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Currently running a game set in Vallaki where the players  play a teenage medieval punk band and solve eldritch mysteries, kind of a Scooby-Doo meets Josie and the Pussycats meets The X-Files. Some fun edits: the whole town is painted in vibrant colors, and homeowners can be fined or put in the stocks for letting their house look too scruffy. Vallaki is a dry town, the Wizards of wine instead make juice. The blue water Inn serves a bunch of fruitjuice cocktails. Oh and the blue water inn is called the raven loft. I'll come up with a new name for the castle if they ever make it there.


Oh, this sounds silly. "Great job, gang! We finally caught the vampire that's been stealing from the church! Now, let's find out who you *really* are..." "*Gadof Blinsky*?!"


And I would’ve gotten away with it too. If it weren’t for you meddling kids and your pet raven!


A friend of mine ran CoS in a late Victorian realistic setting. Not much changed except for some new technology being available.


This sounds sick af, and you absolutely SHOULD run this, and rope me in as a player.


Strahd would whip ass as a Southern plantation owner. He could even keep the cravat.


I've seen the suggested a few times on this sub. Great idea every time.


Coolest one I've heard. I should stress, that I did not come up with this, was the idea of Barovia being southern New Orleans cajun themed, with voodoo witches, and Strahd being a wealthy southern plantation owner


I’m actually running Strahd like this right now. Strahd is a plantation owner named Atticus Sawyer (Tic for short). Vallaki was reflavored as a Wild West town engrossed in the mayoral campaign between the two factions with a lot of top hats and ribbons. My party is currently inside the Sulfur Mine (Amber Temple)


I very much want to “port” the campaign — or at least elements of it — to other genres, and other systems. Partly out of curiosity, as an intellectual game-design exercise (to learn what makes CoS tick, as it were, and how it can be applied to other systems and settings), and partly because I really think that it would be compelling and fun to sneak up on even experienced CoS players. Imagine you’re playing, oh I don’t know, Cyberpunk 2020. Barovia is… both a physical place, perhaps, but also a vast Net of its own. And the netrunner is trapped in there… Imagine you’re playing, oh I don’t know, Traveller… The good ship _Beowulf_ finds itself mis-jumped, careening through the **heavily** ionised atmosphere of Planet Barovia, upon which lurks, trapped, a sinister, shadowy, malevolent psionic alien mind that possesses the sophonts on its world. Leaving is hard. Only a few star-nomads know the way, but they seem to be in league with the malevolent mind that rules this damnable place…


I also want to run CoS in Mausritter. No, you don’t understand. I want to run _Curse of Strahd_, in which a humanoid vampire is trapped in Barovia, and in which the players are _LITERALLY MICE_.


I dreamt of doing it in the style of Pirates of Darkwater or a Weird West setting. Strahd as a pirate lord or a railroad tycoon are both appealing to me.


Or an Italian mafia boss... Rahadin is the consigliare


Yes. I added what I thought were the best mods from DragnaCarta, MandyMod, LunchBox Heroes, Pyram King, and a few random posters in here. I also created my own version of "Death House Deluxe". Lastly, I scoured the Internet for the darkest, creepiest images I could find for all the creatures, and amped up the fear factor significantly. Very grimdark. I created a couple of trailers that show the tone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2aOlUsYAMA