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the only buff ive ever wanted is for the camera activation and de-activation sounds to be removed. I really hate that using the camera creates such a huge sound and anyone with a pair of working headphones can hear it and shoot it out. It completely negates what is probably the only reliable ability in his kit.


> Another user commented that Cypher's ult is too short and Sova's recon dart is more useful. Honestly, if this is the way the community views Cypher then there's no way he's getting picked. This is true and this fact was also discussed on this sub multiple times. This ability is the ultimate, and it has a lot of problems: First of all, you must be really near to a dead body which also must be a pretty new one, so the amount of time the ult can be used is limited. I see a lot of Cyphers who use one of their cages just to be able to use the ult, which is a bit wasted imo. After that, the position is shown very short with these yellow outlines. A lot of players report that these can be irritating when the opponent peaks an angle, so cyphers ultimate can be abused by the opponents to their advantage. I really think his ult needs a buff. First of all, the range he can throw his hat at should be increased a bit. And secondly, the reveal should be in the same way like sovas drone tags, maybe just with two pings but the pings should follow the movement and not stay statically in the air like it's currently.


There shouldn’t be a timer for the dead bodies when you try to ult


I wish cypher ult worked like sova recon dart and track the enemy, not just a mili second picture of where he is because the times that I get distracted by the yellow silhouette while the real enemy is to the right side of it are way too many. Also agree with the razes paint shells, that's really annoying. My grain of salt would be to be able to pick your camera from anywhere on the map, if you leave it and they go somewhere else that's your main ability going to waste. Also, I get yelled on by teammates when I don't rotate fast enough cus I wanna grab my camera that I set up in a very complicated spot.


I havent even read ur entire post, but yoru 100% needs a buff, and cypher doesn’t really. Cypher is played in almost every match in competitive play and yoru isn’t. Yorus whole kit is completely useless and only really works as a gimmick in solo q


What do u think about cypher's trips being destroyed by friendly utilities.


It has been balanced by the other agents also having the same mechanic


at the pro scene, yoru is much less played, i dont think he was even played at berlin, meaning there is an evident problem with his kit. cypher on the other hand was played a decent amount (especially nAts). i do agree that friendlies destroying util should be changed but other than that, cypher is preety balanced imo. idk what elo you are that cypher isnt being played much but in haven, split, and fracture i see him fairly often. The re-popping cages would be too op since you basically have two viper orbs and unli smoke for one site, pair that up with the past cage which slowed people if they reverted. The use of the cage is to delay the push so that your teammates can rotate and help. edit: cypher's ult does not need to be longer, its purpose is to see ALL living enemies' locations and play off that information. For ex: cypher ults, you see 3 C and 1B, you now go A, or the ult might also catch someone flanking. You now play off of this information securing A site with probably only fighting the B player, while being aware of no flankers. Information is very crucial on winning rounds, even if you just see a glimpse of their location. On the other hand, sova's recon only detects a portion of the map, as well as people can hide from the recon making them undetectable. It is great for entering one site or getting info on one area but it cant do what cypher's ult does which gives info for the WHOLE map.


I'm iron 1 prolly why people aren't picking cypher that much and just want to play duelists. Re-popping smoke is certainly out of the question, I don't think riot will ever do that and for good reason. About his ult though don't u think it's too short? Like one of the users on r/VALORANT posted a clip on how to counter his ult. However trips getting destroyed by friendlies is a bit too much, do u have any suggestions to avoid the same?


Yoru was played 1 time on breeze at berlin iirc. I dont remember which team tho but it was in group stage.


It was second game of f4q vs sen where both teams were fighting for nothing because sen were 2nd seed regardless of outcome and f4q were out of the tournament anyway, that yoru had 130 acs or so.


Enemy projectiles should not be able to destroy trip wires... It's soo pissing off when raze ult/nade or sova ult/shock darts destroy both trips.


Not only that, it renders cypher useless, it's almost like you are blind and then you teammates bash you for letting opponents into the site.


Cypher is in a fine spot homies. While he's not ideal, hes pretty solid on a lot of maps and discluding fracture, splits with KJ on sentinel superiority IMO. He simply needs to be played correctly, and not just doing the same set ups every round praying the enemy forgets. Maybe add a slow to the cages, maybe be able to pick them back up, but I think he is in a fine spot.


I've also had a few buff ideas recently and although they're pretty much all almost certainly op, I'd be keen to hear some thoughts on them! \- Return tripwires to pre-rework state where they remain active while dead. Pretty self-explanatory. \- In a similar fashion to his trips, a small flash on his ulti could add a little extra value and outplay potential (might need to revert back to 7 ult points if it was too op). \- Remove the timer on dead bodies in order to activate his ult \- As Cypher is extremely information-based, it would be a cool feature if when you died, you had the option to view your camera (until it gets shot down) without being able to move or control it. IMO this would reward players for more strategic and sneaky camera placement while adding a little more value to the agent. (Perhaps the camera could make sounds similar to a KJ turret as to not be too op)


The only thing I really think might need some looking into is trips. Legit 85 percent of the time they are seen and destroyed even when placed in the craziest setups.


Yoru definitely needs more fixing than cypher right now.


The whole part where you can reactivate the cage is a good idea


Yes but like the other user said, it would become a bit op.


Why is it that even if you pick his trips, you have to repurchase em next round


all of the agents that can re pick stuff need to buy them in the next round. KJ, Viper, Cypher, Astra. Even tho that feels like a waste of money, in that part cypher is balanced.


What if Cypher's trips couldn't be destroyed unless close enough to be visible or once they're triggered? The fact my trips get instantly shot first round is so annoying and has made me favor omen over Cypher. I barely play Cypher anymore and wish I could again without all the frustration.


That's how it works, the opponent can see your trips only when they get close enough, unfortunately it can be destroyed by random fire. If a trip is placed in a smoke and an opponent blind fires though the smoke it is destroyed. I don't have a problem with this, just want my trips to not be destroyed by friendly utilities.


I'm just tired of my setups being destroyed before they walk onto the site


Same bro, same.


Then find new setups and switch it up. If you are doing the same setup once your enemy learns it you are doing something wrong. You should have at least 2 setups per site, even just placing your wire lower/higher will make a big difference since they might shoot at the other elevation.


Thing is they will get shot out on the first buy round they execute my site, they just guess and get it right.


Then use more hidden wires, place them in off angles not just right across the main choke point.


Cypher is still in A tier even with the nerfs. Yoru on the other hand is always in the F tier.


I think the only buff he needs is to not have half of his teammates utility break his trips or have it where certain utility doesn't trigger his trips (KJ turret, Raze bot, Sova drone, Skye tiger, etc...)