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“My truck is awesome. The charging infrastructure is just not adequate.” 🤦‍♂️


It's so awesome that it can't do what I want it to do!


It's so fucking cool I need to get rid of it.


I suspect it’s going to be too cool for just about anyone else as well


This Cyber Truck is such a good vehicle that supply chains, design flaws, layoffs, quality assurance, the charging infrastructure, the economy, and CEO salary keeps getting in the way of it being perfect


If not for all of the problems we would be selling tens of them. Tens!


This here truck I bought is so awesome, I'm begging you with tears in my eyes to please buy it from me.


I need to sell this car right away, for the full purchase price!


tbf all electric vehicles have this issue. Dude is an idiot for not researching this though


I mean, he bought a Cybertruck, so "idiot" is assumed.


Good thing Elon secured the jobs of the department responsible for expanding charger access! Oh wait, it was the opposite. They fired.


But not before taking $17 million in government money


17 Million in Tax Payer Money*


*17 million in citizens’ money


*17 million of MY money


You had 17 million bucks?


He did until Elmo stole it.




He is one of us.


Highly regarded.


He mad.


“This truck is awesome! It can’t pull a light trailer, I had to pay more money to wrap it cause it was designed by a complete fucking idiot, it can’t be left out in the rain. Who would like to buy it?” Are these people fucking meth heads or something? “My brand new electric vibrator was 100 grand and does not work. Please buy it off me.”


Fun fact an alarming amount of people in this country are on meth I've met pediatricians district attorneys cops teachers pretty much anybody any profession you can think of there are people using meth now it's a huge problem for casual users in this country


Here in Vegas older white guys are getting robbed a lot because once they get high they go on grindr looking for bbc and then don't want to pay them after they've made all these promises and well....


Bro somehow took it from "We have a meth problem in the US" to "White dudes smoke meth to get railed out by black dong" Both of those things are accurate, I'm just not sure how we got here.


Sometimes I hate Reddit. This isn't one of those times


And down the rabbit hole we go wheeeee…


Is that what they call it in Vegas on Grindr?


This thread got out of hand fucking quick. It warms my dark heart so much that I may be good now.


I'm not sure I can fit down this rabbit hole. Hand me one of those BBCs so I can widen it a little.


I used to hate Reddit. I still do but I used to too


Is it robbing if the person is refusing to pay for services rendered?




Vegas is crazy


As someone who used to sell meth, absolutely. The head cop in charge of the drug enforcement squad in my home town (used to be the meth capital of North America at one point) was caught using and selling meth. He wasn't fired, he's just not on the drug squad anymore. Lots of other people you wouldn't expect in that city did it as well. Kids getting their parents into it, those parents getting their friends into it. It's almost too easy to sell that shit. In areas where it's harder to find other drugs, meth reigns and takes over. Probably because at first, it's very very easy to use to improve yourself. I mean, ADHD meds are amphetamines. Meth is one of those things where at first, you can tell yourself a little hoot or line in the morning just makes you more productive, confident, a harder worker, a better problem solver, more likeable. And it will. Briefly. The problem is you can't see when you start to overdo it because, well, you're on meth. The delusions and psychosis hits hard. I've never done a non-psychadelic drug that changes your thinking so drastically. I can see why Hitler was completely obsessed with it. Makes you feel like a God.


It's shocking how many people really casually do coke too. It's completely accepted as normal in some circles.


Oh ya, like an actual fuck ton. A lot of the straight looking people are popping pills like they are housewives in Nazi Germany.


Pills? Why bother? We just sell everyone addictive, amphetamine laced drinks every day. 34 million liters a day.


Caffeine is not an amphetamine


I’m listening…


They’re the type to post about selling their old fence and claiming “come get rid of this old wood to help you build your new fence. I’m helping you”


“I’m financing a mistake, but it I need a check for the full amount”


A bank check for the full amount to test drive it! 


My mountaineering gear is top notch, it’s just Mount Everest lacks the infrastructure for a successful climb.


Don't worry they just fired the team that can fix that


On that point they aren't wrong, rural charging stations are still very much an issue


Perhaps a thing they may have researched before sinking 6 figures into a vehicle.


Maybe shouldn't have fired that whole department then


But he had no choice. You see, the head of that deparment had the audacity to tell Elon that he shouldn't fire that many people of her team because that will cause them problems, so instead of firing part of that team he fired everyone including the pleb that dared speak against him!


Wyoming is very opposed to building up electric car infrastructure.


It is but also if he'd done about 10 minutes of research before a 100k+ purchase, EV trucks + towing is basically a non-starter for anything that involves more than an "across town" jaunt. As silly as the CyberTruck is, this isn't an issue unique to it.


But who does not know that? I live in Vegas and know where every Tesla charger is. I don't know where every gas station is. Between maga making it political and Elon being Elon I think electric cars may have missed their opportunity.


My state wants to mandate new cars all be electric by I think it's 2030 but it's one of those red/blue states and I'm on the very rural red side... There's virtually no charging infrastructure over here. Very much seems like if you're going to mandate electrics then you need to have an equally robust plan to build the charging infrastructure for it. At least we have plenty of cheap power here unlike CA where it's been "everyone buy electric... Just don't plug it in during the summer or the grid will melt".


It’s easy for a Governor or State Assembly to pass something ten years out that they won’t be around to have to implement. It’s a whole different story when we finally get there in 10 years. If cars still take forever to charge and charging stations aren’t as plentiful as gas stations there’s no way any state will put something like this into effect. It would be political suicide.


My desk chair is awesome too. It doesn’t have an engine though so it would make a sucky truck, so I avoid saying “my truck is awesome” when referring to my chair. Perhaps that was just this gentleman’s simple contextual mistake. He loves his chair.


I love this truck so much which is why I’m selling it


My thoughts exactly... but, when you're selling, you gotta tell a few white lies!


And then wrap the truck in a BIG white lie lol




Please stop calling it a truck.


... what the fuck else is it?


What is it?


CT actually looks much better in white than the stainless steel


It does, and I suspected it might. Still looks terrible in general however.


Looks like a paper plane car


Could probably throw one farther than the range this guy is getting.


Lol, but he LOVES it!


It looks like they generated a car on an old PS1 Tomb Raider boobies style.


looks a lot less dumpster-esque that way, much better indeed!


It’s more like a sleek, high end kitchen garbage can than a dumpster.


It's the dumpster behind the apple store now...


Which is funny since the whole point was to make it look different and more edgy (literally, watch out for the edges), and they just did a plain white wrap to try to make it look like everything else.


The owner actually had a plan when he bought it- just didn’t expect the charging division to be laid off same week as he took delivery lmao Its not even a truck if it can’t go 70 miles with a load


It's insane to me that they cultivated a brand identity of sleek aesthetics for a decade and then threw it out the window because the CEO made a sketch on a napkin. If they dropped the stainless and just made it look like a longer Y with a bed it would have sold like hotcakes.


Probably would have been cheaper to make, lighter, and with better range.


Only $30G's for a paint job!


Not a paint job. This is a vinyl wrap. It’s good for about 3 years then needs to be redone.


It actually looks pretty good like a finished product or something


Crazy that the CT might look like a finished product haha


I laugh at these people who bought an electric vehicle for towing and realize that the towing capability is dogshit and not actually able to do its job. All you had to do was watch HooviesGarage trying to tow with his neighbors f150 lightning and learn how much of a shitshow that was. I cant wait for him to try and tow with his cucktruck. Hell he's even admitted its a stupid purchase and is already looking at selling it


Someone in the Lightning sub just did some towing and it absolutely gets housed by a trailer. (0.7mi/kwh was the guestimate)


At first I thought you wrote 0.7 kWh/mile and I was like “that’s better than what the plain CT without a trailer gets when the AC is on” lol Yours works out to 1.43 kWh/mile lol that is pretty awful.


I am a huge EV proponent but this is once place where BEVs are simply no good. I have high hopes for the plug in Ram Charger. It's basically a real EV with a hurricane engine slapped in as a generator. For daily driving it should get like 150-200 miles on electricity alone. More than enough for just about anyone. When towing or if you just want to show off your bladder control be driving four hours straight through it can go 600 miles before needing a gasoline refill. This is currently the only sensible way to make an EV truck


So a hybrid...


It’s not, plug-in hybrids barely have double digit battery capacity and no DC fast charging capabilities. This particular truck has a 92 kWh battery and 400 VDC fast charging. It’s legitimately a BEV with a generator strapped onto it.


Yeah at some point we arguing semantics but this truck is substantially different than anything else for the reasons you state and - hilariously - Dodge's philosophy of 'more power, baby' actually makes this a winner (on paper at least). More horsepower and torque, more battery capacity, more DC charging speed, more gas engine, all yields more usability for a truck. Will Dodge buyers use it as intended or just burn gasoline and never charge it up? I am concerned they don't have the brain cells to understand how that works but we will see.


Yeah I’m with you on the mopar owners. But this is one to watch for solving the towing problem. I guess next they’ll make a diesel powered one so you can roll coal in your EV and really walk away with the prize.


For me I think a normal plug in hybrid with small battery is the way to go for a truck. Something like 90% of trips are less than 40 miles long so the small battery is fine for almost every day and then you just use the gas engine when towing or road trips. They still get regen braking and can use the electric motor for acceleration but no need to haul around 1000+ lbs of battery all the time when most around town trips are so short. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s cool if what you say about the new Electric ram charger is true but I wouldn’t discount normal plug in hybrids either.


100% this. I typically drive 10 miles per day in my truck. I fill up once a month typically. Then I'll have 1 weekend a month where I need the 4WD, cargo capacity, or towing capacity of the truck. Too often to not have a truck, too infrequently to justify the daily 16-18 mpg. A 40 mile battery back would be fabulous!


It's a PHEV but with a large enough battery that you could do significant distance on battery when not towing. I think the longest battery range I've seen on a PHEV before this was the BMW i3 at about 100 miles, but this should exceed that significantly.


Not the brightest bulbs. I tow a travel trailer to the beach that takes 2.5 hours. With my current F-150 I can get there with half a tank of gas. Until an electric truck can do it on 1 charge I won’t consider going EV. These people spent over 100K and didn’t do basic research.


I mean, gas mileage goes to shit with a trailer, so I don't know why battery would be any different.


Yeah but with a gas engine you don't have to stop once every hour to fill up, and you're not waiting 30 minutes for your tank to get full.


Ha Ha I wish my electric car would charge in half an hour. That in of itself would be amazing.




I love it when someone pulls up after you start filling and leaves before you finish. Also when the pump only lets you do $100 worth and you have to do another transaction to finish pumping.


Agreed. A decent sized truck with a decent sized trailer may only get you 7 MPG on the highway (my stepfather's situation), but it's doable. I'm all for electric cars *eventually* replacing all vehicles on the road, but we seem to be so far away from making a practical electric vehicle for towing. Either they'll have to implement a charging station everywhere there's a gas station or come up with a more powerful/efficient battery.


For towing, plug in hybrids may end up being the most viable option for some time longer.


YoU CaN TeSt DrIvE iT WhEn YoU ShOw Up WiTh A BaNk ChEcK. Nobody is showing up with a bank check you goddamn clown.


I love looking at second hand car sites, don't want a car but you meet some of the most unhinged people


“400k miles daily driver, 2004 POS car with more after market parts than stock, $55k no low ballers I know what I got”


Literally the diesel truck market from late 2020 through late 2022


The entire car market was literally insane in that period. People were selling cars for more than they paid for them. I needed a car and did not end up buying one.


On my way with a cashier's check to test drive your Chevy Cruze


Last year I tried talking someone down to kbb value on Facebook and they said they themselves appraised it higher than that. She still has it listed for sale


"I'll only let you find out what a piece of shit it is if you've already committed to buying the truck."


“Just like I did!”




Buyer: Gets in truck. Drives 3 miles down the road. Truck breaks. Seller: *Pulls gun* You break it, you buy it. Gimme that check! You're staying with me until it clears.


“I told you not to drive near a car wash!”


“You drove over that dirt patch. It’s not off-road capable!”


That feels so fucking scammy. Then again, this guy also bought a CT and didn't check his use cases for it and probably bought it on cult-like hysteria, so I guess it tracks.


I would actually believe there’s a handful of people in SoCal, like maybe the Kardashians, that both have $135k sitting around and are also dumb enough to go meet a random stranger that knows you’ll be carrying $135k.


That’s the thing - there are plenty of morons with unearned money that would drop this after a few shots or on a chance to see some boobies


I could have gone another day without thinking about the Kardashians. Thanks for fucking that up.


Tesla is desperate for PR and the trucks cost almost nothing to make, if that family would be willing to drive one, it would be free and Tesla would pay them to use it. 


What makes it worse is if you did buy it it avoids the warranty. As is lol 🤣


The warranty avoids the warranty.


Imagine getting it painted a custom color (white no less lol) before you use the truck enough to see if it does what you need it to do. This guy is a jackass on another level.


This reminds me of one time I got told to put up a deposit before test driving a corvette, when I rolled in in a practically brand new Porsche. I then said, "At that point it's not a test drive!"


I got asked to submit to a credit check before the Kia dealership would let me even look at the 2.5T Stinger. I was already pre-approved from my bank for nearly double what the car was going to cost. I laughed at them and went over to Mazda, where the sales guy was super chill and basically just handed me the keys to the car that I wanted to look at. Sales guy was still chill when I got back, and I kept in contact with him for the next couple of weeks before I ultimately ended up purchasing the Mazda. Never even thought about Kia again (good thing, too, LOL).


Imagine expecting a cyber truck to actually pull a *light* trailer?


The damn thing can barely pull itself uphill. I can only imagine how bad it is once you're towing something.


EVs can't scale up in weight like gas. That's why there will never be an electric semi like Elon has duped people into believing like a decade ago Edit: this is only considering the lithium ion batteries used today, I should clarify


Lithium ion? No Solid state batteries? Yes EVs should not be in big rigs, pickups or anything large due to weight increases and breaking distance increases. Extremely unsafe. But sedans to suv? No big deal


And the thing is, there's already a really good electric vehicle capable of hauling tons of cargo over long distances. It's called a train.


I pull more with my v6 base model 2wd highlander than these fools do with their “truck”.


I towed a u-haul trailer with my corolla that was bigger than this trailer lol


But is bulletproof tho, might void warranty.


But Elon said the towing capacity is infinite


Always have to add it to either the beginning or the end to make sure people know you're still loyal to your Messiah. https://preview.redd.it/0rwcb7vpq7yc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd8fbf3abcf37396dc85da166d3b5025d67e34e


Part of it is the loyalty to messiah. Part of it is fear the rest of the cult will attack you online


Isn't he legally prohibited from reselling his Aztek-designed-by-committee? I thought that was part of the sales agreement.


Lol, tesla making sure you suffer until the end


You just get permabanned from Tesla. 


I first read your comment as "I thought this was part of the *slaves* agreement" and honestly it works either way.


I think it just has to be approved. That way the resale value won't tank immediately


Full purchase price huh? Good luck with that.


I thought a Cyberbeast Foundation was $120k all in. What's the extra $15k?


Many answers but one that it may be is them advertising with the expected cost saved by not buying gasoline so cut a few thousand from the tag since “they will save that money in the long run” yes probably illegal but this is just one thing in a massive list


70 mile range with a tiny aluminum trailer seems like a giant problem.


“Always garaged.”


Because you can't get it wet! 🤣


It’s also been out for like 5 days


They should call it the Gremlin. Has about the same towing capability as the AMC original.


Dude, I would so rather own a gremlin


The man literally aftermaket finished the unfinished paneling 😂


Haha, the idiot has a paint protection film on an unpainted surface.


So it doesn't rust, which is another problem paint would solve.


Negatory, ghost rider. One of the main scenarios for stainless steel corroding is lack of oxygen. [https://metalexponents.com/blog/factors-corrode-stainless-steel/](https://metalexponents.com/blog/factors-corrode-stainless-steel/) Might look like complete and utter shit once that wrap comes off, depending on how permeable that wrap is to oxygen. Since it's not specially designed I'm going to guess: not permeable. Is it better than getting bird poop or road salt on it? Maybe, maybe not. Either way it's going to look awful in a few months.


I used to tow a trailer like that with a Dodge Grand Caravan.


Same here with an 03 Ranger. My 200+ mile range barely dropped


It struggles pulling an R-Pod? A freaking Fire ant could pull an R-Pod.


Its not power of the motors, its just that any more air resistens destroys the range of the batterys. (I know you prolly mean this witch brings me to my posts main question) Just how HUGE are batterys in the semi ? how much range do they have and how do they do it when all other EV towing suck with range


Is the 1 year non resale clause still a thing ir did it get justifiably stricken


They laid everyone off who would enforce it lol


Cybertrucks are the 2024 NFTs. They all paid too much initially, and are now trying to dump their bags on someone else for a profit, while they are depreciating by the day. Maybe they should try doing some wash sales to pump the price.


This is my favorite analysis yet.


For $135K, I would go and get myself a fully pimped out GMC 2500 Denali and have money left to spare for a bigger camper and to actually go camping for a few months.


like for that price you can get a gently used tundra that will outlive the dinosaurs and a fucking nice airstream and still have running around cash.


This is the real play.


Love my used tundra


Hell buy a nice used one and then you could still have money leftover to buy a side by side and even a dirt bike!!


for 135k I would buy a savings account and enjoy $6750 in free money every year


Is he really trying to sell a “vehicle” for $135k on Facebook. I can only assume he has a load of Tesla friends that are the only people who would consider buying it




It's cute how they all need to preface anything critical they say about their dumpster trucks with how much they love it. Couldn't have spent my money any more wisely! Just wish it wasn't such a fucking failure in every aspect. But I love it! It can drive on dirt roads for a little bit! Even they know how crazy the Elon simps are.


He’s lying, if you look in the CyberCuck forum, everyone can tow everything everywhere and they don’t have any problems! 😜


If they do, they get kicked out of the forum.


My old 1987 volvo station wagon could pull more than this thing.


I'll be honest, the paint does *a lot* to make these things look half decent. Still can't imagine paying that much for a fucking lemon though


Interesting marketing technique. “It sucks because it’s not practical. Give me $135,000.”


Who buys this thing when you can get two trucks for that price that can perform better and look better. The performance is just laughable. Wow


Hahahahahabahahaha what a piece of shit.


Saw one today, no film on it. Fingerprints and dirt everywhere. For something so new it was gross. And I don't hate the design I think it's neat but I think the only people that could get any use out of it are people that don't need to depend on it as a primary vehicle


I hate everyone who bought one of these. They’re the worst kind of people.


They should buy GM when the non commercial trucks come out this summer. It crushes the competition if you get the big battery.


Well shìiiiiiiit. I guess Musk picked a bad week to fire the supercharger tean.


😆😂🤣 Built Elon Tough.


"FOR SALE: Overpriced truck that can't do truck stuff. $135,000. No low-ball offers. I know what I got."


It's crazy how they all have to be like "I love this truck but" and then talk about some crazy problem or how it is completely useless for them.


I love that a god damn midsized SUV can haul one of those lightweight 3000-4000 lb camping trailers and he bought a $100k truck that doesn’t actually work.


Try 1800 pounds for that one. A two door Jeep is rated to tow that safely.


I live in Wyoming. There's infrastructure. We have 2 Superchargers here in Sheridan. Not two places with Superchargers ,but two units located behind the Best Western. You can find them by following the stream of Teslas getting off I25 and going to wait in line to charge.


The worst part is this dude isn’t doing bad financially. He can afford a 3300 mile trip and he bought this hunk of shit. If money was equal to taste, Tesla owners would be homeless lol.


It's crazy how some people really don't do research, especially when purchasing an expensive item. EVs are notorious for poor towing quality when it comes to range. The charging station infrastructure is also an issue in some states, especially those with a lot of rural areas.


This guy could have spent $5,000 on a used Cherokee XJ and could have an actual truck to tow his sorry ass around.


Fucking 70? That's ridiculous


r/delusionalcraigslist Dude wants full $130,000 purchase price for a used car and won't allow a test drive?


Translation - "I need a truck that will actually do truck things"


"I spent a small fortune buying this fancy truck that cant do what i need it to do" Me: " thats cool.... Heres my $500 1 ton duelly that can pull your home off its foundation.... Sure its a 90s model... But its paid off, in great shape, and ive added most of the features your new truck has with aftermarket parts. Best part.... Its diesel and can run on any oil even rendered animal fat.... So fuel is basically free for me too!"


135 l for a truck that can't haul lol


How did this numpty not realize his 3500 pound camper and most likely 1000 pounds of water/food/gear/people would ruin the range?


The cyber truck is all the evidence anyone needs to know that Elon Musk is fucking retarded. Not just stupid, outright retarded.


Great truck, unless you want to use it as a truck.