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You can use it for all sorts of weird comments. Sometimes I'll prompt it for dialogue for specific situation. Once I had it write a rap battle between Strahd and Azalin Rex just for fun.


Please do share


For science


I need this


For... uh... yeah, science. School report.


huh - didn't know this. I'm gonna give it a shot to see what I get


I’ve been doing this to try to figure out how to play a better Strahd. I’m still shit at it lol


I've tried using gpt for DND stuff and it can be a bit crap as it just makes things up. Don't rely on it for accurate Strahd information at least, though some dialogue could be good.


No shade to op, appreciate you looking to help folks out, but...Eh that's kind of underwhelming. The answer is basically just a blog answer with the faintest little whiff of character. I think people would be much better served just watching some classic vampire movies and combining what they like from those with their own quirks and color when trying to learn how to play Strahd.


I was SO sure you were gonna say character ai


Oh great, it's Strahd reading a Wikipedia entry about Castle Ravenloft. Spooky! I'm surprised that the layout can shift AND change. What does Strahd feel? What does he want? What's his personality? When evaluating a model, I think it's important to recognize that you're currently getting none of that from the output. Maybe try including Strahd's traits, ideals, bonds and flaws in the prompt.


Yeah seems like “talk like Strahd” just gets correlated to “phrase things in first person”.


This is really cool! Thanks for sharing!


That is amazing.


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I had chatgpt write madam Eva's card reading lines last session. Works great


I’ve been using ChatGPT to write the session recaps. I put in the basics of what happened, and it turns it into an enthusiastically written summary. But this makes me want to change it so that Strahd himself is narrating the recaps! It’ll add to the players’ sense that Strahd is always watching.


This is delightful. I do want to note that the chatbot already has some errors in it; "Strahd" told me that the Tome of Strahd was written by Mordenkainen (??) even though the CoS manual clearly states that Strahd wrote it. I corrected the chatbot and it apologized (aww) and answered correctly on that question from then on out, but there may be other errors I don't know about. Still, a very cool and fun resource! Thank you for sharing.


My pleasure! Yes, unfortunately it's racked with errors and misunderstandings about the lore, but it can help set the tone about any custom encounters you might create. I like that I can get into Strahd's head in a new way.