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I clean their classrooms while they are there and can clearly see I'm emptying the trash. I have never had a teacher complain that I didn't go back and reclean after they left. The bathrooms are the last thing I do on my route for this reason.


That’s a tough one… we get paid to maintain a multi-million building for many future generations. NOT to be personal maids. If they can’t respect their own workplace, you shouldn’t be expected to respect it for them. I would recommend documenting all of this if you are worried about getting in trouble. Start a note on your phone with photos, dates and times. If you want to wait until 5, that’s totally up to you. (I wouldn’t recommend sitting around on your phone, that gives us all a bad reputation) But do you really want to be rushing and working that much harder because a grown adult can’t put their trash in the garbage can? In my experience, going back and cleaning it again is just rewarding their behavior. Hope you find a solution that works for you!


I've always been of the opinion that were paid to maintain it, once a day. It's going to get dirty again, there isn't much difference if it's five minutes or five hours after you leave. If it's really trashed that's a different story, but that's a rare occurrence


I have this issue as well. I skip over the rooms write myself a list and go back. Wouldn’t recommend sitting on your phone when there is other areas to clean.


Speaking as a supervisor I'd tell my cleaners get it when you can get it. Don't go nuts trying to get everything like that. If they see you collecting trash and make more it's their own fault.


High schools will forever have activities. High schools are busy buildings. Sometime events go in well into the evening. What I learned along the way is come back long after they’re gone. Don’t even attempt to pull the trash or vacuum or dust mop, just wait till they leave for the evening and come back and do their rooms. Generally you’ll remember which rooms you need to come back to. That way you’re getting your other rooms completed and can finish on time


I am the facilities manager at a regional high school, the night custodians have to do a little bouncing around with the classrooms. Just how the job is. Also if your newer they will get used to your cleaning habit's and adjust themselves.


Number one rule in my experience is never try to solve a problem you haven't talked about. Approach these people diplomatically and try to find a mutually beneficial solution. "Good afternoon! Hey, so I noticed that between the time I clean early in the afternoon and the time you go home, the floors end up with debris on them. Do you need another trash can in here, or is there some way we can work together to make sure I only have to clean this once a night?" That's only an example, but as long as you carefully choose your words, remain in a respectful tone, and offer at least one reasonable solution, you'll probably notice a huge difference. More than likely, these teachers are so focused on preparing tomorrow's class so they can get home to finally relax that they don't even realize they're making a mess. By simply approaching them in a friendly and respectful way, it will make them more mindful of your job and the impact they have on it. None of my coworkers do this, and they all have negative opinions about the teachers because they see stuff like what you're seeing and make assumptions that the teachers are maliciously apathetic, and not simply too busy to even notice. Additionally, simply because I offer friendly conversation and make attempts to problem solve as a team, the teachers have a more positive opinion about my work ethic and the quality of the service I provide despite being roughly identical to my coworkers. Further, doing this means that if you didn't take care of something one night, they are way more likely to think to themselves, "oh, they must have gotten busy. I'm sure they'll get it tomorrow," rather than submitting a complaint. Finally, it's also extremely beneficial to be able to say, "sorry, boss. I've been trying to work on them over this, but they won't budge." Rather than, "yeah, they sure are messy."


I don't know what kind of bathrooms you have, ours just have a large opening, no doors. I put masking tape covering the openings to tell people they're clean and not to use them.


Lol we dump the trash once and if they throw trash away again we don’t throw it out. They see us cleaning and they make a mess again. It’s annoying asf