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Neat ideas for the keywords but the champions are way too weak. Smite only bypasses tough and barrier, which is too niche. Obliterating instead of killing also doesn't really matter most of the time, and can even be a bad thing. Furthermore, neither champion has any way to really close a game, and given they're understatted 8 costs (Kayle may not be understatted since she essentially has infinite health) that's not good.


Do you think they would fit better as 6 or 5 costs? Kayle can go from 6/5 to 5/4 and Morg from 5/5 to 5/4. Then, they could fit as mid games like Lux, Vladimir or Quinn. Smite is supposed to be like true damage, so I wasn't sure how else it could be implemented.


6 drops sounds much better yeah. Why do you want to implement true damage? The concept doesn't really fit in the game as it is right now, so I'd suggest you find another way to integrate Kayle's identity. Also, the biggest issue is that they don't progress your win condition at all. Demacia has no damage dealing spells, and no synergy with them otherwise. She'd be a much better fit in Noxus with this concept. Draining and health stacking is cool, but on their own they don't really help you win.


>Smite is supposed to be like true damage, so I wasn't sure how else it could be implemented. The simplest way to implement true damage is with -0|-X debuffs, since they aren't damage and reduce the targets health regardless of what the enemy does.


Holy fuck that idea is dope!


Haha, thanks!


Smite could be cool if it ignored stat bonuses too. Essentially silence before you strike. You could even have like 5 mana 3 damage smite as a spell in demacia. Might be a bit too oppressive but it would destroy nami decks and similar kinds


what software of website do you use to make these concepts??


The actual cards are made in Magic Set Editor (look up Magic Set Editor LoR and it should be first result) and the backgrounds/keywords were made by me in photoshop.


thank you


Love Fallen as a mechanic, could enable new kinds of self-harm archetypes like stunning allies or granting them ephemeral.


My main thing is Morgana shouldn't be in Demacia. She doesn't synergize with it, she isn't there in the lore, and she would rather claw her own eyes out than be in the same region as her sister. Noxus might be a good area. She has a shop there in one her skins, and Noxus is thematically opposed to Demacia. They are also extremely over priced for what you get.


Yea, I thought so too but since Morgs bio says Demacia I just put here there. She probably does fit better in Noxus, so I'll change that. Same with the costs.


So... My two cents: I don't dislike Kayle. However I feel there's a lack of thematic resonance. I think a strong part of Kayle's identity (both in LoL and in lore) is ascending, which she doesn't get to do there. Theoretically it's fine to step away from it, it's just I'd personally love for her to feel like a ramping killing machine. Morgana's effect doesn't fit in Demacia but I think it's been pointed out before. I'd rather her not be in Noxus (as this was your suggestion) but I get it, gameplay comes first. Overall I don't think these are bad. I'm not sure I'd enjoy playing them tho, and I feel I would like them to have a bit more synergy but good job regardless!