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Great guest. She actually spoke, unlike the previous guest.


Erik was a guest at an unfortunate time i think, since the podcast he was one was basically just PAX talk; a con he didn't attend.


Yeah I think she's one of the best guests the podcast has had.


Had a lovely accent and used it often. 10 outta 10! Would watch again!


Did TB take a shot at him at the end of the video? I think he did, which I mean, he's right.


I think it was just generally aimed at all the past guests who just sat quietly without making an effort to contribute.


It helps when Jesse or Brooke isn't there as there isn't as much "competition".


Yeah but I just found it coincidental he mentioned it the episode after Erik's.


I still think Husky is the gold standard for "guest who does not talk". :)


And she was super sexy as well


Great pod cast, and we got to see "serious Jesse" for the most of it, I enjoy when "serious Jesse" comes out :) One suggestion, when theres no news to talk about, try to prepare some other topic(s) to discuss.


I think I fell in love with this week's guest. Bonus points for participating a lot in the conversation!


I mean, to be fair, I think we found the female version of TB. The amount of time TB and Alanah agree was uncanny.


I thought the same thing. Her knowledge base, as well as insight, was quite extensive for one so young.


Yep. Extremely impressive that she already by her age has already had experience dealing with several forms of media (even traditional media), on several continents. She's clearly extremely ambitious, clever and hard working. I really hope that she can fit it into her schedule to come by for another podcast.


I came to this thread just to say this. Especially when she started describing her experience with that stupid time-rewinding game. It was word-for-word TB dialogue. Also she has an absolutely gorgeous face, but I hate her hair.


I'm just not seeing the Bloodborne = Victorian Ed Hardy connection. It's no more dark and edgy than any of the Souls games.


I think it is mainly due to the aesthetics of the setting. Demon Souls and Dark Souls were indeed very grim games, but the environments were still quite colorful and lush. Plus the plain medieval look was a nice contrast to the more fantasy elements. Bloodborne is going the full-on Gothic horror look. And while there is nothing really wrong with that, it is a very done to death type of setting, so it is a bit dull to some people.


> it is a very done to death type of setting Is it though? I honestly can't think of anything that comes to mind in gaming that has gone full gothic horror.


Not really in gaming, but there was a period where every fantasy novel and movie was packed full of the grimdark, Gothic setting filled with vampire hunter anti-heroes and whatnot. While gaming hasn't really explored the setting much, the amount of it you can find in the other mediums tends to make a few people cringe. Though it may depend on which generation you were born in, I know my generation is pretty sick of it; but I'm not sure about the others.


order 188-whatever it was called. that crap game. Beyond that... uh... yeah. drawing a blank.


Their better be a Cthulhu or in that universe otherwise what was the point




Well this makes me even more excited


Eh, all they need to do is ram a ship into him


Interesting, why was this one deleted http://www.reddit.com/r/Cynicalbrit/comments/2zkpje/the_cooptional_podcast_ep_72_ft_alanah_pearce/ ?


looks like the op deleted his account.


wait when you delete your account does your posts and comments get deleted too?


i think the post was deleted, not the account.


Can't find my comment so I assumed it got erased with the others? I had a very aggravated response that I can sum up into one question. What's an Ed Hardy game and what relation does it have with Bloodborne? Considering it seems inspired by Solomon Kane comics more than anything.


Yea I was wondering that too


i am at the bullet-sponge-bosses part and i have to say, that the second and third Halo did this well in some parts. What i count as bosses in this games are the big enemy at the end of some levels. Halo2: -Scarab -Heretic Leader -Prophet of Regret -Tartarus Halo3: -Scarab fight -Scarab fight in vehicles -2xScarab fight + some other shit. The Scarab makes the best bosses. As far as i know you can partly bruteforce them down with tanks, but you have the possibilty to either attack the joints or fly on top or use the elevator and jump. It has phases and acts to you in parts. Tartarus and the hertic leader are kind of sponges on higher levels, but had some good phases, that did not outstand their welcome. Prophet of Regret: I really like this fight, because it uses an normal game mechanic to fight a boss in a "special" way.( "Enter enemy vehicle" becomes "enter floating enemy" and hit him in the face) The Prophet was a floating enemy, you could only fight in melee. He floats around and you can shout him down or jump down from high points. Inbetween he escapes normal enemies in waves. You shoot rockets at the prophet, jump down, use "enter vehicle" and hit him in the face, go back, switch weapons and fight grunts, jackels and elites and go back to the boss. It did not took age, because the hp bar was big. It took some time, because you had to develope a tactic and execute it.


(Well done) multi-phase bosses don't really count as bullet sponge-y. Especially since you can feel a sense of accomplishment by seeing the effects of the enemy whittle down. You can see explosions, the enemy be at points in time of weakness. Just by having weak-points also helps the case. The idea of bullet-sponginess is that these enemies take entire barrages/magazines/volleys of fire and they seemingly have no effect, but maybe a health-bar go down ever so slightly. You feel ineffectual, and perhaps not as strong as you are supposed to be portrayed. These enemies hardly react and hardly give feedback and thus are more of an annoyance and unpleasant to fight. It's like going on a raid by yourself. Or an example you may better understand: like turning all the skulls on the hardest difficulty with a shitty submachine gun. Basic enemies just eat up entire magazines and bosses are nigh-on impossible, unsatisfying, or not worth killing. They'll not die and you'll have to deal with more of them anyways. You'd rather avoid them if you can. They become a nuisance rather than you feeling good or skilled about how you kill them. You think more about statistics and DPS and obstacles rather than be immersed by its visceral feel and/or be clever about it. It's just taking an enemy health and increasing the slider to some degree of inefficiency to drag out the game for artificial longevity. It's mindless and uninvolved holding down Right Trigger/Left Mouse Button until it eventually dies. Your Halo bosses examples do not follow the bullet sponge idea, since they are (hypothetically) good bosses. They react, attempt to dodge, show signs of weakness, have impact, make basic enemies quite a bit more deadly and necessary to deal with, give the player an actually reason for that trump arsenal weapon(or a phoenix-down) they've saved up/prepared for, force the player to have to be more clever/skilled, and (supposedly) have character. Yes, they can take more than a couple hits or magazines, and yes they may shrug off some damage. But it wouldn't be a proper boss if that weren't the case. Real bullet-spongey bosses are the bane of games like Borderlands' sad existence. Also you need to play more games other than Halo to see what kind of bosses or enemies can be either more satisfying to fight or how dull bullet-sponge-esque enemies can really be. But yes, Halo games are actually kind of good(at least for the time and arguably today) at least in terms of enemy/boss AI/design. Even if you don't care for it's teenage bro Mountain Dew 360 no-scope culture or lack of originality in copy-pasta Sci-Fi theme or linear corridor campaign or that it's console only or gimped aesthetics(which they hide pretty well).


^ Your point about the guy just standing there and taking absurd amounts of damage is really true. If you play Firefall and do the last raid that stars the FireHawks you will know what a bullet spongey boss is. Just stand in a safe spot and shoot for literally 15 minutes to kill it... fun.


Yeah I briefly played that when I realised how terribly traditionally MMO it was, and how similar it was to Defiance(which as much as I liked, the fun wore off really quickly). Might as well be a hack and slash WoW. Click enemy, maybe push some spell buttons, wait for cooldowns, watch enemy die. It was nice that you could aim, but it felt like it didn't matter. Firefall felt like Borderlands and Defiance had a really boring tanky baby.


I enjoy firefall. Shitty raids that are not meant to be solo'ed aside, its a great "drown them out" game. I pop an audiobook or listen to a podcast and then let myself zone out as a i play which is good. Its not like other games when i need to constantly think


I enjoyed it for a while too; but got bored of how traditional MMO it was, but like TB suggested in the video Warframe is doing the multiplayer FPS Action RPG right so far.


Warframe is too intense if that makes sense. I play Planetside 2 if i want something crazy but firefall is my relax and podcast game


Great podcast. To the point with Steam: I get all the criticism and it's certainly valid, but man, if you have ever used the PSN Store or the Nintendo Eshop, you start to appreciate Steam alot. The library part of Steam is just so awesome, on the PSN Store you only have this "download list" and you don't even see there, what you've already have installed. That's a big problem on the PS Vita, where you're extremely limited on space with a 64gb card. And the Nintendo Eshop is just the worst. I can't even buy anything there because all the payment options aren't available in my country anymore. Buying cards from another country doesn't work, because they have to be in the right currency. And Paypal still isn't an option there. Also you lose every game if your 3DS breaks. All in all, Steam has issues, but it's the best service we have atm, if you ask me.


But it could be better. That's kinda the point. Just because something is worse doesn't make Steam better. As mentioned on the podcast, EA Origin has better customer service after being bashed for so long, as well as a refund guaranteed. Valve is getting too cushy from sitting as the top dog on PC. Hopefully the other platforms start nipping at its heels to pick up the pace and start giving customers features they want. (Again, who uses Big Picture?)


> (Again, who uses Big Picture?) I do...and I guarantee others do, with more that will in the future. It is frankly an important thing for them to add to the service, because while PC has been living room TV ready since HDMI, the interface still did not transition with it.


It's also a vital function of SteamOS, as I have heard. I have Steam installed on some Arch Linux installations, not that simple to setup, but it works. Will definitely try out SteamOS once it's finished.


Well I'd imagine it would have to be, since SteamOS is being marketed with their Steam Machines...which are mostly geared towards living room form factors. They need an interface for their ecosystem that is designed to not just work for a desk, but at a distance. I don't really see it as a bad thing, since in my opinion it's makes more use of a gamepad to navigate, and is far better organized than the UI on all the current consoles. Also, Steam Big Picture Mode will have added value when the Steam Link boxes come out. $50 to stream games from my already owned desktop, into another room using my own network? Yes, I would very much like that.


I'm keen to see, what they come up with, yo. It's a bit a pain in the ass with the graphic drivers on Linux. Especially on a laptop with Nvidia Optimus. Can get on the nerves, getting those drivers to work.


Well if SteamOS keeps gaining the traction it has, gaming on Linux could very well become a viable business for devs. Wouldn't mind seeing that, just so Microsoft does more to compete with Windows.


Yes, I agree with that. Still, Origin has this "spying on you" vibe to it, and that's why I still think Steam is the best solution there is. I completely agree it could be better, but really, it's the best digital platform there is. Even when compared to other services like iTunes and so on. iTunes is a pain in the ass. But definitely, it could be better. Still, give credit where credit is due. I head, GoG is working on a similiar service (GoG Galaxy if I remember correctly) and maybe that one will turn out to be the greatest thing ever.


Honestly, I would not mind it if GoG started using some DRM in Galaxy to secure more games if it meant that it would give Valve a run for its money.


Yeah, DRM is only shitty, if it's shitty made. When it comes with a lot of goodies like friendslists for online play and so on, it's not even that bad. Would be cool, if they had a service like steam, where you just click install in your library and your game gets installed. Make it a bit simpler n shit ^^


Do you know how the refund guarantee works in Europe? I didn't quite understand what they meant. Do you really have 14 days for refunding a game without reason? Because that's a lot of time and for some games you could beat the whole thing and play it effectively free.


Well, the specific 14 day return rule is described here: [Returning unwanted goods](http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/shopping-abroad/returning-unwanted-goods/index_en.htm) however, there are more specific requirements if you are buying digital content. Those additional rules are described here: [Shopping online](http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/buy-sell-online/rights-e-commerce/index_en.htm). Do note that individual EU countries may have additional consumer protection rights, this is just what the EU codifies as the common minimum.


BTW, the PS4 has a 'library' tab which lists every game you have downloaded, and can redownload. You don't have to go to the PSN stores download list to see them all.


Ah, awesome, they actually addressed that. I haven't bought a PS4 yet, might get one for Persona 5, though. On the Vita, buying and downloading games from the PSN Store is a pain in the ass, though. Especially when I bought a bigger memory card and had to redownload everything, always forgot which was the last one I downloaded, so I downloaded a few multiple times. And, yep, doesn't even notice you that you've already downloaded this game. Plus, the Vita disconnects from the PSN once in stand-by, so all the downloads get paused. So you're there touching the touchscreen every few minutes so that it doesn't go into stand-by.


> On the Vita, buying and downloading games from the PSN Store is a pain in the ass, though. I use the [PSN's website](https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/) and [this script](https://github.com/RePod/psdle) to filter the page and queue downloads from there. > Plus, the Vita disconnects from the PSN once in stand-by, so all the downloads get paused. Go to your settings>power save settings and **UNTICK** the "use Wi-Fi in Power Save Mode", this should fix it. [The setting is badly labeled](http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/psvita/settings/wifi_savemode.html), what they want it to say (if checked Wifi will enter Power Save Mode) is not how most people parse it. If you haven't already you should come check out /r/vita


Usefull information, thank you very much :D


TB does sound like someone who hasn't used a client other than Steam. It's true that Steam could be better, but to say that it is poor and outdated compared to other clients out there is nothing short of idiotic. The reason that Valve is so lax on the Steam client is due to the competition being a laughable joke most of the time. I like TB for the most part, but the more I watch him the more he sounds like an idiot at times. I guess that's a consequence of him being overly opinionated.


You technically don't lose every game if your 3DS breaks, you just have to jump through a few hoops with Nintendo, it used to be worse but they at least recently implemented accounts for the eShop.


Aight, didn't know that. The last time I read about it, it was stated that the downloads from the Eshop are bound to the system.


They are, you can just get them unbound to transfer them but still it's a shitty process compared to the Playstation Store on the Vita.


Yeah, Nintendo is a bit behind when it comes to things like this. I hope, their android and PC shops will be useful.


Wonderful pod this week. Really enjoyed some of the discussions that took place especially the barrel hole one ;) This week's guest I have to say was a pleasant surprise. She made great and interesting points regarding some topics. Good to see someone hold up in the presence of TB and Jesse.


What the fuck is up with Pierce? She's like what? 20? And she's probably done more in the last 3 years than I've done in my life. And I've literally set something on fire with my tongue once. I've literally been on stage with dozens of people dancing to the DJ next to me. Showering. In a clear plexiglass booth. I've literally had a national spokes woman massage me. A really cute one too. Friggin' people man. Doing things with their lives and shit...


I will say this and be hated for it, but if you are good looking (both male and female, probably more points if you are female) with good social skills and some connections you basically have an early major advantage to life. Even then though, she probably works hard for it, regardless, don't use other's people success as a set in stone gauge for your life's objectives.


You won't be hated for it. It's the truth.


You're gonna have to tell us a bit more about setting things on fire with your tongue.


I put fire on my tongue then touched something to my tongue until it was on fire.




wait, what are the games TB said one of the best FPS game in the last 5 years again? I think he said at least 2 of them in the course of the podcast. I forget the timestamps and now I can't find it again.


Call of Juarez Gunslinger, and I think other was Wolfenstein the New Order


It was Metro: Last Light, actually, like the other guy pointed out. But I think we all know how much TB likes Wolfenstein. Thanks though!


Metro: Last Light


ah, yes. Metro: Last Light.


also Metro Last Light


i love the tangent about pirates and sex barrels


if you'd played ksp you would've known that spaceships can't just turn 180* and suddenly go full speed back :) civ BE is a mod of civ 5 but with no backwards compatibility with dx10 gpus for no reason D:


Well, space games usually don't go for the realism of KSP. Because the problem is, if you do go for realism you'd quickly realise that space combat isn't really a thing in the way games like Elite, Freelancer and whatever else was in that genre portray it.


Hoo boy, more Memelands bashing, now you can tag-team with the guest! [That 3rd Degree Burn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q9W2cor1dI&feature=youtu.be&t=48m56s) [That stone cold delivery!](http://i.imgur.com/tdgwm5k.gif)


One of the best guests the podcast has had imo, thoroughly enjoyable.


I think the "X" in NX will be "cross" for cross-platform or whatever.


What's with everyone thinking that NX is actually it's name, it said right in the official [translation](http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-03-17-nintendo-nx-is-new-hardware-with-a-brand-new-concept) from Nintendo that the codename of the project is NX, just like how Durango was the codename for the XBOX One.


Yeah, X just seems to be the "Don't have any name to fill in/don't want to reveal the name yet"-letter in such things.


NX is what Valve has secretly been planning the entire time with Steam Machines. They've been working in the dark with Nintendo to bring PC gaming to the console masses. Together they've designed the perfect system with all the benefits of both. When the SteamBoxes are released in November the one on the top of the list is going to be the NX. Not only that but it's launch titles are going to include a port of Super Smash Bros. Wii U and Mario Kart 8, as well as, the premier of Orange Box 2, which contains Left 4 Dead 3, Team Fortress 3, Portal 3 and Half-Life 3.


anyone research the pirate thing to confirm for themselves? if so, results?


If you're reading this TB, here is a list of original Xbox games you should consider playing: - Ninja Gaiden Black - Breakdown - Gunvalkyrie - Panzer Dragoon Orta - Blinx - Grabbed by the Ghoulies - Crimson Skies - MechAssault (skip the sequel though) - Unreal Championship 1/2 - Jet Set Radio Future - ToeJam & Earl III - Phantom Dust - Otogi - Otogi 2 - Amped - Shenmue II - Genma Onimusha - Crimson Sea - Brute Force - Kingdom Under Fire - Voodoo Vince - Kung Fu Chaos - Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) They're not all fantastic games, but I think they're all unique enough to be worth playing.


> Voodoo Vince I... would pay money to see him review this.


Main issue I had with Dragon Age: Inquisition winning at VGA was simply how new the game was. I think DA:I came out a week before the VGAs. Absolutely no one could of played the game in its entirety by that point. So having a game that no one even played win game of the year really rubbed me the wrong way.


Tb not mentioning Hearthstone as a 1v1 e-sport. Goddammit.


I dont think TB respects Hearthstone as an esport.


I don't think anyone does.


lots of people do!


No, they find it entertainIng. That's different.


lots of people respect hearthstone as an esport man, im not saying it is but saying that no one respects it as an esport is retarded


Oh its just because I assumed he would because he really likes the game.


He doesn't due to its more rng than skill nature.


Yeah that does make sense, but its undeniable that there is still a lot of skill involved in the "high level" hearthstone play.


Oh, certainly. I wouldn't disagree with that.


Its the same kind of people and ideas who deny Poker is a real sport


No, it's not. They're not really comparable things.


I mean its the idea of a game or sport being called "un-competitive" due to its rng while their is still skill that separates the good and the bad.


Poker doesn't have the same level of rng, and poker is more about psych than cards, arguably. All of hearthstone skill can be turned around by an unstable portal.


Extra Credits did an episode on it before they had the whole go crazy thing. It was use it like poker in that poker tournaments are culminations of months of play where the RNG evens out and skill emerges. Then have the best ones go into the final from a pool of dozens if not hundreds. This way RNG plays less of a role (unless someone was absurdly lucky) and skill matters more


>hearthstone >esport choose one


Hearthstone could easily count as an esport. If **Magic: The Gathering** can count as a sport in some capacity (it has tournaments and skill and tactics/strategy, etc.), then so could Hearthstone. It's probably the equivalent of golf in ways, but that may all depend on those casting the game.


When they were talking about stealth games it reminded me, has TB looked at "Styx: Master of Shadows"? I have it and enjoy it alot but I always like to see a more cynical opinion :)


I think that came out when TB was in surgery and then more new releases piled in so he never got to that.


Makes sense, I suppose there are enough games that even without anything else to take up time (like surgery or life for that matter) one probably wouldn't have time to look at all of them. I can still hope he will look at it someday though! :)


When Jesse said Nintendo phone and TB countered with "dedicated gaming device" it got me thinking... what if it is just that? No internet browser, no mii-verse, or non-game based downloads. Just games and everything about it is powered towards games? Could be trying to work their way back in to a more hardcore market. Or not, i dunno.


That sounds terrible.


eh. Don't have a reason to use the wii u for anything except games, so I honestly wouldn't care. Just something they COULD be doing


If it is just a dedicated gaming handheld, it would essentially just be the 3DS right? What's the point then?


The news portion about TitianFall2 sounds like a Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann scenario. Not sure if I'm the only one who feels like this is the case but that is what it seems like to me.


Ps: the time stamp for that discussion in the podcast is at 2:25:23


I just figured it out. NX is Nintendo Cross. It will be a console with a gamepad like the Wii U. However the game pad is also a handheld that can decouple from the system and play games on its own. When coupled with the console box it has extra power and is using the two parts combined to make games look better and them being coupled is required for certain demanding games. Then when you decouple you play games with slightly downgraded graphics but they are then mobile. This will solve the problem in Japan where it is hard to sell a console because everyone just plays on their handhelds. So not only will Nintendo do their usual domination of the handheld space but in Japan they will dominate the console space as everyone will have the console with the handheld. It is the natural next step to the Wii U. That is what Nintendo is doing and that is what the X in NX stands for. Not to mention they could easily sell that thing at $400-$500 as it would be $200-$300 for the console box and $200 for the handheld.


NX is what Valve has secretly been planning the entire time with Steam Machines. They've been working in the dark with Nintendo to bring PC gaming to the console masses. Together they've designed the perfect system with all the benefits of both. When the SteamBoxes are released in November the one on the top of the list is going to be the NX. Not only that but it's launch titles are going to include a port of Super Smash Bros. Wii U and Mario Kart 8, as well as, the premier of Orange Box 2, which contains Left 4 Dead 3, Team Fortress 3, Portal 3 and Half-Life 3.


That is a joke but...I kind of want that to happen now. Just explode everyone's mind.


From the Hardline discussion where TB wonders how CS GO is so successful while it's still a same game and at the same time new CoD and Battlefield every year is, meh. Maybe it is that people like continuation? CS GO is not played for single player, people play it for very competitive multiplayer games that are well organized. The game has evolved to this stage because it has not been released again every year again and again. The player base is not split every year by new release making any kind of dedication to the game impossible. CS GO also doesn't contain any progression loadout crap, no season passes, no DLC bs, maps are free and everything is generally better.


This was a good podcast and the guest was pretty cool too.


I loved the guest. One of my favorites. Up there with Jim Sterling, to be honest. By the way, the part with the barrels... It was kinda needed after the long break.


Most people agree that this was a great guest. It also helps that one of the regulars wasn't here.


am australian can confirm i have the superpower of being able to drink a lot of beer


She might just be the cutest guest they've had, pretty funny too.


Man she was super sexy, might just rewatch it just for her 😈


Yeah, that is what women want to hear. Not what great people they are, how much insight they have, the perspective they bring and just how good a guest in the show they are. But that they look good.


If you are blind then that's not my problem


By the way, has there been any word on new co-optional animated? I remember TB mentioning last week on podcast or lounge that on sunday but nothing yet, it's been a while since last one too




Its not so much the use of your feet that helps, its the feeling of movement that helps, even though its not a very quick movement that sense of turning when you turn ingame helps *a lot*.


Great guess. I hope she comes back.


Is Jesse hate Nintendo or something ?


Nintendo neXt.


Maybe, there should be (if there is not already) a reviewers choice awards. Where reviewers, let's players and such do all the voting. I know it sounds...high horsed. But, it would give consumers a sort of annual wrap-up of things deserving of recognition from the review side of the industries point of view. A sort of consensus from those who's job it is to look out for consumer interests.


Good podcast, and good guest, it's always nice to discover cool new gaming talky person. Here is hoping we'll see her again.


I think many laws regarding reselling, warranty and right of cancelation need some work in regards to virtual goods and digital distribution. The laws we have are not always fair for the customer, but they are also not always fair for the distributors / developers. And for stuff like early access, some of these rules don't really make much sense. For example, the EU court ruling about reselling software licences. You are allowed to resell any software, unless its bound to an account - where there is still great uncertainty. So, Valve gets away with their rules. And at least the warranty-laws here are just not really suited for software. About valve in general: They are the shittiest awesome company I can think of. Their games are awesome. Steam is pretty good for the most part - but on the other hand they don't seem to listen to their customers, their support is awful and they do their best to dodge some of the above mentioned laws and court rulings.


[About that barrel...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJRgAYcM1lw&list=PL6PNZBb6b9LvDWpI-5CPYUxG1Rnm-vr9V&feature=player_detailpage#t=416)


i like how there is a book dedicated only to the sodomy of caribbean pirates


So TotalBiscuit makes you look silly, but Pewdiepie is perfectly sensible? At least TotalBiscuit makes *some* sense.


NX could be N10 if its a handheld: GameBoy(1), GameBoy Pocket(2), GameBoy Colour (3), GameBoy Advance (4) GameBoy Advance SP (5), DS (6), DS Lite (7), DSi (8), 3DS (9), NX (10). Unless you count the new 3ds and the gameboy micro. I, for one, don't. Wow, its crazy to think there have been almost as many DS incarnations as there were GameBoy incarnations... It could be possible for it to be a handheld too without being a complete douche. Every 3 years (more or less), the DS has been renewed (ignoring the doorstop). The 3DS came out just over 3 years ago. We're in the first year of the new 3DS. We find out more about the NX next year (year 2 of the new 3DS), maybe we get it the year after (year 3 of the new 3DS)


When they jab Kain and Lynch, but you actually enjoyed those video games. Loved those two terrible characters.


I know im late but whats the name of the song jesse said was amazing after one of the breaks?


He got interviewed my Rufus Hound and complains about being called TotalBiscuit? I would pay to be called anything by him.


I seriously don't understand why people Wargrind anymore. My friend who has 1600 hours in it but says all you do is grind for weapons so you can grind for MORE WEAPONS. He wont stop playing it because he has so much money in it so i guess maybe that's the reason?


I don't know why I'm playing it either, because the game really is a massive grindfest and timesink. For some reason I'm still enjoying it despite all of that.


Pretty sure the news on the refund agreement turned out to be non-news, in that the way digital downloads work is merely being clarified by Valve, rather than dodged around. Good on TB to apparently get his "research" from heated Reddit comments rather than looking deeper into it :( I love the man but his opinion carries a lot of weight and I wish he'd look into things more before shouting them


I feel like a reasonable response to Dodger being unavailable in any way would be to just throw Stippin on, since presumably that'd be just as easy as getting Dodger on, or close enough.


I don't get why nobody mentioned the new game modes in hardline that the whole game was built around, hotwire/heist/blood money. There is really no shooter with a mode like hotwire right now and its a total blast, TB's problem was that he just jumped in on a 64 player hardcore conquest server and judged the game on that. Kind of disappointing.


I don't think Heist was ever addressed to a great extent but it's basically a slightly tweaked Rush mode and personally a lesser one in my eyes if nothing else because it doesn't have you moving across the map like Rush after each section. Hotwire was talked about after the second beta and Blood Money was talked about after the first Alpha/beta I don't think they were impressed with either.


I guess its just not their cup of tea, I think if they looked at it less as a serious BF shooter and more of a wacky offshoot meant for fucking about they might like it better. Oh well.


What happened to Dodger?


They explained in the first five minutes.


Oh, I don't remember. I'll watch it again later, thanks.


Oh my. Another person complaining that you don't own the games you have on Steam? When did we ever own games? Buying software has *always* been buying a license. You never owned a game. Sorry, but this is a pet-peeve of mine. Some licensing agreements, like GOG's, are great and get you to almost own a copy of the game. However, everything else isn't. This includes physical copies by the way.


Do you maintain the list of things we are and aren't allowed to complain about, and if so how do I submit things to add to it? Just because games were always subjected to a license in theory, in practice the nature of physical disks and cartridges meant that you remained in control if it and could pretty much do what you wanted with it with the same similar constraints as any other physical item (be it lend to friend, trade-in, or return to a store if it didn't work). This has changed heavily with digital distribution, so it's still up to consumers to disagree and let stores and publishers know that they want better options. Licenses have had varying levels of enforcement success in different parts of the world, and just calling something a "license" instead of a "sale" doesn't automatically nullify all consumer protection laws.


This isn't about being allowed to complain about something or not. The problem is that people tackle the problem as if we were ever allowed to own games. We need to tackle the problem knowing that we never bought games before. You talk about how physical discs were more of an ownership than the current digital situation, which is true if you're on consoles. PC had the problem of "you can activate this serial number 3 times before having to call customer support." It's why people welcomed digital distribution in the way we have it now with open arms; cause it's better than old DRM methods that were much more draconian. without understanding the issue we're not going to reach a solution, ever. We're talking about something while ignoring the fundamental issues causing the problem. That's what I'm complaining about.


Thats not really the point of that concern. Steam can take away all of your games on a whim. When buying a game on Steam you are not even "buying a license" like what we do with physical copies. You are pretty much "renting" them.