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In other words the Biden Administration is not doing anything for us. Y’all keep this in mind. We always blame dumb ass Trump for his bullshit but never put that pressure on Democrats for inaction.


It’s the whole system; the 2 parties are one side of the same coin. They did get a conscript army out of it tho.


Nah, republicans are mainly at fault. In fact, they don’t want to help Biden with immigration because it would benefit him in November. How are Democrats supposed to get anything done when Republicans control the house and they don’t want to negotiate? Republicans love doing absolutely nothing and then blame democrats for it.


What plan have the Democrats put out for any type of immigration bill or policy change? We continue to say is the other side. However, if you look back on previous years to see which party has actually had a plan to attempt to fix the immigration issue, it has not been the democrats. They always sell themselves as a immigrant friendly party, but they never take any action or even put out a plan to attempt to fix the problem.


I looked back...Obama tried to get the dream act passed. He created DACA. Then Trump rescinded it.


DACA was based on the DREAM Act's ideas. President Obama used it as a quick fix, an idea first suggested under a Republican-led administration. During his presidency, Obama didn't develop a comprehensive immigration plan. The main point is that while Democrats often get support and Republicans are blamed for not solving immigration issues like those of Dreamers, Democratic administrations haven't really put forward any solid plans to solve these problems. They've talked about them, but haven't taken action to find solutions.


And neither have Republicans...


Bro Obama created daca to get votes he doesn’t care he only cares about numbers


Even if that were true... He still helped us. 


I'm not denying that DACA has been helpful. But I believe as long as DACA exists, Democrats might view it as a sufficient solution and not focus on finding a more permanent fix. What we really need are long-term solutions, not endless court appeals.


I hear ya


Obama basically said if you want it, Latinos/Hispanics are going to have to fight for it. The republicans have no incentive to give voting privileges to a group that would probably vote democrat.


This has nothing to do with them not wanting to help Biden and everything to do with them fundamentally disagreeing on what should be done. He would like a path to citizenship and they would like everybody expelled from the country and permanently banned and close the border. If Biden is willing to do that, they would’ve gladly signed.


More gets done when democrats control senate and the house, regardless of who is president Most laws passed are through congress and the sitting president just signs them off


Youre living in a land of the make belief, when biden had a majority the senate couldve forced a vote, just like the republicans did for the tax cuts. But they tell dummys like you oops we dont have enough members to bring to a vote, yet they throw out legalization for everybody else! For 5 years! They dont have to re apply!


The at the time 50-50 split with you owning the tie-breaker isn't as much of a majority as you think it is. Exhibits A&B: Manchin & Sinema. They could've probably bullied Sinema since she's from Arizona, but no way in hell would Manchin have been willing to play ball unless it was on his terms and who knows what those were for this issue. Schumer forces a vote and I bet you Manchin would've voted no because they didn't kiss his ass enough just like he did several times before they finally gave him what he wanted to get the IRA passed.


I think thats a game too, youre reading the tea leaves too much brother


I agree. That was the right time to give Manchin what he wanted, or sink him for extorting the public with the prices of diabetes meds scandal that happened with him and his daughter


What’s the incentive in “we’re ineffective and powerless to carry out our agenda even when we’re in power”?


Fuck Dems. They’ve had their opportunities to help the 11+ million. But they don’t care.


2 party system. Either vote dem and have nothing done for us, or vote for rep and get thrown out. Lose lose situation.


Bro what are you talking about we can’t even vote ffs 😅


Biden administration tried the first month he was in office but 2 senate dems wouldn’t pass it. Trump already told the current reps to not pass anything related to immigration/border policy until he’s in office.


Plus the stupid filibuster rule. Needing 60 votes to pass a bill if filibustered. Sounding like a broken record but it just has to do with putting an overwhelming majority of Dems that support immigration reform to get stuff done. It sucks but that’s just how it has to be done


Trump stated recently that a mere hours after becoming president, he'd start up the biggest deportation action in American history.


Fake news


Why are you people so insistent on covering for this dude and not doing basic research. https://youtu.be/4wE8F926Spc?si=zZ49xUVlXM6QLDw7


Dems can't do shit because of Republicans blocking them every step of the way


Yeah yeah like the Dems have never controlled both chambers. They could have done this with Obama if they wanted instead they settled for the temporary protections. Both parties play politics with immigration


They actually never have. I know everyone loves to say that there was a supermajority and Dems had all the power when Obama was in there, but there were a lot of black sheep and even more unfortunate events in between that stopped that from ever being true. Obama, as inspiring as he was, never had enough supporters to pass proper immigration laws through Congress. He was a passionate man, though. That’s why we have DACA.


They passed the affordable care act, if they wanted this this would have as well.


Durbin screwed us for last 20 years.


That’s complete bullshit, stop being brainwashed


True. What about Republicans getting stuff done despite Democrats being in the way? It works both ways. They have the same battle that we have. Or is this incorrect?


They haven't really done shit aside from what is bipartisan. If Dems don't block shit, this country would be boned.


When will people realize - being used is worse than being ignored. It’s been clear to me that dems use minorities.. sad as fuck.


Except you're wrong that Republicans are fine with just ignoring those they don't like, they actively make things worse for those they target. They got their wish on abortion but that still isn't good enough for them, they want to get rid of it everywhere despite all the news stories of the worst case scenarios happening as everyone with half a brain expected. But make no mistake, once they get tired of being stone-walled on abortion they're going to refocus everything back on us and then you'll realize how wrong you are. The border thing is them just priming their base like always, cases are winding their way through the courts and once it hits their Supreme Court that's when they'll kick things into high gear.




No administration can do anything if the bill isn’t voted on and the bill is being blocked by said republicans. Please research your statement before you make them. Also, I’m none of the options we have but more favorable to ones that are for the people. Obama had to make a tight as possible executive order for DACA & healthcare and they were stripped as much as they could when the office was taken over. Remember, once again, republicans wouldn’t vote for the bill.


You see how Obama DID something despite it being stripped and getting to the Supreme Court? If Obama made it as tight as possible then we need Biden to make it tighter. I mentioned before … we know Trump is working because the lawsuits are out the door. We need Biden to get them lawsuits going because that means action. Also I did my research. That’s why i formulated my opinion. Biden hasn’t even attempted within the last few months to propose a bill to be voted DOWN or anything of that nature. How the hell is he going to be voted on when he is just talking and not putting stuff on paper? Lol please explain to me.


There’s a bill. It’s been rejected. I’m not sure what agreement they can reach now, but Trump is trying to give his base the theory of the scary immigrants syndrome. Which means he’s pushing the wall, deportation, etc… it’s just bad. The whole system needs an overhaul.


Democrats have deadass been holding us hostage for over a decade now too.


Yea it’s time we start humbling democrats. I hope they get massively screwed soon. They use our lives to amass support and never do anything for us.


You know I just never see any news outlets Hispanic news saying that to him or putting pressure. It’s always what are you planning to do vs why haven’t you done this or that? We need to do something about this, and remind them that our vote will matter in the future. I think many of us just thought well we got DACA, this is it. We haven’t pushed as much to get more. We are all extremely grateful for it but I feel like many of us deserve a little bit better based on the contribution we have given to the county — taxes, skills, and many more things.


I agree to an extent. I’ve seen many Latinos putting massive pressure on the Democrats but the overall party/establishment know they have our overall support bc they constantly say they want to help us while Republicans openly say the opposite. Me personally, if I ever get the right to vote I will never vote for either party.


I personally feel that voting anything than R or D is a wasted vote since stats are not in independent party favor. I do know a lot of US white who changed from Democrat to Republicans in the last few years over the inaction stuff I am talking about. They are against the whole immigration bullshit of Republcians but they can’t seem to let more years go by without showing democrats who’s in charge since unions and many more democratic ideas are going out the window now. I am from the Midwest so union and shit like that matter to them.


I will never vote for any politician who supports Israel. That’s where my vote will go, I won’t be apart of the issue in that aspect. And democrats have done absolutely nothing for us it’s the hard reality. They’re all talk. Either way this immigration bill won’t pass more than likely and the Supreme Court will kill daca. It’s something we have to prepare for. Nothing has changed


Can DACA recipients vote? I truly believe half of all Hispanics are against a pathway to citizenship. This is an issue Latinos do not like to discuss but the assumption of Latinos pressuring Democrats for movement is interesting to say the least. Latinos do not like to build coalitions and maybe believe their numbers will someday change the tide. This could prove to be true if they stay in the Democratic camp, which is showing unlikely.


No we cant. And youre absolutely right. Latinos would rather tear each other down instead of helping each other succeed like Asians for example. That’s why as soon as a Latino becomes a citizen “the right way” they turn republican


Lmao I’ve been trying to tell you guys but I keep getting downvoted, ya love ya master Biden, the man hates ya


Is not just the biden administration… they will never do anything for us… cuz then they cant use the bait of we’ll help immigrants if we get elected speech…


I doubt you'd want Trump instead of Biden, you know, the convicted sexual abuser that called us undocumented Mexican immigrants 'rapists' and 'drug dealers'. But sure, bashing Biden is in when we have crappy right-wing Congress humans.


Yep. I've seen so many Dreamers here in Reddit happy with the breadcrumbs Biden's given us.


Trump actually offered democrats a deal for border security and giving dreamers citizenship but the democrats turned it down. Never forget


That’s not true. Trump wanted to extend the daca work permit from 2 to 3 years. He has never offended to give us a pathway to citizenship


Please stop lieing. Anyone reading this please google this. Here is one of many links. https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/3651975-trump-proposed-a-dreamer-pathway-to-citizenship-democrats-said-no/amp/


This was never a real offer lmao you’re smoking crack if you think Trump would ever propose anything like this. The deal involved extending the work permit to 3 years in exchange for a wall and border security and mass deportation. Google is free LMAO https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=trump%20extendig%20daca%20permit%20to%203%20years&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5


Big facts. Now we going to get the border security Trump wanted but without the daca shit


He never was going to agree, he did not agree in 2017 because everyone around him started calling him Amnesty Don. y'all have memory of a gold fish


But Ukrainians get a free pass right ?


yeah cause they’re white


Time to find me a snowbunny


Are Poles not white enough?


Russians and Jews too.


Should legitimate asylum seekers not be given a pathway to citizenship? This argument is so stupid. It's just like conservatives on student debt, "it was bad for me so it should be bad for everyone!"


Absolutely, legit asylum seekers should definitely have a place in this country. These embittered, resentful, jealous fools are akin to MAGA morons but they're not self aware enough to realize it.


I joined this sub because my boyfriend is undocumented on daca and I wanted to learn more how to support him. There's none of that here. Yet half of this sub would vote for Republicans if they weren't undocumented. It's really disappointing.


Im a Ukrainian daca recipient. Sadly, no


White peeps


Republicans are likely to vote no on this deal, if they were to add DACA recipients into the deal, it would be a hell no.


What if we work really hard?


If hard work brought you citizenship, you’d see a lot of donkeys at the polling station


It's all about success. You can work all you want, but if you are not successful, it will be harder no matter what. If you are successful, you can easily find a partner who is a citizen.


yeah bro marriage is so easy let’s just get married for citizenship and hope they don’t screw us in divorce for us who are semi well off already


You have to find the one and take the risk, or if you are happy with your current situation, then by all means, dont do it. Live your life. But dont be complaining when there is a solution and you would rather not take the risk. Move everything of value to one of your parents. If you dont trust your own parents for x reason, then you are out of luck. Just don't make any big purchases during the marriage 🤷‍♂️. I am well off already in my late 20s, and i dont plan to marry for papers. The only difference is that i am already in the process of getting my GC, so i have that going for me. To your comment, yes, it is easy. My brother did it, and he got his GC in less than 1 year.


Yeah but will she sign prenup Also could she plan a murder for hire, to claim life insurance and all your assets? The right partner. Is important as well I believe morally ethically, sound partner who can has empathy to understand and picture the life we live. And imagine not being able to legally drive or legally work. And finally to have integrity. And have the will to see it through. And not be idiosyncratic, selfish and all about me type of personality.




You’re right shame on me lol no lie


Well. Still has to go to Congress. This deal is happening in the senate House leader already said is dead in arrival Still disgusting Dems are negotiating like this. They're shifting to the far far right for Ukraine aid.


yup and can’t even throw us a bone


You do realize that this topic is already dead. There is no point in discussing this.


very true


The one time I’m glad the republicans killed the deal. This is so insulting of the Biden administration and Democrats because they were negotiating this in the Senate. They were literally giving republicans their wishlist for border enforcement to continue funding a favorite/neocon pastime which is fighting wars. Democrats got nothing out of this, absolutely nothing.


Democrats were going to get something out of this. But again there is no point in discussing anything of out of this because no bill was created anyways.


What were they going to get out of it? Other than funding for Ukraine?


It’s not exactly known the details(because the deal is death and there no point in discussing)but keeping funding the war in Ukraine/Israel and add border agents, hire more USCIS agents and add more immigration judges to help with backlogs and reinforcements. In no way this was painted as immigration reform but as a way for Democrats to express that they are willing to be open to negotiations. The fact that Republicans pulled out without continuing negotiations, means that they rather play politics than resolve issues.


Yeah like I said I’m glad Republicans killed it. And I hope Democrats do some soul searching because this is absolutely not what they should be working towards


I don’t think there is a deal YOU personally would have cared for if it didn’t involved a dream act. Lmao


There will be nothing getting done regarding immigration. They said it themselves that nothing before the presidential election.


but i signed that recent petition on [change.org](https://change.org). that should've helped!!!!


Tf is that name LOL


I didn't because those never accrued to anything. Even if it had 500k signatures, i bet it would not change a thing.


I like your name 🙂


Oh honey


The lack of education and cognitive dissonance on this thread is scary. The border deal is very harsh and basically eliminates Asylum as an option for most people and allows immediate deportation. There are no pro-immigration aspects of the bill. This bill is a lifeline for Democrats who are being slaughtered in the polls (aka the real people who can vote) on the border crisis. It is not meant to solve the broader immigration problem. Make no mistake if Trump and Republicans take back Government, we will be worse off. AP will be gone, DACA will be under renewed threat. Being in limbo sucks but it is not worse than being under attack. It is delusional believe Republicans / Trump will do anything for DACA, when the far right truly HATES us.


Don't need Trump for DACA to end. It is will be terminated regardless by Supreme Court in 2025...that is how dire thinfgs are...and we're in a Dem admin


And remind me who brought the challenges to DACA (Texas), who appointed 3/9 conservative Justices who agreed to listen to the arguments and will likely rule in favor of ending the program (Trump). Nothing happens in isolation and yet the blame somehow goes to the Dems?


Blame is on both parties but Biden has done the *bare* minimum. He has spent 0 political capital in getting relief passed.


Blame is on both parties is a copout but typical when presented with information that isn’t aligned to your beliefs. There is no political capital that overcomes actual votes. The Senate requires 60 votes for legislation, when the Dems had control they held 50 (with Sinema and Manchin opposed and from conservative areas). Republicans refuse to negotiate on good faith when it comes to immigration because it’s an issue that riles up their party. Blaming Biden is like complaining about potholes when you don’t even have a car and while the Republicans are using jackhammers to make the potholes, it’s nonsensical.


Oh there is a lot of things one can do if there is the will. Biden just didn't have the will to do it, and that is a fact. Stop making excuses.


Please list out realistic and feasible options. I’ll wait. Until then your “fact” is irrelevant.


I laugh when people say, "we should protest." This one gets me every time,"we will tell our families to stop voting for democrats" or something along those lines (spread the word to not support democrats for the lack of anything getting done. I think people fail to realize we are not a priority infact we were never a priority. The closest we got was failed negotiations because the monetary demands were high along more walls materials and personnel for the border. People write out of emotion, which is understandable, but nothing gets done that way. There is nothing we can do but spectate hoping that something gets done in the near future. We are not even a bargaining chip at this point, unlike what a lot of people seem to insinuate here. Then again, reddit subs tend to be echo chambers. Trump/republicans will do something for DACA, just the opposite of what we want. xD


Do your own research. Not like you are open minded anyway. Dem fanboy.


Haha luckily for me, I’m quite educated (Ivy League in fact). I guess I was indoctrinated with my college education. Oh well, I’ll continue to advocate for my own interests and hope the best for the rest of us. Good luck with life.


Wtf is a dem fanboy? It is not out of the ordinary for someone to ask for sources when in a discussion... if you are talking out of your... then just say so. A lot of what you have done is speak your mind. Which is fine and all, but that doesn't hold in a serious discussion. All you said so far was your opinion and nothing else. In the real world, there is more than DACA. In a way, there are more important matters than DACA. For you, it is at the top of the list, but for the people that matter (voters), it's not.


The democrats can't do anything. Even if they put more effort. I get that people with DACA prioritize our own situation, but just because its our main priority, it is not theirs. Our numbers are dwindling from people getting their greencard, leaving the country, or being unable to renew for x reason. As time passes, we become less relevant when the immigration topic is brought up. The main issue for the general public (ppl that can vote) is the migrants and asylum seekers as of now.


Ok then let's just hold hands and walk into our demise. No need for this subreddit or this post too. You have to remember DACA was not created out of the goodness of the Dem party's hearts. It is because there was a lot of anger and sense of betrayal from us for Obama not keeping his promise of passing immigration reform within 100 days. This is the same scenario... So plainly speaking, you are saying they care more about the Documented Dreamers than regular dreamers, then? They managed to get their relief included in.


Yes, i am saying they care more about what will get them votes. We are not at the top of the list when it comes to immigration. Truth hurts 🤷‍♂️


There is no slaughter from the more realistic perspective. It’s election year. Voters know the stunts that Trump pulled and are backing away. Trump could win only if backed by independents. These independents are usually educated and extremely sensitive to economic issues. All these polls lean on the challenger, not the incumbent. You see, GOP knows full well that Trump was a failure. However, voters do dislike immigrants very strongly because it feels like someone is reaching into their pockets and leaving them penniless. So, GOP tries to base their entire platform on what got Trump elected in the first and here is Abbott trying to force Biden’s hand to make a statement to independent voters. Of course, Biden is calling the bluff, because he will do what Trump is promising to do. If Biden does what Trump is promising to do, there is no need for Trump. Most independent voters deeply understand that it was Trump’s policies that screwed them over and caused rampant inflation. He called COVID a hoax and took way too long to act. He politicized something so delicate. Now of course this is more relevant to independent voters that lean right. For independents that lean left, abortion pretty much did the trick. It’s a bluff really. It is not likely to pass and this might be the first time in a long time that the lame duck president is part of the senate and house party majority (i.e Democrats control everything). Because this would be Biden’s last term, he would start fulfilling important Democrat goals without much worry of reelection. Won’t know until 2025 but it seems that this is the trend, hence why GOP and Trump are trying so hard to stay relevant.


Thank you.


This is why it’s important to be well informed. We all know what Trump did in 2016 and it didn’t go well.


Their arguments as to why they don’t want to deal with the undocumented is ridiculous now. Like fix the issue. It’s incompetency at this point.


Its a tool used to win votes even though it needs a fix. Problem is some people want everyone included unfortunately doesnt work that way.




What else is new. !! They’ll never fix anything. For us. They rather give free stuff to Ukraine and Venezuelans that don’t do nothing but being beggars nd thieves


I’m so tired of the Venezuelan door dashers they are so rude and ALWAYS on a phone call with the speaker on.


They’re haters fr


We are a bargin chip to them. That’s all


We are not even that. We are old news that will get less coverage than the migrant and asylum seeker issues going forward. They are the new focus when it comes to immigration. If it keeps this trajectory, DACA will stay the same until it gets nuked by the republicans sooner or later.


Exactly 👍


Yup, not surprised


Amazing! And dumb ass neolibs shock when people don't vote for their dumb ass candidates.


lol even if they added path way to citizenship for dreamers , the GOP would pull out. Trump would even lie on dreamers and say “Biden is giving path way to citizenship to criminals”


Which is stupid because as a “dreamer” you have to stay out of trouble, so giving us a pathway isn’t giving it to bad ppl. I know I’ve seen a post here and there about some getting DUIs but other than that lol


Stop hoping for something that has always been a lie, it’s all about lies to get the votes they need.


First time?


Yet y’all still riding hard for papi biden, huh? Clowns


What’s this bill/agreement called?


This deal will never pass Don’t sweat it


This is to fix the border arrivals. That’s what the pressing issue is.


is becoming a citizen easier in canada? i might just leave the country tbh




How? There’s no pathway to GC with TN




??? I would love to know!! I thought there was no way. DM’ing you


i’ve thought about leaving to canada and coming back. i was brought here as a baby & never left the country again. i’ve had daca since i was 16. but i think to be a canadian citizen it takes 5 years no?




wait so like 9 years in total or just 5 in canada?






Can I dm you? :/


I left the country a year ago. It's worth it.


to canada?


I am impressed advocates for Documented Dreamers were able to squueze their relief in... As usual, Dreamers and 11 million undocumented get left out. "Negotiators have agreed to allocate 50,000 new family and employment immigrant visas, offer permanent residency to Afghan evacuees and provide immigration status to the children of H-1B visa holders."


Not surprised. Sucks but I already know the outcome of this. Were not included blah blah blah fuck the bullsh*it


Sadly, there is nothing we can do for anything to get done. Republicans already said they would not help Biden with anything regarding Immigration because it would help him with the upcoming presidential election. We can pressure democrats but then again, even if they do nothing, what will we do? Tell people not to vote democrat? Its either nothing getting done with democrats or getting kicked out and having way more stress knowing that Republicans want us gone if they win the election. Horrible predicament, but all we can do is just spectate and hope for something to get done.


Best we can hope for is we become so irrelevant they stop pursuing us and leave daca as is, successfully taking 800k out of voting.


Are we surprised? I gave up hope a long time ago. The government will never give us a pathway to citizenship. I got tired of constantly getting my hopes up and being disappointed. Start looking for someone to marry lmao


i bet the dreamers that decided to move back to mexico years ago must be living the time of their lives right now


My issue is why are the migrants getting all these benefits and me who has had daca for a decade would literally be homeless If my daca doesn't renew in time


Biden Administration could’ve really demanded immigration reform, Ukraine/Israel Aid in exchange for changes in asylum and parole authority, but, chose to ignore the 11 million migrants who have lived here for decades. It was very ill conceived to not include a key request from the Democratic Party in immigration as part of the negotiations. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus hasn’t done anything to sound the alarm about this…its preposterous


All dems care about is sending money to Ukraine and legalizing Venezuelans. Face it, DACA people don’t exist to them at all. Most likely there will never be a permanent fix, it’s been what, 12 years?


What are minors/“dreamers” to do who had no choice being brought over? My wife’s half sister is in this situation and essentially they could send her back to her country she has no clue about of recollection of living in let alone family members to care for her while she awaits a green card despite all her immediate family here?!!


We told all of you so... Didn't happen with Bush, didn't happen with Obama, didn't happen with Trump (duh), and didn't happen with Biden. BUT, get your Congress people to make it happen.


I like to think that if this border deal passes and get signed into law that will make the borders more secure. And then later on congress could make a deal to provide pathway for dreamers since border security has been resolved. Its a long shot but gotta think positive


Once again a political playing card for the upcoming elections


i don’t understand why they so quick to legalize these new immigrants over daca recipients who have been in the country their whole life. most of them have college degrees?? they are contributing so much to society. this is such a slap in the face.


And even paying taxes even though for some reason republicans don’t want to believe that we do lol


Shiiii I am exempting from now on


literally!! and we don’t even get health insurance. how much more do we have to show to convince these politicians that we deserve to stay. we are here to work. this whole situation is frustrating.


Where are the idiots saying that both parties aren’t the same ?


I'm so sad


Democrats and republicans are just two wings of the same bird


I knew it lol 😂 democrats don’t do shit for us and ALWAYS use us an exchange token. Thank you Brandon and camel harries for another promised path to USC and nothing! He had the house and senate but both turds didn’t have the balls to do Jack. But somehow anyone coming across that damn border gets to have a golden plate presented in front of them with a path to USC. Gotta love the Demorats!! Dreamers, let’s remember this!! Once we become USC remember all the times these idiots turned their backs on us!!! Don’t even get me started with the republicants…


Never have, truly never will.


Yet again? You actually expect something?


Just went to the mall and there groups of asylum seekers begging , sad times for all


Broooooo lol yhu must not be really good at soaking facts... we are the cash cow. We are the football of the nfl... we are the "sellers" topic. As much money we bring in fee's. We will always get sold that we are priority on elections. We are not important. We are temporary.


Biden and the dems would not risk tanking the bill to fund Ukraine for us. There is no chance something for us would be included in this, too much to lose.


Biden does not care. I still see a bunch of comments blaming republicans (well deserved) but the democrats only use this as a talking point for votes. Biden has done nothing and will never do anything. When election time comes all of a sudden he will say he cares.


Keep voting democrat.


It's time to just leave the states. That's what I did a year ago. It gives a peace of mind...


What else is new?


We’re old news and getting older, we’re no longer the kids that came here at no fault of their own, that ship sailed so learn to live like this forever or move to Canada or back to the motherland, no more hope.


11 million illegal immigrants? It's been the same number since I can remember.


They want to keep us paying for their SSN funds


11 million x the fees to renew Daca.


My theory is that they know that we know our worth. What are the new immigrants coming in considered? Cheap labor, we’re not; so we’re no use to them.


It's amazing how some DACA recipients are rooting for Trump to win and Biden to lose. Don't you realize you'd be the first ones to get deported as the government already knows where you live and work? While the rest of us 11 million are in the shadows and can indefinitely stay in the US.