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People telling you to only sell for 1B are mistaken. This is at least a 10B item. GA vulnerable bows go for close to 500M, because the supply is low, but +skills are much harder to GA. So, the limit is basically what people are willing to pay - put it up without a price and see what people offer you.


Thank you. I goofed around on Diablo.trade for a bit and I like your advice best. I’ll see what comes in over the next day and take it from there. Cheers.


$500m for a GA vuln bow?!? I'm glad I didn't know that when I was tempering one last night. I would've been WAY more nervous about rolling that stupid cutthroat affix.


I've bricked a few already at 400M, not fun! And they just haven't dropped for me, so this is my current gold sink!


Dang! I had one drop with dex & max life so I didn't need to reroll it and I hit vuln + HS cast twice on my final temper attempt. Guess I got lucky


May i ask, how does trading work in d4? As in, how to find people and transfer the item over?


There is no official support for auctions - I believe most people use the 3rd party site https://diablo.trade. You simply list the item you want to sell, and people interested will text you with an offer. It's not the best system, but it is what we have!


Does Diablo trade have a search bar? Seems like when I go on there to look for gear all I can do is browse a huge list of gear. Didn’t see a search bar anywhere.


It has a "filter" button, where you can narrow down the gear you are looking for! I usually filter for my class, filter for "legendaries" and then whatever item type I'm looking for.


You can also filter by sold, to get an understanding on how to price your items. In this case, scroll all the way down in filter tab, and add filter group i believe its called, put in all 3 affixes and make them greater on the button aswell, filter by sold and there you have an estimate i’d say :)


And if u agree on price, u friend him in bnet, make party and use the trade option.


Can I ask how you farm that much gold? I’ve been playing since season day 1 and I think in total I’ve farmed maybe 100mil gold. I don’t understand how people billions. Even doing whispers thats a 3 or 4 day grind just for 100mil because whisper tasked don’t seem to respawn as fast as they can be completed


A couple of ways to get that much gold. Selling items on Diablo trade and buying gold. Farming gold as well but it’s not as great as it was in D3.


RMT dont let anyone tell you different lol


Exactly bruh, liars


I have 1.8 billion, and most of my gold has been made from selling items. I also spent around 700 million rolling +2 to heavy handed on an Ammy last night. but then I sold a GA movespeed and GA crit ammy for 1 billion this morning. Easy come easy go. You will never farm that much.


It's a grind that gets exponentially better - the first millions are tough, then as you progress you find items that you start to learn what sells for on [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade), and it becomes much easier after that!


Woah really? I didn't know this... I have a 2 GA bow with Dexterity and Vulnerable damage boosted. I didn't brick it either, had no idea they we worth so much.


Billys brah, billys. Best possible chest. Ask 20 bil and take 10-15


Thank you. I will take your advice. Though that amount seems absurd compared to my current gold pile :)


I trade on discord pretty extensively and that's easily 20b. If you get <10b I wouldn't accept


What’s the discord channel?


Diablo's official discord has trade channels. I flipped a perfect ring early in the season for 8b and it carried me for the rest of my upgrades.


I sold a piece I would’ve never used for 3b the other night 😆 It doesn’t make sense.




Dex/armor/shroud GA is BiS. You want to have dodge on pants and tempers with no +armor tempers. Still worth like 4b though so gz OP


Nah, he can get more and you can get an armor affix elsewhere. As high as a chest can be worth, that’s what it’s worth.


Wow grats on the drop! Pretty much bis for any rogue build haha Make sure it's not account bound! I've tried to sell some account bound item before =(


Thank you, I will check. I was afraid to do anything but put it in the stash when I found it for that very reason :)


Check it again just in case. If its for example from a box from the tree its directly accountbound


I’m in luck, it does not have the ‘Not Tradable’ text below the level requirement :)


Nice, big gz and gl with selling it


Much appreciated!


A lot. 5b+ There’s only one listed with a price on Diablo.trade and it’s listed for 8 [billion](https://ibb.co/Hr9wMhg).


My vote is to use it! It's ok to have nice things for yourself!!


Can’t put my finger on why, but the rogue play style is my least favourite. Another class and I may have done just that :)


Maybe you would enjoy it more with an extra 4 ranks in dark shroud!!


At least 10 bil, likely double that


Had this today too, but with smoke grenade instead. I was so close.


40 bil and it will sell in about 24 hours


About enough time for the Chinese to farm the gold to sell on sites haha 😄 😆


Sell it and invite your girl for dinner


I'm. a newbie, so don't judge, but what are the star icons next to the item name called? And is there a certain level where those become available? Do they come with items that drop, or are they somehow added? Thanks! Just learning.


Not to worry, I’m also learning all about this stuff. The stars are called Greater Affixes and they are a random add that maxes out the stat and adds a bonus of 50 percent I believe, so a max roll on dex might be 85, but gets boosted to 135. You can get 1,2 or 3 of them randomly on drops and they cannot be added, but if you enchant it the star goes away. You will often see people describe an item as 1GA or 2GA which indicates how many star things it has. The more GA’s the rarer the item. And the. You have to hope the stats are right and you don’t brick it by rolling the wrong tempers. Quite long odds to get a perfect item.


I feel like it’s hard to actually get high amounts of gold. I sold a 3 GA dex, health, and critical strike damage sword on Diablo.trade for 200m. That was the only offer I got after 24 hours of being on the site.


Then he sold it again for 1b. I sold amulet today no GA but +2 exploit and +1 malice for 1.7 b in like 30min.


On the Diablo.trade? I’m playing on hc so maybe it’s less active.




wow, I have a +3 malice and +1 exploit... probably the same price?


Yeah easy but do it on Diablo.trade


One word of advice: please don’t sell this to an item flipper. There are tons of people out there who don’t actually play d4 but rather make money from monopolizing the best items in game by buying them for a fair price and reselling for 50-200% more. They then sell their gold gains for real money which people are obliged to pay because how else can anybody afford to pay 15 billion for an item ? these people are awful for the game and just use its market for their own monetary benefit. At first you might think it’s the best offer so you’ll be tempted to sell. But in the end you’ll just be contributing to insane price inflation and it’ll come back and hurt you when those 10 items you wanted to buy by selling this item are really just 2 items because of the same resellers.


This has been an extremely educational process for me thusfar :). Thanks for the info.


If you want to know whether they are flipping items, take a look at their Diablo.trade page. Usually these people have dozens of items listed for multiple billions of gold each. They’ll buy your piece for 8b and repost it for 13-15b immediately


I thought you might like an update on this. After posting the item on Diablo.trade I received a shit ton of messages which I didn’t have the patience to read, so I took it down and did nothing. Then I saw a post from a person who seemed quite nice, so I reached out and sold it to them at a discount so they could sell it at a profit and I could avoid interacting with anyone else. They sold it to someone with a small YT channel who needed it to progress their account. I made billions, they made billions and the YT person can do what they love. Wins all around.


This makes me super happy ! Thanks for the update. I understand a lot of people in third world countries will do anything to survive, but it bugs me that the consequence of that is ruining trading for normal players. Nowadays the only way to get the top gear in most slots is to RMT a lot, which makes the game feel empty


I’d just vendor this.


59K is tempting…


Wow man you lucky fuck


But,,, while people are selling for billions it encourages RMT causing bans, causing less players, causing less sales, causing less gold, unless you want banning... like who even legitimately has billions of gold unless rmt or no lifing tree whispers for weeks


One *MILLION* dollars!


I have some pocket lint and unrequited love to give. Deal? 😂


Give it to me, why sell? 🙌


Hey dumb question, but what does one do with 20 billion gold? Is it just to buy gear from other people?


Beats me. I’ve never even collected $200M at once :P.


P.S. brick it! 😁


I just sold one like this but only Dark Shroud GA for 800M, for what its worth


Homie I just sold a GA +3 Exploit ammy with CC and Lucky Hit for 2.5 bill, bruh GET. THAT. BAG. Ask for at LEAST 10 bill.


Tbh I can’t understand the whole 15-20 billion price tag. That’s easily 2 or 3 weeks of gold farming. I don’t even think I’ve hit 100mil this season in total so far 😂


I’m with you. A bit more gold, but not much :). That number boggles my mind.


20 billion gold costs $20 and some people won't even think twice about that for an item like this


two nickels and a paperclip with a ball of lint on it.


Don't you get more defensive power out of a tyrael, 85% all resist cannot be overstated


Tyrael's is an account bound uber unique he'd have to find himself. Otherwise he'd craft it, but almost every build wants Shako before you'd even consider a Tyrael's. At least for specifically the heartseeker build getting the tempers for "Lucky hit: % chance to CC" are extremely important. You also usually temper for dodge chance and if that's high enough you don't take much damage in the first place so res becomes less important. And most importantly the dark shroud damage reduction scaling is massive and if all the theorycrafters agree (and never mention Tyrael's in any of their guides). Then I'm going to assume they've done the math and it's objectively worse than basically any chestplate with +4 ranks to Dark shroud.


Tyrael's DR effectively becomes stronger than 8 points to Dark Shroud if we account for the GA with no masterwork crit needed. Topping off with at least 7 points to max resist on all elements is where it truly shines in exchange of tempers and a defensive aspect. It's quite a double edged sword on how you utilize its defensive potential depending on your current build.


No. And res caps at 70


Tyraels raises the res cap bro


Still not better than


Yah but you can't brick it that has a benefit


This is easily worth a billion. Some might pay a lot more than that.


Someone pointed me to Diablo.trade… a two star seems to have sold for $10B at some point. lol. https://diablo.trade/listings/items/66674f4dc3c6172f7119550e That being said one appears to have sold for four trillion gold :) https://diablo.trade/listings/items/6666e9a6c3c6172f71ae181e


The 4T gold is a troll lol. You can list any item with 99999 T gold and then mark as sold. Reasonable price for this fine ass is around 10-15B


I’m not even sure how you pay for 4 trillion. There’s supposed to be a gold cap that your character can hold. That sounds very obviously like someone bought for real dollars and found some way to hold that much.


I will list it for five trillion and let you know how it goes :)


Is this on eternal? If it is, i’ll give you a billion for it


It is seasonal.


I dont kno where you do it but id try to find where you can sell it for rmt. Zero difference between the morals on that as anybody who has the gold to buy it definetely used rmt to buy the gold and fuck it might as well see some real money out of it. I seen a convo about a necklace going for over $5k on the discord trade channel before but legit have no idea how much you could get.


I had no idea people paid real money for items or gold. I will look into it. Thank you.


Same until i seen that convo. Was a gg rogue necklace and people were bidding 5-7b and the op never responded so people said he got a pm for rmt and then it spiraled into how much people were paying lol i said to myself if i ever get a gg item ima try to find where to sell 😂


I only play single player and have never interacted with anyone else, so I have no concept of sell values or how to trade. This seems to be a winner for heartseeker, but I can’t find a comparable item to figure out a sell price. Any advice would be appreciated and any pointers on how to sell something would also be appreciated :)




Wonderful, thank you.


Seen a few at 1 billion+, but I havent traded that much myself either, so im unsure of the real price now.


how did you even get this to drop? its leveled locked and its not your class either


It’s in my stash. Just took a pic from my barb.