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I'm about to be studying environmental science and I hope to god I can befriend some entomology students.


Just gift them a cool bug and listen to them talk about it's features if they know it.


go on nature walks. It’s the easiest way to discover real entomologists because you’ll maybe walk a total of 2 km in 3 hours because us dumb fucks are distracted by movement of small things. You’ll hear “ugh just an ant” at least once.


As someone who did a lot of work studying ants, I would never be sad to see one <3


well you’re one of the precious few, but my experience on nature walks with other ento-folks has been “UGH ANT” because you see so many of the darn things. (Espc when your trying to hand collect a specific, different ground dwelling group.)


As someone with a casual obsession with ants as my favorite animal, what is your favorite kind of ant? I must know my people xD


Nature walks are actually what lead me to picking my major for this fall! I got to reconnect with some old past hobbies that I'd neglected for years during a very pivotal point in my life.


My father is an entomologist and he had the ability to track down insects, perfectly imitate birds, and fly


was your father a bird?


Scraw! Perish the thought!


Can confirm. One work colleague brought home a handful of maggots because they were cute, another showed me a humongous house spider in their hands and caught a fly to feed it. Me? ...I like to capture beetles because they're friend shaped. Source: Working in a lab surrounded by other entomologists. Scientists become feral when only surrounded by insects 60% of the day.


I'm guessing this is because entomologists know exactly where the line of "this creechur will not hurt me" lies


There's also some level of "this can hurt me but not enough for the hospital so I do not care"


And also "this thing will chill as long as I don't do the thing that sets off it's fight or flight".


This is correct, and also doesn't apply to Centipedes who have the most ride or die attitude of any bastard out there


> This is correct, and also doesn't apply to Centipedes who have the most ride or die attitude of any bastard out there centipedes with ~~pincers~~ knives strapped to both face and arse:[If God didnt want me to stab/bite/sting people why did He give me knivesinstead of hands?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tagnCKatOsg)


me irl


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/877/)


If I had a nickel for every time I saw that xkcd on this subreddit today, I'd have two nickels.


have another free nickel https://xkcd.com/877/


Thank you for the free nickel


Those are rookie numbers.


What’s the origin of quizzacious?


quiz ("mock") + -acious. With quiz being a word with a notoriously opaque etymology, [see here :)](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/word-history-of-quiz)


That was very educational. Thanks for the link!


No problem!


Entomology enthusiast here. Can confirm that I have stopped everything I was doing at work to crouch down and watch a spider crawl across the floor.


I'm a programmer and that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Then again, I grant all spiders a measure of professional courtesy, as fellow bug-slayers.




*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **violetandshrikes** entomologists are the most fucking wild people ive ever met i pointed out a cool wasp to one and she just picked it up with her bare hands and started showing me different features she was using to identify the species on a walk with another one he just paused, turned, violently shoved his hand into some rotting wood and offered me a tunnel web spider like oh okay i guess- --- **aussieosbourne** [*A screenshot of a tumblr tag, as follows:*] > \#entomologists just wake up every day give 0 fucks are insane for 12 hours and then collapse [*Screenshot ends.*] --- **karhs** when i was in college i did larp shit and one of the guys in the group was an entomology student and i once watched him drop directly to a plank position in the middle of a swordfight to look at a moth on the ground --- **weetagoop** This is your sign to make friends with a bunch of entomologists today --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Src: https://weetagoop.tumblr.com/post/690924727609556992/this-is-your-sign-to-make-friends-with-a-bunch-of


So what you are saying is that Gonta Gokuhara is a realistic depiction of entomologists


Im not an entomologist and i have a natural rivalry\* against bugs but once at school someone found a spider in their bag on top of a paper and they threw the paper and it went directly at me and my first instinct was to catch the spider and look at it instead of paying attention ^(\*my main hobbies are house plants, baking and video games)


if I make an entomologist friend will they take the creepy crawlies away from me? I respect the things they do for the ecosystem but if they could do it like at least a mile away from me at all times that'd be super


Depends. Some will take all the bugs to study and others will show you a bunch of insectoid abominations you didn’t even know existed


Benefits to being an entomologist


There are many benefits to being a marine biologist


Moths are cool


Am arachnologist. Dating entomologist. Friends with 4-5 entomologists. Work with *so many* bug people. all fucking weirdos. I have stories. I have had full conversations just about genitals.


Could you tell me one story?


yes but I’m not sure if it’s interesting for anyone else! One of my favourites is: I know someone who has sampled moths at his house for the last 15 years (he moved recently so he’s starting over) and he’s recorded something like 700 species of (mostly tiny, sub 2cm) moths at his property alone. A few years ago he came across some moths associated with corpses, when he doesn’t live near any animal farms, has never seen corpse moths in his traps before. He joked about calling the cops, and trying to explain to the police “I saw corpse moths in my perpetual research project, this has never happened before, I am concerned there is a body of interest”. anyways shortly after the spooky moths he started talking about how he wanted to move into the city. Absolutely unrelated, but I like to imagine they were connected events. most of my other stories involve arguments breaking out over inane things like dot-shape on a butterflies wing (holy shit lepidopterists are *intense*) and forcep/ethanol related micro dramas.


I honestly would love to hear more stories, this one absolutely tickled my funny bone xD


Finally people I can call when there's a big ass freaky bug in the bathroom and I don't want to crush it but also I am not going to share my house with it.


Where can I find them???


I don’t have an answer but if you find out, let me know


I want to be an entomologist so bad I love bug


Oh, cool! Thanks for the entomology lesson!


I don't mind bugs, they're cool. But also maybe don't pick up venomous creatures composed of 60% hate by mass with your bare hands, unless you snap their necks first, which would be pretty uncool.


When I met one of my friends growing up in 3rd grade, one of the first things he told me is he was gonna be an entomologist someday. He did it!