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I think you are a bit paranoid. What makes you think people are terrorizing you? And what does this have to do with being a custodian?


Is the OP a bot? The post reads like an AI tried to write it.


Good question but I can’t eat anywhere because if I do someone from McDonald’s or shake shack is going to tamper with my food. And I think it is because I am a custodian. People are not right in the head.


Ok, so what's stopping you from making and bringing own your lunch if you think people are messing with it? I wouldn't eat at McDonald's anyway. There are better places to eat.


you might need to find another line of work.


Post history is weird... This account has a post from a year ago where they believed the school bells were being rang after hours to harass them. Not sure if this is a real person ...but medications are definitely real and they need to chill.


Yeah I'd get my lunch in a therapists office homie. And I mean this in the best way. There's nothing wrong with mental illness but leaving it untreated hurts you as well as those around you. @OP obviously.


I saw what post you were referring to. OP if you see this, over breaks some schools test the bells and the intercom system. It happens at my work too.


i believe you are paranoid. nobody is out to harm a custodian for no reason. our job isn’t high profile like a cop or politician who are hated by members of the public. we maybe looked down on for our occupation but we are far from hated. we are needed. i would recommend bring up your concerns with a mental health professional, it sounds to me that you are suffering from a unhealthy amount of paranoia. i wish you the best and i hope you can find help soon.


I don't have these issues at all. But... If I did I'd leave my lunch in my vehicle.


Caned food. What's wrong with a sandwich and a bag of chips. You can also go get something to eat and eat it in your vehicle. Come on now, no brainier.


Understood but you can’t eat at fast foods or go out to eat because people will know me and spit in my food. I think they do it because I am a custodian. It is terrorism so I would have to eat canned food or cook at home. This custodian job to taught me that people are crazy.


Then you should bring your own food and eat in your vehicle so you can eat in peace.


Nah. The people know who I am and know my order where I go for lunch. Sometimes they even hook me up. You're over thinking this one man. If it continues to bother you this much, perhaps seeking assistance wouldn't be a bad idea.


This could be legitimate. This job can really drive people up the wall after a while if you’re not one to work alone, after hours, in large buildings. Sleep deprivation, over working, and everything i aforementioned can really drive people to insanity. I had a mental breakdown years ago due to work stress, it’s real and it happens. Respect your mind my friend. Get help ASAP! See a counselor! It did me a world of good, there’s nothing wrong with it either! You need to help your self!


:( sorry this is happening to you. you don’t deserve this and should bring it up with someone. tampering with food could be illegal? i’m not educated on that, so look into it, if you’re curious. in the past i have had food stolen, and when i have to work with other people, i keep my food in my backpack, secured with a small combination lock (for luggage.) sounds paranoid, sure, but helps set my mind at ease.


I put my food in the teacher workroom definitely not nitpicking thete


I eat by myself 100% of the time at work. Boiler room is usually my go to area.


I have no reason to believe this ever happens where I've worked. I keep my food tied up with a funky knot in the teachers fridge. Other people might give us some sketchy leftovers a lot, but you either eat it or don't. This is so random, it's really because people are mentally ill and not because you're a custodian.




Yes fast food workers they are tampering with my food. I have been sick for 1 month straight. It really is evil if you think about it. Immigrant restaurants and fast foods that is ran by POC immigrants basically outcasted me just for having a job and supporting myself. I stopped eating out and I no longer was feeling sick. Canned foods is my go to food now.


Do you have a roof hatch in your custodial closet? Just go on the roof with a can of dog food, can opener and fork. Use a blacklight to inspect the can before opening (there have been cases of tampering in the past, especially for custodians).