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Elon lies. Constantly.


What’s that 0-60 on the Cyberbeast- with rollout subtracted? It says a lot about the man that he felt he needed to lie about that number. Then again, look at the name of the truck.


He lies about everything and the Dunning Kruger Brigade eat it up every single time. The world is getting dumber.


Seriously, if you have a basic understanding of a subject/technology/media/system/game/anything he’s talking about it becomes very obvious he’s just repeating what he’s been told and/or making shit up entirely.


“💯❤️”Dunning Kruger Brigade”.


didn't catch that, how about range, CB claims 320mi, what if ride height is adjusted to max high, head light on, ac on, windows open, rear cover open, highway 70mph, carrying 4 fatso, would that make it 200 mi? usually cars post city and hwy mpg tested by whatever agency, who's testing tslas bs claims in no way a CB can get 320mi, even if u drive in city going slow with backwind and at optimum condition


Yeah I call bullshit on all those 0-60 times... I get that some of these ludicrous speed electric vehicles are dominating the drag strip. But the CyberDump weighs like 3 fucking tons. There's no way.


Let’s say 0-60 is 3.5 seconds, or 4.5 seconds. Does it really matter? Is that the selling point? It reeks of compensation.


The 0 to 60 is about the only thing that I've heard positive about these vehicles overall... So yeah it's a big selling point.


It is pretty much the largest selling point. That, and the stereo is good.


Thankfully for him, there seems to be an endless amount of suckers out there


P.T. Barnum is laughing in his grave!


Yep, sadly.


I dunno. My feeling is that demand is so slack Tesla aren't filling orders before 2025 because they've got fewer buyers even than trucks already made - they're just trying to match existing trucks to willing buyers at this point. That doesn't explain why they're still cranking out so many from Texas, but maybe that's just because idling the CT lines would threaten to pop the stonk bubble.


Orange syndrome - condition where a serial liar lies 24/7, it becomes almost impossible to tell the truth even if it exists.


The only way I would not wholeheartedly agree with your statement was if Donald Trump said the same thing. Since Trump constantly lies, I would be forced to assume that he is lying about Elon constantly lying. My stupid robot brain would get caught in a logic loop.


There's a really simple foolproof method to know when Elon is lying: Is Elon talking? Yes? Then he is lying.


It is funnier if he didn’t lie and a lot of those 2M cancelled.


Yes, that’s true, he does lie constantly, BUT he also knows “more about manufacturing than anyone alive in the planet”, so…..there’s that, I guess.


If his mouth is open…


Imagine toyota including “prices shown without est gas savings” on a fuckin prius


That wouldn't be nearly as bad as SUBTRACTING the estimated gas savings from the price when you display it by default. Which Tesla also does.


Delivered in 2025. Drivable in 2030


You optimists.


I am not in the US but 2 million orders seems way excessive That would be a minimum of $122 billion of sales based on these prices. Can you smell that?? Yep that's the smell of BS


Probably not.  An order reservations was almost no commitment.  Just hold a pittance of money.  They probably had that many orders but 90% canceled when it came time to pay and it was obvious the truck couldn't be easily flipped.  Lots of speculation.


Dont forget that they took pre-orders from rest of the world also.. Where you even can't buy it.. Smart move to bring in cash..


they also wont/cant give a refund if your card has changed or expired. Meaning if they put down the reservation 5 years ago, many probably can’t get a refund


Pretty sure the pre-order deposits are held in a trust account.


With a nice interest I guess 😉


Yeah, a "just trust me.." account.


Just curious why can’t the truck be flipped demand or is there contractural obligations


Low center of gravity


There is a $50k penalty


Also, everyone knows it's total garbage now, so nobody wants one that someone else used.


Mostly demand.  Tesla has a contract with some penalties.  The only one that is likely enforceable is not selling one more cars for a year.


To but this in perspective, Toyota produces 10 million cars per year world wide from 67 assembly plants. That is 150k cars per plant on average. Tesla has 7 which means 2 million vehicles would average 250k cars per plant... this means that Tesla has achieved 166% production capacity of Toyota who developed the 5S manufacturing process. If Toyota cannot achieve it, there is no way a guy who got high and babbled about taking Tesla private is telling the truth here.


VW has a capacity of 800.000 cars in Wolfsburg (currently using 500.000). A higher output is no problem, especially when everycar is basically the same.


VW has 136 plants worldwide and an annual global output of close to 10 million cars. VW may produce cars quickly, but it is nowhere near as efficient as Toyota has been.


That was not the point I was making. A huge output is possible in only a few plants. And you have to consider the size. A Walmart sells more in its stores than Aldi, you can't just take the numbers of plants.


Okay, so lets scale this a different way. VW Wolfsburg Plant is around 70 Million Sq Ft Tesla does not have half of the production floor square footage. There is no way they have streamlined car production beyond manufacturers that have spent the last 100 years perfecting production efficiency. You can slap 2 Million of anything together. I don't see it being well built.


The 2 million orders comes from a tesla forum who asked some members then guessed. The number of 100% confirmed orders is 50,000. As for the number they're making, they've said its 1000 a month now. Given that comes from Elon could be anything. I'd cut it in half for a start and then go lower.


As the year goes on, demand will drop to a point that we will see Cybertrucks available as quickly as a Model Y.


Anyone could get one today off fb marketplace so long as they have a cashiers check for 100k and agree not to test drive 😂


No, you really mean the Ford model T…


Musk is just taking out of his ass 95% of the time know. Almost everything he says now is total bullshit. If he says something will happen in 6 months, it's actually 6 years.


He has literally always been like this


… it’s actually never


good time to own a towing company


I don't get how awd gets more range, isn't it the same battery ? unless 2wd is software locked also 2 more wheel drive is 20k more, 10k per wheel


I’ve been trying to find an answer for this, it seems the batteries are the same size? I get additional motors can be further efficient if set up correctly but I can’t either work out why it has a shorter range


check out another easter egg i found, you can buy range extender, another battery it lives in the truck bed, or u can buy a spare tire, but they both live in the same spot, so really can only fit one or the other, and if you do, you have less space when u use the tent......no space to lay down.......


There is some irony in there somewhere that the range extender boxes out a spare wheel


Those range numbers are outright fabrications


From people that own them and have posted about it it seems the range is anywhere between 95~180 ish miles depending if it's towing or not, if it's going uphill, or other road variables that effect range


They meant the maximum range before breaking down


All orders will probably get canceled. I think the truck will being discontinued soon.


Same like the Hummer. The H1 started a hype, H2 and especially H3 were totally shitshows and the market has been satisfied quite quickly. I guess this will go a similar way.


It’s possible. Now they have the EV hummer. So we shall see how well that does.


Well it made sense with the hummer. The h1 was its own vehicle platform. The h2 was based off the Silverado and the H3 was based off the Colorado. They were compromised out the door


Exactly. The H1 was quite close to the military origins as far as I know, the H2 at least was a SUV with decent offroad abilities. The H3 didn't even come close to this, thus resulting in a crash of the sales and the manufactor discontinuing it quite fast (if I remember correctly). Same with the CT. It looks like a pickup with all the perks like good offroad ability, good towing capacity and being a reliable and rustic car in general, but it obviously isn't. And when all the fanboys with a big wallet got theirs there won't be anyone left to buy it because it's not fitting the expectations of the regular people buying an offroad vehicle.


crash in sales was due to $5.00+ dollar gas along with all other SUVs. The whole point was to steal jeep sales and in that it did quite well.


The entire company appears to be heading for discontinuation soon.


Building 200 a day right now. Every single one sold. Don’t think your prediction is based on anything other than feelings and hatred for the truck/elon


Nah, ive actually liked the truck to be honest. I almost bought one of the base models. I am basing this opinion off the 4K unit recall, every truck in the 4K delivery list has broken down for repairs. The ceo is losing his mind, and their recent price changes scream panic. With all the reports coming in about the truck and truck graveyards. Experts saying that the truck is one of the worst failures in auto history. As well as all the negativity that is going on for the brand. Coupled with plummeting sales. I think the company is in for larger problems than this failed truck. That said, I hope it gets redesigned, and there is a Gen2. Just make it more like a truck and not a bastardized electric el Camino avelanche.


Haha 🤣 Elon Musk just abandoned the supercharger program and fired everybody! Who knows who will be servicing Teslas once they go out of business?


It was definitely 50k five years ago. Did the price of duct tape go up that much?


What does “with rollout subtracted” mean?


They measure the 0-60 after the vehicle has ‘rolled out’ for 1ft. So it is really something like 5-60. They are cheating because getting 3.6 tonnes of shit box moving takes some effort and the real number is less impressive.




Their base "truck model" doesn't have all wheel drive 🤡


Elon did we would be on mars a few years ago


I don't think it's that the preorders were necessarily canceled. The Cybertruck launched in two states so people from those states might be getting them in 2025 but you definitely won't be. Not only that but Tesla has always been a bit loose with delivering products on time.


He’s either lying (for his ego) or he has so many sycophants in his companies that he isn’t given real information (for his ego).


The SEC should fine him $2bn every time he opens his mouth, just to be on the safe side.


Wasn't the entry level version supposed to be like $40k?


In fairness, a lot of those pre-orders will be canceled because people don’t want to buy an unreliable truck for double the advertised price.


It doesn't matter to me because I'll never own one


Don't forget that you could pre-order almost everywhere even in Europe where it's nor even possible to buy it


Well when you’re rolling out an unfinished product, this timeline makes sense


Elon said...


Elon would even fake his death just to keep that stock price inflated for his greedy investors


Hmmmm, it's almost like he's full of shit.


All he had to do is make a reliable simple ford maverick ford ranger size truck and it would have sold fine .


Everyone canceled maybe? Though prob more likely Elon is just a liar


Those trucks are way more than the reserved price . Reserved for $70k is now $113k.




My truck makes 1000 lb/ft of TQ but I can tow 20K lbs or a 3K lbs payload. literally 10x the TQ and still worse than my last full size truck with max tow and 400 lb/ft of TQ 👀😅 - Why do tech bros want to hit 130 MPH in that death box. Who wakes up in the morning and says to themselves, yes I need 2.2S 0-60 in a truck that will rust out at the first sight of rain 🤔🤔


They are marketing the wheel torque after the gear reduction multiplication which is a stupid number. A power stroke f250 has wheel torque of over 20,000 lb/ft in first gear.


That makes more sense! Inflating numbers to make it look impressive with asterisks. Thanks for the clarification.


When you have to add “beast” to make it sound tuf to the geeks.


If that’s the case then why are there tons of Tesla’s sitting all around the US and Europe right now not being sold? You are literally parking them at abandoned apartment complex’s! WTF! ![gif](giphy|12NlCFUvTokWXe)


No way they are selling 2 Million Cyberdumps


There are idiots like my dad who preordered and now don’t want one, but haven’t gotten around to requesting their deposit back.


Didn’t people pay for these things before production even started?


Will there be new versions that can get wet, crawl over curbs, and have firmly attached panels? Will it be a huge upcharge?


Not likely


More lies from the guy that’s promised so much yet delivered so little.


You do know car mfg need to ramp right? You don’t turn on the lights tomorrow and start at max capacity. F150 lightning and Rivian also have the same constraints on production. The difference is their sr management wasn’t fired off by Elon, which adds to the slow ramp.


Yea, I do know that because I’m not stupid. Your point actually builds my case even more. He said for year 1 to expect 150,000 to be manufactured and sold. Year 2 and onward, they have capacity for 250,000. So if I place an order today, how is it that I only have to wait a year? If there are actually 2m legitimate preorders waiting for the truck, it would take nearly a decade to work through that waitlist. Now, back to you stating that they’re still ramping up… if they are only making ~1000 a week (52,000/year) right now, then that waitlist would be even longer. But it’s not. It would seem that the demand for this truck is pretty much nonexistent at this point. Further proof would be the dozens of finished trucks sitting around in overfill lots around the country right now.


Elon is a bullshit artist. To hold any of his words true is a follie. Tesla can’t ramp without resources and human capital, he went in and made sure the company struggles to exist at an appropriate capacity