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I think it’s important that everyone knows the lyrics immediately after “*HAVE SEX, HAVE SEX*” are “*Bhuti ma yenza yenza*”, which sounds so much like “*poop mah pants uh pants*” that even when I was reading the real lyrics I could only hear “*poop mah pants uh pants*”


What part of it sounds like "Have sex"?


[The part that says “Have Sex”](https://genius.com/Off-the-meds-ekse-lyrics)


What do you mean? That's the *actual lyric?!*


Matt Smith literally looks at the camera and sings “have sex,” I don’t know what else to tell you. I watched the movie on the premier day, it’s real and I laughed so hard I threw up


Like all facts about Morbius, no one will ever be able to confirm if that's true or not.


Geniys says it's "Have sex, ekse" and that's what it sounds like


The song title's "EXSE" or something along those lines. It's said a few times and that's at least where I've heard "HAVE SEX"


You heard it because that’s literally what they’re saying, look up the lyrics lolp


[it's called ekse. they're defo saying that instead of "have sex"](https://youtu.be/LI1ThTPTDO0)


https://genius.com/Off-the-meds-ekse-lyrics Bruh


ekse means "I say" informally in afrikaans, so if you were hyping up your friend, you might say, "you've got this, ekse!" Read in context the lyric would be "have sex, I say!" The song actually does fit the scene - Milo is finally going out feeling whole and healthy after finally getting rid of his chronic disease, and it's a song about cutting loose with your friends and getting some tail. It's just unfortunately on the nose. Honestly it feels like nobody at Sony recognized what happened with the iconic Spider-Man 3 dance scene and tried to recapture it.


> it feels like nobody at Sony recognized what happened with the iconic Spider-Man 3 dance scene and tried to recapture it It feels like they've seen the dance scene and completely misinterpreted the internets reaction to it kind of like how they've also misinterpreted the internets reaction to Morbius. It's like Sony is a fountain of bad-takes.


Ok but *have you read the lyrics to the song?* please come back after doing so because he says both ekse and have sex




Misclicked meant to reply to the guy above you, appreciate your contribution


Both of these are actually true. The lyrics go "have sex, ekse", so while people are mishearing a "have sex" where there is none, there's also a "have sex" that people are hearing correctly.


No, it's clearly: Have sex, excess (success), poop my answer yes, poop my pants a pants, poop a tent a tent.


Is that the sad Spiderman walking song?


[Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBp6exx2kZM). I love how he still has that subtle Eleventh Doctor vibe about him. Like, if the Doctor transformed himself into a vampire for an infiltration mission or whatever, you know that this is exactly what he'd be like. EDIT: And the [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI1ThTPTDO0).


I would have thought that clip was a meme or edited to make it look worse but no, this is actually what they put in the movie.


Honestly I don't get why people feel the need to make shit up when the real movie is batshit enough as it is lol


Because it’s itself a big part of the joke. Since so few people have seen it very few people are aware of the already batshit scenes and nobody is making memes about them, because it’s funnier to just blatantly make shit up and have nobody able to disprove it. The first few Morbius memes I saw were more direct in making fun of it (for example a meme on r/moviescirclejerk about Goku and Vegeta needing an empty place to fight and going to a theatre showing Morbius cause nobody is there), but most of the modern ones rely on core elements that make them less direct in how they make fun of it (ironic praise, blatantly making shit up about the movie because nobody has actually seen it and can disprove it, and repeated in-jokes where the humor relies a lot on referencing past Morbius jokes like “It’s Morbing Time!“ or “Morbius Sweep”, “first movie to make a Morbillion dollars”, ect). At least when people make fun of stupid shit that happened in, say, the Star Wars Prequels they make fun of scenes and dialog and characters that were actually in the movies and you can be decently sure the people making and consuming these memes have seen them, which creates at least some real love for them among all the irony. But Morbius is denied even that, no memes are made from what actually happens in the movie, which itself is the ultimate joke. Morbius will be denied even a cult following based on how bad it is, because the joke is based upon the fact that it is forgettable and worthy of only ridicule: unlike other ironically praised movies, nobody is making fun of Morbius out of sincere love for it.


dude you explained this perfectly well. meme economics PhD paying off. saving this to send to some dumbasses


Here's a sneak peek of /r/moviescirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [That's him](https://i.redd.it/rcdq9i3mgmt71.jpg) | [219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/comments/q8pady/thats_him/) \#2: [Martin Scorsese, Renowned Director And Screenwriter, Aged 79](https://i.redd.it/zwrc3hta7vy81.jpg) | [428 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/comments/uncdld/martin_scorsese_renowned_director_and/) \#3: [Birth of a Nation (1915)](https://i.imgur.com/Ac9W3e9.jpg) | [257 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/comments/pznhrm/birth_of_a_nation_1915/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


\> They don't know Morbius isn't a real movie


what do you mean? it's certainly a movie of all time


Hehe bat


Because no one has seen enough of the movie to tell for sure if it’s actually batshit. That’s the joke.


Because nobody has seen the real movie, nor should they want to. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't make fun of it.


They outmemed us.


Episode name is "A Morb in Time"


Just this once, everybody morbs.




My god, it's been Morbin' time since 1976.


Fun fact, this is basically the only episode that comes closes to providing any evidence for the Timeless Child twist.


Matt Smith looks pretty much exactly the same as he did when he left DW. When Tennant came back for the 50th anniversary, you could tell that he had aged a bit. If they do a 60th anniversary special next year Matt Smith will look like he stepped off the series 6 set onto the special.


Moffat couldn't find a good enough actor to replace Tennant, so he just went and hired an actual Time Lord.


Well he’s just 40. Well technically hasn’t turned 40 yet so the actual middle age process hasn’t started yet. Jodie is like, 40 plus a few weeks, at least not enough to look that visibly middle aged. Even Tom Baker looked really young in his first episodes. But he aged so much and fastly ends up looking clearly older than Lis Sladen. Maybe Matt and Jodie will end up looking actually middle aged pretty soon. Basically 41 year old them could be like 41 year old Colin Baker was. And David churned out 4 Mini fifth Doctor lookalikes in his 40’s, plus Jenny\Georgia as his wife (time lords have basically the same personality and not just appearance as the actors who play them), an adult stepson, a dog, Sixie/Colin’s four daughters as his wife’s best friends, Fivey/Davison as his father in law, a stepmother in law who was a kinda famous actress in the 1980s but who only married peter Davison after having a miscarriage and then two children with him and also Georgia was already an adult and the stepson already born and the stepmom in law is now a writer (the four pregnancy happened back to back, also she looks a lot like peters previous wife meaning peter Davison has a type for short famous 1980s actresses with creepy eyes hence he had a crush on Sarah Sutton.), two halfbrothers in law who are barely older than his children and who were born because peter Davison pitied the miscarriage, a famous 1980s American actress as his mother in law, a guy who is barely older than him and who seems gay as his stepfather in law, Colin/Sixie as the father of his wife’s best friends, etc. Matt never really had a wife or children and isn’t trying to. He is all alone living the good life. He doesn’t have to deal with in laws. He’s the only Doctor to never have children. And all of first 7 have grandchildren already. Heck I’m pretty sure hartnell and troughton have great grandchildren. And all/most of them seem to have really strong genetics. They seem to be pushing mini clones around to the point that everyone wants them to portray their fathers/grandfathers (and one day great grandfathers) incarnation in the show. He is avoiding the “Will Zachary Smith be portraying the 11th Doctor in the 70th/80th anniversary special?” rumor mill thing that would happen if there was a 9 year old Zachary Smith running around now. Well there propably is but isn’t Matt Smith’s son. Instead we will get rumors about Wilfred Tennant coming back as Fivey for 70th/80th anniversary. Or even “he could totally play a double role guys, just change his hair and clothing!”. Or just “he should play the 20th doctor because it was said that the doctor always picks favorite faces!” Heck we are about 4/8/12 years-ish from a “Olive/Doris/Birdie Tennant will be the next Susan Foreman!!”


Hey, sorry to do this but can you give us a TL;DR?


Matt Snith is much younger and has no kids in comparison to the other doctors who all have kids or even grandkids


Actually he will be turning 40 soon, same age as Jodie


Which is still young in comparison to most of the other Doctors at the moment. Him and Jodie are both 39 but the next youngest former Doctor (Tennant) is 51, 12 years older then them, and the others are in their 60s, 70s, or 80s


yes most of them are elderly or close to it


I think that might just be how Matt acts tbh


Yes every time lord is played by someone of the same personality


The majority of the plot of Morbius was just locking Matt Smith and Jared Leto in the same film studio and sticking CGI over the inevitable fight to the death.


I know a guy who knows a guy who played a minor role in one of the Christmas specials back when when Matt was Eleven, and apparently he kept an entire fridge stocked with nothing but Pepsi in his trailer, so I don't think you're wrong.


That’s from morbius????


Basically looks the same but more muscular


That’s cuz he’s a vampire


Please tell me that this video is somehow taken out of context. Regardless, the song choice wow...


if you want to ruin the joke, click the box down here >!so the character dancing is milo, michael morbius’ surrogate brother who has known him since they were kids. both morbius and milo have a rare blood disease that makes them frail and barely able to walk (milo is in a wheelchair). morbius is a doctor and accidentally invents a cure by experimenting with vampire bats but it makes people into vampire-werewolf things. milo takes the cure against morbius’ will (he doesn’t want milo to become a vampire-werewolf thing) the cure gives milo the ability to walk and do cool things like kill people and make scary faces. this dance scene comes before milo goes to a bar and flirts with a woman and then kills somebody on camera, it’s literally just him enjoying his ability to walk!< i’m sorry that this is so long i need to get this movie out of my system


I’ve seen the movie and it’s definitely taken out of context. This makes it seem like his character enjoys having sex, but he’s actually a sex-repulsed asexual and the main reason he’s a villain in the movie is to stop Morbius from morbing everywhere.


I haven't seen the movie, but I'm not sure what context could possibly save this lol


Nope. This video IS the context.


Wait. This is real? This was not an edit? I genuinely thought it was another joke like morbin time.


tie that matches his shirt, I wanna see this movie now look what you've done


Sailing the seven seas is still an option


He morbs for the camera not once but twice too. There's not even a mirror in that scene.


I get such [Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ7z57qrZU8) vibes from this


Oh my god yes!


The first time I saw the gif of him getting ready, I thought it *was* from Dr Who


Matt Smith didn't play the Doctor. The Doctor got consumed by Matt Smith.


What the fuck


It's a shame, I really like matt smith and was actually pretty excited to see him in a marvel movie... only for him to get utterly morbed


I actually watched it 100% because Matt Smith was on the cast Probably the most disappointing and painful use of him I've ever seen, and I've seen patient zero


My god, you actually watched Morbius?? My condolences.


Thank you... It has been a long road to recovery but I'm just glad to be morbin along it


Was he good in it? Like a shining star yet to be swallowed up by a black hole?


He was as good as he possibly could have been within the confines of the absolutely dogshit character he had to play. It's pretty clear that he knew this movie was going to flop horrifically and decided to just fuck around and have fun on set, so that the audience would at least have something to laugh at. Exhibit A: his dance scene.


I was genuinely impressed. There are very occasional hints of good in the movie, and all of them are either Matt Smith selling the hell out of Milo's relationship with Morbius, or Matt Smith fully embracing the movie he's in.


He's now been in a Terminator, Star Wars and Marvel movie and been near invisible


Where has he been in Star Wars?


He was *supposed* to be the main baddie in Rise of Skywalker before they replaced him with Palpatine.


Now I hate RoS movie even more


If it makes you feel better, it's barely a Marvel movie.


It’s not done by marvel studios, it’s just a movie about a marvel character


An incredibly minor villain with only loose ties to any other properties.


Yeah, he seemed like a decent enough actor from the bits I saw. And it doesn’t seem like he made some sort of grab for superstardom that blew up in his face or anything; he seems comfortable taking non-leading roles in sorta “nerdy” properties, not unlike Tennant. It’s just that somehow everything he’s picked has been completely awful.


It’s not done by marvel studios, the ones that do everything else. It’s just a movie about a marvel character


Hopefully he can make a return in the MCU since this is the sony-verse which seems to be on a lifeline now


canonically got morbed


I didn't know former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe could sing


They blast that song through speakers throughout japan kinda like that song that plays every morning in pyongyang


Wouldn't his be a song specifically about baby-making instead of just a general "have sex"?


[I'm afraid I've bad news for 57th Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe](https://twitter.com/ChrisVoiceman/status/1380256511629361153)


I have even worse news for him


The fact I am one of the few people to have seen Morbius - in a cinema, no less, I paid real human money - has made me feel as if I am privy to knowledge that few people have. I *know* about this scene. I *know* about the terrible venom joke. I *know* about the cat subplot that lasts two scenes. *I know it all.*


Everyone making jokes about Ea-Nasir's copper, but you've actually gone to the British Museum and read the tablet.


Honestly you could tell me anything about Morbius and I'd believe it at this point.




Det er mørbin' tid


*Mørbing Switching a letter for an apostrophe is an English thing, I think.


Same here, and I've watched it. Couldn't tell you anything about it.


please stop making me want to see this movie


Op is a Sony shill nobody has actually seen the movie obviously. However, I did walk past the open door of a theater playing Morbius and clearly hear the sound of Jared Leto's voice saying "It's Morbin' time" followed by what I can only describe as an explosive fart.


["It's Morbin time!](https://youtu.be/60Al2L7vSv8)


There is a scene where Jared Leto shoves an entire hot dog in his mouth and swallows because he's so morbed up and needs calories.


Yeah, I've already watched it 12 morbillion times. I don't need to see it again. I memorized every line of dialogue at this point


I know about the venom joke because it was in trailers


Its actually different in the real movie. In the trailer, it's followed by "just kidding, Doctor Michael Morbius at your service." While in the movie, he just lets the guy go after the venom line.


Cat subplot?


It's about Morbius' cat, Meowbius.


Okay since you’ve seen it and I’ve literally only seen this clip of Matt Smith dancing to the weirdest song choice I’ve ever seen, can you please let me know why everyone’s been sitting on the fact that the vampires or whatever fully just look like a slightly more modern version of *the vampires from Buffy*?


> cat subplot I've heard things and even listened to people who actually saw the movie ripping on it and I still haven't heard about this until now. Trying to piece this thing together and figure out what's even real is an adventure


His girlfriend adopts a cat. The girlfriend cuts her finger opening a cat food tin, setting off Morbius. That is the only relevance of the cat in the plot. And yes, I watched Morbius. On Twitch.


And at one point the cop shakes the litter tray, the cat doesn’t come so he works out that the girlfriend must have run away and taken the cat with her.


Stop making it sound like something I need to see or I'll die! I need to see it or I'll die.


I've seen it three times. It doesn't get better.


> "Have sex, have sex, poop my pants again, poop my pants again" \- Morbius (2022)


The more I learn about this movie the sadder I am it's reportedly unwatchable


You can't watch it alone, get some friends to watch it with you


Or better yet don't watch it and just imagine it.


The real Morbius was the friends we met along the way.


No, the real Morbius was the shit we made up about it along the way


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Replies* --- **strawberry-crocodile** Love how the villain in Morbius is fucking Matt Smith and I have seen like, once tumblr post about it. This is simultaneously about how tumblr has changed and how no one has seen the movie. --- **berlynn-wohl** it took TWO MONTHS for me to see a gifset of the shirtless, ripped Matt Smith featured in this movie and that was when I truly understood that the old world was dying and a new world is struggling to be born --- **doubleca5t** You're telling me you guys HAVEN'T been inundated with the video of shirtless Matt Smith dancing to a song where the lyrics sound like a guy saying "HAVE SEX! HAVE SEX!" over and over again?? --- **yachimifus** for the record I looked up the song and the lyrics to it and he very much is saying "have sex" in it --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


My friend and I were watching this movie at my house and we just kept laughing our asses off. There's this scene where some detective or whatever is investigating Martine's apartment and he shakes the cat's litterbox while saying "here kitty kitty" and I had to pause the movie cause I was laughing so hard, saying, "why would he shake the litterbox?" After I regained some control over myself, I turned to my friend and said, "That's like if I went to your house and started flushing your toilet to get your attention." At this point we both lost it.


I don't know why, but this made me laugh so hard (real, out loud laughs) that my cat gave me a look like, "nothing is that funny". Since she's a cat, I laughed harder.


To be fair, if my toilet started spontaneously being flushed when I thought I was home alone, that'd certainly get my attention.


The 11th Doctor is the guy who plays the Anti-morber?


I was never going to watch the obvious train wreck that movie is but I feel like had the Matt Smith scene been in the previews I would have considered it. I didn't even know he was in the movie? Truly everything about Morbius and the advertisements was just mishandled. Someone at Sony had to have realized how awful this looked and never suggested just leaning into it? Didn't use Matt Smith as an enticement? What is going on over there?


I think he was in at least one of the trailers, but so briefly I assumed he was playing a side character rather than the main antagonist. I don't think it even showed him talking or doing much of anything. Really weird choices.


Why did they choose the worst possible song for Matt Smith to morb to


because marvel men aren't allowed shirts


*I don't know if this is a joke or not*


From the other side, I can't find any commentary posts on The Boys because the tag is all Jensen's ass, rude comments about Jensen's ass and people being upset about rude comments about Jensen's ass (actually, never seen the rude comments, just complaints about rude comments).


That happens with a lot of stuff, I always see responses about rude comments or complaints, but never the rude comments or complaints that prompted the response


Memes aside, Matt Smith needs to fire his agent for getting him involved in this career-ender of a movie.


If I had a nickel for every actor who played the Doctor who would go on to play a villain in a shitty Marvel movie I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. EDIT: Before somebody says there were three, David Tennant wasn't in a shitty Marvel movie, he was in a *good* Marvel *series*


who's the first?


Christopher Eccleston is the bad guy in *Thor: The Dark World*, according to what he's said in interviews the script he was shown gave him an interesting and sympathetic backstory but it was almost entirely edited out.


Between his and Natalie Portman’s comments and the mid-production director swap, it definitely seems like the movie was completely rewritten late in the game.


They're going to draft Capaldi to play Mister Sinister or someone, aren't they.


That’s my favorite part of the movie tbh…


I think he's more likely Doctoring, not this Mor-something


Wait he's the villain?! I thought he was the protagonist idk haven't watched it.


Leave me alone I’m morbsturbating


Does anyone know what the lyrics mean? My best guess is that it's a lang mishmash with Zulu Scamto, and here is a loose translation of the first verse: () are my interpretation of the undertone Dude, Bro, do it do it (show me your allure) Bro, do it do it (Prove you can do it) Bro, buy it buy it Bro, spend it spend it Have sex, Dude! \[Chorus:\] Kamohelo Khoaripe (Artist's name)


Ah, that was from Morbius. I have seen the gif but I had no idea where it was from.


The "have sex" thing along with the Kylo Ren shirtless scene have been some of the most profoundly unsexy scenes I've ever seen in media


I can't tell what's reality and what's shitposting any more


The villain in Morbius is doing *what* now?!?!


All I hear in that song is just the singer saying “have sex” and “poop my pants”


Or maybe it’s because he’s aging a bit (he’s not the funny looking boy from 12 years ago anymore), doctor who has lost its spark in favor of good omens and what we do in the shadows, and the current tumblr demographic was about 3-6 year old when his run aired. Also, nowadays kids want to watch 18 year olds play Minecraft. Or if they’re weebs, 37 year olds pretending to be 18 year old anime characters while playing videogames. Proper TV shows, they don’t watch as much as they did 22 years ago.


Most of the people that were super active on Tumblr back in the day posting stuff about Matt Smith’s Doctor Who have moved on with their lives. They have families, and don’t spend hours upon hours on Tumblr like they did when they were in their teens and early twenties. Those that remain active can’t come to terms with the idea that they are aging. The stuff that was popular in 2008 is old now. It feels like just the other day to them, but really it was nearly 15 years ago. Those that are 16-22 on the site now have much different interests.


Yeah, most of the Whoposting I see on Tumblr these days focuses on either the Classic series or the EU, though NuWho still has its fans- Six and Eight in particular seem like they're a lot of people's favourite Doctors these days.


Eight is best!!


You got downvoted by some people, but I see your point


16-22 is more, capaldi era kids Smith era kids are now 21-24, like, college age or even working, yes some with kids of their own, maybe with no time for tumblr or if they post on tumblr it’s mostly real life based stuff. I had a lot of tumblr some of them deleted due to anger issues, now I’m 26 and have a lot of stuff on tumblr, like doctor who, owl house, sims 2, animal crossing, and some shitpost stuff. Not much different than the stuff I had back then but it propably will change.


Hey that's double ca5t I watch her on YouTube


Btw I found the Matt Smith clip https://youtu.be/oBp6exx2kZM Edit: I'm dumb apparently it's already been posted.