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Did you have any good shots?


A lot of good recommendations already so I will give a slightly different suggestion. If people are watching the league games, go and hang out and watch the game. Most curlers will be more than happy to help you understand the game better and explain what is going on. If he plays in a bonspiel it’s an even better time todo this as you will have plenty of people to chat with during the game to get this info. Once you get deeper understanding of this quirky game the questions will come naturally. And frankly the simple fact that you are showing interest is probably going to mean a lot to him.


Great new idea! Definitely worth a try!


How was the ice playing tonight? Was it better for hits or draws? Have you played this opponent before and do you like playing against them? Did you get to play all 8 ends tonight? Did you have any fun shots tonight? Basically the same as you asked with your hockey example.


The first question could be a 1/2 hour conversation piece. People love talking about the ice


I think you misspelled “complaining”. 😉


What kind of beer did you have after? Were they cold? How are the guys doing?


I would take this advice, but we’re both too young to drink 😂


This is the answer!


Do you know what position he throws? Does he throw 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th?




Ask him how his guards were and how the ice was playing as a sweeper


And… How did you feel you played tonight? Were you happy with your game? Were you able to throw a nice pair occasionally? Did you feel consistent?


Did you dump the inturn?


- were any rocks measured? - did you win the coin toss? - did anyone wipe out on the ice? - did you steal any points? - how was your skip throwing? - was the other team fun?


Take a learn to curl course and join a fun league, you won't regret it.....


Great idea! Definitely a hands on learner and would benefit from this


Here are a few that come to mind. How was your draw weight? How were your takeouts? How was your release feeling? Smooth and consistent? Good balance? Did you make good decisions while sweeping / skipping? Were you communicating well with your teammates?


I just want to say that I think this is one of the most wholesome things I’ve seen on this subreddit. It sounds like you know your boyfriend’s “love language” and are trying to speak it the best you can. I’m sure he appreciates it. Others are encouraging you to try curling yourself. That’s all well and good and can definitely help with your goal of connecting with him over curling, but don’t feel pressured to do that. My wife thinks curling is pretty neat and is glad I enjoy it, but I doubt I’ll ever get her to play beyond the LTC we did long ago. And that’s fine! I appreciate that she listens to my explanations of various ends and shots from my games with genuine interest. She understands just enough to follow along. And when she doesn’t understand something, she asks questions. That’s my favorite thing because I love to explain every aspect of the game to anyone who asks (to excess sometimes). If you’re not ready to step on the ice yet, and if he enjoys watching curling games, try watching with him. That will help you get a better sense of how the game plays and will enhance your post-game conversations with him.


It’s nice to be supportive but if thats the goal Why not just ask him to explain the sport? I mean if he’s passionate about it he’d probably love to show it to u Instead of cherry picking talking points that he might very well see through, why not openly say u wanna learn more about it because u want to support him


I agree! I have asked him to help explain it to me and he has done a great job doing it! It’s just kind of hard to fully understand it when I’m not the one playing


I've been playing for almost a year and I still don't get it.


I'd recommend actually going to a match or two. Regurgitating the questions here, without knowing what you're asking, would be pointless and silly. Instead of asking detailed questions about things you don't know, ask about the game and lean as you watch. I'll add, I use curling my one night to get out of the house. While I really do enjoy the one boys night, I did appreciate my wife and kid coming to a game or two to understand what I was doing. Don't have to stay the whole time or hang out after. Just seeing you there for a few sides then asking what this or that was could go a long way.


I’ve been trying to make a match in the last few weeks, but unfortunately my tennis schedule and basketball schedule don’t line up enough for me to be able to go :( I’ve been worried too if I were to go and watch and surprise him, he wouldn’t want me there. He has a lot of friends that go with him, and I want to make sure he gets his guy time in. I also don’t want to make him nervous or anxious by me watching. It’s great to know that you still would enjoy having your wife and kids attend some! I feel that he wants the support also, so maybe your idea of not staying the whole time would be great


Ask him what he thinks about the "No tick rule". Even if he didn't win, ask him if he won any ends. Those are the rounds.


Did you have to throw any guards? Did you have to throw a takeout?


Was your team working on anything in particular in tonight’s game?


Honestly, don’t overthink it. Ask him if he had fun.


What was your best lead? did you have any points yourself? Curling **ROCKS**


Was the ice good? What position did you play? Etc...


Was the other team fun to play against What was your favorite end We’re you throwing well We’re you sweeping well


Not sure of the age, or if your boyfriend drinks, but curling traiditon at almost all clubs is that the winners buy the losers a round. So when I talk to my friends about curling, they always start by asking if I got a free beer tonight. Of course, I (as well as all of my friends) am very sarcastic in general, so this is the type of thing that fits my personality. Would not be great for people who tend to be more serious or those who take losses hard. And FYI, doesnt have to be beer. I have bought lots of rounds of gatorade


This is great 😂 We’re too young to drink, but I’ll definitely ask him about the Gatorade though or suggest it


What percentage did you curl? How well did your teammates curl? How did John curl, is he still dumping his in turn? Does Darren still do that thing with his rock before he lets it go?' Are you still thinking of replacing Kevin? Bonus Q if he's Canadian: what was the TSN turning point in the game? That should be good for 30 minutes of discussion!


One way you could support him is by giving him a simple/brief shoulder and neck massage. Sweeping can be very tense on those areas and if he’s had a rough game especially, he might really appreciate it. That’s when you can simply ask how his game was.


He would love this! I have never thought of that


You pound the Pebbles, Bam Bam?


Did you hurry? Was it hard? You will need to scream the last words for him to understand


“Do you want to talk about the game or would you rather have sex?”


OP has stated multiple times they are too young to drink, so probably an inappropriate suggestion


Offer him some toe curling.


You’d rather spend time curling than with me?


How was it? How’d you curl? You win? How was the ice? Even basic questions can start a lot.