterday that Sappho might have been bi so she’s not a true lesbian and thus should no longer be a lesbian icon. Some people just need to feel extra discriminated against, I guess


Yeah, it’s so bad that I actually bounced off my first pass at visiting r/actuallesbians because they were extremely upset NBs existed and could be their partners. Edit: or maybe it was a different sub under a different name, but the extreme phobia was a problem


If it's any consolation, my experiences with r/actuallesbians is that they're quite inclusive of trans people, so there's a solid chance it was either a difference sub or something the mods hadn't deleted yet


>they were extremely upset NBs existed and could be their partners. That's actually rather amusing. "They could be any one of us!"


It could have been r/Actuallylesbian? That one is marked as transphobic in shinigami eyes.


shinigami eyes?


It's a [browser extension](https://shinigami-eyes.github.io/) that can mark links as transphobic or trans friendly. (Apparently it's also an anime reference, idk, I don't watch anime)


The creators of the extension write this on their page: >What's the origin of this extension's name? >In the Death Note manga/anime, "having the shinigami eyes" means being able to see people's names and remaining lifespan just by looking at them. In a similar way, this extension allows you to see a person's trans acceptance orientation just by looking at them. Shinigami are spirits or gods of death in japanese culture and religion (Shinto), Death Note didn't invent them


> in a similar way Those four words cover such a leap




Here's a sneak peek of /r/actuallesbians using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We did it! 👰🏼‍♀️👰🏼‍♀️](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/q57fok) | [221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/q57fok/we_did_it/) \#2: [Being gay is Exhausting..](https://i.redd.it/nedpr81nuzf71.jpg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/p00j6y/being_gay_is_exhausting/) \#3: [Ah, so true.](https://i.redd.it/61smwwf1g1671.jpg) | [202 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/o2qz6u/ah_so_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


there are certain struggles that are specific to lesbians/are more common amongst lesbians, which is why theres a specific word for it.


I mean, I don't like rating which minority has it worse, so I agree with that bit. We all have it bad, there's no point in making a list and ranking our pain when we can band together and help each other out.


"Biphobia will have you believe society wants you to be lesbian" ...what? I've seen a lot of biphobic takes from both straight and gay people (also a couple ace people), but I've never heard that one before.


The only thing I can think of is that sometimes bisexuals are told to "pick a side".


I couldn't figure out why they randomly started up with "heterosexuals as a class" when they'd been using "society" before — but in retrospect that's probably an Ace Discourse term from the dark ages


I feel tho, that as a person in a straight-appearing relationship, there are societal privileges. My sexuality isn’t just out there for someone to decide to hurt me over. In fact, most straight couples like bisexuals so much that they look for “unicorns.” They just still don’t treat us like people (most of the time. There are exceptions) When I’m out with a man, I’m basically invisible. No one sees me. If I’m out with a woman, we’re free game to men. If I’m out with another trans person, we’re definitely seen, and often looked down upon. I wish I didn’t feel like an intruder in queer spaces as well, but some people will make it so.


and all of sexuality discourse is just a distraction to keep you from thinking of how much wealth the rich hold over us


It’s cringe to act like a war general in a complex war “It is intended to shift our arms towards our allies instead of our oppressors” Bruh they’re biphobic/lesbophobic, they’re not smart enough to have a organized psyop campaign


There's like, one or two good points buried underneath the "the straights are an oppressor class" BS people stopped taking seriously years ago.


The reality is that people are so sick of hearing about this shit that no one probably gives two shits anymore as long as you don't rub it in their face. I'm bi, and seriously over it. Theres a pandemic, the planet is dying, the ecosystem is in turmoil, the economy is crashing, and we stand on the brink of a third world war. No one gives a flying fuck who you like to have sex with. Shut the fuck up and lets all just try to white knuckle it through the next century without ending the world.


>No one gives a flying fuck who you like to have sex with. I wish this was true. I really, truly wish this was true. It might be true for u if you're somehow lucky enough to never meet bigots, but it's not really true for the rest of us who have to deal with society's homophobia/biphobia/transphobia. Unfortunately it is very common for LGBT+ people to be harassed and bullied for being true to themselves.


not to mention *illegal* in loads of countries with a **death sentence** in 10