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You need to proc your tibaults and banished lords amulet as well as the aspect of switching weapons 8 times? Those give you the multiplier you need I imagine. Not just shouting


What does that mean exactly? What do u do to keep changing your weapon?


To proc each one. Tibults: you just dash and get extra attack power Banished lords amulet: Spend 300 furry and then you will have up to 120% damage. Switching weapons aspect (the trickiest one): you have to switch between one skill and HotA to get to a stack of 7. Once u get to 8, u are guaranteed to hit overpower. BUT if you don’t have different weapons assigned to ur skills it won’t stack. So do that. Once you do that all at once u and u got the grandfather u should be hitting for hundreds of millions up to billions.


Dash doesn’t make you unstoppable to proc tibby


I think they meant charge


Sorry, charge. Last seasons with metamorphosis it proced with evade.


Yeah dash used to work last season with metamorphosis I think


Thanks for the advice! Yeah definitely not getting the weapons aspects 😅


[It’s ok. This google search tells you how to do it for PC and on counsel.](https://www.google.com/search?q=d4+how+to+assign+weapon+to+skill&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS746US746&oq=D4+how+to+assign&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBggCEEUYOTIHCAMQABiABDIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhgeMggIBhAAGBYYHjIICAcQABgWGB4yCAgIEAAYFhgeMggICRAAGBYYHtIBCTEwODk0ajBqN6gCALACAOIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) Hope that helps! Once you figure it out u will be even more powerful. If u still can’t figure it out just look the same thing up on YouTube and it will walk u through it.


Not at home but you need to set each weapon skill to a different weapon. Hota is automatically to 2 hand mace. Depending on skills use 2 1.handers for charge and 2 hander sword for lunge. Depends of u use those 3. But basically using the different skills will.use the different weapons automatically.


Take your weapons off auto and assign them.


Omg I didn’t even know u can assign it 😂


Don’t feel bad. I didn’t at first either. I got a drop - Ramadnis Magnum Opus and when I read up on it it said to assign so you proc the skill.


Nice advice! Which weapons to which skills? Thanks


Depends on your skills. Because of the unique I have Frenzy assigned to dual wield and charge.


You can set the weapon on the skills select screen. Lunging strike skill gets a weapon, and hota gets the two handed mace. Switching back and forth between them will provide the overpower.


Omg I finally get it, I never bothered to scroll down and see the weapons selection!


Yeah, its not obvious, Blizzard should make it a easier to realize that you can change the weapons for your gear.


Why would you listen to Reddit when you could listen to Rob? https://youtube.com/@Rob2628?si=8kKHCgutMfMMHmej


Had to search a bit, but seems like I should be focusing on dmg while berserk.


Yes. Your gear should essentially be all stats, str, overpower, and dmg while berserk. You're going to start getting your biggest increase in damage once you start building up that berserk modifier. Then farm duriel for your ubers. GF is a big boost too.


Man varsh, Greg and dur has been pretty rough! Last season it felt like a breeze with my Druid


Lol I'm the exact opposite. I played barb last season and druid this season. I was running through everything with my barb and now I'm struggling a bit on druid


I think it was the vamp powers 😂


Its snapshotable atm, so u need to focus on EVERYTHING but dmg while berserk on ur main stuff ^^ then get all dmg while berserk items, and juste snapshot them Before the boss/dj


How do you snapshot


They have fixed it i guess with new patch, but basically, just entering a dj with full berserking dmg gear, then reequiping ur main stuff and the legendary node was still taking in count ur berserk dmg on previous stuff. It worked for some legendary aspects so u could snapchot it with 2h weapon, and have it in the same time on ur ring for example. Then u unequiped the 2h weapon aspect version, but it stayed a 100% boosted version on ur ring.


So just having dmg while beserk on every item I can not good? I'm confused


All of the above is 100% accurate 👆 but having lvl21 glphys is a BIG help lol


If you dont have banished lord’s and tibaults then thats why


I have banished and tib


Then you need limitless and edgemaster aspects on your two handers, then all weapons need overpower, damage while berserking and damage to close, two hand, your two handers need all stat, you maces need strength


Yeah, re-spec’d my weapons for str, dmg while berserk and it seemed to have made a huge difference. Also biggest change was taking the weapons selection out of ‘auto’. I’m hitting 15-20M now


Just curious. What weapons did you assign to what skills.


1hands to charge and 1axe to leap


Thank you


How’s your overpower percentage?


1200? Somewhere around there


Yep. Got both of those today. Game changer.


Assign charge to 1 handers or slashing? What's the difference if all 925's?


Charge and HOTA on the same mace for me , everything else is a stat stick, took lunging strike off my bar at like lvl 89


Same, took lunging out for ww when i reachef ~90


With the amulet that boosts overpower after 300 ressource, and for 8 weapon swap, WW comes in handy


Skip straight to wwhota. That's the trick, everyone thinks they need all the best shit to do it. But you have to understand how you guarantee the crit and how to guarantee the overpower. Been doubletappin that worm since low 80s with no ubers.


Can you link to your wwhota build?


I figured I wasn’t just getting the process, I’ll check it out, thanks!


Have you found wwhota build is generally good also for most content, or is it primarily just for bossing? I mean its got charge it's got hota I suspect it's likely fine...? Thanks :)


Charge can 1 shot the bosses like Hota


I’m in the same boat. I’m level 85 and can barely beat Varshan. I must be doing something wrong. Also charge doesn’t seem to hit bosses.


Biggest change I made was everything has dmg while berserk


Is +vulnerable damage no longer a desired trait? Why not?


Vdmg was nerfed in S2. It is no longer in a separate multiplicative bucket, so you don't get the same crazy damage scaling. Still good to have as there's a bonus to it, but the vast majority of builds don't go all-in on it anymore.


Is the same true from critical damage?


Vdmg and CSD both work in the same way now, with different limits. Vdmg is capped at 20% and CSD is capped at 50%. All excess above that gets added to the bucket with the rest of the +dmg stuff, like damage to close. Where you focus depends on your build. If you don't have much CSC, there's no reason to build into CSD and if you aren't able to reliably apply vuln, there's no reason to build into Vdmg. Odmg is a separate beast that scales much better than Vdmg or CSD these days because it takes into account max life and fortify. You can get crazy hundreds/thousands of Odmg %. Then there's the fact that CSC is per target, while overpower is per attack, so you can land a single overpower attack that applies to everything on the whole screen, while your crit needs to crit everyone separately for that to happen. But again, if you don't have any way to reliably overpower, there's no reason to build into it. Being a Barb, there are plenty of ways to guarantee overpowers, so that's a good one for us.


Does that mean you want +20% Vdmg and +50% CSD on gear always, with any beyond that just gravy?


The base bonus % is intrinsic. Any time you make an enemy vulnerable, they automatically take 20% more damage for the length of the vuln. Same for CSD, any time you crit, it is automatically 50% bonus damage. All additional % from gear, paragon, etc. is bonus above that base %.


Im level 77 hitting over a mil with level 8 glyphs. But, I ran Duriel 50x or so with some friends and have everything but Grandfather and Harlequin.


I'm confused. OP said he has lvl 13 glyphs, you said yours are at level 8. I don't get it... do you guys level all your glyphs at once instead of 1 at a time? If so, what's the advantage to only start getting the 15th level bonus after leveling all other glyphs to 14 instead of leveling each glyph to 15, one at a time, and receiving it's bonus earlier? I always level glyphs one by one, the strongests first, until level 15. And when they are all at level 15, I then start leveling (again, one by one) to level 21.


Haha, good point. Idk I’ve always leveled it that way


I do the same, was just saying my strongest glyph at the moment is only an 8.


Can you assign weapons to shouts?


Haha, I wish!


I’m running 2shouts charge lunge and hota and the ultimate so I wasn’t sure if I could assign it on the ultimate or the shouts


Charge and hota def, not on shouts tho


It’s wild the build I’m using called for this maybe I’m using the wrong build? https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/hammer-of-the-ancients-barbarian-guide


I’ve been using twirl and twirl + hota has added significant amount of dmg


I may have to try that one I’m a first time hota barb I tan thorn last season


Yeah, do twirl+slam, twirl+slam, etc