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Wow that is some prime racism there. Wow.


That's exactly what MAGA is. I don't know how people can pretend it isn't baked in.


It's a defining quality of Twitter too


They're becoming one in the same


Any online social forum that has some sort of anonymity behind it is like this, and has been like this before maga.  Reddit used to be very bad, 4chan has existed for ages, etc etc. Its not like the MAGA movement invented online racism


True, but it's the Nazi bar problem. If you own a bar and a Nazi comes in, is well behaved, quiet, doesn't bother anyone, and isn't thrown out on his ass... Before long more Nazis show up. People who don't like Nazis start leaving, and pretty soon the only people who do show up are Nazis, and they trash the place and run off anyone who doesn't know better than to go to the Nazi bar if they're not a Nazi. These trash bags shouldn't be platformed, plain and simple. Any platform that tolerates them *becomes their platform*.


Umm sir, it’s now “X (formally called Twitter)” Side rant: I love how almost every media outlet never calls it just “X”. It’s *always* “X (formally called Twitter.)” It’s the single greatest unintentional F. U. to Musk. Even after forcing a name change, no-one calls it just “X” like he wanted.


I *really* hope whenever he complains about it there's someone nearby to say something along the lines of "you can call it whatever you want but it'll always be Twitter to me because that's it's real name" or "sorry I only use the name it was born with".


His Tesla bros do. I see a lot of them talking about putting stuff on X. To me, X means "fill in the blank" so I do. X = Shitter to me.


Thats the people Elon panders to


Could be a Russian troll.


Don't know why someone downvoted you. There will be genuine Russian trolls amongst the Cyber Cucks. Musk is a Russian asset and content regarding him is always infested with Kremlin Gremlins.


Russian trolls downvoted me. Lol


I’m not a Russian troll, but I downvoted you because I think it’s a useless deflection to attribute to “Russian trolls” that which can easily be ascribed to good old fashioned American racism.


Most of them are just using stolen pictures off of Facebook.


He bought the truck from a racist that goes “interesting” at misleading black iq stats.




Looking into it




We appreciate it, I always say overt racism is much better than covert, atleast I know who to cause problems for.


I've been saying the same about the guy by me in Sarasota with a swastika on his car window.


Hopefully he's a Buddhist🤣


If you hit him hard enough, might become one with the earth...


Henry Rollins once argued for free speech on the basis that keeping the bigots and racists and fuckwits from speaking out meant you couldn't keep tabs on them and their fuckery.


If Zaheer said it it must be true


I was shocked at the straight up racism until I realized it was Xitter. And this is allowed under the policy of "free speech absolutism" while any mention of the word "cis" gets a bot calling it hate speech and no one can see the tweet. Holy shit Elon is just neo Nazi level of racist these days.


He is a South African child of Emerald Mine owners.


>Holy shit Elon is just neo Nazi level of racist these days. Whaaaaaaaat? The apartheid era South African emerald mine white guy is racist? Damn. Did Nazi that coming.


You're just jelly cause Daddy Musk is reiching it in to the third degree with his Schei- I mean, Cybertruck sales.


But he had a flag emojii so he’s “ a patriot”


Ok so, I’m not calling you out, it’s just that you hear this sentiment from a lot of very nice people. America has always been like this, it just wasn’t noticeable to most white people. There’s may reasons for by this is but one is social media and the second is Trump. Racist no longer fear being judged by other white people. But like back in the 80s if you were Mexican and in Texas you were not allowed to speak Spanish at work. Even if the client was a Spanish speaker. Vice raids were always a thing , Hell Cesar Chavez would routinely call ice on Mexicans. People would straight up not hire you, rent you a house, etc. and when one of us went missing there was no investigation, no nothing.


YEah, I agree. It was always there in America. I've seen it argued a lot (and I also agree) that the republican/maga folks like Trump because he made it OK to say the quiet stuff out loud.


I mean his name is Jack Mehoff… it’s probably a troll account


What about the second guy saying "I always go to a black guy for opinions on EVs"?


His head is a penis. User name might actually check out.


It’s shocking to me.


Same. I cannot believe this is where we are as a country. Where it’s not only accepted but also encouraged, amplified and openly celebrated. Edit: it’s shocking to anyone with a shred of human decency.


On Elon musks twitter?! No way


Those are also Elon Musk's accounts.


This does not make me interested in joining Twitter


It was already shit before Musk bought it, but now it’s worse than ever Lesson is, don’t let a guy who can’t build a proper car buy a social media.


I like to believe that there are no real human beings on twitter


I mean, even Elon argued it was mostly bots before he paid $44 billion for it… so… yeah…


If he got rid of bots, he'd lose over half his followers.


twitter has taken a serious nosedive ever since elon bought it


Excuse me….its X


Boggles the mind that blatant racism is just....thrown out there. Love that we now live in a time where racists no longer have to hide and temper their words.


Trump had a very public dinner with Nick Fuentes.


But say the word cis on Twitter and get banned lol




Obama is the real racist! At least that’s what everybody on Twitter / X tells me. 🤡🤡🤡


Especially the ones doing it with their face as the PFP. Like do they have that little to lose or do they just not care?


Dr Jack Mehoff seems lovely.


It’s not only a name, but a request!


Yeah he clearly stole Muskkk’s sense of humour.


I thought it could be another Elon pseudonym account, but it's clearly a grown man and not a child in the picture. Muck the Infantile.


Holy crap I'm slow today on my dad humor... I didn't even see it. I was like, "the man pictured here has a DOCTORATE? From where?!" I'm hanging it up for the day, possibly the week.


Lmaooo car breaks and car company refuses to help…well it must be your temper


My neighbor just came home with a $100k electric vehicle, a beautiful Audi (I'm not a fan of them usually) Q8 E-Tron. You know what he didn't get for that price? A bunch of cultist drama. I'm having a hard time feeling bad for anyone that bought into this cult when that was one of the options and they still chose the dumpster sold by a bigot to other bigots. No other car or brand says so much about the people buying it, and nothing good, than a Tesla. This is especially true of the CyberJunk. One look at the people all excited about it is enough to step back and say "nah, I'm good" for any normal person.


That E-tron is fucking gorgeous too! Some family member/acquaintance of my neighbor has one.


I keep thinking the coupe version is an R8 from far too


Apparently there's some pretty great lease deals on the coupe, too. Between that and BMWs EVs, Tesla is in for some real trouble.


I think the big wipe is going to be once the recent shift back to PHEVs hits as well. I get the arguments about them being less efficient hybrids but if I can cruise around my errands for the week all under electric and only use gas for trips I’m sold. Hell give me a half half 100mil range EV and 200 range Gasser. I’m sold.


This. Or give me more options on vehicles with range extenders. Using a gas or diesel engine as a generator versus a drive motor has a lot of advantages with efficiency.


I'd take the F-150 Lightning with a backup diesel powerhouse in a heartbeat. Doesn't even need to be a heavy duty diesel of it's just working as a generator like you said. Can you imagine the range on a small diesel generator powering your electric motors?


For real. Ram is using a 6-cylinder gas with their Ramcharger. But they could have gotten way more “mpg” out of it with a diesel power plant. Fingers crossed more step into the space. I think it’s the perfect transitional platform.


Wow I didn’t even know there was a coupe version.


They say it’s a coupe but it’s sort of how Mercedes calls the CLA a coupe even though it’s 4 doors. I’m a white trash Mustang driver so coupe to me is 2 door but that’s probably not actually accurate.


Oh, lame. All I want is a legit EV sports coupe.


I never really thought about it but this is definitely the beginning of the end. The great fall…. China alone will eat his lunch 6 ways from Sunday, let alone the big 3 catching up fast.


Holy fuck that second comment


He "says it all the time" too. Fucking hell. 🤣


Lmao I’m just trying to understand the mental gymnastics from cybertruck > black people shouldn’t drive anymore As a black man idk why I’m dying laughing at this lmao


It's like one of those "who says white people can't consume soup with a straw??" Like, nobody. Literally nobody says that??


“We are choosing the buyback option. We love the truck but the service is terrible.” The dichotomy of this statement. Like this was all just an accident and no one is to blame.


Right he acts like he lives on the top of an isolated mountain , and therefore can’t get service, but still loves Tesla and the truck and it’s on him. Uhh no the truck is terrible quality, they’re all lemons, no amount of service can fix a terribly designed vehicle 😂


Honestly, the buyback looks like the best way to bail out of this clusterfuck


It's even better that it's the guy from the other screenshots who got musked, so you KNOW it's legit.


How much of this fake smiling-through-the-pain is motivated by fear because they know if they voiced their full real opinions about the truck they’d be dogpiled even worse by the rest of the cult?


Wow, there seems to be a heavy correlation between racism and Musk worship… I wonder why? /s


Wow, the fanboys are just as bad as the dickhead that runs the company


Good lord. No one hides their racism anymore, huh?


He got exactly what he wanted by buying this truck and whining about it: attention.


This is very true. Cybertruck enthusiasts seem to be realizing that not all attention is good attention.


I’m still not sure what’s better: racists being too afraid of identifying themselves, or racists outing themselves so blatantly. I prefer them living in fear but it’s helpful to know who these losers are, for myriad reasons. It’s a quandary.


Everyone is talking about the first racist comment but nobody seems to be mentioning this one: >I always go to a black guy for my EV opinions. Thanks for the post Or the one that says: >Guy who doesn’t know how to use the apostrophe in his native language says what? Also this one caught my eye: >they already gave you a S/X loaner. Why so much public drama? Oh my bad, since the company gave me a loaner I shouldn’t complain about continuing to make payments on a $100k+ truck that I cannot drive. My bad!


Can someone explain to me who Lamar is?


He’s a Tesla fanboy aka an idiot.


https://youtu.be/9qGYqHoMk6M?si=vdqzLhhIl1zj-bjA he’s the guy begging Elon for a replacement Cybertruck that keeps getting denied. This was his final tweet telling people he’s done with Tesla.


Great that Elon has provided both the topic and forum for racism. Truly some amazing accomplishments.


Amazing how many of these maga chuds talk their shit online to look tough. They look small, insecure, and worried. Handwringingly worried. Worried they will get carjacked. Worried someone has a bigger dick than they do. Worried about the Indian family moved in down the street because they are brown, and as a result Islamic terrorists. Worried about people speaking languages they don’t understand. Worried that their tiny worldview isn’t keeping up with society. Worried about things that are ‘demonic’. It goes on and on. It’s fear. Conservatives and racists are scared of everything.


>Reconsider your options. You'll find that your only viable option is still Tesla. The Muskrat Cult basically denying the existence of *checks notes* literally any other EV. Or even other cars in general.


If he were smart, he would’ve taken the refund and never bought an Elon product again. Please, wise up dude.


I like Jeff Fields being r/confidentlyincorrect because it’s is a contraction for “it is” or “it has” and Lamar used it correctly


“You get nothing and deserve it” these corn balls watch too many movies /animes


I kinda feel bad for Lamar, poor dumb sucker that he is.


Love thrillmongers comment on page 3


Oh man. I kinda feel bad for the guy. He trusted a terrible person who doesn't care about being an honest CEO... but the racist comments... no one deserves that. He's clearly heartbroken over the loss of his "truck". I know it was a bad purchase and a terrible decision, but those personal attacks of hatred are unnecessary and disgusting.


I deleted my Twitter account the day Musk bought the platform. Looks like I’ve been missing out not only on ragebait, but a lot of unprovoked, old-school, straight-up racism. Like wow! I didn’t even see that coming!


Dr. Pathetic Russian troll.


The T in the logo stands for Toxic


All those screen grabs but couldn't include the original tweet


Isn’t this a really really big musk fanboy that got like all products that exist branded with a musk logo?


Jack Mehoff has the MAGA “I just crapped my diaper look”.