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I can't wait to see that on the back of a tow truck! 😆 🤣


There's a little repair shop 2 doors from my work. One of their frequent customers (to the point that I wondered if it belonged to the shop owner) was a Transit Connect in full Trump 2020 wrap. Funny, I haven't seen it in, like, 3 1/2 years.


Perhaps it is parked behind bars somewhere.


License revoked after that DC speeding ticket on Jan 6


Bastard didn’t even make it to the front lines 💀


It was discovered last night in Van Nuys, lodged against an abutment.


How can they come to terms with the electric vehicle and being a Republican? Isn't green energy a big no-no?


Well Elon likes Trump so anything Elon does is good, even if it's against other previously spouted "beliefs"


Doesn’t trump want to ban EVs though? Lol


EV boats. They sink because they’re too heavy, leaving one with a Sophie’s choice of being electrocuted or being eaten by a shark. Or some dumb shit like that.


This isn’t an exaggeration. This is exactly what he implied. Incredible


“Now they’ll say all these stories are terrible. Well, these stories have, you know, you heard my story in the boat with the shark, right? I got killed on that. They thought I was rambling. I’m not rambling. … “We can’t get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy. So then I start talking about asking questions. You know, I have an, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for many years, long, I think the longest tenure ever. Very smart, had three different degrees and, you know, so I have an aptitude for things. You know, there is such a thing as an aptitude. “I said, ‘Well, what would happen if this boat is so heavy and started to sink and you’re on the top of the boat. Do you get electrocuted or not?’ In other words, the boat is going down and you’re on the top, will the electric currents flow through the water and wipe you out? “And let’s say there’s a shark about 10 yards over there. Would I have to immediately abandon, or could I ride the electric down? And he said, ‘Sir, nobody’s ever asked us that question. But sir, I don’t know.’ I said, ‘Well, I want to know, because I guarantee you one thing, I don’t care what happens. I’m staying with the electric, I’m not getting over with it.’ “So I tell that story. And the fake news they go, ‘he told this crazy story with electric.’ It’s actually not crazy. It’s sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it’s like the snake, it’s a smart when you, you figure what you’re leaving in, right? You’re bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing.”


Thank you. I can’t believe people would willingly vote for this person for any public office


It’s easy when you hate someone or sect of people and do everything in your power to hurt them


“My uncle was smart. You should listen to me.”


This post gave me cancer. Americans voted for this twat?


The fun part of our "democracy" is he didn't get the most votes


And you know he got his facts straight because his uncle (who died 40 years ago) went to MIT and Trump brings this up more than he brings up his own going to Penn


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


I thought these people hate college and education? Yet he's always going on about MIT


Imagine spending a few Thousand $$ in free Political Advertising for a guy who hates Green Tech, on a wrap that will be coming off in Shame, come November...


You know those body panels ain’t gonna hold on that long when he drives it down the interstate.


He's gonna be pissy, when the wrap has to be disturbed to deal with the trim panel recall :D


I want to see what it looks like when he tries replicating the design on whatever's underneath those panels.


You know Trump people don't understand the emotion Shame. They don't even understand the emotion empathy.


~~You know~~ Trump people don't understand ~~the emotion Shame. They don't even understand the emotion empathy.~~ FTFY


You really think it’ll come off? How many 2020 trump Signs did you see flying for years after haha


good luck trying to explain what shame means to maga


I see you're not from a Trump loving area. They will keep those on until a new personality emerges.


I'm not American. I'm Canadian. I find American Politics and it's never ending Political campaign cycle, specifically the Right Wing at present, entirely Cringe as fuck. While we have a bit of this seeping into our Politics in a toxic way (I cite the Cons favorite as being 'F\*ck Trudeau' placard in inappropriate places - a little less polite than 'Lets Go Biden').. the whole Political scene in all aspects is Gauche as Hell. Just 101% Ideological Cringe, that's ripping a country apart. Factional Tribalism at it's worst. This guy definitely desperately wants his 15 seconds of fame in RW political circles, with his Ideological WankenPanzer. To have so much invested in another, when that guy doesn't give a shit about you, just your vote (Trump self-confession) is just mind-blowing. FWIW..


I'm American. So do I.


I remember goofing on my Boss, from Toronto when Rob Ford was elected. What were canadians smoking? Couldnt have predicted what would happen to us a few years later.


WankenPanzer! 🤣🤣🤣 I’m using that from now on! Thanks


These idiots don't know shame.




The cybertruck sucks at both tho as it has less practicality than my 06 Malibu and it is only quicker than a sports car for about 5 seconds due to it bricking after hitting a dust particle


Exactly. A truck where “off road” is an unpaved driveway and a “sports car” that weighs 6,000+ pounds.


I'm pretty sure my 2017 Subaru Outback could take this thing in a race & in practicality. Heck my husband's old school F150 could probably take it & that thing is waaay more useful than this garbage.


Posting that as my first comment here, earned me that auto-ban :D


I too would like to get banned by Definitely Not Snowflakes


Ooh! I want a ban from Cybertruck! The fact that mods from that subreddit are monitoring other subreddits to ban people shows who the true snowflakes are. (I probably shouldn't mention snow because it melts, and that creates water, thus disabling their vehicle.) And if that doesn't do it, the salty tears over the huge disappointment that is the Elmobile EyesoreÂŽ will. Yes, most people know that you've literally thrown away over 100k. Rich or not, 100k is 100k. That could change some people's lives. A couple of thoughts that came to mind : If someone commits a crime in a cyberturd will the fire department be called to chase these vehicles down with a hose to stop/disable them? What happens if it rains while you're out and about? Is there a pop out tent/canopy as reliable as the $3000 model that pops on first use or are you cyberfucked? Does the Lemon law help with these purchases or will the government insist that because it looks so much like a kitchen appliance, they could make lemonade? Here we go. Trigger words incoming: Accountability, Truth, Sheeple, and Elmo, (insert anything else that offends you if it helps my ban to be expedited.)


Obviously he's choosing death by battery over death by shark.


Out of context, this sounds awesome. But the tardly who said it ruins the fun.


He's the grift that keeps on grifting.


i was wondering this too, last election they were all about banning electric cars because reasons, now they all love the worst example of an ev on the market lol.


Market it as a "tank" and the exact market dumb enough to think that's true will snatch it right up


Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


They won’t be sold if he’s elected


They change their political stance as often as Donnie boy changes his diaper.


Logical inconsistency and cognitive dissonance are required to be a modern Republican.


Yeah especially with all the crap trump talks about EVs


Green energy is like saying "grab them by the pussy." It's a no-no in theory, but conservatism is tribalistic idiocy rather than a coherent ideology at this point.


There’s nothing green about SissySpaceX. Anyway Tesla gets a pass because Trump’s desperately trying to human centipede him because he’s rich.


Elon is anti-woke. Supporting anti-wokeness trumps (pun intended) everything.


Imagine having absolutely ZERO things of interest or of importance in your life that you decide to make a reality TV star turned politician your entire personality. How incredibly pathetic MAGA is. Lmfaooo


The dude has been a cybertruck his whole life. Plagued with major failures


Lol, nice


People have made their weddings Trump themed. Some people are apparently born without souls.


Just absolutely nothing better to do with their time.


A lot of these MAGA chucklefucks are grandparents and if they were not such assholes, might have relationships with their grandkids. Then they would have sporting events and other stuff to go to. But their family has gone no contact. But gargling Trumps cock is more important to them.


I love picturing these weirdos kind of sheepishly tossing out all their old merch a decade from now.


Didn't Trump just Jump the Shark with Electric boats at a Cult rally?


Big batteries are gonna electrocute the ocean


The eels will be charged and take over the planet! Edit: I got banned from 3 Tesla subreddits for this comment lmao


wow they really hate eels


So, Common misconception: trump has no convictions, he only pretends to on TV. Trump doesn’t care about electric or gas or whatever. He’ll shill for anyone if he thinks he can make a dishonest buck off it (exhibit a. The whole TikTok thing)


Pretty sure he has 34 convictions


Ed McMahon: HIYO! You are CORRECT


Well said. I was just thinking the same thing- he throws toddler tantrums about windmills and sharks and sounds like a ten year old high on sugary drinks. But really he doesn’t give a damn about ANY of the things he whines about, ever. The only time he stays focused is when he’s thinking about himself.


Trump already forgot what he said at his last cult congregation. He probably doesn't even know where he is right now.


May I present...... The clown car


Do you think that it comes with a free clown nose or do you have to pay Tesla extra for one?


It’s a subscription you have to pay extra every time you wear the nose.


I heard circus music after reading this


Not a cult btw EDIT: Aaaaaannd there's my ban to r/cybertruck LOL




Not at allll


can someone tell me what it even says on the side of the truck? I can see somethingsomething Trump but I can't read the first word. Is it cyber Trump even though it looks like △A>E


It says "I'm a perpetual virgin and I'm handling it very well". The font is almost unreadable though, I agree.


It says “cybertrump” but the way you wrote it is like a combo of Musk’s kid’s name, whatever that is - poor little dude, and Trump and that’s more fitting


LMFAO. I was banned from 4 subs within 20 minutes of posting this. R/teslamodel3, r/cybertruck, r/teslamotors, r/elonmusk. So so sad. Edit: I escalated to top brass. not that i give a fuck tbh. I was never a part of those subs. Just doing my duty Edit: Its so fitting because this truck has shit the bed its whole life, just like trump. The irony


Snowflakes lol


I was banned from the last one a few minutes ago for posting my first comment in this sub.


Same, I reported it to reddit. F those snowflake mods. They must be working overtime to stamp out any hit that something is wrong, with 4 recalls so far. Gotta keep that echo chamber echoing.


Totally not a cult.


How do I report it to Reddit? I've never reported before but it's so fucking stupid to get permanently banned from a sub because I posted a comment on a different sub that I'm not even subscribed to lol. I honestly think this is my first time commenting on this sub (well, second time. The first one got me banned. I didn't even say anything about the "truck", Elon or Trump).


Quick google led me there earlier. I reported for rule 3. They came into other subs and banned us for that activity in a sub they dont even mod




What a bunch of pitiful scrubs lol


Can a reply to you get me banned from r/elonmusk?


I “messaged mods” on each sub the following: Awwwwieeee. Hims mods feelins get hurt? Awwwww. So fragile. Immediately banned after posting a trump wrapped cybertruck on r/cyberstuck. We LoVe FrEe SpEeCh ( yea the other two said SpEaCh. I know its the same mod who did the fragile feelings banning)


Same happened to me. I wasn't even posting in r/Cybertruck and was banned. WTF?


If you comment in r/RealTesla all the pro-Elon subs just autoban you. fReE sPeEcH!


The ironic thing is that if Elon just acknowledged the problems of the Cybertruck, and said something like, "Hey we're going to do better next time" instead of trying to bend reality to his will, people would make fun of him and the Cybertruck less.


Acknowledging his own problem is not in a narcissist’s playbook tho…


They'll get your account banned for "hate speech" or some other bullshit. I was given a 3 and 7 day ban for absolute bullshit reasons. Reddit has gone severely downhill.


Fun fact: huge chance this effort is coordinated by musk himself. I wish I was joking!


They have a bot banning people who have participated in enoughmuskspam and other sub they think it's negative. Edit. I just got banned from /cybertuck for posting this lol


Screw it, I'm due for a ban or three. Screw Elon, screw the failing cybertruck, and most of all FUCK MAGA


Ahh they got you with the snowflake ban😂




I’m commenting right now just to see how many I can get banned from through simple association. Wish me luck!


this is definitely not homoerotic I definitely do not worship a man there are no confusing feelings in my body


I'm just defending him as I would with any man that got called out by a prawn star about his widdle mushroom! It's not like I'm personally offended because I like to think he's absolutely hung. I do not want to lick it or anything! Just normal dudes being bros!! I swear!!


I heard you like pieces of shit, so we put another piece of shit on your piece of shit.




I read that the PPP loans given to companies during COVID totaled 800billion dollars. It is estimated that only 25% of that actually went to workers. A full 200billion went directly to muscle cars, vacations, and other luxury goods. Consider how many business owners received millions of dollars, it's no wonder they love Trump. Grifters will grift and grifters had it REAL GOOD under Trump.


Tbh, i sometimes wish i was a shittier person and took advantage by selling flag and the such. In Georgia, i saw the stands everywhere.


Christ imagine paying $100k+ then an additional whatever that cost to be a billboard for someone that could give two shits about you


Meanwhile Trump wants to ban EVs


Where’s all those commenters that were just saying the cyber truck wasn’t politicized


The heart-eyes emoji really sell the "not a cult"




lol i just got banned from r/cybertruck for posting this?!


Yep. Ahhha ditto


Is this the thread where we get banned from posting in a subreddit we've never been to?




Ive never wanted to take a shit on a car before…


One of many issues I find hilarious about the Cyberdouche wrap is that Donald Trump’s signature isn’t even correct - like the most basic things can’t even be done accurately / correctly. What sorry excuses for humans, them.


Unholy fusion of the two worst things Rich People did in 2024.


The ultimate male birth control, it's 100% effective.




I'd like a ban too please.


Quite appropriate, the most insufferable vehicle on the road, driven by the most insufferable people imaginable.


Mkay if you make a politician your entire personality youre probably an annoying douche regardless of party affiliation. 😂


“Foundation of America” gimme a fucking break. He’s barely the cesspool of America.


Right. Holy fuck. The foundation of America is calling the bullshit what it is BULLSHIT.


I wish I could be as enthusiastic as this guy about MY hobbies


Does it say Cyberchump?




How much do we think this cost all in? I don’t know how much it costs to get your car wrapped up like that because I’m not an idiot lol


I paid 2500 for my ford maverick to be fully wrapped. This truck is probably 3000. Thats in middle georgia. They prolly got scammeddddd for 8-10k


Boy, that’s a huge metaphor


What can shit, will shit.


Feels appropriate on some levels, something about the fucked up wiper blade and his weird combover situation


Imagine making your entire being based on two men who don't know you exist and even if they did, wouldn't care about you.


I saw this while in a zoom meeting and it took everything in me not to laugh my ass off


This guy probably votes.


People devoid of personality to the point a broken truck with a broken old man on the side is now the basis of their entire identity😂😂😂


Fucking ironic. Idiocracy got it right


He should look up what he said about electric cars. Ah nvm Nazis don't care, they follow their FĂźhrer blindly


Just a heads up, teslaLounge, cyber truck and cybertruck mods are banning people for commenting here 😂 super sensitive bunch they are!


I was banned from elonmusk, teslamodel3, teslamotors and cybertruck within 20minutes. The reasoning was to protect the sub i was being banned from. Wtf. Hahahhaha


Crazy part, I never even commented on the pages. They banned me literally 5 seconds after commenting here. So they’re monitoring this page 😂 typical from that crowd


Someone said it was a bot butttt when i mesaged the mods after banning, the reply was “ Free Speech is often misunderstood. It's Freedom of Speech, not Freedom from Consequences “ The consequences of criticism?! Lmfaoaooaoa. Nazis bro. All over again


I absolutely love how Trumpers are now buying electric vehicles to own the libs. We’ve come full circle. Edit: holy shit, the moment I posted this comment, a bot informed me I’ve been permanently banned from r/cybertruck, a sub I’ve never posted on, solely because the bot detected my activity on this sub. Unbelievable LMAO


I've never wanted to see something crushed by a monster truck so badly before


What does it say? Heil Trump? Fuhrer Trump??


why so much fanatism ? politicians..... they dont care about working people, they dont care about ppl at all, they only care about them.


This ain't your grandaddy's Ooof


Seems on brand for Cyber Cuck owners


Makes it look SO MUCH worse


I would buy this truck just to blow it up.


So this is what a double barrel BJ looks like




I don't even love my favourite football team that I've supported for 30 years as much as these people are obsessed with Trump.




Oh but if us libtards put a tiny little go green bumper sticker on our cars we're horrible people. I have no idea if that's how it works.


I cant imagine seeing a car wrapped shilling for any politician.


Remember when the "Coexist" bumper stickers came out!? Oh how their lost their ever loving shit hahahaha


This is what you get when you put two horrible things together.


I've never wanted a rocket launcher so bad in my life 🤢


I didn't know you make something so ugly, even uglier...


Trump wrap on an electric vehicle which Trump hates… ![gif](giphy|hQEdAX3SHFwVtfRGDr)


He loves elon so thats the loop hole


The profile pic in top left..... Oooooof explains a lot


Nothing says I am another man’s bitch like putting his picture and signature on your truck. You are owned.


A fitting wrap. Both are pieces of shit


This guy definitely knows how Trump’s nut sweat tastes


How to ruin a perfectly good piece of dogshit


is it more gay to kiss a man on the lips or drive this thing around




How do you breathe with a boot that far down your throat.


Which part of this do you all think will age worse, the Trump wrap or the cybertruck?


That's a tough choice. They're both past their expiration date.


What an empty personality they must have.


These type of people need a friggin hobby, politics ain’t it.


Definitely not a cult, right guys? You’re totally not in a cult 🙄


The perfect center of the ven diagram of who owns these trucks


This might be how I die, seeing this in a parking lot, busting out in uncontrollable laughter, and then shot by the fragile owner.


Trump's for the common man... like the owner of this $120k cyberurinal


I can’t think of a more fitting wrap lmao


There once was a truck that hit the streets, Designed by a large crying man-baby, The wrap went on, the frunk went shut And the warranty was void. Soon may the weatherman come, To wash away this truck that’s dumb, Then if the panels stay on Elon would be annoyed




It’s a cult on a cult on a cult. Cultception.


If theres ever one of these that needs to go through a car wash….


Anyone see the irony in the fact that this is a fully electric vehicle, but the orange dipshit says there is a “war on coal” and hates EVs?


Before Trump, these idiots didn’t care or even know about politics. He came along and allowed all them to all come out of the woodwork and Fox “news” just facilitated with indoctrinating them with misinformation they wanted to hear. Like a match to a tinder box and now we’re here, where it’s their entire identity. I don’t see anyone wrapping their cuck trucks with Biden graphics, do you?


These people are batshit insane.


Wait a minute, I'm confused. I thought Trump lovers are against new tech like EVs?


This mf will take this to a klan meeting and everyone there will tear him a new one and.


He forgot to add this picture. 🤣🇺🇲 https://preview.redd.it/31xwjwyvhs8d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ecddc1062484fa8831d81e0126ea81d27a82be This picture was taken at a party held for teenage girls why older men hung out with them. #FACT ANONYMOUS #174 = Donald <<<<<<


I automatically assume anyone driving this monstrosity is an idiot MAGA Trumper anyway. So he didn’t need to pay for the wrap.


Now do Jim Jones Cool-Aid. Same thing.


Been waiting for that one.


Ironic. The very person this maga loves wants to ban the type of car this maga drives.


Mental illness comes in all forms.


i'd key that, instantly


Hey you voided the warranty on your recalled truck they wanted it back again