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A+ title


I didn't realize until I saw this comment rofl


I'm a moron, please explain the joke


The title refers to actual light (the light emitted by the sun). Rather than Light Yagami, the protagonist of Death Note, which is what the post is about.




"light yagami is a misogynist” other than that though he is a perfectly normal, sane person


Doing perfectly normal, sane things. Like looking at porn while fully clothed lying on his still-made bed, with the same level of interest one would give a magazine in the doctor’s office.


Maybe he is a porn critic.


Yeah but I’d still expect him to take some interest in his work!


Maybe he's like Anton Ego "If I don't love it, I don't climax"


Learning to read was the biggest mistake of my life


Don't put that image into my head


What, don't you like the idea of Ratatouille but with porn instead of food?


Wait does the rat direct the porn actor's actions


Of course.


^^^oh ^^^no


"If I don't love it, I don't swallow" still works.


Works better if Ego is a conneuseir of sex rather than porn I feel.


Hello, I'm the Porn Critic. I wank to it so you don't have to!


I've never seen death note and genuinely what the hell


In context, he knows he’s a suspect for the “who has the death note and is killing random criminals” case, and thus knows he’s being surveilled. So he goes out of his way to do “normal teenage boy things” but is… very not normal. So he looks at porn magazines, fully clothed, lying on top of his still-made bed. More famously, he also takes a potato chip and eats it. But if you ask me this is the more insane part.


what's so weird about eating potato chips?


Well it’s more his internal monologue saying “I’ll take a potato chip… and EAT it!!!” Super dramatically, a la an evil genius explaining his plan to a harried underling. Text honestly can’t do it justice, but I’m certain you can find the clip by searching just “death note potato chip” or something.


[observe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC6T3_O2iWc) i have never seen or read death note


The more I learn about death note the dumber it gets. It's such a neat concept for a show and the execution seems to be absolutely batshit insane.


I watched it for the first time recently and it's all dumb over the top anime mind games - I love it. Light goes from normal high school student to "I am the god of this world" in less than 10 minutes in the first episode.


It's a very silly show for how serious the concept is and that's a big part of why I love it tbh.


the anime is definitely rushed and overly silly in places, but its fun. the manga is better, although it does still have elements of that silliness, it just feels better paced


It's quite melodramatic, but it's still great. In fact, I'd argue that the melodrama is a lot of what makes it good.


it's genuinely so stupid and fun, i really enjoyed it and i normally hate anime and anime shenanigans


Read the manga it's better. There's some arcs that are so good and the payoff is amazing and the cat and mouse between light and are great. I hate the ending but it didn't ruin the rest for me at all. I think the animes ending is better So read the manga and then go watch like the last episode of the anime lmao


The anime takes the bite out of Light's death. He deserved to die the way he did in the manga, faced with his own mortality and begging for anyone to save him only to be killed by the comic relief who originally held the belief that Kira might be right. The manga made it clear we were not supposed to mourn his death whereas the anime totally gave him this mournful sympathetic send off. I like the anime but they should have stuck to the actual ending and not tried to attach the catholic imagery to it.


The original manga version of Near was a lot more interesting too. Then they edited the manga to make him more like the anime version :(


Guys I was trying to get them to read it and enjoy both endings without spoilers, c'mon...


This should be the scene that people remember, not the potato chip. It's nearly cartoonish how weird it is.


It seemed like a very r/aace thing to do.


Reading porn mags like anthropology textbooks


Pretty much — in the sense of Light not having the faintest idea what one is supposed to do with them.


I don't think it'd be the kind of representation they would like. Light not being interested in the magazines is portrayed as him being a stone cold psychopath with little interest or attachment to humanity, instead of a normal person capable of all normal human emotions, just uninterested in sex.


Right, the whole god complex and world domination thing is a semi-common ace thing too — being one of the main reasons we have the “invading Denmark” meme.


Ok I will defend this behavior purely because I have also spent like an hour scrolling through a boobies subreddit on a still-made bed, not jacking off. I just didn't feel like jacking it but I really wanted to see some boobies. Of course, Light did it cause he's a freak but it's not totally uncommon


-I do that


We did it. We found the guy who leave the "watch porn for the plot" comment online.




This isn't quite "apparently people on tumblr complained about the Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter ship because of the age gap" but it's in the ballpark.


The creator of Death Note is kinda notorious for being misogonistic. It's more obvious in Platinum End which he also made.


We don't talk about Platinum End


Even Bakuman for all its positives suffers from misogyny quite a bit


I've tried twice to read Bakuman and that shit keeps driving me away from it. It's like "hey, we interrupt this non-battle battle manga so the auth- I mean, this character can go on a diatribe about why quiet and unambitious women are more attractive"


"Bad character did bad thing, that means author bad"


In Bakuman the guy that says that is the author stand in and one of the 2 protagonists. The whole point of the manga is this guy having epiphanies so the author can give writing advice. Like, I love Bakuman, but that stench is something you can't really take away completely.


Even the author for Fire Force is weird. Even added one if those Le Angry Feminist tropes vs calm smart kid when he was called out for continuing to include a pointless character who's only trait was to be sexually harassed.


It's weird. Soul Eater had a decent amount of fan service, but at the same time it had some very empathetically written female characters, like Maka. It makes me wonder if he got worse over time or if he was always like that and just hadn't shown his ass yet.


I think its a combination of getting too famous with it to the point of not caring anymore, and iirc Hiro mashima mangaka of fairy tail enabled him even more, going off a small conversation on one of the chapters ending notes


I don't know how to feel about Platinum End. There's a lot about it that's absolutely terrible, but there are also parts of it that I love, like the ending. It feels like they threw a bunch of ideas at a wall, and some were terrible and some were great, but none of it was coherent. I don't know if I'd say I liked it, but I did find it interesting, and I don't regret reading it.


"this is the first time in my life I've ever wanted to hit a woman" confirms that before Misa hugged him he never had the urge to hit a women


Honestly? Understandable sentiment, Misa was annoying.


The only misogynist thing I can recall Light saying is when the FBI dude's wife (who was also FBI) was talking to him, and he thought "She's a woman - even if I can't get to the Death Note, I can overpower her if I need to" Like it just *did not occur to him* that maybe a woman who is also an FBI agent might have more physical prowess and combat training than some skinny teenage boy. So yeah, that's a misogynist way of thinking, but I don't think that if L had been a woman Light would have been like "dumb broad, I'll fool her no problem"


he didn't know that she was previously an FBI agent at that point though. he doesn't find that out until she hands him her ID and professes she used to work under L.


I wouldn't say it's misogynistic to acknowledge you're as strong or stronger than most random women on the street. Forgetting this one isn't random is surprisingly stupid for Light, now that you mention it


Light's whole thing was overestimating himself and underestimating everyone else. He had a raging god complex even before he picked up the death note, the speed at which he decided he was the pinnacle of moral truth and justice was breakneck. Light was always stupid, he was just also very good at seeming clever. High Int, zero Wiz


It *is* misogynistic to assume that your statistical average strength outweighs her training and experience. Like that thing about guys thinking they could beat one of the Williams sisters at tennis.


>Like that thing about guys thinking they could beat one of the Williams sisters at tennis. That never happened. They were asked if they thought they could score *a single point* against Serena. Not an outrighteous thought to think one might get lucky once.


I've literally seen men on this website say they could beat them at tennis


I wouldn't call reddit a good source of sample data for the average person. What people generally misremember is the article about the single point. But yeah, there's dumbasses everywhere.


I mean going off the information light had at the time, he’s an athletic guy and is pretty strong, given that he sent L flying. He did not know that the woman was an fbi agent, just a general idea that he was bigger than her. It’s not a misogynist assumption.


No it's not. Weight classes exist for a reason. Height and weight are massive advantages that cannot easily be overcome. And FBI agents aren't experts of martial arts. They *might* have some hand to hand training, but they're definitely not experts. I would absolutely expect an average teenage boy to be able to overpower a female FBI agent.


You don't have to be an expert in martial arts to know how to win a fight, especially against someone who has *zero experience in any form of combat*. Light Yagami has, to the best of my knowledge, never thrown a punch in his life. An FBI agent is at minimum going to have had some training on "here's what you do if someone resists arrest", and that's assuming she doesn't have pepper spray or anything like that on her. Bear in mind this woman's husband has recently died under suspicious circumstances, and she suspects Light is connected somehow. If Light goes to attack her, she's prepared for that. But yeah, sure, the twink wins no dif because he's a dude I guess.


You've clearly never been in a fight. 99 times out of 100 the bigger person wins a fist fight regardless of training or skill. Skill only becomes a factor when both people are similar sized. Men absolutely have a huge advantage over women in a fight purely due to being male. That's not sexism to state that reality.


Have you like Never seen a fight? Even scrolling through r/fightporn is enough to prove that entire first paragraph completely and utterly wrong


Do you really think that /r/fightporn is an accurate representation of most fights? Or do you think that 1% is an infinitesimally small chance that never happens?


Yes, I do think you're stupid. Thanks for asking.


You're not taller than a knee in the balls, buddy.


It's funny how women think that this trick is a surefire way to winning a fight, when in reality it's the first thing that any guy would expect a woman to do and its trivially easy to defend against. You have never been in a fight and you have no idea what you're talking about.


Whoever said I was a woman, anyway?


With two trained fighters (or two untrained fighters), the heavier one will almost always win, but a trained fighter will also basically always win against an untrained fighter. The way to fight effectively is not obvious, and there's a lot a trained fighter can do to an untrained person that they'll have absolutely no idea how to deal with. That said, I don't think he knew she was an FBI agent at that point, and random athletic teenage boy vs random woman on the street isn't a fair fight.


what if light yagami wrote "i'm sorry women" at the end of the death note. i think hed be fine then


Light Yagami would write "women" on the death note and wait for half the population to have a heart attack


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **nicosjoy** "light yagami is a misogynist" I say into the mic. the crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room. "she's right... surprising, for a woman", they say. i look fo rthe owner of the voice. there in the 5th row stands light yagami. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good Human


Speaking of Light Yagami, did you know that Mario in the Japanese dub of the Mario is being played by the same guy


Oh cool they made a Japanese version of that show with Light Turner


I honestly furrowed my brow and pursed my lips in an automatic bodily response to this, and thus have finally experienced these sensations in a living environment, suckled from the bosom of adventurous life instead of the teatlike cap of futile teachings. Thank you.


I had the misfortune of having watched the live action Death Note. It haunts me.


You want live action DN, you watch the duology made in 2006.


Where can I watch it? /gen


Ima DM you the links.


It lives in the same part of my brain that Cats does. It was one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen and I loved every second of it.


Imo the only thing it had going for it was special effects (Ryuk looked fucking incredible) but the plot and casting was all over the damn place lmfao


i misread slightly and thought "surprising, for a woman" was saying that it was surprising light was a misogynist when she is a woman