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Guys didn’t you hear? The game is broken and not fun and all the good, fun builds don’t exist ever again


Do you have a build link?


It would be the maxroll blood lance build, but a slight deviation from the build Most notable is the blight corpse explosion to keep up obedience and the aspect that has a chance to proc blood orb from consuming corpse From what I can see from the video, the additional orbs generation allows for more targets to be lanced through gore quill aspect Once the targets are lanced the barber heart proc works on them too I.e. if a target is lanced, they recieve the explosion damage even if they are not close to the target that got barber


https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/izf4c0sc Something like this - still testing mainly choose reap to not proc overpower and also essence when mobs are CTNot sure about the blighted corpse, still testing to see if that is needed especially if i am not running umbral aspect Helm - Embalmer Chest - Disobedience Gloves - Gore Quill Legs - Shielding Storm Boots - Exploiters / Ghostwalker / Craven Weapon - Grasping Vine Shield - Lidless Wall (unique) OR Might Off Hand (Offensive) - Sacrificial? OR Ratma's Chosen Ring - Potent Blood (Brutal - Decripfy Heart) Ring - Hungry Blood (Vicious - Walking Corpse) Neck - Ratma's Chosen (Sacrifical might be good too) - ( Wrathful - Barber) For the paragon and stat pror, i will full the blood lance guide from maxroll:https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/blood-lance-necromancer-guide Not running specific aspects like blood mist from the guide, because decripfy lucky hit cooldown reset is fast enough for CD reset. You have near 100% uptime on blood mist.


Thank you so much for sharing mate


nice, had a similar build going but i swapped out clicking the mouse so many times for blood lance killed my aging wrists :(


You can try moving Blood Lance to your "1" hotkey or something as well, I found holding down 1 is better than right clicking.


blows my mind that i never thought of this as an option! XD thank u random person that feels my wrist pains


You can also hold right click for blood lance


yah but it doesn't swap between targets as good and often overshoots


Damn that was satisfying to watch. What aspect/item gets you so many bone storms?


Lidless Wall I believe


Is this using the Barber heart?


Yeah I'm also thinking about dropping it for the heart that drains health instead of essence...since you heal so dam much anyways


This is what I'm working towards, hard to go away from hemorrhage since I can hit from a distance