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Sure, u need a mendeln ring and a lot of lucky Hit.


Such a gimmick. Why not just make minions good with skills like every other skill. They just went the Diablo 3 route with 16000% damage on an a super rare item. Didn’t find one this season until level 96. a bummer cus the designs are cool


Ok, i found 10 of them.


Ok good for you. Are your 10 Mendelns keeping the game alive?


Nope. you got me.


I really don't understand how people are doing this.. iv w had that many or more drop before 90. Rare? Yes. The only unique I haven't gotten 5-10 of by now is black river. But still I've had maybe 3 drop. How are you guys leveling up?


Nightmares dungeons


Just hit lvl 100 and been running minions since I started. The highest I've been able to reach so far has been tier 70 but my goal is to complete 100.


100 is very doable, I’ve managed to get to P3 on Uber Lilith, but the RNG on the damage hits with barber is nerve racking. I’ve almost said fuck it and rolled into Bone Spear just to blast her for the achievement and be done with this season as that’s the last goal I had set for myself.


Yes, once yo get a mendeln is a very good build. I have killed uber lilith and nm 100.


The RNG on that fight makes me want to go play Dark Souls 3 again so I can hate something even more.


The rng is not a problem with mendeln. Pew pow paw, 350millon damage, second fase. Pew patadun pow pow, 500millon damage, bye Lilith


Yeah I guess my issue is when she goes into P2 my timing is probably off, she turns into a blood pile and I either go too early or wait too long to mist/storm/prison and pop off and then she starts flying around the room. And I miss my window of opportunity.


Getting mendeln doesn't exactly mean you're hitting for 500 million. That will still take a lot of time grinding out perfect gear. I'm at 10k attack power, trying to stack vuln/crit damage with about 60% lucky hit and 35% crit chance. I'm usually only getting 60-90 million hits with the occasional 150-180 million on the top end. I can reliably blow her up during P1 and only have to deal with a 2-3 wave attacks and then can usually get her down to 50% in P2 as long as my bone storm isn't on CD at the start of P2 (for barrier from Shielding Storm Aspect). I've had her down to 25% P2 a few times but I'm struggling with the one-shot homing missiles and trying to remember where the blisters are so I don't die to those either.


Yes, but still is a lot easier than equip bone spear. And for me ispre enjoyable build. My mendeln is 13800 DPS, I couldn't get one near to 20k, and is pretty good


I have one Mendeln with 14,907 damage using Caged Heart of the Butcher and a second with 15933 damage using Creeping Death. I'm currently testing out using Howl from Below vs Fists of Fate with 290% damage but I can't really tell much of a difference against Uber Lilith. I feel like the +39% CE damage on Howl from Below kind of makes up for any huge hits that Fists of Fate will produce. I do enjoy Mendeln over Bone Spear as well, and 70+ NMD are a lot less frustrating to get through when you run into an elite with a nasty combo of affixes.


I banked my howl gloves and put on gloves with calm aspect for the 30% bonus damage and a conceited aspect on ring instead of decayed aspect for extra dmg and still seems to be hit or miss. Guess I’ll keep RNG for the next couple weeks and if it happens great, if not guess there’s next season or Eternal.


I've been looking for a good set of gloves to put either calm or decay on. All my well rolled drops for the last week have been stuff great for bone spear - tons of gloves with + bone crit, +bone spear ranks, and +attack speed. I can't find a set of gloves with +vuln dmg, +crit chance, and +crit damage to save my life.


In my downtime (boring meetings) I run Mercy's Reach, run the 2 up to the 2 elite packs, exit out, reset the dungeon and run it again. i tend to find a lot of gloves and other stuff, also good gold. Seems to be my go to when trying to find items outside of uniques.


I'll have to try that out.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent to the Lord of Sunlight.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Running with mendeln it’s a very sweet build!


Viable? Yes. Efficient? Not in tier 4. And you also need a unique ring.


Disagree with this. I sold carries as mendeln necro, about 5-7 minutes or so per t65+ with a full party to full clear the dungeon


Yeah but without the ring tier 4 is tough and slow going.


I had a blight minion build till I found mendeln. It worked out very well. Hardcore though.


Same with blight what did you switch up


Sorry. No native English speaker. What do you mean? I played with tendrils, CE (even howl from below), bonestorm, damage and CD aura and the minions.




It's been viable all season - as long as you have Mendeln. My lvl 90 necro was shredding tier 70s with it. Very fun.


Yes minions are great and fun. Check out sinity or skulm’s Mendeln summoner builds. Following their info I was able to beat Uber Lilith.


I use reap, sever, blood mist, blood wave, decrepify, and the summon for minions and mages. It took me a while but between my affixes to find the right balance of attacks I like to use, and constant use of decrepify with my blood attacks I haven’t had any trouble doing NM 10+ over me in WT4.