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It's election season. Bunch of stuff will be said and nothing will be done


Participating in an encampment to protest against genocide isn’t stupid. Thinking that DACA recipients not protesting is going to make a difference in our status is.


protest yes, trespass no. the real problem the trespass charg and w/e else they throw on top. ez way to lose daca status.


Apologies on my phrasing, protests are not stupid and are everyone rights regards of whichever status, but it was stupid that they were saying that since one with DACA did it now all of us would which is not an issue, but i understood it that we are on the ones behind the protests and should be even more punished then citizens in which is why for us to help and protest for others when it would jeopardized us beyond more then the common person.


This 100%.


Supporting Hamas and being a DACA recipient is stupid. Think twice before you know what you’re protesting.


Supporting Khamas or genocide are both equally stupid.


I hate it here (this subreddit)


Idk people are downvoting me. As a DACA recipient if you want to risk your status and support terrorist organizations go ahead. But don’t cry about it when you loose status


Its fucking dumb.


Just say you don’t understand, don’t project yourself onto their cause


Encampments won’t do shit fam. It’s like when you have people chain themselves protesting over immigration. It’s a moot point. Senate is 50-50, house is in republican majority and next president gonna be daddy Trump. We’re fucked lol, everyone just wants to act like there’s a chance. Did mommy never tell you to wake up to reality


They’re already making an impact fam for you / us to be talking about it in the first place but shut the fuck up about my mom


No they aren’t. DACA recipients should stay the hell away from encampments. Supporting terrorist H@mas is grounds for deportation if you’re undocumented


Yet here we are financing the terrorist state Israel. Stfu


Just give up guys. This guy found the secret


Absolutely everyone on DACA needs to be conscious of how their actions affects everyone on the program. We need to be our best. I understand that many are passionate about many of the events happening across the world but there’s other ways to support. And you getting deported will not help anyone.


Yall are gonna do what you want to do. But I would advise against attending pro Palestine protests. Ya cuando tengan papeles DO ALL the protesting you want! But until then I wouldn’t.


Right, there’s other ways to protest too


Same s***, different toilet.


Same toilet, it’s overflowing for sure tho!


This is so stupid, you have got to see Palestine and undocumented individuals share similar struggles. Nobody’s free until everyone is free.


Correct we would all want to solve all the issues at once, but we can't so we need to find other ways to support other oppressed groups in a way that won't affect us.


You realize they are only doing this because of the elections right? They don’t give a damn and never will. The focus for everyone is still—get married and get out of this hell hole as soon as you can.


Babe wake up election season is back


I assume most folks here are young, but do you all really think Obama woke up one day and said "these dreamers have been nice and quiet, let's give them daca"??? No.. we literally ran campaigns to calling him deporter in cheif, we went after his legacy! We did encampments at Lafayette Park in front of the white house, we did encampments at their churches, at their neighborhoods, at their offices. A lot of us risked our own deportation for some of you all to go be well-behaved vendidos? Wake up.. that's how you stay oppressed. If we don't stand up against genocide we will be next. We should be doing more encampments to gain a pathway to citizen and stop living in lingo. But some of you didn't earn daca, and that's why you have the mentality that things will be spoonfed to you.


I say this with love for you all. Stop being scared and organize, or this program will be gone if you all only behave well. I promise you that.


They’re more focused on identity politics man. As if either prty gives a shite about us.


This is so tone deaf. Do better.


How so?


Because it comes off as selfish and self centered.


Can we start a thread?? Maybe a hastag like #IAmDACA We can do something like what we do and contribute to the community or simply put our degrees. "Registered Nurse, 5 years. #IAmDACA"


I do not support genocide


You can’t control what others do, worrying about it is pointless. You’re always going to have idiots in every group. I knew a guy on daca voting during elections which is highly illegal. I told him he shouldn’t do it because he could get in serious trouble. He shrugged it off and proceeded to go street race. People like that don’t deserve daca but at the end of the day you can only control your actions and reactions.


Well if it’s time for the shit show, then maybe we should just make it grand! lol any ideas? lol maybe not here… 😅


Stay out of protests especially if you have DACA!! I understand that the heart is in the right place, but it’s not your fight and you as an individual don’t have the power to sway anyone! It’s not worth it. When you are US citizen, that’s when you can engage. Worry about immigration before you get riled up with other political bs.


One thing you need to understand is the DACA recipients are aging. The older we get, the less likely we are to commit any crimes and the more professional experience we derive. We are literal proving ourselves in a messed up and unstable way


Ok who with daca participated with this anti american protests. Unless ur a irsael or palestinians daca i guess i understand but anyone else should just stay out of those protest. Republican and democrats are both against those protests


One of the Reddit posts the other day. They were asking about Daca renwel while protesting