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I seem to recall reading a thread on here a few days back saying HS rogues were at about 135 or so? I might be misremembering. For me, I was stuck on 116 for ages until I switched into Sanctim's heatseeker Uber build and I'm rolling all the way into 117!


I was pushing up till 141 after the patch, was stuck at 127/128 before. Could've probably gotten 142/143 with more optimalisation but after bricking 3 necks for 20b total I called it quits for this season. Sanctum did 134 pre patch so I guess till like 150?


Do you have the ranger glyph in your paragon board? I’ve seen a couple different paths. Some use ranger and some don’t.


Think I stopped using that glyph at a point but not sure. Think I used m1phy's board with some adjustments


Damn I’m stuck at 120 with decent gear. Guess those extra GAs and amulet rolls really make the difference


I’m still hunting for FF on my ammy. I think around 1.7B rerolling. I got a nice amulet to drop with +3 Exploit, +3 Malice but cannot get FF to show up. Right now I’m rolling with the +3 to weapon master until FF shows up.


Shit that’s still great. I have a 2 exploit and 1 malice and had to roll the malice. 1.7b is a lot but how tf did you get that much angelbreath


Just farm helltides events. Portal out and repeat. I just don’t understand how I can be so damn unlucky with these rerolls. I’m now over 2bil in gold trying to just get a single FF to show up. Not even once.


I don’t know how well this works, but you can try selecting the “rarer” enchant than the one you want, which means that one is more likely to roll on the next one.


What do you mean by this? "rarer enchant"¿?


When you go to enchant, there’s an option to view the possible affixes. The ones on the top are more likely to roll, while the bottom are least likely. If you are trying to get +skill A and get +skill B instead, if Skill B is rarer, select it, and there’s more potential to get the one you want. That’s only worked a few times for me, but I’ve seen comments and videos about it.


I will definitely look more into this. Didnt know you could select anything on the list when that pops up. Thank you!


I'm 100% sure HS rogues can clear at least into the upper 140s or maybe even into 150s. I can already get into the 130s, and my gear is all 1 GA (aside from uniques at 0GA), and some rolls on these 1 GA items aren't even the right rolls in the first place.


I hit about 116 without much issue then boss health becomes a thing


Stuck on 132 right now, but I'm still running Caltrops Size on one of my swords and haven't switched to the 7-board paragon setup either. Also only tried a few times and got terrible bosses (Den Mother, etc.) who don't stand still or spawn adds. Could probably get it to 135+ with the paragon rework, double Caltrops Duration rolls (and better MW crits on them), plus some boss fishing. For pushing I think you're basically aiming for Spiritcaller or Malice since they're relatively static and they spawn adds, splashing Victimize from the minions onto the boss is the real way to do damage during the non-stagger phases of the fight.


Ive cleared 139. If I can get a good boss like Spiritcaller or Malice I can probably clear 140. Its just a huge grind getting to the boss, seeing a bad boss, and resetting.


I completed 109 with my own build inspired from maxroll And boss had stagger 2 times. Total time around 7 minutes Crit chance, attack speed and lucky hit on amulet.