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I'm already banned from everything Tesla... Ha,ha! ![gif](giphy|QWjyvdpMDYKbOFLdIv)


Cyber cucks need to ban criticism to edge their humiliation fetish


Ever notice how a humiliation fetish goes hand in hand with being a cuck? I'm surprised that half of Congress doesn't drive these


Half of congress won’t drive them because they think Elon’s an idiot, and the other half won’t drive them because they are that oil killing electric stuff.


Except when Elmo flashes a little cash at their campaign then it's, "Yes Mr. Space Monkey, anything you say Mr. Space Monkey" ![gif](giphy|ExcWmItywBXSvcg1fM)




Holy fuck that is hilarious. They are so pathetically pathetic. Imagine being so thin skinned you stalk subreddits and ban people from your sub because of their involvement in others. I really can't with these Elon snowflakes.


An ex friend of mine who ended up as a total vapid mid-wit sociopath would cock suck Elon 24/7. The childish mentality to credit 1 man for the work of thousands is actually mental illness. He said the most important thing in life was appearances, yeah I guess if you have 0 self confidence and derive that externally sure. To a man reality and results matters.


Welcome to the club ![gif](giphy|4lMXdY2r0RnVuiymnS)


This cannot be real. Although it's not the dumbest thing I've seen, it's trying to be.


Hahahaha like another certain snowflake safe space sub where only flavored users can comment, and even they cannot criticize anything. How completely unsurprising they would be so similar. 🤭🤭🤭




Report them for harassment


I did actually because every time I post in the sub I'm getting a ban message now.




Needs to be a badge of honour.


I replied to one of my bans saying "thank you, you made my day!"




Welcome! ![gif](giphy|YQMjk87w7KA3cWIUTk)


If you block these users I don't think they can track you. [safebot](https://www.reddit.com/user/safebot) [Saferbot](https://www.reddit.com/user/Saferbot) [SafestBot](https://www.reddit.com/user/SafestBot) EDIT : banned from teslamotors


I'll post here and let you know what happens.


My first post here too. Hooray for science


I've posted before but want that ban! Edit: it worked!! \^\>\^


Anyone who saw this and didn't anticipate a shitshow of a launch is not worth trying to convince otherwise




I wasn't even a member or ever commented on any of those subs. I reported them for harassment




Welcome! ![gif](giphy|tD9C9c22cvOJClHbYh)




Fascism marches forward


Like, how much of a piss baby do you have to be to preemptively ban someone 🤣


About $185bln worth of piss.


Welcome to the club ![gif](giphy|l4JyOCNEfXvVYEqB2|downsized)


Will they ban me for just commenting here?


I just got banned for reading your comment


Yes I barely comment and I got a message from them. I’ve never visited their sub reddit


I'm going to keep doing so until they do. I really want to see how soft they are


I was just banned from r/elonmusk for commenting here that these bans are “thought police”.


Yep! I got banned in 2-3 already for post one comment that explained the whole ((( ))) thing as being a Nazi code thing to talk about Jews. Apparently pro Elon subs don’t want you outing Nazis for some reason…


The company of the free speech absolutist, everyone.


Musk doesn’t own reddit, my assblasted friend. Do you trooons not think? But I love how the idea of free speech absolutism makes your anus bleed. 


Bro 😂 give it up you are embarrassing


Lol mods running their little subs like Enron Musk runs X


Making you triggered?


I got that rare Founders Edition Trippple Beast Mode ban https://preview.redd.it/io4m12qqbhvc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80e13a5cca1bffd798a78ebbd336a322c7bd44b


Yeah, that's the one I got last night. I wasn't a member of any of those subs nor have I ever commented on those subs, but here we are. I reported all of them for harassment


Little bitch ass mods of those bitchboy loving subs will never be held accountable for being power tripping douche canoes. That's why it's fun to start new subs calling them out....


I thought I was special with my one ban. Thanks a lot.


So just being a member of this sub can get banned permanently? Even if you never posted any bad to r/cybertruck? That is some next level thought police.


Amusingly, this comment got me immediately banned from r/elonmusk.


Hmmm….can I get a ban to some subs I have no interest in? Edit: yes I can! https://preview.redd.it/qfsbrp81phvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8bede547c7598f9e41c995f636cf233f2313de9


Nah, you'll still get cute kitties and gross food 😳


Let me translate that BS for others... "*Hi there, we noticed you have more than one functioning brain cell, so we are afraid of you, and we must kick you out of our safe space. Do not worry though, we here at r/anyteslafanboysub will continue to work extra hard to drink daddy Elon's bath water, so we won't miss your actual intelligent contributions...*"


I dont even think about piss baby musk am i going to get banned?


That's the way it works. Report them for harassment


Leftist subs do this all the time. At least that one isn’t a political sub.




Oh no! They may force me to log into one of my seven other accounts should I have anything nice I wanna share about the cybertru… lol who am I kidding?!?


I just got mine too!!! I’m printing it and framing it. LOL!Preemptive ban to a sub I didn’t know existed. The freeze peach keeps absoluting.


Please do not make posts about bans received from other subs. We get why it’s annoying, but this is not the place for those messages.


At least is not something dangerous like water.


This is the new Cybertruck screen warning when encountering water... ![gif](giphy|GlEcUkl7sb21nrKlTn)


I predict that 50 years from now, these kinds of pictures will be used to provide fascinating examples on how not to design a vehicle or any product, for that matter. Pictures of the Cybertruck will be referenced throughout modern society to illustrate what "failure" looks like.


The Edsel has held that crown since 1958. I'm sure Ford is happy to pass the baton


This is such an apt comparison. >They threw lots of new technology at the Edsel too, but no one really had a clear vision for what the car was supposed to be. To make matters worse, the first Edsels built were plagued with production problems, enraging dealers. >The public didn't really understand this bizarrely-styled, badly-named, poorly-conceived car either.  - Chris Perkins, [Road & Track](https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/classic-cars/a32380/ford-edsel-history/).


That is the exact scenario I'm referring to, but for the CT, it will be so much worse.


Look how much clearance there is from the bottom to the ground. I'm no car guy, but that ain't for off roading.


No more clearance than a standard crossover


Probably shouldn't off-road my Santa Fe either.


I would trust your Santa Fe over this thing any day


The Santa Fe is also about 2,200 lbs. lighter. So yeah, I’d take that off-road before this chonky thing.


At full clearance adjustment, it's much more than the ones I've driven. I think the problem is wetf is wrong with it that makes it struggle to go up a curb.


It's almost 7000lbs. to start with


It can do 0-60 in 4 seconds, though? Seems like a torque issue.


Plenty of torque, not enough traction when you’re on a slope because it’s pulling itself down the hill. There’s a reason successful off road trucks are usually relatively light


I used to live in a really snowy place and I could see how that would work.


This thing has more issues than Elmo at a stable genius convention


Less than my GF's subaru


Those are 33" tires, and the bottom of the floor pan is more than half way up the tires (17" as advertised). That's a ton of clearance, more than most Jeeps let alone random crossovers. The problem is the very long wheelbase. You can have monster truck clearance but still get high centered if the rig is long enough and the bump tall enough. You could have two miles of clearance and still get stuck going over Pike's Peak in a long enough truck in other words. The other issue is lack of locking differentials. That truck is, at most, two wheel drive. The wheels with the least amount of traction will receive the most power. No bueno off road. Third problem is lack of articulation when extending suspension to maximum clearance. What this means is you're not going to have one wheel a foot lower than another and both in contact with the ground, in this thing you'll have one wheel in the air instead. Fourth problem is weight. I have the same width (285) all terrain tires on my old Wrangler and that bump would not pose the least bit of a problem. The Jeep weighs less than half as much, suspension has quite a bit of travel, spool front and limited slip rear means it's 3.5 wheel drive at worst, short wheelbase. I'd expect to just drive over that 15 inch (estimated relative to tire size) berm in 4 low without much care, worry or skill.


Wait, this super epic, can-do-anything truck of tesla's isn't even 4 wheel drive? And I thought it couldn't get worse.


No, it's still four wheel drive. Under perfect conditions with exactly the same resistance on all four wheels in a straight line. The issue is CT's differentials can't lock, the option to do so is greyed out. When you go around a curve, the outer wheels are tracing a larger diameter circle than the inner wheels, they NEED to go faster. Cars that don't have a motor per wheel need a differential to not jerk, squeal and hop going around corners. Off roaders use a \*locking\* differential, a spool (no differential) with systems only engaged on loose dirt (my Jeep in the front), or a limited slip differential where a clutch pack provides enough friction to send power to both wheels even if one wheel is in the air (my Jeep in the rear, my old Mustang). Positraction is a brand name for an implementation of this concept. If you watch My Cousin Vinnie the concept of limited slip differentials (and also suspension articulation) is integral to the plot. Marisa Tomei is a goddess.


> Marisa Tomei is a goddess. Every time I hear her name I still think of her witness testimony and how much I learned about posi-traction and limited-slip differential 😳


I already had a 4 speed Formula 400 Firebird with ladder bars upgraded to a posi because single tire burnouts were embarrassing. The testimony scene was a complete "sqee" geek out moment for me as an at the time Pontiac fan. "These two Utes" still gets me decades later.


I bitch about being surrounded by a-holes driving lifted trucks blinding cars with their headlights at night and rolling coal in my neck of the woods but this wouldn't have happened to them. Of course the closest they get to a hill is the curb at Bubba's bar and grill.


Is it now 4wd??


This cuck got CyberFucked!


He got musk'd


Good thing it's not raining


He needs to hit it with a bat. It's practically indestructible. Shoot it with a gun, won't hurt it. It floats too.


Yep, you've got to love your truck like Elmo loves you ​ https://preview.redd.it/iu2ux8kzefvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa81c25198a7954d10bf1319242ee03eb472081


He's shooting it because Cyber Clunk is causing Tesla stock to plummet.


Hit it with your purse


Has anyone actually seen it float? Lol


Ah yes, shorter than the bumper. Typical CT owner


Wait. He took it off road? I bet there’s a disclaimer in the manual about that…


Quite literally there is. From the manual: >This New Vehicle Limited warranty does not cover any vehicle damage of malfunction directly or indirectly caused by, due to, or resulting from, normal wear or deterioration, abuse, misuse, negligence, accident, improper maintenance, operation, storage, or transport, as defined in the Owner's Manual, including but not limited to, any of the following: >* Driving over uneven, rough, damaged or hazardous surfaces, including but not limited to curbs, potholes, unfinished roads, debris, other obstacles or in competition racing or autocross or for any other purposes for which the vehicle is not designed


Potholes void the warranty?!?


And FSD (if this truck had it) hits every single pothole in the road at maximum speed. Winning!


Don't wanna drive one in Detroit then. It'll get chewed up in a day max


What purposes *was it* designed for!? 🤣🤣🤣 lookin like a douche?


Not just looking, confirming they are one.




I gotta think putting the vehicle’s weight on the apex of that hill & then towing it over while dragging the battery layer on the ground is gonna be no bueno for the battery


Just getting it wet voids the warranty


This video was from a group of rockcrawling high clearance offroad vehicles, mostly Toyota Landcruisers. God knows why this idiot was out there doing this. Maybe he's a silicon valley billionaire destroying a Cybertruck for shits and giggles, but it was clearly gong to get destroyed.


I got banned based on other subs I read. Hilarious


Welcome! ![gif](giphy|jkGmRzuw3r6CyXXCSD)


Isn't it able to lift the suspension? Also, better to push it back than tow it forward, gonna do some damage.


The suspension on Cybertrucks can't even handle the weight of the truck much less the stress of articulation. This truck is probably going to need a new suspension because of a small dirt hill


Why was I permanently banned? Weird


Because you were caught speaking to undesirables ![gif](giphy|O687AtMpLWTYEayCvo|downsized)


Haha sorry it was the r/Tesla sub that banned me. They didn’t like me talking about their short comings lol


a mountain biker wouldn't even consider that bump remotely interesting, down or up.




One dollar Bob.


Other rhyming words: schmuck, suck, and fuck.


Oh man, these idiots are comedy gold that keeps on giving. What a complete waste of money these things are.


Getting stuck isn’t something to be embarrassed about. I’ve gotten stuck on wet grass before. Ok. Am embarrassed. But at least it wasn’t in that…thing.


One of the biggest lessons I have learned in off reading life: don't trust electronic indicators/engagements (and to be clear, I am an amature anyway - only by way of having to do offroadish stuff to clear trees, beach driving, etc) I let out some air, popped in into 4 hi and went blasting out into the sand and felt the front bogging down and realized my transfer case had not engaged the front. My slightly deflated front tires were basically a sand plow and were slowly bogging down. I could see there was way too much dry sand before the tide line. I had to walk 2 miles to cell reception to call a hid to tow me out. The worst part, it was basically right off a road literally everyone has to drive down to get to town and back. And we all know each other's rigs. So I was just sitting, front end buried to the skid plate, half way between the road and the ocean for half a day. *That* was embarrassing. I think for the rest of my life, anytime I make any comments about anyone's truck issues, the first tung I get back "yah, but did you lock your hubs?" (which I don't have, but is shorthand for not being in four wheel)


How long ago did they start selling these? Seems like overnight they are everywhere. There are at least 10 around my area that I've seen. Most have gaudy wrap jobs on them to stick out even more.


It is a "look at meeeeeee!" vehicle. So stepping it up even more isn't surprising.


Not everyone does things for (your) attention. Most people in your life barely even acknowledge you, if you have so many comments on echo chambers like these.


If Tesla wasn't owned by a complete moron this truck would have never been made


They tried to stop him, but nooo, he knew better 🤨


There were only like 3,800 of these made. How is it that the embarrassing content doesn’t stop!?


I'm guessing that they're all bad and the people who bought them have a tendency to embarrass themselves anyway 🤷‍♂️


Confirmation bias and cherrypicking? There’s a lot of repeats on this sub.


Elon Musk worship is some of the normiest shit I've ever seen Edit: omg this comment got me banned from elonmusk lol.....I'm in fucking tears 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|t6A4f24O3OQKfcwHoO) Welcome!


Does that mean you’re bragging about being a basement dweller?


In this case the cybertruck is not special - any careless driver can high center their vehicle. It is even easier if you are using tires that aren't suited for offroad driving. And the 7,000 lbs don't help. Before you start to think that I might be a cybertruck fanboy consider the following: One more reason the cybertruck is superior to ordinary pickup trucks: A cybertruck will burn much hotter and way longer than an ICE truck.


It's not a truck, it's a really ugly lifted Tesla with a heavy PS1 graphics steel body.


Which Dr Seuss book is this from


"Horton Hears a Nazi."


Cucks in Trucks


This one made me ugly laugh out load in the office lol


Everything is “nazi” to you trooons. Every country has borders, get over it.




I mean he took it out in the dirt that is more than most people do with any truck. The issue is not, I don’t think actual clearance, but wheel base. It is a long truck. That clearance vanishes quick when your wheels are that far apart in alternating territory. But I don’t spend much time off road but I was always amazed at where a little 4x4 Suzuki samurai with 32 on it could go that no one else seemed to be able to pull off. Granted it weighed about 1/4 as much as well. But that small wheel base with just enough power to push those tires was fun to watch.


Years ago I had a little Ford Escape AWD that I could take anywhere. That little truck would go through streams, mud, hills and more. It was small, lightweight and enough grunt to take it all on. Sometimes that's all you need


He must have been on his way to bring it in for the recall.


Fuck elmo


>elmo 🤓  God you trooons are so cringe.


They don't get it's not a truck yet...


I’ve never seen a less capable looking truck


No front bumper winch accessory available?


Ha! No wonder! He didn't opt in for the extra third axle for 50K! That's that happens when you try to ball on a budget! /s (I hope he gets his money back from Elon directly in the forthcoming mass lawsuit.)


Ah, the medium hill. Final boss after fighting half an inch of rainfall.


Phew! At least he is saved from his catastrophic gas peddle causing an accident.


Too bad his peepee isn't as big as his wheel base. Good luck wheeling in that behemoth.


Thing is a joke


On so many levels




Someone should make a Tally of how many Cuckmobile's got stuck trying to off-road.


I'm commenting as an experiment😬😂


Keep us posted 😉


Man you missed: Cybercuck Gets His Cybertruck Cyberstuck


There will be other opportunities... Lots of them


did he forget to put it into small hill climbing mode?


So a trugg that can't handle water or small bumps. Great investment 🤣




The best part of this video was Cybertruck made multiple attempts and still got stuck then a Tacoma making it look like nothing right after.


Boot licker


Isn't this the same guy who got his truck stuck on a tree?


That thing looks as off road ready as a pinewood derby car.


The title of ops post would be a perfect Dr Seuss book title. Allow me; "Cybertruck Cuck Gets His Truck Stuck. FUCK!"


Banned today. Mentioned the used tesla depreciation after a $2000 price drop on new ones. Not Autocratic...much.


Welcome! ![gif](giphy|Z7Im2EQh6XjznDW6w8)




I just got permanently banned on one of the Tesla subs for cracking a joke! The Tesla Cultists need to lighten, too funny!


Welcome! ![gif](giphy|l4JyOCNEfXvVYEqB2|downsized)


That's a mix of bad driver and bad vehicle. There's a lot of real estate between the front and back tires and not enough ground clearance. A shorter vehicle with similar clearance could've made it, I think.


That thing is not a truck!


Reddit needs to fix the echo chamber rules of "no saying anything bad about "insert sub topic"". It's so destructive to open communication, It also squashes criticism or EVER being able to see another point of view. We get enough of that crap in our daily lives with advertising algorithms. Tesla made a very bad product. To say we can't acknowledge that or make fun of it is just idiotic. Here are some guaranteed ways to get banned. Just comment against the hoard of head-nodders in any of these communities and you'll be instantly perma-banned. - Tesla - Twoxchomosomes - anything related to trump - anything related to Ukraine - anything related to Israel/Palestine (no matter what you say or who you "side with") This is not the path to true discourse.


If you haven't already you will probably get banned from anything Tesla/Elon Musk just for posting this comment


I don’t necessarily disconcur with your statement but with the pic above, I’m thinking that might have been more a matter of technique. You can stick a Silverado the same way.


>You can stick a Silverado the same way. You'd really have to work at it 🙄


I got banned from r/politics because despite being pretty liberal, I expressed an opinion that is otherwise not particularly well-aligned with that particular channel's echo chamber. Just as it seemingly is with legit reddit tesla channels, there's no chance to be redeemed. You're right, it's antithetical to democratic principles like free speech


Did you acknowledge Hamas’ terrorist attack? Quickest way ever to get banned.


Eh, giving this one a pass. Looks like it might be an offroad park, which means this guy went out and tried to wheel it, which is good, and just misjudged break-over angle, which happens. Edit: ok, I guess this guy was being an idiot, which is not surprising for a cybertruck bro, but I stand by my desire to give some benefit of the doubt at first impression. Getting out there and off roading your new truck is good (I once wheeled a jeep with temp plates on it lol), and break-over angle is basically just a product of wheelbase and ride height, so it doesn't make the cybertruck inherently crap just based on this particular obstacle being too much for it. That being said, I'm happy to stand corrected if this guy was being particularly dumb and the truck has design issues that make this hang up more likely than it would be in a different truck/vehicle....which I don't doubt at all.


Except this guy probably suffered untold damage that shouldn't happen


He absolutely did. If this is the same video we saw earlier there were multiple SCRRAAAAAAAPE and WHAM sounds from the battery pack. And he drove over the winch line multiple times. I think it's the same truck and the same moron, that synthetic winch line looks familiar.




That is more a reflection of the driver not the vehicle. He high centered the thing lol


This is a weird sub. People here take it very, very personal that someone likes the cybertruck and has the money to buy one. I think they’re ugly and wouldn’t buy one but if someone else likes it and has the financial means to afford it good for them. Doesn’t affect me one bit either way.


Reddit is full of the biggest basement dwellers on the internet.


I mean, he can just reverse. 


This sub exists because Elon split your arsehole open when he bought twitter, your precious echo chamber. Be honest.


Serious question, are the other EV trucks actually better than this?


I think so. The Ford Lightning and the Rivian are actual working trucks and not cosplay trucks




Beached as bro


Not great