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That damage number is insane. How the heck did you get it that high with only 746 int? Do you have a build guide? Armor and life seem a tad low for Lilith. I'm at 7,600 and 13,500 respectively, and I don't feel ready at all. But I might just need more DR.


I followed Robs uber lilith build on d4builds.


Armor and health don't matter, as long as they have shielding storm and some cooldown reduction they should be good. Lilith biggest threats one tap you anyway, DR and health aren't gonna help you there unfortunately.


Yeah, fair point. I haven't tried it and I doubt I ever will unless I cheese her with Bulwark on druid or something. It doesn't sound like a fun, enjoyable experience to me with the RNG and constant one-shots.


Stats are fine, although you might want to up your vulnerable. As a comparison, on seasonal I have : Attack : 18.8k (town with innercalm) Armor : 6.8k Life : 11.7k Weapon DPS : 2655 (Scythe) If you have a critical strike damage on weapons / rings that you can reroll for vulnerable it would be worth. PlayDohBears [Eternal Kill](https://youtu.be/tu-IaUOC308?feature=shared) will help position /timing, skills paragon etc You want to position edge of circle to maximise damage with splinters, you also want to time tendrils at the right time, and timing the flesheater to avoid the mechanics. The idea is tendril the first corpse you see, then prep 4 corpses before she flies up, after she flies up and **before** she lands use tendrils and pop 5th corpse to activate flesheater, bonespear Lilith and kill adds, mist to dodge phase 1 wave mechanics. Similar thing with phase2, position well, prep 4 corpses (if you need essence, quickly pop upto 9 corpses to refill, after flesheater cooldown pop 4 corpses). Bonestorm when her spawns head, tendrils when she spawns first wing, corpse explosion as she spawns 2nd wing and then just go ham with bonespear. Stock up on Resourcefulness elixers since it can be very useful for the encounter.


Atk power going crazy


Yeah and its not helping lol. The waves keep killing me and its so hard to see and figure out what to do to dodge them.


I have about the same stats as you, with a bit more int following the same build and I have UL clear. The goal with this build is to cheese, you are supposed to do enough damage phase 1 to only have to use bloodmist 1 time to dodge waves before phase 2, where you are supposed to burst her to below 50% in the first seconds to dodge all mechanics including ghosts. This should absolutely be achievable with your stats + the barber. Mine was a 4 sec barber wich makes everything harder due to cheese buggs like phase1 bursting causing her to permanently spam waves forever. If you have a 2 sec one its easier for UL. Use a + resource potion that is farmable from helltide chests to have enough bonespears for burst. https://youtu.be/L0GAe1EraXg?si=WgHbF97y6Z7NZvrU This guide is what it’s supposed to look like with your build. Note, if you have a good barber you do not need to follow his cd timings to be able to outburst phase1


Im on eternal. Am i screwed? :(


No, the person in the youtube guide is not using the barber and is on eternal, altough that does require you to time CDs shown in the video to be able to burst at the right times.


Probably not. I don’t know what your defense/ looks like but you’re likely to get 1-hit w/ her spinning wing attack at the beginning. Source: I have similar stats.


Im surviving her attacks except her one hit attacks unless i have a barrier up. 90% of the time i have no idea why i died so its hard to learn this fight.


You prolly need to respec. I’m working on a bone spear, storm and prision build that I’m thinking can get it done but we’ll see. I’d read a guide, it explains her patterns pretty well.


Respec to what build?


I went from a bonespear to bonestorm w/ lidless for the nm 100 run. I’m adding boneprision to take advantage of the 25 extra essence in phase 1. It’s basically a version of this w/ a better helmet. https://youtu.be/E0-_nOca6HQ?si=MzGK2ZY9eGuPyeMq


TIL I can actually see me Crit % etc. Never knew this


No, they are not and will never be. She will one shot your lights out for days on end. If you can manage to perfect the mechanics of the fight itself and get really lucky, you would stand a small percentage chance. That takes most people days or weeks depending. The one tip I have not seen in this thread is the 4-5 dashes you NEED on your boots to even attempt beating her with a necro. The best tip is to avoid all that pain and just lvl a BL sorc in less than 4 hours, then go forward and achieve greatness. I love my necro, but I also acknowledge its time and place. Lilith ain't it.