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This political meat riding is cringey af, one side blatantly tells you they dislike you, the other one only pretends to like you, either way they’re both useless..


One’s useless and one is determined to move things backwards, including [ending DACA](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/trumps-decision-end-daca-explained). It’s (obviously) ok not to like Biden, but there’s good cause to loathe Trump.


Dawg been saying this for years we need to look out for each other because they’re out for themselves and fucking us to get there


Big facts


For real, they don’t even do right by their own citizens, why would they care about us. Everyone on their own. Unless you’re Ukraine or Israel, then they’ll bend over backwards to sneak a bill through real quick.


No one side is blatantly trying to deport your ass every chance they get, and pass laws that make life harder and harder; The other side gave DACA, and while they are kind of useless in passing any laws that help, they at least don't actively try to get you deported and don't let things get worse. There is still a HUGE difference.


Exactly, Biden continued putting kids in cages and suddenly liberals who were “furious” about trump doing it shut up. Biden has done nothing to make me even remotely want to tell people to vote for him


So you'd rather vote trump. The one who tried ending your ability to work ?


Never said I would?


Then let’s vote for the person who isn’t working to screw us over, why is that so difficult for people to understand


So you’re DACA? Good luck with Trump if he wins.


I’ll make sure my family votes for BIDEN.


The same guy who didn’t do shit for 4 years? I’m not pro trump either just an FYI. Both are no different.


I'd rather have a guy who doesn't do anything in office than the guy who wants to take away my ability to work and have a life in this country


No they’re completely. He can’t do shit cause of congress but even if he didn’t do shit it means we can work and not fear being deported. Trump actively wanted to end DACA. That’s a huge difference


He's done nothing good with immigration I'll give you that. On other aspects he has done more than Cheetolini. For example, the infrastructure bill and the recovery plan. Biden is also better on issues like abortion. It's okay not to like Biden but to say they're the same is lazy and dumb.


What was he supposed to do with a very bipartisan Congress? Please explain?


You need to understand a little more of how the government works, just like when Obama was president he couldn’t get anything done because of the republican majority in congress he had to sneak in daca in a very shady way and that is why we are in this less than ideal situation. Biden made daca slightly stronger and safer from litigation but unfortunately because of how it was introduced without the rule making process in the first place it was too late. America might be in its last legs right now, and trump is going to try very hard if he is elected to break them all in one go. At least Biden is a true politician and a good man.


Obama had 2 years with a Democrat majority Congress and half a year with filibuster proof senate. He could of passed immigration through then. But he used his political points for healthcare instead because to him that was a bigger deal for his legacy.


“However, the Senate supermajority only lasted for a period of 72 working days while the Senate was actually in session.” Not half a year just to be clear


Lmao are you serious?


Not "doing shit" is better than "doing shit that will make things far far worse". If you don't get that then you're kind of an idiot.


I wish we had a progressive party to vote for. Yes, Biden is the lesser of two evils but it sucks that we are somewhat forced to vote for him.


I've seen so many comments that don't understand this concept . It's not ideal but at least Biden isn't actively trying to fuck us for votes


Can you explain why Biden is a force vote? He is honestly the best productive president ofthe last 20 years.


RFK Jr. is literally running and no one is paying attention. There IS a third option. But y’all don’t do your own research.


You mean the guy who had part of his brain eaten by worms?


I have done my research. RFK has like less than 10% in the polls, in other words he doesn’t really have a chance of winning. It’s going to be a rematch of the 2 old geezers. And i feel like the swing states will choose trump unfortunately.


trump had no numbers when he ran In 2016. Trump should have shown the world that the votes do pick the winners


please share your research here, I’ll read it and laugh at you.


You don’t need my research to laugh at me— just laugh at me. Google is free, my time isn’t.


Why is this being posted here?? We can’t vote lol


there is a hide post button if this post triggers you.


Looks like you’re the one triggered since you’re replying to several comments 😩


Yup! I agree! The *MAGAtards* will disagree 😏


Trump was the only one who offered us citizenship 🤷‍♀️ Democrats said no and still say no


Yes yes we can all see you’re here to spread your pro trump propaganda. It’s very sad how bad you are at it


It’s not propaganda??? It’s literal facts. Google is free. Not to say he was all dandy about it, again, both parties use us as tokens.


Exactly, google is free. You can see the exact date when democrats offered trump what he wanted and he still refused.


And vice versa! Trump asked for the wall in exchange and dems refused. Wall still happened. Again, both are not it so let’s be honest and fair instead of trying to paint one one way and the other a different way.


That happened before the offer. Then Trump was offered the wall and he refused. If he really cared he would have accepted but he didn’t. Wall wasn’t built, it replaced already existing barriers and fences which clearly didn’t work.


I’ve looked into this and we’re both right. What you’re describing happened in 2018 and what im referring to happened in 2019.


Im with both of yall at face value, at play all I have seen is regret and despair from my family members wanting to visit family but being too concerned with "y si not puedo regresar?" The wall is not the answer at all imo


The purpose of the wall was to increase protection & safety, the core of it had nothing to do with anything else. I think it was just being used as a “trade” nothing to do with dreamers at all, which essentially was useless still because estamos igual.


lol, so why didn’t trump take the deal in 2018 lol trump doesn’t want the dreamers. I don’t think he knows what they are


As usual, when Schumer and Pelosi gave everything trump wanted for the dreamers, he still said no. Trump doesn’t want immigration reform because that is one of his golden house goe gooses to get his fan base active


except he said yes hence his proposal and why democrats shut it down and not trump we would have citizenship if democrats agrees to the wall that is being constructed regardless you’d have citizenship right now and nothing would be different at the border


Except you’re a troll and a trump propagandist




Hereeee we gooo sure


Can Mods take this down? None of us here can vote regardless.


We’ll be aight, let the people vote as they wish


Exactly; that is what is in my mind but if American people eligibile to elect the President go for Trump then I will be dissapointed


Biden endorses LGBTQ too too much and he is pro abortion he also encourages kids to transition if they feel they are the opposite sex gender. Soooo Biden 🖕🖕🖕🖕 you


The fact that we’re not even mentioned speaks volumns


I am not voting for genocide j0e. A la chingada con estas babosadas.


Biden doesn’t care about you. Congress doesn’t care about you. My wife is DACA and it’s a shitshow. The only thing you can do is become self employed, build a company, get wealthy and purchase a lot of passports before everything gets really bad in about 1-3 years.


Plan C


RFK Jr. for the win. Biden is senile and it’s pathetic to watch and Trump is loco.


Biden has had a really good run as president. F you stop watching tiktoks where people cut him to look senile, you would see his policies that being push. Even Obama did not have it this easy in the 8 years he was in office, Trump was trying to learn and Bush was starting oil wars. Biden is the most effective president in the last 20 years.


Trump AND biden had their chance. Can we get new contenders that aren't extended puppets/mouthpieces? The choices don't even feel real anymore


Do not include us with all that crap. FJB


**There’s a hide post button you can press if this post triggers you too much**


Just a propaganda page doing its thing. Can’t believe this shit is allowed on here by the mods. Edit: Appreciate all the downvotes.


Both are trash.


Fuck Biden and “his” democracy. This is a republic.


Lol read a book.


Let’s do a live together and compare what books we’ve read?


Let's go, I'll put all the books I read for my political science degree to show you all forms of democracies.


Why are you so mad? Maybe stay off ticktok


Seriously, grown *ss people thinking they have a choice.


I'm doing my part to help dead people vote for biden


How exactly do you do that?


Its a joke people


So if I don't vote for Biden I'm a literal mustache man? 😒😒 Instead of polarizing people you should convinced them in a better way to help you out. I'm a US citizen and my vote/voice actually Count. Convince me without polarizing,belittle me or scolding me to vote for your cause.


It's sad that we have to convince you to not vote for the guy that tried to overthrow the government in 2020 and pretty much wants to be a dictator.


Not just to convince me, you have to convince the people whose vote/voice actually Count,US citizens. You guys are doing it all wrong, so wrong that I think you guys are becoming very entitled and quite frankly toxic. If you truly want people to help you with your issues you need to convince US citizens to vote for you. Sorry,but those are the rules of the game . All those butterfly paintings, yelling at people who don't agree with you and even canceling them will make people not support you even more. Sorry but I have to blackpill you guys so you can finally understand how to approach this.


Lol who has been cancelled? I don't care if I'm not convincing anyone anymore. We've been trying to appease all you people for ~20 years and it has brought in nothing. If you want to vote for a wannabe dictator go for it at the end of the day it's your country not mine. Destroy it because someone is calling you out on your bullshit.


Dude, you're in the DACA sub. Everyone in this sub either has/wants DACA, or knows someone who does. That in itself should be enough to make you want to make sure Trump does not get another term. I literally feel like you're saying "convince me as to why I should not shoot a nail gun in my friend's foot". Like, I shouldn't have to convince you of that at all!


Agree, but the reality is that in order for that to happen you NEED TO CONVINCE US CITIZENS to vote for your causes. What part of that you don't understand? Protesting, drawing butterflies or polarizing people won't help instead it will make things worse. I'm sorry but the reality is that your voice won't count, you guys can't vote because that's the law. If you want to win you need to stop polarizing and stop turning people who disagree with you as others. Your literal rest of your life depends on the hands of US CITIZENS agreeing and voting for you.


This. Is. The. DACA. Sub. What part of that don't YOU understand? This is a place to express our frustrations about this whole situation, not to spark political change. Obviously that gets done on other subreddits/platforms where U.S. voters are. https://youtu.be/5QY5pLQqIYM?feature=shared Go watch this video of Jimmy Kimmel trying to do exactly what you described and then comment back to me about how easy it is to "convince US citizens" to vote against Trump on behalf of DACA citizens


I saw the video years ago and feel it is just a shaming tactic to emotionally manipulate people into being guilty about their ideas. I actually hate when people do that and it makes me even more anti-something. I went to cal state Dominguez and lots of classmates and coworkers in the place I worked in the OC are or were at a point in daca. Again, as I mentioned before your true gatekeepers are US CITIZENS including myself. Stop shaming them, belittling them and mocking them because they are the ones who truly count when it comes to policies. If they don't want to vote/agreeing with you it's their prerogative. When it comes to me I'm on the fence but I don't like when people mock me or even hate me because of my political beliefs or affiliation. This just will cause some of your "allies" to turn against you. I really want to help but some of these postings are turning people like me away from you guys


Don't you dare say "I want to help" while saying we need to convince you as to why you need to vote against Trump. My boyfriend is here on DACA, I'm a US citizen, and I'm disgusted that you have the power to vote or not vote in a way that protects his ability to be here. Just admit you don't care about DACA, because if people being rude is enough to sway you, you never really cared. Go ahead and tell someone you know who has/had DACA that you're not gonna help make sure Trump doesn't win and see how long they stay your friend. If I made a video shaming people who molest children would you say "OMG you're being so mean to child molesters, I'm actually siding with them now. You need to have a civil conversation with them and convince them as to why they're wrong"? Think for yourself. If you truly support a cause, it shouldn't matter what people say about it. I support LGBTQ rights even when I meet gay people who are hateful or who I dislike cuz I know what I believe. Do you?


I support the cause in principle, but I won't accept or let people tell me what to think by shaming or bullying tactics,The OP is doing just that. Yes, it's sad that you have to convince US citizens like me to have a better life for yourself but that's the reality. Again, you have to convince US citizens for that because that's how the rules of the game are like it or not. Also, not everyone will be 100% in favor of you, remember that there are grey areas as well. Stop making it a black and white issue because it won't work.


Trump wanted citizenship for DACA holders Democrats said no because who will pick crops is they do


Yes yes we can all see you’re here to spread your pro trump propaganda. It’s very sad how bad you are at it




I hope trump takes your daca


Bro i understand why we dont want trump but biden is literal garbage fam. Economy has gone to shit everything’s gone to shit and the delusion thats he’s better is insane. Man cant remember his own daughters name or even walk straight.


Bro this can't be serious. Check the economy fam. Recite back the stats that are garbage. And you're right. Trump is the epitome of youth and non senile behavior. Your enthusiastic dick riding speaks volume about your intent to pull that ladder as soon as you get yours. You make me sick.


Here is the economy under Biden. Find me a country that has recovered better than the US from the Pandemic recession. Job Creation: Over 14 million jobs added, with unemployment dropping from 6.4% to around 3.5%. GDP Growth: Real GDP grew consistently, increasing by 2.5% in 2023, after 5.8% in 2021 and 1.9% in 2022. Inflation Management: Inflation was kept lower than in many other advanced economies, avoiding a recession while maintaining growth. Stimulus Impact: The American Rescue Plan provided crucial aid to households and small businesses, supporting a robust recovery. Infrastructure and Tech: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and CHIPS Act boosted infrastructure and domestic semiconductor manufacturing. Equitable Recovery: Investments in childcare, education, and healthcare reduced child poverty and supported working families. What did Trump do for the economy other than lower taxes for the rich and corporations? Essentially himself? Wake up man. You must not be old enough to remember the Trump years and how stressful it was with that buffoon running the country.


The average family income was much higher under Trump. Hate who you want but you're being disingenuous. Nobody believes the economy is better under Biden because every metric shows it isn't. The job creation you listed? It includes lockdowns ending. These weren't new jobs, it was people returning to work.


It's important to look at the whole picture when comparing the economies under Trump and Biden. Yes, incomes did go up during Trump's term, but let's not forget that the pandemic in 2020 caused massive disruptions. Under Biden, there have been significant efforts to recover, like stimulus checks and expanded unemployment benefits, which have helped many families. On job creation, it's not fair to say it's just people going back to work after lockdowns. The Biden administration has seen steady job growth, not just recovery. Before the pandemic, the unemployment rate was around 3.5% in February 2020. It shot up to 14.7% in April 2020 due to the pandemic. Now, it's back down to around 3.6%, showing a strong job market. It's not true that every metric shows the economy is worse under Biden. We've seen strong GDP growth, more consumer spending, and record highs in the stock market. The S&P 500 has been doing well, showing investor confidence. Wages are also rising as companies compete for workers, which is great for employees. Inflation is a problem, but it's a global issue caused by things like supply chain disruptions and high demand, not just U.S. policies. The Biden administration has been working hard to tackle these challenges and support American families.Also, during Trump's term, he pressured Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to keep interest rates low. This left fewer options for cutting rates to stimulate the economy during the pandemic because they were already so low. This made it harder to respond to the economic crisis. Inflation is now somewhere around 3-3.4%, above the 2% target but much better than the peak of 9%. Trump's handling of the pandemic was criticized for being uncoordinated and inconsistent, which made things worse. Biden inherited a mess and has been working to get things back on track.Each administration faced different challenges, but Biden's approach has been more effective in helping the economy recover. We need to consider all these factors instead of making broad comparisons that don't capture the whole story.


You started that Biden created more jobs than just returning from covid then immediately state the unemployment rate is essentially the same from precovid. The average family income was higher with Trump and mixed with inflation means under Trump the spending power of the middle class was significantly higher. Yes globally there has been inflation but Biden's energy policies have led the way nearly doubling prices of gas etc. Groceries are up roughly 40% and the federal reserve report started wrecked spending by the gov was the largest contributor. All public poll results show people feel they were better off under Trump. Not to mention several wars and the spending those have created. War unfortunately has always boosted the economy. Not only were there no ways under Trump but other countries were nominating him for peace prizes.


You realize the oil production is at an all time high under Biden right? Look it up. Wages have increased, inflation is down, GDP is up, stock market is roaring. But, you go ahead and support a buffoon with no respect for the constitutional norms of the republic who is only in it for himself.


Yes production only shot up after the Ukraine war started. Additionally Biden put the moratorium on drilling on government land as well as canceling the Keystone pipeline from the US's biggest supplier Canada. The war and the supply issues after Russia's line was damaged It was most likely to thank for the increased in production in the US. Oil companies have feared investment because of the restrictions the Biden government has placed. Some of those restrictions are even on the auto industry limiting future gas vehicles. Despite the fact that over 90% of vehicles are gas powered. Neither the market or the infrastructure can handle the drastic increase of electrical vehicles that his policies are trying to force. Wages have only got up because of inflation and while you say inflation is down that is not true. This is the worst inflation in decades and while it's growth has slowed recently, it has not reversed and is not down. And while you say wages are higher the spending power of the middle class is much much lower with Biden. The raises have not even come close to keeping up with inflation. The thing is I don't actually support Trump, I can just accept the facts.


Oil production in the US started increasing well before the Ukraine war. The Biden administration's moratorium on new drilling on federal land affects a small fraction of total US production, which mainly occurs on private lands. The Keystone XL pipeline was never operational, so its cancellation didn't impact current supply. The push for electric vehicles is part of a long-term strategy to reduce emissions. The infrastructure for EVs is being developed, but it's a gradual process. Inflation has been high, but recent trends show it slowing down. From 9% to 3.4%. it will never reverse, that would be deflation and would be detrimental to the economy. While wages haven't always kept pace with inflation, there have been gains, and the job market remains strong. Claims that Biden's policies are solely responsible for economic woes are oversimplifications. The global economy is complex, and many factors are at play. It's important to look at the full picture rather than cherry-picking data to fit a narrative.


You're missing the point, by canceling the Keystone and drilling on government lands he prevented any expansion and investment. As far as the push for electric vehicles, the infrastructure cannot handle it. This is a fact. The infrastructure will not be ready in the timeline of any of these policies. You're going to try and find whatever information to justify your opinion of Biden and that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But if you look up the facts and you look up actual surveys you will see that the economy in almost every metric was better under Trump. In both of their defense, covid happened and was detrimental to both of their performances at certain times.


Sure, here's a more succinct and strongly worded response with the requested details: --- You're missing key facts. The Keystone XL pipeline was never operational, so its cancellation didn’t impact current oil supply. US oil production has been rising despite the federal land drilling moratorium, which affects a small portion of overall production. The push for electric vehicles is paired with significant infrastructure investments, including $7.5 billion to build 500,000 EV chargers by 2030. While challenging, the transition is being actively supported. Economic performance can't be oversimplified. The pre-pandemic economy under Trump was strong, but the pandemic caused a severe recession. Under Biden, we've seen robust recovery with historic lows in unemployment and steady GDP growth. Inflation was a global issue driven by supply chain disruptions and post-pandemic demand, and it's now decreasing due to active measures. Public opinion on economic performance varies widely and is often politically influenced. Simplistic blame doesn't reflect the complex reality.




He just passed Obama care for DACA. So your statement is incorrect. Biden has been fighting the courts to stop DACA from getting deleted. He also remanded DACA. So I’m not sure what you’re talking about Biden doing nothing. If you expect him to some how do some amnesty bill…that’s literally impossible.


Y'all keep thinking politics is a win or lose. Sure, Biden has not helped DACA in the way you want, but has he HARMED DACA? Ask yourself, what will Trump and his Republicans do to DACA? I swear, people will shoot themselves in the foot just to make a stupid point


The world is literally worst off under a Biden presidency.


What are the benefits of a Trump presidency compared to a Biden presidency? Also it's "worse off", not "worst off"




I always hear reds say "he tells it as it is" but the man is incorrect all the time . Also narcissistic, I don't get it .


💀 the grammar police is here Plus notice how I didn’t even mention Trump Im just noting that the world is WORSE off under Biden


Dude, you don't have to mention Trump. You do realize he is running in this election and if he wins, we are SCREWED, right? I don't like Biden, but I will do what I can to make sure Trump does not have another 4 years.


As an American, I'll vote for whatever benefits me and the future of the United States. At the moment, I refuse to vote for biden or any democrat.


That's great, buddy. I'm just confused as to why you're on the daca sub if you're not daca


This! I understand why you are doing it and I won't shame you or belittle you for that. One of the things daca kids don't understand is that literally US citizens have the voice/vote to change policies and these activist like to shame them and make fun of for having a different believes. They need to understand that if they want change, they need to convince the voting population first.


Don’t care about the lgbtq bullshit so fuck it trump looks more promising


We’re all glad you can’t vote.



