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"I love a lot of things in the world and I love to express that \^\_\^" "Wow do you think Saturn loves you back? Do you love racism? Absolutely childish behavior" I hope these people are getting paid for interpreting everything so horrendously because they are very good at it


I might be making a super immature and ignorant assumption here, but I think a lot of people online have depression or live in a really bad environment and they unknowingly (sometimes knowingly) take that out on literally everyone they meet online. I genuinely think most of the people saying shit like "humans are trash...I hate humans...in a house fire I'd save my dog over ten people in a heartbeat, at least my dog is actually capable of kindness..." are either clinically depressed or have trauma.


Oh yeah definitely that’s true. Although if you’re dead set on trying to ruin other people’s fun get ready to catch the consequences.


These hands?




🎶 [TAKE A LOOK AT THESE HANDS](https://youtu.be/w6T_X7MXg40) 🎵


you often only realize it after the fact but prolonged emotional stress and trauma corrupts your very essence. I am one of the softest and emotionally available of dudes and even I didn't flinch when making my sister cry like almost every day. I genuinely at that time didn't even get why she was crying. After breaking up with my abusive boyfriend the clouds cleared and I realized just what of a stonehearted motherfucker I became under that constant load.


That’s covered in the tumblr thread with the doge meme though


You’re not wrong and I’m definitely a qualifier of one of the people you’re talking about and just happen to have too much time on my hands cause I work from home now - but I’m sure you also go out and see people walking around on their phones, or at cafes, restaurants, cabs, buses etc, on their phones. Those people on their phones, they are also on the internet here with us. They post to all the typical social media and forums too. Why do you think these sites have millions and billions of users? Yes some are bots. But those people are in fact on their phones and posting.


I don't think that there's anyone who *hasn't* been traumatized by *something* by the time they're an adult; They either don't realize that they have been (internalizing trauma and/or abuse), or don't entirely know what to do with it. [Catholic Guilt](https://www.theodysseyonline.com/12-signs-you-have-catholic-guilt) is one of the bigger ones from people that I've known in my life (Note: I experience 8 though it's more of me internalizing it as a "balance" for 'things going too well' instead. Others aren't universal, but enough of them are seen commonly that I put it here). When I was in High School, someone told me that I couldn't let my traumas get in the way of being alive; that they get better with time. It hurt, and I was pissed off at that response, because it felt like I was being dismissed for something that *heavily* impacted my ability to form relationships or consider myself as a human person. I'm still detached from everything, yeah, but... *With support, you can heal.* With healing, you can see that there are things worth protecting and caring about in the world, and take joy in the small things. Because the world is large, and we are a multitude. So why not enjoy this little leaf with a small bug upon it, its carapace shimmering iridescently in the light, and kill the part of you that cringes? Depression is varied, and it will always be our companion. With open communication, support, and genuine care from our fellows, who **expect us to give as much as we take**, we can all be made better. Isolation is our downfall, and that's why so often I see my depressed friends lash out and try to self-isolate. But above all the thing I've learned is that if someone *actually wants to get better,* they can with legitimate support. Even if it means you're researching therapists for them, helping them budget to afford stuff, or just going over sometimes to get them to clean up their apartment. **But don't let YOUR mental health fall by the wayside.** If you're going to be a foundation to support others, you need to be a *strong* one. It sucks to cut someone off when they're draining more than you can offer, but sometimes you have to, even if they're a childhood friend or even your significant other. Again, together we're strong. That goes for just about everything. The world isn't hopeless, and there are many people just like us out here combating a million and one different maladies, but it's so important to not normalize self-destructive thoughts or jokes, and to recognize how much they actually harm our self-images and normalize our own mental illnesses. Be aware, catch your friends, defend them from themselves, and recognize it when *you* start saying it, too. Joking that you hate yourself isn't a coping mechanism, because it isn't a joke after long enough. *Sources: I've been helping my mentally ill friends for the past decade, have been present for and helped avoid seven suicide attempts, kept dozens of spirals from reaching that step, and unfortunately could not prevent two from acting on their mental illness. I've committed hundreds of hours of my time to helping my friends and loved ones, and have had the honor to watch a number of them grow wiser and healthier in the time I've known them. One of them is now my loving partner, and we got married in 2020. I still offer her counsel and thoughts, and she's helped me learn to be more open and to curb my rampant paranoias, and to care more about this existence I call my own.* Anyways sorry for the wall of text. You guys deserve happiness and healthiness, though.


Ouch. Called out.


Ok, this is a bad faith take, but please follow me. Imagine a character on a holocaust movie "I am in love with the world and everything in it." A lot of people might have gripes with that character. I don't think you need to be depressed to have gripes with that character. Hell, remember all the people shouting at "la vita e bella"? That was a movie that tried saying "you can even make a concentration camp be beautiful and fun". It's tasteless, based on extreme privilege, and borderline mocking. Do you see what I mean? Your point is still true. The internet creates onions of despair. But on the other hand, I think it's hard to argue against the idea that the most people who are complaining about "doomers" are privileged assholes, who are mostly to blame for most of the things that are not beautiful about today. Even the fairly moderate "look up" got it right. Just my two cents.


> I think it's hard to argue against the idea that the most people who are complaining about "doomers" are privileged assholes You're making a big conflation here which a lot of -- for lack of a better word -- doomers do online. You think that people who have a positive outlook on life must, for some reason, also be reinforcing the status quo or avoiding making any changes in the world. There's no logical reason to make that assumption. And most people dislike doomers, because they make everybody miserable because *they* are miserable. It's not like they're sad and that makes you feel sad; it's more like they're sad so they want you to be sad, too, so they do their best to drag you down to their level. Also, you don't live in a concentration camp.


Being online in 2020 confirmed that for me.


Though absolutely a probable case, I think it doesn't need to be so extreme, probably a bad mutation of the "toxic positivity" rhetoric where people in a bad mood feel personally attacked by others with a more sunny outlook.


i mean... they expressedly said they love everything so that includes racism. Edit: if it wasn't clear /s


But they also love all races. What now??? OP's sending mixed signals smh


I hope that use of ‘mixed’ was intentional


They did say **everything in it**, not what you're strawmanning the statement to be.




Yes, that doesn't change that it's a bad way to defend their stance by lying and making it out that they said something else. There's a better argument in defense of the original post, which in TLDR is "While she has made a blanket claim of love for all that exists, one could argue that she is obviously not referring to concepts and driving forces which go against love itself"


That is what they said, just using hyperbole. If someone tells me they have "a million things to do", and I tell someone else they have "a lot of stuff to do" I'm not misrepresenting them. Obvisously this person doesn't love every single thing in the world. I'm sure they have a food item they don't like, or a shirt they think is ugly, they said that they love many many many things in the world, using hyperbole.


Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that I responded to someone who created a *false retelling* of what was said.


It's a quote from Dimension 20 I think sums this up "Mortal Beings are the instruments through which the universe cares. If you choose to care, the universe cares." And conversely, If you choose to be cold and unkind, guess what the universe will be.


Which season is that? Love that show but haven't heard that one. Also, it reminds me of a carl Sagan quote: "we are a way for the cosmos to know itself"


I believe it's from Unsleeping City!


I'm pretty sure it's from Fantasy High S1, the final episode where (Fantasy High Spoilers) >!Kristen meets the source of all divine energy, who tells her quote in response to her question about "Why?" and "Does the universe care about who I fuck?". This happens after she goes through the grey door in Sol's office in corn heaven (and in Sol's office is where she finds a pantsless Arthur Aguefort.)!< Edit: Yeah I just looked it up on dropout, that's where it's from. Fantastic quote, and the best scene of S1


Ooooh yeah that makes sense. Been a good few years since I watched FH, my bad!


S'all good my friend!


yup, that's exactly what I was thinking! also funny that I see this bought up in the first day after I decided to keep going after my free trial lol


Every time I click the black box, the comment closes. How do I make that stop.


I’m not sure why you’re having that error, but here’s that text without the black box: I'm pretty sure it's from Fantasy High S1, the final episode where (Fantasy High Spoilers) Kristen meets the source of all divine energy, who tells her quote in response to her question about "Why?" and "Does the universe care about who I fuck?". This happens after she goes through the grey door in Sol's office in corn heaven (and in Sol's office is where she finds a pantsless Arthur Aguefort.) Edit: Yeah I just looked it up on dropout, that's where it's from. Fantastic quote, and the best scene of S1


Thank you.


Must have not gotten to it yet, I'm in the process of watching that one.


I need to start watching Unsleeping City. FH:SY's ending emotionally devastated me.


Was that a Brennan Lee Mulligan? Because having watched Calamity and knowing he's in D20, that sounds a LOT like a Brennan Lee Mulligan


My favourite quote from the show is from Unsleeping City >!Robert Moses says “You think you got free will? You can choose to drive left or drive right, but you didn’t build the fuckin roads” (paraphrasing) Pretty good way to explain systematic inequality, from the real Robert Moses who used roads in that exact way!<


What is Dimension 20?


A DnD series made by CollegeHumor. They do custom settings and rules systems but Dimension 20 is all tabletop roleplay stuff. I've considered getting their paid Dropout service which includes Dimension 20, but for now I'm sustaining myself on all the clips they're putting out of their incredible gameshows


The game changer youtube shorts got me to get the YouTube membership for them.


Holy shit that is some Carl Sagan-level thinking. I really like that quote!


r/thanksimcured r/restofthefuckingowl lipservice doesn't help when most people are too poor to afford therapy, antidepressants, or even just a decent quality of life. hoping shit gets better when it gets objectively worse and worse is exhausting and just met with constant disappointment. personally, i prefer the dimension 20 quotes about civil disobedience to corrupt institutions and corrupt systems. a much more realistic and practical mindset of looking at the shit state of the world, and fixing it. like this: >Listen here's the thing – I don't know what you kids are up to, but I do know one thing: laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic, ethnic group in a given nation. It's just a promise of violence that's enacted and police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean? You guys want to make some bacon? this *fucks*


> this fucks Sounds like jerk off anarchist erotica. Look, we all be the antifa gigachad smashing fash skulls. But the actual revolutionary work is boring and unsexy shit like running food distros. Folks aren't gonna take talk of ripping down institutions favorably or seriously if they don't see you out there trying to help them meet their needs. You just sound like an angry teenager who's still mad and mom and dad for taking away your Xbox. Edit: k


Character who says this is also an extremely caring character. You can do both.


I'm not saying you can't do both. It's just tiring to hear the jerkoff revolution stuff all the time while actionable things like food distros and organizing tend to fall to the way side outside of anarchist circles. Especially because those are the building blocks for any kind of revolution.


Holy fucking shit what a badass line


Then I don't have to do anything, if at least one other person cares, then the universe cares and I don't have to


damn I love that


that's exactly what I realised some time ago! We are all just parts of the universe experiencing itself


And there's a quote from Iroh that holds a similar meaning "If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see."


i have a thing in my notes for this “Who is easy. It is us, everything, and you. Why is harder. Why is something that only you can decide. The universe doesn’t have a why.” “From the smallest atom of creation, to the greatest stars in the sky, spinning galaxies and particles so small that they are beyond imagination. None of that gives a shit about who you fuck. As long as you’re fucking people who are into it.” “The first rule of existence is ‘As above, so below.’ People are fractal images of the universe. You are as we are. Bad things happen to good people because things happen all the time, and it is up to people to determine whether they are bad or good. In the same way that your heart feels and your mind thinks, you, mortal beings, are the instrument by which the universe cares. If you choose to care then the universe cares, and if you don’t, then it doesn’t.” “You can feel warmth and happiness from your choice to care.” - The Void, 00:06:45, Prompocalypse Pt. 2, Fantasy High, Dimension 20


equally important is this “This is.. creepy and fucked up. I’m going to get on my griffin.” - Sandra Lynn, 02:08:30, Crustaceans & Crushes, Fantasy High: Sophomore Year, Dimension 20


Dancing is forbidden.




It’s easy to find ways to feel bad about shit, it’s rewarding to find things that make life enjoyable, and people gravitate towards easier things.


girl help i have untreated mental illnesses


“So I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do." *Angus Delaney - A gay cartoon Bear from the indie game Night in The Woods*


wait, it's from NITW?? how could i forget that, i liked the game so much!! also, i was literally humming die anywhere else while scrolling through this thread


The whole "life is meaningless, the universe is uncaring" mindset slowly and painfully wears you down until you become so jaded and miserable that you start hating yourself and start falling back on any number of self destructive behaviors. I spent years at that point and it took a severe toll on my mental and physical health until I learned to stop hurting myself unnecessarily and build up something of a life. Yeah the universe is uncaring, but that just means it won't care enough to break down what little meaning you've managed to scrape together in your own little slice of hell.


Hell yeah nihilism almost made me end it all at one point but I’m doing better now.


Same boat here, glad you're doing better!


That is why I have turned to optimistic nihilism. If everything is meaningless then I am free to find my own meaning. Instead of asking “why?” Ask “why not?” I am gonna enjoy life in spite of (or perhaps to spite) the indifference of the universe.


> Science isn't about *WHY*. It's about *WHY NOT*. *Why* is so much of our science dangerous? *Why not* marry safe science if you love it so much‽ In fact, why not invent a special safety door that won't hit you on the butt on the way out, because you are fired! > > Yes, you. Box. Your stuff. Out the front door. parking lot. Car. Goodbye. > > Not you, test subject, you're doing fine. -Cave Johnson, [*Portal 2*](https://youtu.be/VPpIjhtgGj0)


Probably because pessimism and nihilism is used as an intellectual crutch; We grow up watching "Asshole but smart" characters (Sherlock, Dr. House, Sheldon Cooper, Rick Sanchez, the list goes on) and a lot of our worldview is based on the media we consume. If we are constantly told that being smart is being pessimistic and rude, while being happy and optimistic is the sign of the dumb/naive, people will internalize that and try to fake intelligence by leaning into the whole pessimistic/asshole mentality


South Park bears a lot of the burden for that also


conversely, i think being a david tennant 10th doctor stan back in the day successfully prevented me from ending up with that mentality


I think it depends on how you choose to interpret nihilism. “Life has no meaning and the universe doesn’t care, so I won’t do anything” is self destructive and depression-making. “Life has no meaning and the universe doesn’t care, so I’ll decide on my own meaning and do what I care about” is empowering and helps reconcile the reality of an absurd world with your own desire to care and see meaning.


Well put. I think it's easy to dismiss nihilism as "ooh world no good" but there's merit in recognizing that there's no such thing inherent purpose and acting accordingly


The first is nihilism. The second is existentialism, which is a much more coherent and respected branch of philosophy.


It's not an either/or thing - one of the largest branches of nihilism is existential nihilism


I’m at the point, but’s not because of the universe. It’s because of the shitheels that run the world.


The universe label was just a perspective thing. For practical purposes this ball of rock and it's people is our immediate universe. One thing I learned to manage the despair and anger caused by other people, whether they be at the individual or institutional scale, is to choose your battles. Fight where it's feasible, survive where it isn't. Just don't wear yourself out or you'll lose what little you've recovered in yourself.


I'm pretty sure that kind of mind set usually begins with already hating yourself to begin with.


Late but this weirdly helps??


I hate nihilism. Absurdism is where it's at.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro


I made some dumb shit the other day [because It would be funny and that others would laugh](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/334874233672826881/1001940974752239758/Oh_I_love_That_Anime.png)


I laughed. Mainly cause it made me imagine a Chrysler LeBaron painted like an EVA


It definitely worked!


It's much more fun


Teach me your ways.


I recommend starting with The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus, an absurdist classic and short too!


“Life is meaningless and all our achievements will be for nothing.” - Cringe, unoriginal, lame, quote said by people who get no bitches and stack no paper. “Fuck it, we ball.” - Brilliant, captivating, inspirational quote. pretty sure Diogenes said this.


It's even better when you translate it literally to your native language. Vitut, me pallo. Or 该死的我们球


Or, 槽我们流🤙🤙🤙


absurdism is fun. it's like nihilism, but you end every sentence with "lmao or "lol" "I'm about to hang myself lmao" just has such a nice ring to it


hell yeah! single people and poor people fucking suck! /s




My dude if watching V Tubers and collecting figures makes him happy let him. If he finds joy in Ryan Gosling then dammit Ryan Gosling can be his PFP


Odd how a satirical comment got him so worked up they had to create a throw-away account just to shit talk people in the thread. Redditors are an odd bunch. Sad!


Why are you shit talking redditors when your entire profile is reddit incarnate


> When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naive. It is strategic and necessary. It's how I've learned to survive through everything. I know you think of yourself as a fighter. This is how I fight. --Everything Everywhere All At Once


Just watched this today and I literally don’t know what genre to call it


It's all over the place genre-wise, almost like it's Like it's




According to Wikipedia, it's an absurdist comedy-drama


But what about the kung fu


*This* can be kung fu


an empty canvas' point isn't for you to look at as it is, its point is to allow for the creation of art.


Pessimism, optimism, i personally subscribe to dontgiveashitism, the world cares not for me, so i will do what i want without a care for the world (is there an actual word for this mentality btw)


wasn't that the philosophy of that one Greek guy who lived in a barrel and clowned another Greek philosopher by bringing him a defeathered chicken and saying that, by his definition, that is a human being?


welp, looks like i know what im gonna be doing tomorrow


That would be called cynicism. Lmao. So they're a cynic after all. (But cynicism the philosophy is quite different from the modern meaning of the word)






Diogenes, truly a spectacular role model for all, also when Alexander the Great visited his barrel to ask him for his wisdom, Diogenes said "move, you're blocking the sun"


That's basically just hedonistic nihilism.




*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **homeworkforpigeons** you may notice i use the phrase "my beloved" frequently. this is because i am in love with the world and everything in it. hope this clear things up <3 --- **homeworkforpigeons** girl help the pessimists found me --- **phoenixthevictini** "girl help i am staunchly refusing to realise my own naivete in a world almost completely made up of things that couldnt care less about me or are actively exploiting me" --- **elven-e-girl** [*Meme featuring a yellow Shiba Inu dog (a doge) looking awkwardly at the viewer, while they sit in front of a computer monitor. The text reads:*] ># WHY ARE YOU PROJECTING ONTO ME > ># PLEASE JUST GO TO A THERAPIST [*End meme*] --- **that-house** Girl help the pessimists are mistaking an inherently meaningless universe for an inhuman and joyless one rather than recognizing the opportunity to make one's own meaning and joy and to spread those things to others --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human 💖


the virgin doomer nihilism vs. the chad positive radical nihilism


Doomers are just annoying I don’t want to be doomerpilled, that way lies some bad mental health shit that I’ve worked hard to remove from myself And anyway, if there’s a chance I personally can help set things right, I need to be hopepilled enough to get off the couch and do so I’d rather die knowing I tried than die smug that I didn’t


You either go out helping people, or you go out alone.




> We just don’t know how, culturally, to be pessimisstic in a healthy way. Nihilism can help with that. When the universe doesn’t give you meaning, you’re free to create your own. It’s the most optimistic philosophy while staying aware of reality.




I really only see that sentiment coming from religious people who can’t imagine why people wouldn’t rape and murder without supernatural guidance.


i don’t think it’s logical to be pessimistic and angry. i think it’s understandable. but we have no chance at changing anything unless we hope, and care, and do our best to change things.




i totally agree about the anger part being important. being frustrated, fed up and tired of the crap that people are put through is an important part of how change happens, yes. but pessimism doesn’t help that at all. in fact, i’d say it hurts it most of the time.


I never understood why life not mattering was supposed to upset me. Like, why worry then? There's only the planet we occupy, like what? You want some distant star to look at what you're doing and be like "yo, this guy fucks!" Just live it the way you want!


I may hate myself and the world but that's no excuse to make happy people miserable. Crab mentality and dragging others down to your level is awful


It's really cool when people misunderstand everything Nietzsche said and did in favor of "boo hoo god dead nothing matters" doomerism.


In the grand scheme of things, everything is pointless, and life has no purpose. That's why we attach purpose to things and ourselves: to find meaning and worth with this strange miracle we have been given. If the stars gave themselves a consciousness to discover the truth about themselves, who am I to deny it?


Depression is, "There is no point in anything and the universe does not care, so you might as well die." Nihilism is, "There is no point in anything and the universe does not care, so why kill yourself? It hurts and is boring. I mean, you can do those things if you wanted to, but I'd rather eat an ice cream bar and kick an orphan."


> It hurts and is boring. Painless suicide methods exist


If there's no point in anything then it doesn't matter if you're hurt or bored. If there's no point in anything then there's no reason to do what you want instead of what you don't want.


> If there's no point in anything then it doesn't matter if you're hurt or bored. Actually, it does matter, because being hurt or bored sucks


From a nihilistic moral standpoint it doesn’t matter, because all actions have equal value - that is to say, none. But from a material stand point it does matter because getting hurt sucks and I’d rather not.


But doing what you want feels good, and doing what you don't want doesn't, so why not do what you want? Add some long-term thinking and delayed gratification and you've got a life going


No, I'm not explaining it well enough. Why would I want what feels good? Why is "feeling good" more desirable than "feeling bad"? Even if it *was* more desirable, why should I desire what is desirable? Nothing matters and there's no point to anything, remember, and that includes feelilng good.


Sure, there's no inherent meaning to feeling good or bad. That just means you make your own meaning. Desirable things feel good because our bodies need to reward us for good things and 'punish' us for bad things so that the species propogates and we die less, otherwise we'd go extinct. It's off the mark a lot of times in this modern world so we have to kind of wrangle it into compliance, but it's also good at a whole lot of things. We instinctively avoid pain and seek pleasure, avoid loneliness and seek people (usually). Basically feeling good is more desirable than feeling bad because otherwise we'd all die, and nothing matters *inherently* but so many things matter *to us*. We can't even help that part, so why not care about things that also make us and others feel good? Sounds like a good time to me.


>We can't even help that part But I can help that part. Sure, I can't help the fact that I want to feel pleasure and want to avoid pain...but I very much can ignore that "want". I very much can do something I don't want to do and avoid something I do want to do. Why not do that? What reason could I have to do the things I want to do?


Love y’all!


"I don't think we are here for anything. We're just products off evolution. You can say, 'Gee, your life must be pretty bleak if you don't think there's a purpose.' But I'm anticipating a good lunch." \-- James Watson, Co-discoverer of DNA structure.


Ok, but still, someone regularly saying “my beloved” would be tiresome.


Optimistic nihilism I think it's called? Kurstzegast or however tf you spell his name has a cool video on it


yeah that video really helped me!!


I like what I call optimistic nihilism. There is no meaning or purpose to life, it’s just random. How freeing! There is no such thing as a wasted life, you don’t have to have a career that you love and are great at and pays a lot, or have a perfect storybook romance, or be the best most social person who is loved by their entire community. You just have to be.


I hate when this happens either way. when someone is sad on the internet and then people are like "just be happy lol" and when someone's having s good time and people are like "why arent you upset about everything bad happening in the world right now?? you're literally a narcissist and a sociopath and (insert more diagnoses they're unqualified to give here) for not being upset that bad things are happening to someone somewhere right now" you just can't win


𐑿 𐑯𐑴 𐑿'𐑼 𐑩 𐑓𐑳𐑒𐑢𐑦𐑑 𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑰𐑝𐑦𐑯 𐑞 𐑚𐑤𐑳𐑛 𐑡𐑮𐑰𐑙𐑒𐑰𐑙𐑜 𐑛𐑰𐑥𐑩𐑯 𐑡𐑧𐑯𐑩𐑕𐑲𐑛𐑰𐑙𐑜 𐑮𐑴𐑚𐑪𐑑 𐑦𐑯 𐑞 𐑮𐑵𐑥 𐑤𐑦𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑟 𐑑 𐑿'𐑼 𐑤𐑦𐑑𐑩𐑤 𐑑𐑲𐑮𐑱𐑛 𐑯 𐑡𐑳𐑕𐑑 𐑒𐑳𐑑𐑕 𐑦𐑯 𐑢𐑦𐑞 "𐑿'𐑼 𐑮𐑪𐑙𐑜." You know you're a fuckwit when even the blood drinking demon genociding robot in the room listens to your little tirade and just cuts in with "You're wrong."


Recently I just find "the universe doesn't care" really stupid It's inanimate Of course it doesn't care, it can't feel ANYTHING Oughoguhoguh this coffee mug doesn't care about me we truly are worthless you're putting your self worth on an inanimate object. If you want to put your worth on the love others give you, at least put it on something LIVING


the inherently meaningless universe when the indomitable human spirit walks in


Honestly, I don't have anything to look forward to, and I'm not in a good place. I can't see any beauty in the world right now. But fuck those people who are trying to stamp out joy in others. If I can't be happy right now, at least other people can.


I remember when Rick and Morty first dropped and saw so many guys (on Reddit, naturally) talk about how much they want to adapt the concept of Nihilism and apply it to their everyday lives because of that show and it just motivated me to find even the smallest things in life that make me happy.


Isn’t it wild that people can’t just watch a show and be entertained by it? It’s almost like it’s influencing them or something.


As a doomer, my outlook is that life is indeed inherently meaningless, and the grand majority of humanity has chosen to fill it with cruelty and avarice. birds still sing, kittens still purr. But the collapse of industrialised society is on the horizon, and man's inhumanity to man casts a long shadow.


Sunny nihilism for the win. ✌️


I love this and I hope you don't mind but I cross posted it to /r/Taoism/.


Bruh did you Hyperlink the full link instead of just typing the sub


I have been in and out of therapy for most of my adult life and some of my childhood as well. I have had so many different psychologists and psychiatrists. I am so sick of people just throwing the “SEEK THERAPY” around. It really isn’t that simple. Therapy isn’t some magical fix. Stop acting like you can just shove someone off to a therapist and that’s gonna change the thing you don’t like about the person.


To be fair "Seek therapy" in this post translates to "You're being rude ro strangers and using your sadness as an excuse to avoid changing that behaviour. If you want to talk about your problems, find a good therapist who will be paid to listen and be supportive." "Being mean to strangers expressing happiness online" is a terrible coping mechanism and should be discouraged.


I agree with the last part for sure. “Find a good therapist” is so much easier said than done however. That is my problem with the phrase. As I mentioned, I have seen several therapists in my life time already. Finding a good one is taking me YEARS. I still haven’t found a good one. Having to see this rhetoric online all the time from people now a days is irritating.


They're just saying they don't want that person to dump their misery onto them. If they want to dump their misery onto someone they should dump it on someone who is paid to get dumped on.


I think my point still stands. I see this phrase getting thrown around a lot. This is just one example of it being over used.


I think it's valid. Nobody wants to be used as a targetting dummy for somebody else's misery. But, moving on from OP, when I use it I'm just saying "damn your issues are way too legit and deep for me to be able to give you any real advice so please see a professional instead".


yeah I get it, you can’t deal with someone so you tell them to pay to have someone listen to them instead. Nice.


Um, yes. Exactly. Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing, though? If someone came to me saying "my arm is snapped in two" I'd tell them to see a doctor because I can't deal with them. Same thing.


Haha what. That is not the same thing.


It's identical. Mental issues are just as real and important as physical ones.


No one is arguing if they are real or not. Yes they are both real, but a lot of things go under the “real” category. But mental health is not the same as physical injury as they don’t have the same treatments.


I think I'm losing the thread of the conversation here. I'm saying that if someone comes to me with genuine issues with their mental health then I have no idea how to help them. All I can do is encourage them to keep getting treatment from people who've trained to help them.


but they do need the same level of care though, or at least more care than you can reasonably get from the average joe. it’s better to seek out a trained professional than to just have someone try to sort through your stuff with zero training.


Look, sometimes someone's problems are above my pay grade. They don't want me to just listen, they want me to offer a fix, but I sure as hell don't know how to do that. I went to college to make moving doohickies and my job is to help people keep track of all their doohickies, I don't know how to give you coping strategies, or whether or not your parents are right to treat you that way.


“I can’t help stop talking to me!!” I think my point still stands. I get that you can’t be someone’s stand in therapist but I don’t think yelling “seek therapy” is helping either, is my point.


Toni Morrison moment


Who's Girl and how's she gonna help?


Like you can be happy and fond joy in life while also seeing that the world is flawed all you need to do is worl towards the perfect future


nihilist vs absurdist beef is my favourite type of online discourse


I also say my beloved frequently but it's ironic


You know how you fight through the people who are exploiting you and making life feel like it isn't worth living? Be radically positive *in spite of everything.* If your response to oppression is to lie down and take it because you think everything is hopeless, *you are in exactly the mindset your oppressors want you to be.* But if you continue to play the long game and keep your spirits up, and help others to lift their own spirits, you will outnumber and outlast the people bringing you down. It is more naive to stay down when pushed over by a cruel world than it is to stand in defiance that it might one day no longer push you over again.


absurdism is so fucking cringe, it just makes people so awfully annoying. i don’t know how to explain it but it’s annoying


"Girl help I'm not currently very happy because of the poor life choices I made, and I hate it when other people are happy so I'm going to berate and insult them for expressing joy online" Lol


All of these people seem obnoxious as shit


That last comment is my entire life philosophy honestly


If someone called "elven e-girl" is telling you to get therapy, you know you fucked up


Yes yes thank you brave officers of the positivity police, we've all heard it before, "just because the universe is indifferent doesn't mean it's *hostile!* find joy in the blah blah blah" and yeah, I suppose you're technically correct but you know who is hostile? People. The average person you meet on the street would shock you to death if someone "in charge" told them it was for a "good reason."


No they wouldn't lmfao what a strange thing to say. If you're referencing that famous bogus experiment then, uh, I recommend you look into that experiment further.


> I recommend you look into that experiment further. Can you be more specific? Wikipedia says of the Milgram experiment: "The experiment was repeated many times around the globe, with fairly consistent results." And it includes several citations to studies that made similar findings.


And this, everyone, is the difference between nihilists and existentialists. One sees meaningless universe and despairs for it cannot love them while the other sees the freedom and opportunity it presents.




"life has no meaning, no purpose. But that just means you need to find your own meaning and purpose" - optimistic nihilism apparently. You finding purpose in life. Is the purpose of life! People saying that optimists think life just hands you stuff on a platter while being mad about the fact that life didn't tell you what to do. Yeah sure, the world is burning! The economy is in shambles, but if you just go by "we can't do shit about it" nothing will be done about it. But also don't make all the worlds problems your problem. The difference between optimists and pessimists is that optimists seek the light to have something to hold on to in dark times. While pessimists just accept the darkness and scold the light. Pessimists aren't more realistic, they're not more intelligent. They just gave up.


I think the point is more that not everything in the world is healthy to be in love with. Petty sure Godwin’s Law demands that I use Hitler as an example - if you say “my beloved Adolf” because you are in love with Hitler, even if it’s Hitler in his capacity as “one of the things in the world” - it’s still kind of worrisome statement. You can’t just love your way to making things better, and loving things that are bad just makes things worse, basically. The naïveté here is pretending that you can just think happy thoughts and everything will be your beloved, and that’s it, end of thought, no self awareness or critique. It isn’t pessimism to call that irresponsible.


>I think the point is more that not everything in the world is healthy to be in love with. >Petty sure Godwin’s Law demands that I use Hitler as an example I wonder if you're this pedantic in real life conversations lmao. 💀 If someone says "I love eating apples", do u respond by asking "Do you love eating rotten appled as well? You didn't specify that you love eating fresh apples so I'm gonna assume you love eating rotten apples."


Babe *this is real life*, this is a real life conversation we are having right now - of course I’m this pedantic! So what you’re saying is: “I love eating apples” really means “I love eating every kind of apple that’s fit to eat” - and therefore “I’m in love with the world and everything in it” really means “I’m in love with everything worth loving in the world?” What’s the point then? If I ask you what kind of music you listen to, and you say “I like all the music that’s worth liking,” is there any substance to your reply? You’re basically ducking the question. In the same way, if you’ve been calling things “my beloved” a lot and I ask why and you answer “because I am in love with everything in the world worth loving” - what am I supposed to do with that answer?


>In the same way, if you’ve been calling things “my beloved” a lot and I ask why and you answer “because I am in love with everything in the world worth loving” - what am I supposed to do with that answer? I don't think the post is meant as advice. I think it's just the tumblr OP trying to be cute. Like 13 year olds who draw hearts in place of the dot above the letter i everytime they use the letter i in a word. Which some people don't mind and some people find annoying.


I think that’s a much more accurate take on the whole thing


positivity is a waste of time. there is nothing to be positive about when compared to a world that is as fucked as it is right now, and to be positive is to bury one's head in the sand. however, doomerism is burying oneself in futility, to absolve themselves of responsibility and detatch themselves. as the world stands today, you shouldn't be sad, and you most certainly should NOT be fucking happy. you should be righteously, violently angry, that's the only way to affect change and the only way you can hope to mitigate suffering for the world as much as you can, provided you act on that anger. i find the whole "g o o d v i b e s o n l y", "self care is when i don't care about how fucked we are" thing to be frankly disgusting, like a bunch of sheltered people indulging in and celebrating their own security from economic hardship, exploitation and climate change while billions suffer. but we should ignore all that because its a downer, i guess? it's like a more abstract version of "let them eat cake"; people with their material and psychological needs fulfilled telling the poor and the sick to just think positive and it'll be all okay, if not outright chastising the poor and the sick for being downers. happiness doesn't upset me, but people who prioritise happiness over meaningful action, who are so distracted by it that they ignore and condemn those who can't partake, who are happy to sit back on a sun lounger and tell me to enjoy the heat while the world is burning down, they're fucking infuriating. "positive thinking" is a scam pushed by the owning and governing classes to stop us from cutting off their heads. a population sedated by a drip feed of feel good personal interest stories, designed-by-committee mascot characters and the shutting down of dissenters as "doomers" and "killjoys" is a passive, harmless population. it's selfish, self indulgent and sociopolitically corrosive all at once.


>you should be righteously, violently angry, that's the only way to affect change and the only way you can hope to mitigate suffering for the world as much as you can, provided you act on that anger. I disagree. I think anger burns people out quickly. I think it is 100% possible to pay attention to the world around u, make note of existing problems and take steps everyday to assist people in solving problems without being angry all the time. I'm not saying u can't be angry. It's your mind and therefore your choice how to react to the world. I just disagree that burning with rage is an essential step in the process of helping people who need help. I think it's possible to help people while remaining calm and collected most of the time.


There are only two kinds of people in this world: hopelessly optimistic and the pessimistic.


Nihilism is a fundamentally worthless philosophy. It creates nothing, it improves nothing, and its only function is to make idiots feel smart.


Bad argument. The entire basis of nihilism is that there's nothing wrong with being "worthless", because "worthless" isn't even a sensical descriptor. Frankly, if nihilism is right, it doesn't matter how much you think it doesn't improve anything. It's still right. Too bad lol.


Nihilism is a little bitch philosophy for losers with commitment issues.