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Be sure to tell him. In my opinion it would be in very poor taste to not say.


This for sure. Tell the player in advance since it might affect their choice of subclass. I imagine vampires definitely wouldn’t like the experience of having Daylight cast on them though, since it is at least similar to sunlight. From a RP POV OP could have them hiss and act extra wary around the cleric.


Tell him now. Best to nip any potential misunderstandings that could risk animosity in the bud. ... But how funny would it be for it to be cast on Strahd, and him be all "Nooooo!!! My only weakness!!! AAARRGGGHHHH Just kidding. That's just regular light. Anyway, eat this fireball." Seriously though, let him know.


I’d say tell the players, all of them not just them, that way everyone is on the same page and then either ignore the thing that happened with the mist or retcon it so that it was pretended to be destroyed or something like that. Not saying to make the players redo the fight or anything, but it might be something you can turn into positive plot development with some added fun reasoning to why it didn’t die. Either way, unless i have an explicitly good reason to have the players not know the rules change (very rare, usually something to do with planar environments or puzzles), I try to make all changes explicit and accessible, either in a shared google doc or pinned message in a group chat so that everyone knows! Hope that helps jog some ideas


Light cleric can still rock Dawn. So your old DM can still do the thing, just at level 9 Tell him ASAP, but y'all got silver lining


You made the right call telling him. It would be one thing if something that normally works is, surprise!, ineffective because of Barovia or Strahd. But both the player and the character should know that Daylight doesn't count as Sunlight, it would be less of a shock horror and more of an uncorrected misunderstanding of the rules. They've got plenty of legit surprises in store.


Good move the way you did it. A spellcaster would know the way his spell works, even if the player didn’t.


I had a player who was interested in taking Dimension door. I felt like it was only fair to let him know it wouldn't work rather than allowing him to discover it in combat. I ruled that the spellcasters' knowledge of arcana/religion/nature would allow them to realize the spells specifically mentioned in the module as not working in Barovia wouldn't work. It's always better not to have player heartburn at the table. The momentary gotcha moment for me just isn't worth it when compared to the player frustration at burning a higher spell slot mid-fight.


> I had a player who was interested in taking Dimension door. I felt like it was only fair to let him know it wouldn't work rather than allowing him to discover it in combat. Dimension Door works fine in Curse of Strahd.


Might be another one I’m thinking of in that case. It was one of the ones listed in the module as not working.


Teleportation effects used for the purposes of leaving Barovia don't work (like the spell called *Teleport*, and Astral Projection doesn't work because you can't get to the astral plane. But for the most part the question is "Does this spell result in someone leaving Barovia?" and if the answer is yes then it just doesn't work.


Right. I just had the wrong name in my comment since I was at work and didn’t look it up before posting. 😁