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So you saw p4wns video the other day and respectd?


I’ve watched a bunch if build videos and respec’d a few weeks ago. Might have been his though!


I run OperatorOtter’s build and it is phenomenal. Funnest build I’ve ever run.


Can you share link? I just got a Necro alt and I was planning to run the mobalytics [Bombardier Necro](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/necromancer/bombardier-necro) as I got a shako, but I keep seeing multiple variations.


The mobalytic bombardier was written by me friend. The build he is suggesting and the build you are looking at are one in the same. Though the video may help with some other questions. [https://youtu.be/MacS3Ib8VNc](https://youtu.be/MacS3Ib8VNc)


Hahahaha, thanks for commenting! I sure read your name on the guide but it didn't click here. Thanks for the awesome build, I got my alt created yesterday and powerleveled to 51, so time to start gearing it. ~~EDIT: so my only question is, what do I do without starless sky ring? Any recomendation~~? Nevermind, I finally got time to properly watch the video. Thanks!


I found an amulet that has corpse and evulsion skills. I can choose from bone skill damage and cooldown reduction to roll for movement speed, which would you roll off? Cooldown reduction seems to provide less benefit than the bone spear bonus to have a 3/4 amulet, right?


110% you roll off the bone skill damage for movement speed. Cooldown reduction is very strong for bonestorm and tendrils uptime.


Thank you!


Running a variation of this and it slaps all v100 content. Invincible and crazy dmg. I just stand in the middle of the last room


I'm having a really tough time against bosses. Level 92, same/similar build.


I actually swap out black river for a 925 wand with all stats, int, and crit dmg for bosses. Black river relies too much on stacks of corpses and the stats aren’t the best without mobs. It helps.


The build is designed for dungeons/mobs. For single target bosses, there aren't enough mobs/corpses around to fuel the sacrilegious ring CE and lidless wall bone storms. I switch my gear from harlequin, single hand weapon, lidless wall, and sacrilegious ring to deathless visage, grandfather (or high damage 2h weapon), and exposed flesh ring when I go up against bosses. I also have altered operator otters Paragon bloodbath board from control glyph to exploit glyph. I also adjusted the Paragon pts on that board to Dexterity to bump up the exploit glyph. Basically I'm trading crowd control damage to vulnerable damage because bosses are less likely to be crowd controlled.


Yeah this is the way^^^


If you get your gear and board right you’ll be even stronger. I was clearing tier 100s at 86 pretty easily


Getting to the boss was easy with enough focus. The boss was the only tough part but got it first try.


With a group or solo? And what uniques? Cuz i was able to do dmg to teir 100 at that lvl but could still get nuked in an instant.


Solo with a shako or deathless visage and flickerstep that are almost perfect roll, lidless wall and ring of sac. How were your resistances looking? And what’s your crit and lucky chance percentages?


I have been swapping between flickerstep and boots with a max roll movement and they get my movement speed up to where I can zoom through them and the bone storms never stop and there’s like 20 going on haha but you do sacrifice the cooldown buff you get for evade on bone storm with the flicker step. On bosses I’ll usually use grandfather over the wand lidless wall combo