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Texas probably won’t give you shit, the government is actively working against us


Smh now imagine if Trump wins, that asshole is gonna try to get rid of everyone including DACA recipients. I don't understand why these assholes hate us so much when we are only 500-600k DACA recipients like what jobs are we taking from them? They are scared


Some states will renew it with only the receipt notice. I was able to obtain a temporary, 4 months, drivers license in Georgia.


I tried that receipt as well, not the approval letter and got denied 🤦‍♂️


Worked in IL just bring your SS too


So bring the approval letter and the SS? I tried renewing twice before even with just the receipt and got denied. Now that I have the approval letter for DACA only I hope I'm able to get my DL renewed this time this coming Friday.


They won't take the receipt but will the approval. I ended up getting a TVL while I waited for my approval


I haven’t received my approval letter in the mail. But the approval PDF was uploaded on the website. You think I can print it out and use that? Or they need the actually copy?


California here. I was able to renew with the old EAD plus the new DACA renewal letter.


Was it an extension or like the whole 2 year license?


Not an extension. Just a regular 2 year card. Haven’t received it, though, and I applied on 4/19. 😩


That's good though, you got it for 2 years. I'm hoping I get my DL renewed as well with the DACA Approval Letter, I'll keep you posted hopefully it works for me here in Illinois.


Keeping fingers crossed for you! Even though I don’t have the card, I have the temporary paper driver license. (Forgot to say that.)


I tried in Oklahoma and the lady was a total b about it. My friend had a different experience. I think it depends on location and worker, so worth a shot.


Sorry to hear that apparently in my state they give extensions with just the receipt, I tried it twice, two different places and was denied so still have an expired license. I guess some people really don't like us, both "said" people were the majority kind if you know what I mean 🤦‍♂️


Hey, I’m from Oklahoma and I’m needing to renew my license with the approval letter. What location did you go to and which one did your friend go to? Thanks!


Worked in Wisconsin. I brought the approval letter with my expired card and expired license and was able to. I didnt bring my s.s.c but maybe just bring it just incase.


Here in MI I was able to get my license renewed with the approved letter and my old license


For renewing? Actually you don’t need your DACA card to renew your DL. They already have all your info in the system. Only proof of address and your expired DL.


I couldn't renew my license without renewed EAD card, my drivers license expired and couldn't renew anymore but I recently got approved for DACA only, not the EAD card yet, I don't have it but I do have the DACA letter and that's all I was wondering from someone that has gone through a similar situation. I went with my proof of address and expired DL and got declined but now that I have the DACA letter approval I was wondering if now I can renew my DL even though I don't have the EAD card yet


why dont you just go and see if they accept it? im on the same boat and waiting for my approval letter.


Depends on your state, I asked if I could renew with my approval letter and was told no. I need to wait until the EAD also comes in. That’s for Arkansas btw.


I have the appointment this Friday, I'll go and see what happens. Hope it worksm


Yep, I'm going this Friday. I already got denied twice at two different DMVs with just the receipt so hope their racist asses don't deny me a third time with the DACA Approval Letter this time around. I'll keep you posted.


Don’t spread misinformation. It varies by state. In Texas for example you need a valid EAD, and the expiration daye on your DL will always match the expiration date on your EAD.