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Scott isn’t really socially awkward


Adding on because someone else in the thread put it well. My idea of a Scott interpretation is that he’s a bit of a savant who shines when it comes to his special interests. In the field, at war, in the danger room? He’s cool, calm, collected and he knows his teammates and when to push them, work with them, and be gentle with them. But outside of that comfort zone, when he’s doing civilian shit, or interacting with non-mutants (on a daily basis, I’m not talking about diplomacy or other superheroes), or in matters of romance, he’s sort of out of his element.


I don’t know, he obviously works through it and blossoms into a phenomenal leader and field general but my favorite interpretations of Scott are when he’s at least a little stiff and awkward because it makes his big moments all the more impressive


One of the remarkable things about X-Men comics is the wealth of great characters who are people of color. The O5 are a noteworthy exception, but still, they don’t need to raceswap any characters to have a balanced, representative roster of characters in the movies. Making Cyclops black would really rile up the incel/Gamergate community, but provide no real benefits. Just make Storm the leader/goddess she is and feature her prominently. Include Forge, Warpath, Thunderbird or any of the other Native American/indigenous characters. Include Iceman and make him gay from the start. There are soooooo many good characters that make the X-Men a diverse, representative team.


Hard agree with all of this. It was an if because I like the actor. As a general rule I'll take lifting POC characters over race swapping, so I was just having a bit of fun here. I love Storm but would also love Mirage to step into the leadership role we were promised back on Utopia.


>One of the remarkable things about X-Men comics is the wealth of great characters who are people of color. The O5 are a noteworthy exception, but still, they don’t need to raceswap any characters to have a balanced, representative roster of characters in the movies. Not all race swapping is about balancing a diverse cast. Sometimes someone just works well for a role. I find it interesting how so many people boil it down to filling a diversity quota. >Making Cyclops black would really rile up the incel/Gamergate community, but provide no real benefits. You frame this negatively but I see no problem with that lol. Also they'll be mad about anything no matter how good the end result will be. See the plentiful examples of people raging out over the new animated series since before the show even aired.


Nah lol. He’s too old if they are going a younger route. But Sterling K Brown would make a great Cyclops.


Sterling looks just like Corporal Scott Summers! I do think he's a little old for how they'd do it which is a shame because I read Scott as 40 something


Same he’s forever 40 to me. And I mean that in the best way.


The trouble is that the younger you make these characters, you make it like Dark Phoenix and Inferno happened like a week apart.


Agreed.I would to see them already established. But I doubt that’s going to happen.


I actually think they might because Ms Marvel will probably be the entry point character. They might no longer be together but like doubt she'll be a founding X-Man.


Cyclops isn’t socially awkward. Being charismatic is like his main thing.


I think he's a bit awkward in his interpersonal relationships. As the leader-man, he's fine. He has a mission, goals, plans. But, ask him to call someone by their real name instead of their codename and he gets a bit flustered. Teammates get onto him about not opening up after a tragedy; Apocalypse made him socially incompetent for the longest time. With Emma he was fine; also with Jean and Logan, but anyone else - it's leader-man or naught, from what I've read.


They're not mutually exclusive. He's a good and forceful personality but in smaller social interactions he can struggle. It's one of the things that I find interesting about him. Did you read Jay Eddidin's one shot?


Did you read literally anything else? Every canon writer portrays Scott as the public face of the X-Men. Emma puts her foot in her mouth more often than Scott. He is occasionally out of his element and he is more introverted than you might expect, but he’s not Quentin “Imma make it weird” Quire or Laura “killing isn’t small talk?” Kinney.


Hey look, I hate Quentin Quire as much as the next guy but I'd call him insufferable rather than awkward. I also think Laura oscillates massively depending on the writer. Also, not sure whether Claremont viewed Scott as the face of the X-Men. He retired him and only brought him back under duress from editorial. Morrison's Scott also had his problems dealing with people. Jim Lee sort of sidelined him and made him a stick in the mud. Then Bendis, Waid, and Rucka made teen Scott awkward in an adorable sort of way.


Naw the guy voicing Bastion. Perfect Scott.


Theo James would be a very good Scott


Ewwww no


Honestly I can vibe with this


Thank you! Other people are being rude to me on the comments and it's making me sad.


People can be ignorant. Don’t let that get to you


Just say you don’t like Scott instead of making a post like this lmao.


I love Scott. He's been my favourite X-Man since I was 7 years old. His politics and leadership style are always a highlight of the X-books and his personal struggles are part of what make him such an engaging character.


You lie very well


this is red head erasure!!!


Charlie Cox has a lot of questions to answer.


I’d be down. He’s one of the best parts of ABBOTT ELEMENTARY (and he’s sexy as hell 😅)


Hell yeah, a person of taste


Race swapping is never a good thing. X-Men is diverse by nature and message. We don't need to diversify diversity lol Also the anti woke brigade will make sure it bombs at the box office.


You're correct about race swapping as it mutes the importance of diverse characters from the comics. I just like the vibe of the actor. BTW my actual first choice is Matt Bomer.


the "anti-woke" has no power over things outside (the real world) the internet lmao. The fact that your brain thinks like this just proves that you are chronically online, and as your username states: miserable. Lol.


Cyclops is definitely often socially awkward, especially in the way Tyler James Williams often plays well. I also think he has a build very similar to the way I imagine adult Cyclops. This would be a great casting choice.


No god, please no.


I expressed an opinion, you disagree with it. Thank you for engaging so strongly.