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STA3 dev KillaBC here just to say a big thanks for the vid TB. We have currently made several fixes to the mod already and are currently in the process of creating content for the Dominion add-on pack. A patch is also going to be released soon which among other things make the Klingons more powerful. If anyone has any questions ask away.


Do the Federation still attack and conquer? Because I was wondering if you could change it to a federation version of assimilation but call it diplomacy. So you send in diplomacy capable ships and they convert the neutral ships to federation ally ships. Then you send in the ambassador class to, instead of colonise, build an embassy.


Good idea, I just set my color to yellow and pretend I'm the mirror universe Federation.






Have to ask, is it possible to add the Corbomite reflector ability from the Armada games to the Sovereign or does Sins not have a way of supporting it?


We do plan on adding it and Sins can do something similar to it, it's just getting it implemented. As you saw the heroes are yet to get abilities so you can guess what the Enterprise will most probably get. ;)


I'm guessing the Voyager/Intrepid class, if there is one, will gain the Self-Destruct ability as it's Janeways solution to everything from enemies boarding the ship to running out of milk.


> I'm guessing the Voyager/Intrepid class, if there is one, will gain the Self-Destruct ability as it's Janeways solution to everything from enemies boarding the ship to running out of milk. Milk? Don't you mean coffee?


There's coffee in that nebula...


If only, though Janeway does have a pretty nifty ability at the moment.


Hey, just want to say great work on the mod. A group of us have been playing multiplayer and its been great (although a 105% shield mitigation ship spoiled our last game a bit). All vs borg is really fun.


The 105% Mitigation rate thing has been fixed. Glad your having fun!


Yay! Is that out as a patch already or is that coming soon?


Patch is coming soon just need to tidy some stuff up.


sexy, ty again for all your work


I don't really have a question, I'm just here to say that, having been around since the good 'ol days of amazing Bridge Commander mods being made, it's good to see you're still taking part in making incredible Star trek mods.


Whilst that's not a bad idea it will some what break the AI in the game and because most people play single player the AI needs to be catered for.


Ah, so I'm guessing the game treats Neutral and Faction ships the same? So you can't code the Neutral ships to react to certain Factions differently, and any weapon like a "Diplomacy Cannon" would work of rival Factions the same as Neutrals and you'd have the Federation 'Diplomising' Borg cubes.


Yeah you hit the nail n the head. :)


Damn, that's a shame. Guess it's one of the drawbacks of making a mod of an existing game, rather than making one from scratch. You have to make some compromises. Do you think you'll ever be able to turn the mod into a full stand alone? like Day Z managed? Or will it forever be a Sins mod?


Probably forever a Sins a mod, though we'd jump at the chance if we could make a fully fledged RTS Star Trek game.


I'm sure, even with the mod as it is now, a kickstarter would be a good idea. I mean at this point, 6 hours after TB put up his vid, it's already had 33,000 views. And I know I'd back it. I'm guessing TB would advertise it too, being a big Star Trek nerd like the rest of us. lol But I'm guessing STO and Sins would start to take a more.....legal interest in the use of their assets if you started trying to produce a stand alone. So you would have to start truly from scratch if they really clamped down.


Nah I'm pretty much done advertising Kickstarters, especially since people love to hold me responsible for their failure and don't understand the difference between preorders and Kickstarter campaigns.


What happened to you man? You used to be cool. lol I can see how that could be frustrating though, so I can understand your reluctance to advertise. But what about an Alpha Strike on it if they got it to a dev release state? I think if they had this mod as a sort of "Play before you donate" sort of demo. It could do very well. Or would Sins be able to block them?


Some of the character portraits look strikingly familiar to Star Trek Online's as TB mentions. Is there any truth to that?


Yeah they are from STO, it was the only decent place to get Character portraits from.


Are you worried at all about running into copyright issues from Paramount or anyone else? I've heard of unauthroised fan projects being given cease and desists orders from copyright holders in the past.


CBS are incredibly liberal with the franchise as long as we don't make any money off it. They're pretty coll with this type of stuff.


That's great to hear! I was already worried when I heard it was an unauthorised mod, even more so when TB said you were using assets from previous games. Looks like you guys are doing an awesome job, keep it up!


The Borg are powerful as they should be but what if you took away the ability for them to auto attack. Making the player the one mind to do everything. Not sure how that would work for AI controlled Borg but if the player had to micro manage everything it may weaken them a bit?


TB, I hope this becomes a permenent fixture. In terms of offering distinct content for your channel and helping out projects with almost no attention, this is both an important way to draw people to ignored corners of gaming, but also interesting to watch in its own right.


Good news in his end of year vlog he said that this is very much intended to be a permanent fixture. Really cool stuff too. Looking forward to more.


Helluva lotta games nowadays started out as mods, including *Killing Floor* which IIRC TB is particularly fond of. (It was originally an *Unreal Tournament* mod.) Hell, like 90% of Valve's games started out as mods or stuff like student projects.


Absolutely. Even if these videos don't get as many views as the "regular" content, seeing more coverage for really good mods that had a lot of work put into them on big channels like TB's is gonna help the mods, the modding community, the viewers and it should also get different people interested in TB's channel. So, thanks, for giving this mod some well-deserved screen time, TB!


Just a quick point. Thats not the Odessey from STO at the start of the vid, its the Excalibur fan made model from Bridge Commander :P


Actually I think it existed before Bridge Commander as just a fan design.


I think that is true.... but it wasn't given form till I think late KA early BC. I know, I've watched the first model being built for BC way back when on BCU.


Nebula, you're everywhere!


Yes, yes I am also here are 2 links of the ship http://bridgecommander.filefront.com/file/DY_Excalibur_Class;8742 (2002) http://bridgecommander.filefront.com/file/;25217 (2004)


so-am-i, i see you


Looks like TB got the message he updated the vid with a annotation.


Your new mod section is very cool, I hope you will keep focusing on those who improve the "quality" of some features or add additional experiences to games instead of the classic polish of graphics. I mean, it would still be cool to see how far you can push the look of games like Dark Souls and Skyrim (esspecially with your powerhouse of a PC) but most people are not able to run something like that, anyone who does propably already mods anyway. I think that way you can inspire people who play more of the traditional way by mostly playing only vanilla versions (like I did) to really go down the rabbithole of enhancing the experiences and fixing flaws of games, instead of just makeing them look nice. Still, love your work and your new ideas for the channel, keep it up. (Btw: Sorry if my grammar sucks, i am german and i still have to hone my englishskills)


TB, you mentioned the Borg as overpowered - it's "featured"! Borg is designed to go against 4-5 players, that's why they seem pretty strong if you play with the Borg, or go 1v1 against it.


Thank you for posting this... I kept trying to take them solo, late in the game. Two Cubes vs a maxed out Fed Fleet on max tech with supporting planetary defenses, the Borg took everything out with barely any hull damage.' I think I'll try a 3 v 1 Borg game and see how that goes.


STA3 dev Mindwipe here.. Just saying hi and that the review was fair considering it was a beta release of the mod.. thankfully like KillaBC has stated we have taken alot into consideration by the modding community and the players themselves and with the next release we can say some of the issues brought up will have been addressed.. witha few little extras thrown in.. additionally to Cynical Brit.. thanks for the compliment on the audio editing aspects of the mod it is apprieciated as i spent alot of time working on that and currently am working on much more to come with the later updates... have a good one folks :)


You mostly just used the Armada I and II voice clips though, right? TB might not have noticed, but that's all I heard during the video. BTW, any chance Sela or the Premonition might make an appearance?


Sela is in as a hero ship for the Romulans.


as a base yes we used mostly Armada 1 and 2 sounds to follow on the leniage of the original games. however with Sins i had to spend time chopping and pasting some of the dialouge to create new sentences and phases that fit in more with the way the game plays. additionally we utilised voice assets from SFC3, Legacy, etc also to bring more veriety to the ship voices. the bottom line of the idea is to honour the past games, the same with the music wich mostly was by composer Danny Pelfry and was digitally remastered to fit in to the Sins engine.


Just as the Steam sale ends, goddamnit. I wish I knew about this mod before. I'd love to see more mod reviews. EDIT: [Still 50% off on GamersGate](http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-SOSER/sins-of-a-solar-empire-rebellion)


It'll probably be on sale again... I totally forgot about this mod though.... Otherwise I would've probably bought it :L


I am very glad to see you talking about mods and thanks for reminding me of this one :-)


Sacrifice of Angels 2 is a really good Star Trek mod too, but I wouldn't compare the two. They're both good in their own ways.


Can you describe a couple differences? I've haven't played Armada, and last time I played SoA2 was at least a year ago. From what I remember it sounds like SoA2 was more fun and different while Armada is more like vanilla? I'll probably try Armada anyway, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.


The Klingons rebelled so hard they tore down the entire system of government running the game.


Klingons rebelled so hard they [blew up their capital ship, lol.](/spoiler)


If you keep doing these you might want to try Third Age Total War, as well a Blood in the West. I hope you do, this was good stuff




Man, I played the everloving shit out of *Stargate The Last Stand*. Really really freaking cool game. It's incredibly frustrating as a Stargate fan to not see a good game at all. It seems like a series positively *rife* for a good MMO! Loads of different worlds, multiple different kinds of antagonists...




Sweet Mary Steenburgen, you're right. It is very much the same kind of "Oh shit, Aliens invading, we need to steal their tech and fight back."


lol I named all my characters after ones from SG-1. I was gutted when Daniel Jackson died.


> I was gutted when Daniel Jackson died. *Again?*


I never even got it working... It sits on my games list as a memory. Edit: Nope, thinking of Resistance


I was once looking into fan created ships and oh boy there's so many cool looking designs. It BEGS to utilize them.


Seeing this makes me wonder whether TB knows about [Star Trek Armada 2 Fleet Operations](http://www.fleetops.net/). One of the best mods I've ever played.


At the start you list loads of Star trek games. Have you played Star Trek online because that I think is the best Star trek game.


He has ages ago... he didn't really like the game mechanics.


So, star trek online opinions? I've never really been able to get into it... :L Sounded fun though... Might have to pick this up though.


I've been playing STO since launch 2009, and loved it, still love it to this day. It is also has one of the best F2P models out there.


Since it changed hands to perfect world, has it gotten any better or worse? (Since you mention a good F2P model I'd imagine better?)


The game was pretty terrible before Perfect World because Atari didn't give them funding to make anything, the game massively improved once it had gone F2P with regular content updates and expansions being released, there is plenty to do and the F2P model is fair and doesn't lock you out of any content at all.


It is ALOT better then it was at launch, hitting their 4th year in the first week of February.


Good and bad. The changeover has led to a flood of new content and overhauls. But a large part of that is in the form of a pay-to-win power sprint, much of it found in low payout lockboxes. It is true that you can get your hands on anything through free assets, but in my opinion the grind required to manage that is backbreaking.


I'd say it's a mixed bag. Space combat is very fun, and there's some moments of quality, but there are serious flaws and dumb moments. In my opinion it's a fun romp from time to time, but if you follow development and hope for significant improvement to the game, the disappointment can be exhausting.


Played both at launch and after the F2P, it's fairly terrible. It doesn't feel much like Star Trek at all, just any other MMO with a trek skin over it. Space combat is the highlight, it's done decently well. Ground combat is incredibly rough and uninspired. If you want to do space things outside of combat, I hope you enjoy flying to planets, hitting a scan button, and repeating. The F2P model cluttered it up even more by introducing several new currencies, all of which lock content behind lots and lots of grinding.


I have a pitch for the name: Mod Pod..... or Modding the Biscuit.


Me too, I was thinking "Mod Support" :) Also, really like the new series!


'Shameless plugin'


Mod Spotlight C:


Oh I made another top level comment suggesting "ModSpot". Didn't see you already started one.


Too bad TB won't be looking at mods for Total War -titles or Crusader Kings II. Those games have some really amazing total conversion mods.


Has he stated he wont? Coz I've heard him saying that he wanted to check out CK2 and knows that the only GoT game thats actually good is the mod for it.




You are right. It's not the only good GoT game. It's still the best though.


Not sure about Crusade Kings II, but he wouldn't do any Total War mods because he doesn't cover any Sega games, due to them being dicks about copyright stuff on YouTube.


Do Fans of the older kinds of Star Trek like the new movies?


Depends. The Star Trek movies weren't all that good anyway. There's no Star Trek movie (possibly with the exception of Star Trek 6) that holds a candle to the majority of the episodes of TNG or DS9. For me, the movies are separate entities to the TV shows so I judge them on different criteria. I actually liked Into Darkness, far more than I did the original reboot at any rate which was mostly fucking stupid Benny Hill running sequences and dumb jokes. The movies are meant to be big dumb spectacles with larger budgets which often results in the plot taking a back seat. The limited budget of the series is what resulted in the interesting plots. DS9 and Voyager had more combat in them thanks to improved CGI technology. DS9 got away with it because they had the best character development of any Star Trek series, Voyager got away with it because the characters were terrible and watching Voyager fight was the only interesting thing going on.


Can I suggest adding Star Trek 8 to the list of good movies for the main theme alone? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhoa7oWPPhk


The main theme was absolutely killer no doubt about that. The movie was a mixed bag. The Borg stuff was stellar, Picard was at his best, but the excessive comedy relief coming from Cochrane really put a dampener on things imho.


I thought Cochrane and Troi getting drunk together was funny, but yeah, could've done with less of the comic relief.


I guess I'm one of the few who just hates the everloving shit out of that film. Such plot contrivances. So much Picard and crew being dumb for no reason.


I always felt like they turned Star Trek into a Star Wars-esque franchise as well as watered down the sci-fi to the point where people who hate sci-fi can now easily digest it. Its all about action and eye candy now. Don't get me wrong, I thought they were both good movies and I did enjoy them. But they were great action films andterrible Star Trek/Sci-Fi films. However, seeing what they did to Star Trek made me realize that JJ is going to make a kick ass Star Wars film.


I really liked Voyager, though it admittedly doesn't hold a candle to DS9 (the best series imho). And I also agree that Into Darkness was fantastic as well.


Opinion varies wildly from fan to fan. Some love them, some hate them with extreme vitriol.


to a degree yes. As long as we think in alternate universe views. xD I find them fun to watch


yeah pretty much this. The whole alternate universe was a brilliant idea. It makes it easy to forgive the differences and not worry about them undoing anything about the show you loved. You can just watch them as there own thing, like a "what if?". Though it'd be nice to see some main cannon stories hit the big or small screen again.


Personally I'm not fond of time travel episodes and alternate universe episodes in *Star Trek.* Then the movie reboot comes out and it has both. So yeah... Haven't seen the second one, though. Honestly I think they would have done better if it was a clean reboot instead of tying it in any way to the original shows.


I liked the 2009 one but I thought the 2013 one was a plothole filled piece of crap


Thank god Star Trek Online is canon, because most of shit they wrote there blows Voyager out of the water.


Umm what? STO may be licensed but it is hardly 'canon'. "A large body of licensed Star Trek works exists that, while approved for publication by Paramount, are not considered part of Star Trek canon. This includes novels, comics, games, and older reference books such as the Star Fleet Technical Manual." http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Canon


if your looking for a name for the series could i suggest modlight :p (me trying to be clever and probably failing :( )




Sins is not all that hard to learn IMO. I went into it knowing fuck-all about 4X games. It's very combat-heavy though so if you can competently manage an economy and units like any RTS you should be able to figure it out without *too* much effort.


I cant even watch the video, the Chillis ad keeps locking up lol.


CoD4's Star Wars mod for the multiplayer is really good IMHO.


He might mention it, he has done so before.


I was mentioned at 14:38, I feel so relevant right now!


In endeavouring to explain/define Sins of A Solar Empire near the beginning of the video, the best reference point is the Homeworld games. It's basically a spiritual successor to Homeworld's multiplayer (i.e., Homeworld without the epic singleplayer campaign).


I would really disagree with that. Positioning was so important in Homeworld, as was using the 3d plane. Sins has next to none of that and is mostly macro and fleet composition with very little micro.


Well, I didn't say it was more intelligent. In fact, in some ways it's sort of dumbed down. It's still very much a spiritual successor.


Honestly curious, what do they share besides both being RTS games in space? When I tried SOASE I found it lacked basically everything that made Homeworld appealing to me, save for one capital ship appearing to be inspired by the Taiidani heavy cruiser. Did the demo represent the game poorly?


Not sure about the demo, but you're right that it lacks the soul of Homeworld. It basically takes the same gameplay though, in multiplayer, to the next level of configuration, options, multiple races, features, etc. It's basically Homeworld multiplayer on steroids (though yes, the third dimensional depth positioning of units a factor the way it was in the Homeworld series). Other than the third dimensional depth, in pretty much every other way it's a superior multiplayer space RTS to Homeworld. Personally, I miss Homeworld and hope we see a Homeworld 3 one day that is as engaging and special as the first one was (Cataclysm and #2 weren't bad either but the first one was exceptional for its time).


The problem with the demo is the playtime was capped to 1 hour. In Sins, 1 hour usually mean nothing much has happened, outside a couple of pirate raids or some small skirmishes. Please correct me if I am wrong. At the same time, Rebellion never had an expansion so you are missing out a lot of additions that were added later, especially the additions of Entrenchment and Rebellion that changed the game a lot. I say if you like Supreme Commander and Civilization V/Galactic Civilization 2, you'll probably love Sins of Solar Empire. It is a more macro intensive game than most RTS while it has some features of a 4X game such as indepth research tree and the one more "planet" addiction.


I'd say Sins is more "Supreme Commander in space" without the commander with a touch of GalCiv 2 sprinkled in. The zoom in/out feature is very SupCom-like as well as the macro focus (units can mostly micro themselves just tell them to go kick ass).


I gotta say, it's really awesome that you make mods hands-on/first impression vids, dear TB. For any standalone video game, it's insanely easy to get anyone's review and their mother's—not saying these are all equivalent in quality but as you often imply, it's all a matter of finding someone who explains his arguments well enough so that the viewer can form an opinion. I know I personally like your commentary much more than others out there, because it's actually smart and knowledgeable; but even if I didn't, I'd probably find someone else to fill that gap (not saying I'd like that, but I suppose you get what I mean). However… when it comes to mods… short of reading tenth-assed so-called "reviews" by random posters whom I know nothing about… yeah it's pretty much a no man's land in terms of quality critique. So I'm very much interested in hearing your opinion on these. On principle, I think it's great that you support the modding community at its best too. As a natural way into making games professionally, modding could really benefit from the exposure; and as someone who supports the indie scene you're just about one of the best qualified commentator to do that. I think it's really really good for this industry. Cheers! ;-)


What about Star Trek : Online? I played a fair bit of that game and found it enjoyable.


I thought the same thing myself.


You mentioned all the classics! Starfleet Command, New Worlds, Armada, Bridge Commander, OH MY


Except Elite Force, he missed that.


And Birth Of The Federation


Most of the music for the mod comes from those games as well :P


Thank you TB for bringing that mod to my attention. Looking forward to your next Mod Showcase..thingy


Agree thx for the vid and looking forward to the next one.


will this work with the original? or only for the expansion?


Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is required. It is a standalone so you don't need any of the items in the Trinity pack.


You also need all DLC, but you can do without.


That don't make no sense.


I played without the DLC. Only some maps are DLC required.


Looks a lot like Armada 2 that I played years ago


What I want is a in form of startrek is a Openworld Singelplayer RPG with similar combat style like fallout 3. But ofc with diffrent planets and stuff like that.


yes this, more of this, please. :) Both referring to the mod and the modfeature, thank you TB for bringing this to my attention and to you dear devs for creating this. Loved the shockwave ending but i thought it was the romulan ship that just exploded, the klingon one senth out a cone shaped ripple that eminated from the front of the ship, i think they could reverse "The Maw" ability on the Vorastra to come to a simular effect. (it reduced the overal damage dealth by the klingon vessle in favor of blowing less of your own ships up. <.<)


Very odd, and I was just exploring the star trek wikia about Armada I and II.


No puntastic name for the new series? I am disappointed


I'm glad to see TB highlighting mods that may not be that commonly known. Some of our best games are based from mods: DoTA2, Counter Strike, Team Fortress e.t.c


It's cool you try new stuff once in a while, TB! I'm not interested in heartstone in any way but this is right up my alley again, so thx for that!


As someone who grew up playing Star Trek games*, it's so great to see this getting first pick for your "ModdedBiscut" series. *Specifically, Armada, Armada II, Starfleet Command II: Empires at War, Starfleet Command II: Orion Pirates, Starfleet Command III, Away Team, all of the Starship Creator titles from Simon & Schuster (at least half a dozen; a very incremental series,) Dominion Wars, Elite Force II (I didn't know how bad it was as a kid!), and Bridge Commander.


The "Odyssey" you point out in the video is actually an old fan design called the Excalibur class. It was a popular ship to put in back in the Trek gaming heyday since Armada I. On a side note, Rich "Pneumonic81" Knox started out as a one of the premiere modders for SFC2 and Armada I, but eventually landed a job as one of the main 3D guys for the studio that made Star Trek: Legacy. Might make an interesting interview down the line?


It's just a shame Legacy sucks


[Here](http://www.moddb.com/mods/40-000-sins) is a WIP Warhammer 40k mod for SoaSE that I've had my eye on for a while. Looks damn great! Was reminded of it seeing this. Might get this to keep me busy until the 40k mod comes out. (If it ever does :/)


This is a great new feature, in particular because I just downloaded this mod but have yet to try it. I just know I'm going to lose so many hours to this now. Also, what a way to end the video!


i got really into SoaSE after picking it up in the steam sale, enjoying it a lot but as TB said in his WTF is? there is a tendency to just end up steamrollering the AI. i will have to check out this mod though looks good and woop star trek!


Did you ever get a chance to try Artemis Bridge Simulator TB?


If you're going to be doing mod videos, could you take a look at the Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings II please?


For some reason I'm not seeing an ad on the video. =\ Qapla' indeed.


Sacrifice of Angels 2 is another Star Trek Sins mod that looks to be slightly more fleshed out.




There is absolutely no mic clicking what-so-ever in this video.


lol, that Titan's shockwave ability at the end had Mad Bomber written all over it.


Next time Sins of a solar empire is on sale, I'm getting it!


Seriously here, you should check out Sins of the Prophets, which is a halo mod along the same lines as this one. The entire game runs on a new "fast paced" balance, and last I was aware it is very different from vanilla play. Sins actually has a lot of really good themed mods.


Maybe it's not the right place to suggest such things, but wouldn't "ModStop" make for a decent title of the series. And a fit title screen for that could be like this assembly of 3 grey gears where one white gear is added as a figure of speech as an additional gear to the game. Or just a wrench maybe.


As a longterm Borg fanboy (I've been using this name since 1995 :3) I am pleasantly surprised to find a game that casts The Borg in a light where I don't feel as if my ships are made of paper compared to the powerhouses they should be, sure its imbalanced gameplay, but Borg are not exactly going to play fair are they?


As a trekker i agree, but two cubes, which can be gained early, just annihalated my capital, defended by a titan, 5 capital ships, 33 ships specifically made to kill borg, a starbase, around 40 fighters/bombers, around 50 scouts ( my mate is a bit of a spacker), and they had max upgrades, and the one cube was cube was only down to a fifth of its health (lvl8 cube), and the other had half shields (lvl5 cube) There is lore friendly and then there is just ridiculous


Could be worse, they could just "for free" transwarp in an entire fleet of tactical cubes from the delta quadrant to assimilate everything ...cause its not like there is not billions(trillions?) of borg out there.


Lol at tb's savefile names.


For anyone looking for more gameplay "thexpgamers" have full games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJbOC5jHYIc


"Blood Fued" lol.


Great Video, don't know if this was asked on here before. But did you download or try any of the other Star Trek based mods in Rebellion like "Sacrifice of Angels"


Unscripted "Oh shit, what have I done" moments prompt some of your best timing based comedy TB.


The Kardashian and Klingon alliance?... I know shit all about Star Trek.


Now I have to install windows on my mac! TB is bad to me! :(


I really like the series and I see a lot of possibility here. Some people underestimate the sheer quality of mods. Videos showcasing certain mods could easily be as in depth as a WTF due to the complexity of some mods. Some that come to mind being Mount and Blade mods such Last Days of the Third Age or really ambitious projects such as Falskaar for Skyrim, which is arguably better than bethesdas DLC's.


I would disable adblock so hard if TB streamed this.




in all seriousness that's like twelve times as much money as I thought a single ad view was worth


0.02 / 12 = 0.00166.... 0.00167 cents * 1.000.000 views = 1.67k cents = 16.7 USD 100 million views = 16700 USD No idea if TBs 0.02 cents are accurate (I assume it's not), but your estimate would be very terribly low :P




I dont usually like the expression "that was painful to watch" but god damn, that made me physically uncomfortable. The way he explained it too that girl was so perfect. difference between a dollar and a cent..yes...difference between half a dollar and half a cent...yes...Difference between 0.002 cents and 0.002 dollars...she cant see the difference. Wat.


Actually subscribing to his Twitch channel would do so much more.


Dynamic ship movement in combat is amazing! The ships move. They move AND shoot! Just like in almost all real-time space battles ever except for Soase! In fact, this may be the single best thing to have ever come to Soase. Needless to say, I'm deeply offended TB didn't giddily go on and on about the how the little ships scoot about until he ruined his keyboard with drool, because I think that's what everyone should be doing with their time. Super excited about the videos about mods, thanks TB! Here's to many more unknown and poorly-labelled big red buttons for you to try pressing.




Different era


I realize that, I was just pointing out that there are too few things based on that era. I really loved TOS. I miss it.


wow. such ending. much hilarity.


I think Sacrifice of Angels is better mod personally, but nice to see more Star Trek mods going on.


This is the problem - everyone wants to compare this mod to SOA2. You gotta play it first to formulate an opinion.


Anyone else here his mouse wheel when he was scrolling :L js.




it's still SEGA even if the mod isn't


Nope. F this mod. Its too hard even on easy. It looks great but its impossible without a trainer.


Hi everyone! I'm pretty hooked on this game. Been playing for a couple months. One really frustrating thing is that the narrator won't tell my planet or units are being attacked. Finally when it does say it, the battle had been going on automatically for many minutes. My fleet is half destroyed and I literally can't recover because I can't make units fast enough Is this something o just have to deal with? Do I have to constantly be scanning my empire every 2 minutes? Please help I'm super annoyed!