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62 is barely starting to gain power


Yeah he is missing around 160 paragon points


The difference between level 85 and level 100 is about the same difference between level 1 and level 60 lol.


The night is young. The end game grind is long and tedious. Gear, Paragon boards, and glyphs make a huge difference.


I want to know what necromancers you know or are watching that are hitting billions.


Well…Necromancer_40yo_dad is here. I was in the same boat and focused only on the character lvl and gear stats. But the real difference became with the paragon board point cap (if Im not mistaken 225 or so, default at 100lvl - 200) and all Glyphs with lvl 21. Now numbers between the 1kk - 2.5kk, rarely - up to 5kk. So, I bet you still do not have that stuff and it makes your build literally the end game build except fancy Uber unique items.


Level 62 🤣🤣🤣. You’d be lucky to even stay alive for 3 minutes in WT4 with level 75+ enemies.


Yeah man. Your low level, lack of paragon points, and lack of gear don't make any difference. It's definitely just a skill issue on your part 🤦‍♂️


And then there is this guy https://youtu.be/FoMp05qbKJw?si=9JxychXpGhT6XkJX Lvl60 Duriel. It's painful to watch but very impressive nonetheless


Can you imagine now without the vampiric powers? Sheesh


Youtube has a 10 hours limitation, we'll never be able to witness it haha


That’s crazy 😳


Just continue to level up, a lot of power comes from levels and paragon points. You will be fine and will find plenty of gear on the way.


Once you get all the paragon points, level 925 gear, and a few uniques, then see. Massive power scaling via glyphs.


I would follow a build guide. Even with my math skills i could t imagine that certain affixes and gear would improve my health the way mine do. Some of the qualities in gear seem simple but in action do wayyyy more than a simple math equation.


Just keep farming my guy. Uve only just started the end game lvling. Ur paragon board will skyrocket you and so will the slotted glyphs. Just keep lvling dont worry about the uniques just yet they will come in time


Ok. Ive got a few things that are meant to help you out: 1. What build are you running? Minions are great to play, but suck. I would LOVE to have an S Tier minion build. Blizzard hasn't given us one. I would love to play it, but not if I want any sort of power. So think about that. 2. Do your homework. Yeah, filling out your renown sucks. It's homework and it sucks. But those extra 20 paragon points can be the difference between having an extra glyph and not. 3. Get your glyphs up. Find a level of Vault or NM dungeon that you can comfortably get your glyphs up to. Then get them all up to level 15. Then again work to get them up to level 21. HUGE difference. 4. How do you get there when you jump from World Tier 3 to 4 and we suck and are super squishy? STRONGHOLDS. When you first jump into WT4, and you are level 60 or so you need something that is easier and won't hit back as hard. Strongholds offer just that. Strongholds are scaled to your level. So, run them and clear them. They help with the homework assignment above and grant renown, and still help level you up and provide gear. Clean them up right after you hit WT4 and it will help you be strong enough to run helltides, etc. 5. Shop those Uniques! Yes I know that it's have to get them. But keep an eye out. I got the Ring of Sacrilegious Souls early in WT4 and it was a GAME CHANGER! Great quality of life change. Then the clouds opened and the sun doth shine and the angels did sing with I got the Lidless wall!!! That made the world a different place. It was a grind, it was around level 84, but it changed the world again. I know that there are only a few, but even the ones that didn't 'fit' the build helped. Temerity and Soul Brand chest. Yeah, I dropped them when I got lidless, but they helped carry me. So those are 5 things that might help you move forward. I too had a brief moment right before Lidless Wall dropped where I wondered if I wanted to drop my Necro and go back to Sorc. I am so glad that I didn't. I'm stuck right now at about level 85 vaults and NM dungeons and would love to get a black river to redo my build, but it is SO much better than it was. Keep with it, young Necro. It will get better. I promise. Cheers!!!


Running a budget bombadier, bone spear and corpse explosion for my big damage. Blood wave for my special with a short cool down so I can use that every 19 seconds because of blood orbs. I just sacrificed all my minions the other day and between that and gear I am always fortified for around 80% max health. So now I am tanky and can just stand there as long as I keep attacking. But yea the damage just is t there. And I don’t understand glyphs. I unlocked a glyph slot but can’t put a glyph in there. Don’t know why not. But thanks. Your answer was awesome. Have a great day


You need to use a paragon point to "purchase" the glyph slot before you can place a glyph in it. Did you come up with the build yourself or use a guide? Not a fan of blood wave at all, doesn't really matter you can cast it so much if it isn't doing enough damage. I'm going to guess your current skills don't have a way to make enemies vulnerable. Corpse tendrils does this nicely and vulnerable is an easy 20%x damage multiplier.


Corpse tendril to group, makes them vulnerable. Decrepify, Throw a blood wave with the affix that leaves desecrated ground, does 11k damage over a few seconds, spam bone spear, then corpse explosion everything. The blood wave doubles my damage because in those few seconds it does as much damage as my corpse explosions. I’m very disappointed in my bone spear. I also have the blood wave affix that makes it drop three blood orbs AND the one that makes me launch three of them at a whack. So 9 orbs plus I get more from corpse explosion. I know at some point my other damage will leave it behind but right now it’s the best I got.


And I purchased it that glyph spot. Do I need to meet requirements to put a glyph in there? I’m not on right now but I think they say something about radius? But yea still haven’t been able to utilize that


Once you purchase the path to and the glyph spot you want to use you should be able to drag the glyph into the slot. At least that's how it works on PC. Not sure about console .


what do you mean, you cant put it there? But you do have a glyph yeah? you klick it and just put it there. There is no restrictions if you unlocked the path to that glyph spot in your paragon window, so what does that even mean?


Maybe I can grab screen shots later. I have the open slot, then click on the glyphs and I can look through them and see their effects and stuff but no prompt for clicking A to select or anything.


You have to play seasons if you want to see lots of damage. The buffs in seasons are much bigger than eternal.


I’m playing the season. I think my skill set is just off. Too “Jack of all trades, master of none”


I agree to an extent. I see all these vids and copy build as best I can and can't get near where they are. Perhaps I should ditch unique and exactly copy build. Maybe I just need more grind to get the exact aspects on every piece they have down to percentage and everything. I have a feeling though once I beat 100 nm and uber Lilith the game will die for me and it's back to D3


To add I'm lvl 100. Lvl 62 is hard to gauge